God’s Presence Transforms His People

Open Your Bible

Exodus 19:1-9, Exodus 19:16-20, Exodus 34:5-14, Exodus 34:27-35, 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

When I read picture books about the garden of Eden to my children, I get asked a lot of questions about all the nakedness. “I can see Adam’s bottom!” my son shouts, knowing a cause for gleeful hilarity when he sees one.

So why were they naked? Genesis tells us there was no need for coverings because they were without shame (Genesis 2:25). In our original created state, our bottoms weren’t hilarious or embarrassing; they were what they were. But the shame we experience as a result of our sin takes away our freedom. God’s holy and righteous presence can shine a light on our humiliation, but through the power of Christ, He has also taken away our shame and given us freedom from it. The presence of God’s perfect Son transforms us from shameful to glorious.

By standing in God’s presence on Mount Sinai, Moses’s face was made gloriously radiant. God prepared him, saying, “I am going to come to you in a dense cloud, so that the people will hear when I speak with you and will always believe you” (Exodus 19:9). But the children of Israel did not want to see, as they were scared and unable to look Moses straight in the face (Exodus 34:30; 2Corinthians 3:7). They needed Moses to cover up the traces of glory lingering around his eyes because it made them uncomfortable—I would imagine that it reminded them of their own shame and underscored the huge chasm between their own sin and a perfect, holy God (Exodus 34:33). But Moses had been transformed, and he didn’t even “realize that the skin of his face shone as a result of his speaking with the LORD” (v.29). This transformation is just a foreshadowing of the transformation we now experience through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.

For if the ministry that brought condemnation had glory,
the ministry that brings righteousness overflows with even more glory.
In fact, what had been glorious is not glorious now by comparison
because of the glory that surpasses it. For if what was set aside was glorious,
what endures will be even more glorious.
—2 Corinthians 3:9–11

The old covenant of the law is only a shadow of our new and finished covenant in Jesus Christ. The glory of His presence is even more gloriously available to us who live in His new covenant.

Have you ever felt unable to discipline your children because of your own sin, worried that your own imperfection precludes you from upholding the rules in your own home? Have you ever felt ashamed to stand up for the truth of the gospel because you are ashamed of something you have done in the dark? The transforming power of Christ has set us free. We can leave our sin behind and walk forward with confidence in His presence. We are made free by His presence. Christ lifts the veil! Indeed, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2Corinthians 3:17).

We are a free people. By all means, wear clothes! But walk forward leaving your sin and shame at the foot of Christ’s cross. The presence of the Lord equips us to do His good work without shame and fear. When you walk in His presence, the shame the world tries to pin on you can’t damage you. Let your face shine with His glory.

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41 thoughts on "God’s Presence Transforms His People"

  1. Tina says:

    MERCY.. Count me in!♥️

  2. Tina says:

    When, a few years ago I had an altercation with someone about their dog( long story), I was mad, I was livid, and the old me came out full force with some horrible words my 11 year old grandson had never heard me use before! He couldn’t wait to tell his dad, my son, I had used swear words..
    When my son arrived my grandson, began to tell him what happened. I stopped him and took over telling my son so the younger would have to use the bad language! When I finished telling my son, he looked me in the eye and said ” don’t act like some saint who has never sworn before.. I remember you of old..”
    I had to tell him that my grandson was 11years old and he had never heard me swear, so I must have changed..
    Joyce Meyers words come to mind as I remember, ‘I may not be where I should be but thank God, I am not where I used to be”

    BUT GOD..
    His presence, absolutely and for sure has changed me. I do not want to be the Tina of old, I want to be the Tina God can be proud of. I want to shine for Jesus!
    The old girl may pop out occasionally BUT GOD.. is my anchor, my hope and my song..

    I know I am not where I used to be, and I am forever grateful to be moving closer to God daily.
    Thank you heavenly Father for your presence, that reminds me of who I truly am in and with you..Thank you Father God.


    Happy Wednesday my dears..♥️

  3. ERB says:


    Since asking for prayer for my Mum just under an hour ago.. the OT here in Maine called my Mum and she is being seen TODAY!!! 12:45pm EST a SUPER FAST answer to prayer!!! Now to pray that all goes beyond well at her appointment!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!! ❤️

  4. Traci Gendron says:

    I know that I sometimes back off of sharing my faith because of how I was living in my past. Who’s going to listen to me?? I’m still not without falling back to that behavior at times. Foul language for one. I know God took that from me at one time and will do it again. Now if I swear, I’m convicted. And I realize how unintelligent and vulgar it sounds. This is a big admittance because I can’t imagine any of you swearing. As I write this I want to delete it. But I also want to be transparent. I was promiscuous when I was much younger. I’m not proud of that and I realize I only hurt myself with that behavior. I’m hoping I can become bold and stand up more for my faith.

  5. Cheryl Blow says:

    Today’s reading just gave me the sweetest sense of God’s love and peace. We are walking out of shame and fear into God’s glorious light. The key to setting us free is the presence of the Lord! The more we realize He is with us every step of the way, the more freedom and peace we have.

    This song comes to mind: In the presence of Jehovah
    God Almighty, Prince of Peace
    Troubles vanish, hearts are mended
    In the presence of The King

    It’s in His presence.

    Praying for all of you.

  6. ERB says:

    Wow!! Such good scriptures today!!! Lots of revelations and word pictures!!

    2 Corinthians 3:7-18
    *I got goosebumps and chills while reading this!!! How AWESOME and AMAZING is our God!!! This scripture confirms and expands Exodus 34!! My spirit is EXCITED and JOYOUS And SO extremely thankful!!!!

    Exodus 34:29 As Moses descended from Mount Sinai—with the two tablets of the testimony in his hands as he descended the mountain—he did not realize that the skin of his face shone as a result of his speaking with the Lord.
    *the 10 commandments = the tablets of testimony. In other words every time we follow and keep a command of God we are being a testimony to & for Him!!! Wow!! This hits home DEEP!!!
    **spending time, quality time, with God produces a glow or luminescence!!! In other words His Light drips down on us and we SHINE and reflect His glory!! Whoa!!!
    …I also found this example while looking up the definition of Luminous, which means an object is giving off light it produces itself.
    “Luminous simply means giving off light; most things in our world produce light because they have energy that originally came from the Sun, which is the biggest, most luminous thing we can see. Strictly speaking, although the Moon appears to give off light, it’s not actually luminous because it’s simply reflecting light from the Sun like a giant mirror made of rock.”
    …what an INCREDIBLE example and word picture!!! God is the sun (or if you want, Son) and we are the moon!! We reflect Him!!! Wow!!! This brings in a LOT of accountability!!! May we reflect You Lord in ALL that we do, think and say!! Amen.

    Exodus 34:6-7
    *ABOUNDING in FAITHFUL LOVE & TRUTH. These words stick with me!!! I am recollecting ALL the ways God has done these things… and I am OVERWHELMED!!!! Wow!!! We are beyond blessed!!! Wow!!! Thank You God!!!

    Exodus 19:16-20
    *Wow!! I get goosebumps reading this!!! The power and majesty of our God!! It puts and strikes a holy fear in me!!! Which is much needed!!!

    Exodus 19:4
    *carried us on eagles wings… this speaks to my heart so much!!! And floods my mind with word pictures and analogies!! God carries us when things are beyond ourselves!! He ALWAYS provides and protects!!! SO grateful!!!

  7. Jane K says:

    I love this study of the presence of God! Today’s readings were so inspiring to me. As I read about Mose’s face shining with God’s glory, I yearned to be that close and intimate with God. But through Christ we are!! 2 Corinthians 3:18 “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” Christ lifts the veil!
    Praying with you sisters for all the requests listed here.

  8. Donna Wolcott says:

    Today’s message from “Jesus Always” by Sarah Young. “…..As you draw near Me through worship, I change you profoundly, equipping you to make Me known to others.

    My Love not only reaches to the heavens but descends upon you from heavenly realms. Keep looking up to Me, beloved. See Me smiling on you in radiant approval. My limitless Love falls continually upon you, like heavenly snowflakes that melt into your upturned face. No matter how distressing your circumstances this Love is sufficient to sustain you. Someday you will even ascend to heaven on it. I eagerly anticipate the time when I will take you into Glory – to be with Me forever!”

    Lifting each of you in prayer as you face health issues and those of your loved ones. Thank you for your sharing and for lifting sisters in name. May your day be filled with a sense of peace.