God’s Promise of His Spirit

Open Your Bible

Joel 2:18-32, Zechariah 10:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:2

Scripture Reading: Joel 2:18-32, Zechariah 10:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:2

It feels like I am always waiting for the Holy Spirit to move, and I have grown weary in my waiting, angry with my unmet expectations of Him. I have distrusted Him and come to believe He has poured out Himself on every son and daughter but me.

For many years I believed the Spirit was a second blessing, the first being salvation alone through faith alone, and the second coming only through the laying on of hands and impartation of the gift. But when I began to read my Bible I began to see the gift of the Holy Spirit was not a second blessing as much as a coupled blessing: my salvation came with a built-in helper and comforter and teacher, just as Jesus promised it would (John 14:15-31).

My stumbling block then, it seemed, was struggling to believe this and live as though it were true—to live as though the Spirit Jesus said He would send had indeed come and lived within me, empowering me to bear His fruit, speak His truth, live in His fullness. Because I did not believe the Spirit came with my salvation, I had spun my wheels for years waiting for something. But what? More? Some evidence that I was a true believer?

I believed I was not enough of anything for the Lord of the universe to condescend to me and give me gifts. I had read Joel 2:29 and the quoting of it in Acts, but had never noticed the words, “Even on my male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit” (Acts 2:18).

Even on.  

Those two small words began to shift something in my belief about my salvation and story. God, the Creator of all, who came in the form of Jesus to earth, and left His Spirit to lead His children into all truth, had not omitted the male and female servants from the gift. He had not passed over the lowliest and poorest. He did not have levels of Christians or levels of the Spirit to give to those Christians, because the ground before the cross of Christ was level.

Jesus is not merely a respecter of persons but a hunter of faith. Faith is the only prerequisite for the gift of the Spirit. Faith alone, and nothing else.

I know there are many views on the role of the Holy Spirit, and maybe you’ve felt confused by what you’ve heard. Today, if you’re wringing your hands and waiting, hoping and praying He won’t pass you over, I want to assure you that, if you are His child, He has not passed you over. He has given His Spirit to even the male and female servants, everyone who belongs to the household of God—no matter how long or short your walk of faith has been.

If you have trusted in the work of Christ to save you, the Holy Spirit is the seal of God upon you, helping and comforting you, strengthening and encouraging you, and empowering you for the work of God. He is the seal that was promised to the all the children of God, and if you are God’s, you have been given the seal, the guarantee, of redemption. Therefore, we need not fear, but rejoice and be glad. For the Lord has done astonishing things (Joel 2:21); He has come to rescue the souls of even you, and even me.


Lore Ferguson Wilbert is a writer, thinker, and learner. She blogs at Sayable, and tweets and instagrams at @lorewilbert. She has a husband named Nate, a puppy named Harper Nelle, and too many books to read in one lifetime.

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55 thoughts on "God’s Promise of His Spirit"

  1. Kendra says:


    Tonight I thank you for the Holy Spirit and for the conviction it brings in my life. I thank you for it’s tug to spend time with you and it’s desire to seek your face, even when my flesh says otherwise. Father I pray that as I prepare to start a new week that you help me to see your spirit as Helper, Teacher and Comforter. I feel I need all those things more in my life. I thank you that like in the passages in Joel, you are my restorer and my forgiver, that you show compassion. That no time is ever wasted with you. Lord I pray that you restore every broken place in me. I ask that you cleanse and purify my heart. I ask that you help me to walk with you and for you. Tonight I give you the desires of my heart and my prayer to trust your timing. I pray for your Holy Spirit to guide me, and show me the way I should take in my life. I need you. I need your wisdom and direction. I want to be better. I want to make better decisions in my single life. I want to be a better Christian, a better woman, I want to be prepared for what I am praying for. Lord help me to be better, help me to grow in you and to not repeat the sins of my past. Help me to turn completely and trust that your compassion waits for me soon as I turn. I love you for loving me in spite of me.

    Holy Spirit rest in me and on me, have your way through me.

    In Jesus Name


    1. Laura Piatt says:

      Thank you for this. As we draw near to God, He draws near to us!

    2. Kristina N says:


  2. Karen From Virginia says:

    Thank you Jesus for sending us a Helper, Teacher, and Comforter in The Holy Spirit His life and power has been very real in my life. More Lord. More of you ❤️

  3. Ruth says:

    Was reminded of a song from my teenage years, and was amazed to find it on YouTube. Worth a listen for the lyrics alone. Blessings!


    1. Chris says:

      What is the name of the song?

      1. Ruth says:

        It’s called ‘then they will know’ and is by an artist called Michael Card.

        1. Chris says:


    2. truthseeker says:

      Beautiful ! Thank you for sharing

      1. Irina Tumasyan says:

        And the next song that follows yours is beautiful as well

  4. Beckie says:

    Reading this is such an encouragement, that even after trying times, God provides more than we deserve and need. I am facing the possibility of huge change and opportunity and I need to know whether it is the right thing. I am a final year student doing a family and children’s work degree. I have a family, husband and 2 children both at school. A job opportunity may have arisen but would cause massive upheaval for everyone. Family and church. I feel I may be being selfish but I really don’t know. All prayers please would really help right now. Thank you. X

    1. DebbieinAZ says:

      Praying for you and your family that God will give you wisdom and show you the way. I pray that what ever decision you make that the Lord will use you for His glory and your family will be blessed through it. Lord give Becky peace in the decision she makes and bless her and her family , in Jesus name.

      1. Beckie says:

        Thank you x

  5. nancy smith says:

    As God is Spirit,The Holy Spirit is explained based on God is Spirit. Jesus is the visible of the invisible God.all are ONE,and yet persons of the Godhead. Very important,the Holy Spirit ,The Spirit of God has always been ,it moved , moved upon the face of the waters. Genesis speaks volumes of this Holy Spirit in just the first lines. Because of that,many know that in the tribulation the Holy Spirit will be also because there is not a time where the Holy Spirit is away ,it is always present.It also explains how people come to know truth during the tribulation. Thoughts?

  6. Micahlee says:

    As much as I knew growing up that the Holy Spirit was a part of the trinity, I wasn’t truly introduced to him until I spent a summer working at a very charismatic Christian church. My peers’ relationship with the holt spirit as an active part of their lives was so different than my baptist heritage, and though I still today wouldn’t consider myself charismatic in most ways, that experience taught me a lot about learning to notice the spirit’s presence and power.

  7. Micahlee says:

    For the Lord has done ASTONISHING things. Maybe it’s because I don’t run across that word as often as “awesome” or “great,” but that line really caught my attention today. Praying that I would remember to stop and notice his feats of grace and power

  8. Holly says:

    “He did not have levels of Christians or levels of the Spirit to give to those Christians, because the ground before the cross of Christ was level.” This is so beautiful it gave me chills. Our Father loves us and does not distinguish between us because He knows that inside we are all the same, sinners who desperately need His love, grace, and redemption and He gives it freely to His children. He knows our names and our needs.

    1. Christina Marrero says:
