God’s Presence Strengthens Us

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 31:6-8, Psalm 46:1-11, Zephaniah 3:17, Isaiah 40:9-11, Isaiah 41:10, 2 Timothy 4:16-18

When I was four years old, I broke my collarbone. I fell off my bed, landed on my shoulder, and heard a snap. In my four short years of life, I had never felt anything like the excruciating pain suddenly pulsating through my body. Immediately, I began crying. My mom called my dad at work to let him know what happened, and then she rushed me to the emergency room.

I remember crying and crying and crying. My mom tried to comfort me. My big sister tried to help me. The nurses tried to reassure me everything was going to be okay. Unfortunately, it didn’t help. I cried in the car, the waiting room, the exam room. I cried the whole time the nurses prepared me for X-Rays.

Then it happened. My dad flung open the doors to the exam room. He had left work early and rushed to the emergency room to get to me. He entered the room, his eyes met mine, and I immediately stopped crying. I was still in pain, still hurting, still in need, but my father’s strong and loving presence in the room changed everything for me. My dad walked into my room, and when he walked in, fear walked out.

In life, we will face bumps and bruises, broken bones and broken hearts. No one is exempt from difficulties, disappointments, and trials. Our hope is not in the absence of trouble, but in the presence of God. His presence strengthens us, even when we are at our weakest.

God is truly in our midst (Zephaniah 3:17). When we acknowledge His presence and turn to Him, He becomes a refuge for us and a present help in our troubles (Psalm 46:1). He tends to us and protects us as a good shepherd tends to his flock (Isaiah 40:9–11). We don’t need to grit our teeth and bear the difficulties we face alone, and we certainly don’t need to navigate the storms of life in our own inner strength and moral compass. Instead, God’s presence becomes the source of our power and courage. 

What troubles are you facing today? What difficulties are seeking to rob you of your peace and joy? Today, I pray you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your heavenly Father has walked into the room of your life and He’s not going anywhere! I pray that you would know the sheer joy and complete peace of having God close to you, lavishing His love on you, relentlessly pursuing you, and fiercely protecting you. I pray that you would know God is with you, and His presence would dismantle the power of fear and fatigue in your life!

(120) Comments

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120 thoughts on "God’s Presence Strengthens Us"

  1. Carli Grobler says:

    Beautiful analogy. Really needed to read this today. God is with us. God is for us.

  2. Jamie Hannan says:

    I loved how she talked about her dad walking into the room. When he walked in fear walked out! I love that as a picture of what happens when the Lord walks into our lives! We are free from the fear!

  3. Tamera Bailey says:

    It brings comfort to know that no matter what I face in life and no matter how it may look with my natural eyes that God is there with me and He is working everything out for my good. Thank you God!

  4. Jennifer Walker says:

    Absolutely incredible, I constantly pray with my girls and equip them how to handle fear and yet as an adult I forget what I’ve taught them. He goes before us, He is an ever present help.

  5. Jennifer Kenny says:

    I need to remember what she said about “hope is not the absence of trouble but the presence of God” which never leaves me. So I can always have hope in the one who is always there

  6. Kimberly Humphrey says:

    I think I take for granted that the literal God of the universe is with me. Little old me! It’s crazy to think and even thought my brain knows it – I want my heart to feel it. I know I don’t necessarily need an emotional experience to know he is here. But praying that I would be more aware of his goodness today – his sweet presence no matter what the day brings

  7. Gabriela Coloma says:

    This hit home for me as lately I’ve been experiencing very hopeless thoughts as I journey through pregnancy. Moments of wondering if truly my anchor of Hope will come through but the thing is that He has come through every single time. I’ve been practicing inviting God in the hopeless moments of maybe this pain won’t go away, or maybe this will not work out and asking for His Presence to cover me like a blanket. The Lord has not only covered me but continues to give me the strength to believe for His miracles and wonders. Our hope is not in the absence of trouble but in the presence of God is a good reminder that in the presence of hopelessness and worry I can invite the presence of the Lord to anchor me and settle my heart and thoughts! Thank you Jesus for this!

  8. Nicole says:

    39 weeks and preparing for my first home birth. Every single verse felt like such a comfort and drink of fresh water for my soul, and then the excerpt had me in tears. God help my husband and I to KNOW that you are in the room – a strong and tender presence.

  9. Amaya . says:

    Amen, so great full to have found out about this app as I’m building my relationship with God ❤️

  10. Gracie Price says:

    “Our hope is not in the presence of trouble, but in the presence of God.” So much truth.

  11. Sarah Shanahan says:

    “We can find courage and hope to endure all things because the powerful presence of our God goes with us.” the word endure caught my attention. To “endure” is defined as to remain in existence and to suffer painfully. No matter what we are enduring, we must stay in His presence! I’m so thankful that He will never leave me. He will go before me and walk with me through the storms of life!

  12. Lori Johnson says:

    Need this reminder daily! Want to shout from the roof top❤️

  13. Jessica Klawitter says:


  14. Anastasia Valcin says:

    The love and power of God is strong!

  15. Heather Coker says:


  16. nkateko b says:


  17. Carolina Billani says:

    Thanks dear God for strengthening me!

  18. Keinesha Craig says:

    It’s easy to become fearful in the face of adversity. We are weaken by the problems and burden we bear. But oh, what a friend we have in Jesus.! All our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege it is to carry everything to God in prayer.
    Oh, what peace we often forfeit! Oh what needless pain we bear. All because we do not carry everything to the Lord in prayer.

    When God wants in the room, peace enters and fear runs.

  19. Karen Wilson says:

    I know he is there….. but it is so nice to be reminded that when he walks in the room fear leaves!

  20. Jessica Caraway says:

    Leaning on the Lord’s promise of his presence in the fear of the unknown. He is so good!

  21. Linda Heyboer says:

    I needed this today. Thank you

  22. Kappi Rushing says:

    “Our hope is not in the absence of trouble but in the presence of God” ❤️ thank you for that simple but such powerful reminder!

    1. Dorene Gorsuch says:


  23. Carla Foxx says:

    Amen, amen, and amen again

  24. Ale Gonzalez says:


  25. Chrisna Marx says:


  26. Stephanie Galbraith says:


  27. Nilaja Wyatt says:


  28. Mariah Agnes Matakena says:


  29. Pat Cramer says:

    “He gently leads those that are nursing.”

  30. Becky Song Lee says:

    Thank you Lord for your presence! Thank you for being with us always!

  31. Bethany Perkins says:

    Yes, he lavishes his love on us!

  32. Trista Powell says:

    I needed this, immensely ☀️

  33. Sherrie Ray says:

    Well said thank you! Such a blessing to read these encouraging words in such a tumultuous time we live!

  34. Carla Brooks says:

    Amen. God is with me.

  35. Michelle Goldman says:


  36. Justina Robinson says:

    Amen God is in the room with me strengthening me!

  37. Kassandra Hammonds says:

    I am going through a divorce right now and also will be going through a custody battle. I left my emotionally and mentally abusive husband of 9.5 years whom I recently found was also physically abusive to my oldest son for years and I am also about to attend a harassment restraining order hearing for an order I’m trying to get against him and I may not get it. He texts me every day. Paragraphs. Paragraphs of stuff to hurt me and lies to try to build himself up and tear me down. He also lies to our mutual friends about me and then texts me pictures of their conversations and always I end up doubting and fearful. I only just started back on my devotions recently and started with this Presence of God one and I am so grateful for each day I sit and read these, it’s a huge comfort knowing I am not alone and he is with us while my kids and I go through this. ❤️

    1. Lindsey Bradley says:

      Praying!!! Vengeance is the Lord’s! Praying for a merciful judge who has discernment and wisdom and will grant the order in your favor. Praying for safety and healing and connections to people who understand abuse and who can help you and your son in this journey. Praying you find deep friendship in the Lord during this lonely season. For comfort and peace knowing you’re doing what you need to do!

    2. Martha Echandy says:

      Kassandra, the Father has stepped in. He will tend to you and your children. Will be praying for you.

    3. Colleen DeVeau says:

      @KASSANDRA HAMMONDS You and your family are in my prayers. May God keep pouring His love and truth on You as you seek Him.

  38. Sophia Ayres says:

    Thank you Lord for your faithful and gentle love and for the strength you provide when we trust in you!

  39. Kristina says:


  40. Minnie Lee says:

    Been having a week where the enemy kept throwing lies into my ears, making me doubt and fearful often – the only thing that got me out of it over and over was God’s truth that He’s always with me, and the verses here were being etched onto my soul!!! So thankful.

  41. GramsieSue says:

    To Laura Diane and Rhonda J…and any others who have struggles in their marriages,
    I have a book, “Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe” by Sharon Jaynes, that I use to guide my prayers for Steve. Because we all go through the bumps and storms in our marriages and I have learned that when I pray for him it’s easier to love him and not hold grudges. I’m not saying we don’t still have our differences and snap at each other, but each morning I pull that book out and pray for him again, and the anger I’ve been holding on to doesn’t seem to keep festering in my heart. And sometimes I really begin my prayers grudgingly…..but I end them with a loving heart.

    This study is really good…perfect timing for me and all of you as well.

    Praying for you Mia Faith during these two days of services for your husband, that you would feel God’s presence and His arms holding you close.

    Hugs to all ❤️

  42. Barb D says:

    Wow! What a powerful, hope-filled devotional today!

  43. Mari V says:

    Good Morning sweet She’s. Nothing stops us! Thank you Kelly (neo) for suggesting to go to HRT for the scripture reading. Gotta run now. Just wanted to check in. Happy Thursday sweet She’s! So glad tomorrow is FRIDAY!

  44. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @Sarah D. – continued prayers for God’s peace in your heart concerning this “friend”…Have you thought of asking him if he wants to go grab a coffee? Maybe he’s struggling with the same things you are. It couldn’t hurt and maybe it would “launch” things. Or if he is not the least bit interested, at least you’d know and could move on.

    @Meme Faye – what an awful tragedy! Praying for the family and for your town.

    @Kristina (in the Ukraine) – I have been praying for your country and all believers that might be there, it’s good to have a name to go with my prayers. Continued prayers for peace, for the war to end, and protection for you and your countrymen.

    Have a blessed day today sisters – Shalom!

  45. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies!! Yesterday was a sweet day…I got to do a chapel lesson for our Pre-K, and it felt like a full circle moment, because I shared about an internship had that sparked my interest for teaching. So thankful for the Lord answering my prayer and that I get to share His love with these kids!!
    Would love continued prayers. Some days are better than others, but my roommate is now official, with a boyfriend, and I didn’t realize how hard it would be for me. I am happy for her, and yet I really wish I could be happier. But it stings, and I really find it so strange that I can be so joyful with my job and enjoying it, while having this longing to know whether my “friend” likes me or not, when he’ll ask me out…etc. The weekends tend to be hard because my roommate goes out with her bf and I’m home alone. I’ll be hanging out with some other girlfriends this weekend so that should be good. Thank you all for your prayers!

  46. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    You can go to hereadstruth.com to get the scripture reading for today, and keep checking back here for the devotional.

  47. Jillian L says:

    I was just writing in my journal of how I just feel defeated and discouraged. I loved the prayer at the end and truly needed it .

  48. Michelle Patire says:

    Hopefully, they catch the glitch here and post Day 4. ❤️

    @Rhonda J- yes, on days I am pretty early on here, it’s because I am studying before my new job. I’m only there a few days so my timing here is scattered, lol.

    @Mercy, Laura Dianne, Sharon JG ❤️ thank you for your words and prayers. I am still struggling and sensitive… Hoping in time things don’t sting as much and I can feel safe being myself around him…

    @Kristin Duffey – glad you are here. ❤️

    Happy Thursday. I pray the Lord continues to lead us by His goodness and mercy. I pray we do not lose heart and continue to look for His goodness in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13). ❤️

  49. Char Hight says:

    “Our hope is not in the absence of trouble but in the presence of God. His presence strengthens us…”. This was so good. Too often I find myself feeling like I’m alone. Like God has forgotten about me. This is surely exemplified when God seems so present in the lives of those around me. I pray that I remember his word because they will never return void. And that is a scheme of the enemy as he is the master of confusion. God is always there. He may not be right in front of me. He may be right behind me. He has strategically changed his position but he has not left me. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” ❤️

    1. Kelly Cone says:


  50. Andrea P says:


  51. Michelle Patire says:

    Exodus 33:12-17, Numbers 6:22-27, Psalm 16:11, Psalm 23:1-6, Romans 15:13, 2 Thessalonians 3:16

    Scripture from HRT page for Day 4. Thanks Kelly for the reminder!

  52. Kelly (NEO) says:

    As of 5 am eastern time, day 4 is up at He Reads Truth…

    1. Nicole Benner says:

      I don’t see it as of 6:45am EST in the app.

  53. Christine Ross says:

    Amen and amen! Good word!

  54. Tina says:

    Day 4 is not up yet! Ooops.

    As I’m here, lifting you all, my dear sisters up in prayer. Prayerful your days are blessed in ways you know, only our Father God can bless, that you are covered in His peace and love, and that His presence is so tangibly felt as you go about your day..

    Happy Thursday, wrapped in love and hugs from across the pond..❤️

  55. Kristina says:

    I read you from Ukraine, in the middle of war. I am so tired of fear for our lives, for my husband, for the future… these Bible verses reminded me that God is the Mighty Warrior and He is and always be near. And I really appreciate the prayer at the end of the commentaries, very much needed❤️

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:

      Praying for you and your family

    2. Nancy Ludrick says:

      I’m sorry, Kristina. Praying for you and your family. What part of Ukraine are you in? My husband has been there the past 2 weeks bringing food and water to many of the cities near the frontline.

  56. Karen Breaux says:

  57. Claire B says:


  58. Kristin Duffey says:

    I never usually comment on here, maybe once or twice in the past, but I want to say how encouraging it is to see all the interaction between believers from across the nation/world. I’m so thankful to be loving a God who is not just present in my life but is present in lives of all of you. I’m really loving this study so far and hope you all are as well. Thank you God for being a God for all your people. Thank you for letting us all be part of your Kingdom through Jesus. Thank you for letting your presence be known!

    1. Allison Bentley says:

      @Kristin Duffey – I agree! It is such a beautiful platform and so inviting! I often find SRT as a talking point with everyone because we are such a diverse group of WOMEN who are united in Christ!!

  59. Aaliyah Rardin says:

    This is comforting as I am navigating some unwanted life changes. Thank you, Lord, that you are ever present, You are my refuge and strength. Help me to not walk in my own strength but to be dependent upon You.

  60. Elaine Eagle says:

    “Our hope is not in the absence of trouble, but in the presence of God.” WHEWWWW. What a great line!

    1. Mary Jane Papacoda says:

      I agree, I had to write that line down!!!! God is so Good.

    2. Christine Ross says:

      That is the same one I was going to highlight!

  61. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m not really going through anything abnormally hard right now, but knowing that God’s strength is with me always gives me so much comfort. Just daily struggles can zap me of my strength, so I’m so glad that God is with me.

  62. Sabrina Edmondson says:

    Day 3 overall and I really, really enjoyed this one! As someone who has recently been struggling, I am both learning and remembering to lean on God in my times of need. I tend to internalize my struggles and keep it all contained until it overflows and tries to consume me. I want to practice and really take to mind that I can and should give things to God and reach out to him for comfort instead of just letting my anxieties and worries take over my life and ruin everything. This was such a great reminder from all of today’s focus on God’s presence for strength!

  63. Mercy says:

    Happy Wednesday she’s. We have such a sweet and heartfelt devotional today. Thank you NICOLE! It has stirred up something within me that I cannot really put my finger on. “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10), other translation CSB, “stop fighting and know that I am God”. The fight or flight reactions that human resolves to come from fear. Fear has so much to do with our behavior/ fighting. May we truly sense that “door burst open” moment by our God in times of panic, that God is truly rushing in (in the spirit and also physically) with His Might, coming to His daughters’ rescue.

    @TINA: prayers for speeding healing, physically and mentally you will feel better.
    @MIA FAITH: thinking of you and especially the young grandchildren, prayers for community, friends, to surround you and the little ones.
    @LAURA DIANE, @RHONDA J: prayers for marriage healing, and the right counseling to resolve deep rooted hurt and conflicts. Sometimes therapy could get really messy. You are so brave to do the hard work for the good in long term.
    @MICHELLE PATIRE: healing over harsh words that your brother spoke. May you not internalize and overthink it. God will remove the cold stony heart/stony words in due time.
    @LANIE: rejoicing at your hearing baby’s heartbeat.
    @TAYLOR GRAVES: I am so sorry, may the Lord comfort you and reward your faithfulness with your heart’s desires. I too witnessed a friend going through a miscarriage, and she donated all baby things in grief, and then she changed her mind, and they conceived the next year a healthy baby girl who is now 3 years old.
    @KRIS: what you shared is what I see my husband struggle as well. His dad walked out on him at 2 y/o, and his step dad abused him and despised him, and all his young adulthood, he could not trust God. No matter how much I tried to convince him that God loves him, testimonies, and things happened in front of our eyes, he doesn’t believe God loves him. Joining prayers with you that you can overcome the wrong reflection of the earthly father, to embrace/renew the mind, the memories of the heavenly father.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  64. Tina says:

    TAYLOR GRAVES, wrapping you tightly in prayers on the loss of your daughter.. praying you know peace of heart and that you also know the presence of our Father God in your days of grief.. He is near, never leaves nor forsakes..

    Sending you hugs covered in prayers, dear sister..❤️

  65. Taylor Graves says:

    I really loved today’s readings. In this season after losing my baby girl, I needed to hear that God is always with me. Grief is lonely and a lot of times it feels like that loneliness could swallow you up. Reading that God is still with me even in these dark times when I feel the lowest I’ve ever felt, is so comforting. Some of the common themes from today that struck me are “do not be afraid,” “God will help you,” and “He will not leave or abandon you.” I am finding comfort in the knowledge that despite the tragedy that I’ve endured, God was there with me the whole time and He is using my loss as a catalyst to bring me closer to Him and strengthen me in ways I may not see right now but will reap the rewards of later. Thank you all for your prayers, I appreciate them and this new community I have found more than you all know ❤️❤️

    1. Victoria E says:

      Taylor Graves I am praying for you. God, the God if all comfort, is with you always.

    2. Kim J. G. says:

      Taylor you are not alone, although you may feel lonely. Grieve, breathe. God may use this, bit it’s not the same as saying it is your job to do anything. Let God Lead you gently when it’s time.

  66. Teresa Donley says:

    I loved the story of Nicole’s daddy bursting into the room, and her tears coming to an end. I remember that I felt that way about my dad. As long as he was there, I felt safe, and knew that everything would be okay. As I was group, however, I always had a fear that he wouldn’t be there. Walking home from school, my heart would be pounding, just knowing that when I went into my house, I would learn that my daddy had died. I was 30 when that became reality. And, as I’d felt all along, life was never the same. BUT GOD, in His love has shown me that HE is a father – Abba – who will NEVER go away. I never have to worry about being fatherless again. It gives me such peace to remember that I have a father who will never abandon me. I also love Nicole’s closing sentence, “I pray that you would know that God is with you, and His presence would dismantle the power of fear and fatigue in your life.” Yes, Lord. Amen.

  67. Martha Ellen Thurman says:

    My dad passed away at 40 when I was 11 years old. He was such a good father to my siblings and me. So when he passed it was hard but I knew, even at 11, he was in heaven with God and healed of his diabetes. That night in bed I prayed to God that he would have to be my father now and I felt his presence then and every day of my life. I have missed my dad at the big events of my life, graduations and wedding, but I know I will see him again some day. And that is why I have never felt uncomfortable feeling God’s presence around me, like in Psalm 139, because his presence has always been a comfort.

  68. Laura Dianne says:

    I happened to hop on late today and saw your comment to me, RHONDA J. Thank you for that. We have had one counseling session so far. It stirred up a lot of bitterness in me that I have been harboring. It sounds like you and I have very similar situations with our husbands. Since the session, I was very cold. Making a point as you said. This study really shook me a little. Yesterday I felt the HS really prompting me that if you are truly seeking to be in the presence os God, then you should be more like God. And God forgives. God loves even those who hurt him. I’m saying this for myself because we are in counseling and I do have the opportunity to “air my hurts” so to speak. If not, I don’t think I would be open to this prompt from the HS. I’m sad to say it, but it’s true. I want to forgive, but I also want him to change! I don’t want to be hurt by his words anymore. I want us to have a better relationship.

    All that to say, I will be praying for you, my friend.

    MICHELE PATIRE Also praying for you today. I have received those texts before from my daughter, and they hurt. Keep trusting. Don’t stop speaking truth when you are prompted. I also remember Paul, and the miraculous change that can only come from God Himself. I believe!

    MERCY You inspired me to make fasting a regular practice. Every Wednesday. Today I focus on my son and his girlfriend, who both are not walking with the Lord. He turned away from his childhood faith in college.

    Remembering all my SHEs in prayer today!

  69. MARTHA HIX says:

    I’m praying for requests…. So grateful for this community and your insightful comments!

    Thankful for you, Lord, that you are ever present! ❤️

  70. Donna Wolcott says:

    For those who don’t get the books, there was a hymn after the readings, “I Need Thee Every Hour”. It’s an old one but beautiful, I played it and sang along, thought I would share. His presence in my life is my north star! I am one to worry (lot of what if’s) about way TOO MUCH. I constantly need to remind myself to give to the Father and ask for help. He always answers (maybe not right away or how I want it to be) but how it should be.

    Prayers for all your needs and rejoicing with all of you in His ALWAYS PRESENCE!

    Tina, I hope you feel better soon.
    Mia, that is wonderful that you can reach out to families in the same situation. I am also a Mia to 4 grandchildren and a Grammy to 4, gets a little confusing.
    Thank you to those who list and lift names individually. Have a blessed day.

  71. Sarah Ritchie says:


  72. Kris says:

    I, too, didn’t have a good relationship with my dad. He would not have been the one to comfort me if I needed it. And I’ve never really been able to depend on any one person to be there for me. So, the part about trusting God has been a struggle for me, even though I’ve read scriptures, heard people teach, even had a few experiences where He’s been there for me. Each time I need Him, I have to talk myself up to trusting Him this time. This is something He’s really been trying to work with me on in the past couple years. I can talk the talk, easily tell others to trust in God for everything, but when it comes to me, I’m still learning. The lack of support is so deep for me, it will take some real healing for that to be gone. The thing that’s really helping me the most is simply doing it; allowing experience to show me that He is always faithful. Often I have to change what I think things should look like, and allow Him to do things that He knows are best. I guess that’s what faith really is: letting go of how I want things and letting God do His best work, and letting Him change me on the inside to accept His provisions.

    1. Taylor Graves says:

      @ Kris I to have troubles trusting in God and have to coax myself into doing so. After losing my daughter I felt like it was very hard to trust in God. But I love that you said we have to let go of how we want things and let God work in our lives. Things happen to us that we don’t understand and a lot of the times they’re not what we want to happen. It may frustrate us, I know it frustrates me, but those are the moments when God is testing our faith and we must allow Him to just do His work so that we may learn to trust in Him.

  73. Allison Bentley says:

    Todays readings mentioned several “do not be afraid” “God will go with you” “He goes before you” “God is among you” “He gently leads” “do not fear” and I can’t help but be overwhelmed with peace – He is with me SELAH!!!!! As a daddy’s girl myself today’s devotion hit home and I am brought to Matthew 7:11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him. My father who is human would do anything for me so how much will the creator, the one and only Father God do for me? The possibilities are endless! Thank you Lord for Your presence! Lifting up you She’s in prayer today and praising God for this community of women who show up everyday to know(and share) the Word!

  74. Cheryl Blow says:

    The lesson reminds me of this song! Everything changes when He walks into the room. We just have to remember that He’s never left us. Just sometimes our reactions to our circumstances can affect our perspective.

    Search tools
    When You Walk into the Room
    Song by Bryan & Katie Torwalt

    When You walk into the room
    Everything changes
    Darkness starts to tremble
    At the light that You bring
    And when You walk into the room
    Every heart starts burning
    And nothing matters more
    Than just to sit here at Your feet
    And worship You
    We worship You, oh
    We love You
    We’ll never stop
    We can’t live without You, Jesus
    We love You
    And we can’t get enough
    All this is for You, Jesus
    When You walk into the room
    Sickness starts to vanish
    Every hopeless situation ceases to exist
    And when You walk into the room
    The dead begin to rise
    ‘Cause there is resurrection life in all You do
    We love You
    We’ll never stop
    Can’t live without You, Jesus
    We love You
    And we can’t get enough
    All this is for You, Jesus
    Oh, Jesus
    Come and consume, God
    All we are
    We give You permission
    Our hearts are Yours
    We want You, we want You
    Come and consume, God
    All we are
    We give You permission
    Our hearts are Yours
    We want You, we want You
    Come and consume, God
    All we are
    We give You permission
    Our hearts are Yours
    We want You, we want You
    Come and consume, God
    All we are
    We give You permission
    Our hearts are Yours
    We want You, we want You
    We love You
    We’ll never stop
    Can’t live without You, Jesus
    We love You
    And we can’t get enough
    All this is for You, Jesus
    Oh, how we love You
    Oh, how we love You
    Source: Musixmatch
    Songwriters: Katie Torwalt / Bryan Torwalt

    1. Mary Tag says:

      Thank you good song!

  75. Kimberly Z says:

    What a great reminder of Gods presence in our lives! He is strong and courageous through it all. I get very anxious about family being safe and healthy and those truly become my soul focus of my prayers. Keep my family and friends healthy and safe and I’m good with the rest. In reality I often need the reminder to pray for things besides health and safety. God is there to help and listen to our troubles. Love the reminder.

  76. Traci Gendron says:

    The picture of Nicole’s dad rushing in brought me to catch your breath tears. It made me think of Tanner and all the times I was there for him living with his illness. I know he needed me. One time his dad was going to stay at the hospital so I could go work for a day. He did not want me to leave. I feel that with our Father. I need Him with me every day. To help me through this grief, all that life throws at us, and the crazy world we are living in.

  77. Mari V says:

    He flung the door open, his strong and loving presence changed everything for me. I am SO thankful I too, had a daddy moment just like that many many years ago. Love when Nicole says: “In life, we will face bumps and bruises, BROKEN BONES, and broken hearts. No one is exempt from difficulties, disappointments (I remind myself and kids of this all the time), and trials. OUR hope is not in the absence of trouble BUT in the presence of God. His presence strengthen us, even when we are at our weakest.” When I am weak HE is strong for me and for YOU! Happy Wednesday sweet She’s!

  78. Erica Chiarelli says:

    So thankful for His awesome presence ❤️❤️ my dad and I didn’t have a great relationship (and he passed in 2009) but my Heavenly Father is always present, always good, always perfect! His presence is all I need!

  79. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!

    @Michelle Patire- You were up and at em earlier this morning!
    @Tina- Hope you feel better!
    @Lanie-So happy you heard the baby’s heartbeat, continued prayers for you as this baby grows.
    @Taylor Graves-So sorry for your loss, and know that God will give you what you need prayerfully.

    I was praying for God’s presence to be with me last night. I am so used to cuddling with my husband when going to bed, but I have been stubborn for weeks now. I’m trying to hold firm in trying to make a point, but is it hurting us more? I want us to communicate and talk about issues and his hurtful outbursts, go to counseling and hash out rather than sweeping under the rug which always happens. I am tired and weary. God give me the strength to say words in love, to be understanding and forgiving.
    @Laura Diane-hope your therapy is going well even though you are just at the start, I pray it will be the key (and God will be with you)!

    @Mia Faith- thinking and praying for your family this week. I found your blog, it is amazing that you are helping others with suicide. I hope to listen to your podcast you were on today. I love how God uses our trials to help and encourage others! Hugs. (on a side note…funny we all think your name is Mia, and now I know that’s your Grandma name! Love it.)

    Glad we can all come together and have a virtual small group and encourage each other. SRT is a special place. :)

  80. Meme Faye says:

    *our little town…

  81. Meme Faye says:

    Sisters, please pray for a family in our town whose baby died at childcare… please pray for outlet town as Satan tries to attack it with hateful comments as details (some true, some false) are revealed… God knows the true details!

  82. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Our hope is not in the absence of trouble, but in the presence of God. His presence strengthens us, even when we are at our weakest.” Yes, and Amen! Where would I be if it wasn’t for the love and presence of God?…I wouldn’t want to imagine! It is through His presence and power that I am able to get through the fiercest of storms. His presence is peace, not peace like the world gives (John 14:27), but a peace that passes all understanding. (Philippians 4:7) Thank You Father God, for Your ever presence, for always standing by our side, for never leaving us or forsaking us.

    @Lane H. – Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! Praising God right along with you that your ultrasound went well and you got to hear that precious, miracle heartbeat!! I will continue to pray for your pregnancy journey

    @Traci Gendron – Praying that God will give you just the right words to say as you call this grieving mom tonight. May she find comfort in your words and in the ever presence of our God.

    @Blair Campbell, @Taylor Graves and @all of my dear sisters who have lost a baby – may God’s presence give you peace. May He gather you in His arms and carry you close to His heart and give you the strength to heal and go on.

    @Michelle – continued prayers for your brother & other family.

    @Mia – continued prayers for you and your family as you go through your time of loss and mourning.

    @Tina – feel better soon! Prayers that you are well on your way to recovery, and an uplifted spirit.

    Be blessed today sisters – walking in the joy and presence of our Lord!

  83. Linda J says:

    “Our hope is not in the absence of trouble but in the presence of God.” Thank you Nicole.

  84. Karen Elizabeth says:

    “Our hope is not in the absence of trouble, but in the presence of God. His presence strengthens us, even when we are at our weakest.”
    This is so true and something to cling to in those difficult times.
    Reminded me of Jesus’ words in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
    Lifting up prayers for all of you ❤️

  85. Sydney Smith says:

    This devotional struck me, I was raised by a single mother and didn’t have a father to come busting through the emergency room doors to help calm my fear. But I have learned through study, that my Heavenly Father was always there. Always. I am so thankful for his strength and kindness in my life. I pray I always lean into his presence and not my own.

  86. Sherry says:

    A little over a year ago my larger than life dad passed away. At the time, one of my sisters said, I just always knew we were safe if dad was near. If we had any trouble dad would take care of it. Thank you for this reading. I’m thankful to have had an earthly father that protected and loved me. I am even more thankful to know a God who loves me and will walk with me through all my troubles

  87. Mari Gomez says:

    Took so many notes today and highlighted text. Great message and reminder that God is with us and He (not me) is strength, power and hope.

  88. Katie Megee says:

    Father, today I need to know the sheer joy of having You close, I want to delight in Your mere presence as You delight in mine. I am so weary of feeling physically sick and unwell. Help me to lean on Your strength to endure. Amen.

  89. Cat-tee says:

    God, let your presence and peace “dismantle the power of fear and fatigue in [my] life” always, amen! Praying for your requests She’s ❤️

  90. Kristine Loughman says:

    This is my spring break week. So things aren’t weighing heavy. It’s been a lovely break from the usual toil and grind of teaching. God has been present in the morning birdsong I’m outside to hear and the restful afternoons I’m able to enjoy. But needing God’s comforting presence? I haven’t needed comfort. Needing courage only God can provide? Haven’t needed courage this week. BUT when we return to school it’s state testing time. Suddenly I will be begging for courage and comfort and perseverance to get through the weeks. And you know what? God will still be there. He’s there whether we seek him or not, whether we call out to him or not. He’s always there. Grateful for a God who isn’t dependent on my moods, but who is always, steadfastly, waiting for me.

  91. Rebekah Ham says:

    What a great study to help us remember God’s real presence in our lives. I love the visual of him tenderly caring for us as lambs and particularly gently caring for my young children that I can worry over. What a kind loving God. Thank you God. To all those who haven’t listened to the podcast, it has been especially wonderful for me to get more insight into these studies and has blessed my heart.

  92. Tara B says:

    Amen to all of this and the words of you precious ladies as well. I need to seek God’s presence in my life daily – especially now. When I am alone, He is there. Praise God!

  93. Michelle Patire says:

    @Kimberly Z, Searching, Kelly (Neo) – thank you ❤️

    I got tears in my eyes as I read the part in the devotional where the father flung the door open and her crying finally ceased.
    How beautiful the symbolism. ❤️

    God bless you, Shes.

    @Tina – pray you feel physically better soon ❤️

    @Mia Faith – God be near to you and your family ❤️

    The Lord be the strength of our hearts in all things. (Psalm 73:26)

  94. Searching says:

    Such encouragement in these verses, bolstering our faith as – only with God’s strength – we face challenges and difficulties each day.

    BECKIE DOTSON – praying for you in your struggles
    TINA – praying, sister, for a swift and total recovery
    DONNA WOLCOTT – thank you for song reference
    KELLY (NEO) – putting that video on my to-do list! Thank you.
    LANIE – thankful for your baby’s health!
    TAYLOR GRAVES – praying as you draw closer to the Lord
    KRIS – loved your comment yesterday
    TERESA DONLEY – good to see you!
    MICHELLE PATIRE – praying for your brother, and for you. When I pray for those that to me “seem” to be beyond God’s reach, I have to stop and remember that I am talking to GOD. Paul also comes to mind – his 180° turnaround is astounding.
    TRACI GENDRON – praying the Lord gives you His words as you talk with this grieving mother tonight, that you will both be comforted.
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – love the image, gazing at the Lord.
    TAYLOR – ❤️
    AMY G – yes, HRT was good. And those guys being guys, hardly ever a comment …

  95. Danielle B says:

    God has been reminding me in this hard season, He is sovereign and I only need to trust Him. His presence has been there every step of the way, but sometimes I’ve had to take off my I’ve got it, I can handle it attitude and surrender to Him. I can say in doing that He has blessed me and I feel less pressure to have it all together.

    I loved seeing the Deuteronomy verses, I memorized part of those verses in preparation for a big licensing exam four years ago. God was with me then and He is with us all now. I pray you all feel His presence today!

  96. Amy G says:

    I don’t post much but read along and pray for this group everyday. Today, I accidentally opened He Reads Truth and read (not realizing until I saw 0 comments and thought, “that can’t be’). Anyways, love the commentary so much on how to rest in Him vs being necessarily brave. Go read, if you get the chance :)

  97. Aimee D-R says:

    Father hold me in Your victorious right hand. I need Your peace to replace my fear. In Jesus name, Amen

  98. Sarah Nelson says:

    When we are alone in fear and trial, we are alone. When we invite God into that loneliness, His presence brings triumph, contentment and joy… strength!

  99. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Echoing Nicole’s prayer for all. Amen, and amen.

    Loved this image from Isaiah 40:11, God “carries them in the fold of his garment.” If you have time checkout the video “Jesus, the Soul Shepherd” on the Expedition Bible YouTube channel. About 24 minutes in, it shows how modern shepherdsdo this. Very tender and sweet.

    LANIE H – so thrilled to hear your good report from yesterday. Praying your precious little one continues to thrive and grow.

    TAYLOR GRAVES – so sorry for your loss. May the Lord draw you closer in this study.


    TINA – praying for a full recovery.

    TRACI GENDRON – praying the Spirit guides your conversation tonight.

    MIA FAITH – continued prayers for peace and comfort for you and your family

    MICHELLE PATIRE – praying that your brother’s heart will soften as he sees your steadfast faith.

  100. Tina says:

    Praying requests as I see them, but felt to message MIA FAITH..

    MIA FAITH, I am so so very sorry for your troubles, what heart breaking stuff you and yours are going through.. Holding you and yours up in prayers and prayerful you feel the Good Lord’s presence in all you do, are doing. Praying you feel God’s loving and comforting arms around you, for He is with you through this storm, He is near to the broken hearted, He is near..

    I continue to hold you and yours in prayer, dear sister.. Sending you love, and hugs covered in prayers for peace of heart.❤

  101. Tina says:

    Absolutely, thank you NICOLE SMITHEE, for this reminder, that I am NOT alone..

    I have had a bad dose of flu, and been in bed a couple of dsys. This didn’t help, as I then got depressed and sad, and that feeling of loneliness crept in covered in the ‘not so good’ part of my story, the disappointments, sadness and hopelessness came with that. It was hard to read My Bible, and for sure hard to pray..

    BUT GOD..

    While I was having my pity party, feeling lost, uninspired and sorry for myself, HE was in the ‘room’, as the Maverick city song says..! “Ohhh, ohh, ohh, He’s in the room”!

    He picked me up, literally, as that worship song played, turned me around, placed my feet back on the solid ground of His truth, goodness, grace and hope.. I am not alone, never am, never will be, I have just got to repeat to self often.. The presence of God, is my Comfort, my Joy, my Hope, my peace. my Shield.
    In the cool light of day, when all is well, and I am aligned with my Father God, it is well, it is always well! I just need to remember this when life throws me lemons and I find myself in a place of questions that make me over think life!

    Thank you Father God, for your presence and around me. Thank you for never giving up on me, and thank you for pointing me back to you when I can see no way out of my troubles, thank you Father God, Thank you.


    BUT GOD..

    Happy Wednesday, Sisters, covered in much love, hugs and prayers for a God present day, whatever your day looks like..❤

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:

      Amen and hugs back

  102. Beckie Dotson says:

    Todays reading couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. I needed to remember that it is in God’s strength I can do all things. I feel like I am struggling massively at the moment, my heart feels heavy and that I’m carrying the weight on my shoulders. I feel stuck with nowhere to go and no one to talk to and I need to remember that God is within me and I will not fall. He has got us in the palm of his hands, whatever our circumstances may be and He will uphold us. Praying for you all doing this study, that we will discover God’s strength in such a powerful way.

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:
