God’s Power in Christ

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 1:20-23, Psalm 8:1-9, Isaiah 11:1-9, John 1:1-5

Have you ever heard the story of Mike the Headless Chicken?

In 1945, Mike was a five-month-old chicken when his owner tried to kill him for dinner. But he missed the barnyard bird’s jugular vein, and Mike somehow survived—with just a brain stem on top of his body. His owner figured out a way to feed him with an eyedropper, and Mike went on to live for eighteen more months.

Mike became a sideshow, a traveling, income-producing wonder whose existence was certified and studied. Here was a chicken with no head, not running around like a chicken with his head cut off, but rather running around like a chicken that still had a head even though its head really had been cut off.

Stick with me here.

When Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, he explored what it means to be the Church. What does it mean to be the people of God saved by grace (Ephesians 2)? What does it mean for Jews and Gentiles to come together as one people (Ephesians 4 and 5)?

In Ephesians 1:20–23, Paul explored what it means to be the embodied Church on earth while the head of the Church, Jesus, is seated at the right hand of the Father in the heavens (v.20). Jesus is the head of His body, the Church. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He left with these words: “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth,” which is the qualification for His command and is followed by “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18–19). Jesus was telling believers to be the Church and build the Church but to do so by His authority, which is the sentiment Paul echoed in the first chapter of Ephesians. Jesus is the head of the body, the Church, an illustration Paul used throughout his letters, and as such, we’re not left on our own to aimlessly wander through this life, directionless.

Jesus left the care and keeping of His Church to a wildly unqualified group of people. We sin, stumble, and sit in our own self-righteousness when we recklessly pursue our glory instead of His. We may ask, “Who am I?” and can answer that we are part of the body in which the fullness of Christ dwells. We may ask, “Why me?” and can answer that because we are sinners saved by grace, daily growing more like Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, this is what qualifies us. When I read this passage from Ephesians 1 and I realize what it really means—that I am the hands and feet of Jesus in this broken world, called to exude His love to both my neighbor and my enemy, to fight for righteousness, justice, and truth—I am overwhelmed by my own inadequacy. But I think of King David’s words: “What is a human being that you remember him, a son of man that you look after him?” (Psalm 8:4). And to Him and Him alone be the glory now and forever more.

(90) Comments

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90 thoughts on "God’s Power in Christ"

  1. Jessica Thomas says:

    Psalm 8 is jumping out at me, as we had about the wonders of the earth and that ‘what is mankind that you are mindful of then, human beings that you care for them?’.

    The God that made the universe knows me by my name! What a powerful statement.

    I have created a calming Spotify playlist for breakfast time and whilst the kids finish up their breakfast and get their school stuff together my 9 year old, who currently finds church boring sang the lyrics ‘the God that made the universe knows me by my name’.

    I love that those words are inside her head and one day when she needs them, these lyrics will come back to her.

    Thank you for loving us Lord Jesus, each and everyone of us. We don’t deserve it but you do it anyway! Amen

  2. Emily Tucker says:


  3. Traci Gendron says:

    I’ve been playing catch up! Oh how I don’t like to get off track. I like my mornings for SRT. But lately we have been on a few trips and I happened to schedule some things for the morning hours. Aargh..We are heading to the mountains tomorrow for our anniversary. I’m hoping life will slow and settle down.

    1. Kris says:

      been praying for your sister, your niece, the whole family. If you’re on my heart, I’m sure you’re on God’s. Take time to rest in His love and compassion.

  4. Stacey Cochran says:

    I really needed the reminder that Christ is the head of the Church. Today is my pastor’s last day as he is leaving our congregation to go to another one. It’s easy to look at leadership in the church as “the head” but Jesus truly is, and these verses really brought that fact back into perspective for me.

  5. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    Still trying to shake
    headless Mike image from my own head!
    The murderous farmer taken to money making.
    Lord Father, help me keep my wits
    about as I aim to do your work in the world.
    For your good, not for profit!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Help me keep my wits…Yes Lord! That’s good!!

  6. Rhonda J. says:

    Wow Ephesians is getting some love from the She’s! 50 comments before 8:30 (my new time zone!)! It is a great review for me before I conquer with my small group this Fall!! Being a new leader, I have picked topical studies the last 4 times, but really wanted to focus on reading a book of the bible to do as I tell them always, “that reading the bible is our ultimate source to grow!” We love to make everything about us, but truly we are made to point to Him and glorify Him not ourselves.

    I could use some prayers for my aching back, more out of wack then even normal from this trip.

    1. Cathy McVey says:

      I was wondering how your back made the trip. Sorry you are in so much pain on your vacation. Will say extra prayers for you today my friend.❤️

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Thank you dear Catherine!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      So sorry about the pain, Rhonda! Praying you get some relief soon! ❤

  7. Cee Gee says:

    “… I am the hands and feet of Jesus in this broken world, called to exude His love to both my neighbor and my enemy, to fight for righteousness, justice, and truth — I am overwhelmed by my own inadequacy.” Yes, Melanie! It’s like a conference winning coach sending the ‘B’ team in to win the championship game. Thankfully, we are equipped by the Holy Spirit! We are the church!
    Praying for all needs.
    INDIANA ELAINE – Praying all goes well with surgery today! ❤

    1. Indiana Elaine says:

      Thank you so much for the prayers. ❤️ It’s over and all went well! I have a nerve block so serious pain will come a little later. Then the hard work begins!! I will be here overnight. My daughter who is a Dr will be staying with me for a few days.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Great!! And that will be a special time with your daughter! Nothing like surgery to bring our family into helping!

      2. Cee Gee says:

        Great news! Thanks for the update and I am so glad you will have your daughter there when you go home! Continued prayers! ❤

    2. Mercy says:

      Joining in prayers that your recovery will be smooth and pain management is efficient. Praying for your daughter as she is by your side.

  8. Cheryl Blow says:

    The chicken story was a good illustration of how we can live our lives but it will be hard to get that out of my head! But maybe that’s the point! When start trying to do things in our own strength, I hope Mike comes to mind! Oh how we need our Savior. And we can rejoice that He has everything under control even when it doesn’t make sense to us!

    1. Diane Smith says:


  9. Donna Wolcott says:

    Sisters, today I head to Ft. Sill, OK. My granddaughter graduates Friday from boot camp and tomorrow is Family Day and Friday graduation. I’m so proud of her for enlisting in the NH National Guard and serving our country. She will start her senior year of HS next week, a few days late. She will do a weekend a month in the guard and is looking at nursing/PA schools for after high school. Some of you have prayed for her during these past 10 weeks and thank you. May we all fight for righteousness, justice and truth wherever the Lord puts us. Covering you all in prayer.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, I remember! That’s so awesome! It good to see that some still have drive and ambitions knowing it’s hard, physical work. I sometimes think all is lost with kids setting their aim at being social media and podcasts stars as their goal. Most don’t even like to go outside these days. lol. You should be really proud!

    2. Mercy says:

      Praying for your travel grace, and your precious granddaughter on her journey.

  10. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “God placed all things under his [Jesus] feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church”…Jesus is head and LORD over all! With that said, whom or what shall we fear – no one and nothing! Praise God!
    Love, love, love the Isaiah passage where it describes the future earth- the wolf and the lamb, the leopard and the goat, the calf and the lion – a little child leading them!! Can you picture it?! The cow and the bear eating together, the lion and the ox – the infant playing near the hole of the cobra! Wow, amazing, I can’t wait to pet a lion!! God is so awesome!
    @Searching – I thought of the same song, only sung by Sandi Patti!
    Thank you all for your prayers for Jeff. Yesterday was the “mock” radiation treatment, today at 6:00 is the real thing…he was nervous all day, but everything went perfectly!
    While I sat in the waiting room God opened up an opportunity to minister to another wife that was there. She was very anxious about her husbands health. In our conversation I found out she is a believer, we talked for a while and I told her I would be praying for her and her husband. Thanking God for an opportunity to give Him glory!
    Continued prayers for all your requests!
    Have a wonderful, blessed Wednesday!❤️

    1. Rhonda Johnson says:

      That’s wonderful Sharon, on both accounts! I imagine that is a beacon of many opportunities to share the hope we have in Jesus! Continued prayers for Jeff!

    2. Cee Gee says:

  11. Jackie Barbee says:

    Praise God that in our humanity and imperfectness we can still show others to Christ

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Amen! ❤️

  12. Munchkin says:

    I wanted to say thank you to all who prayed for me yesterday. I felt your prayers.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Thankful!

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praise God! Continued prayers for peace in your heart and mind. ❤️

    3. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Munchkin
      Pray without ceasing.
      He never sleeps. He never wanders.

  13. Taylor Hite says:

    thank you all for your prayers and kind words for Josh and me. i can’t wait to show him the love my sisters have for him, and desire for his relationship with Christ to be strengthened by this struggle

    1. Cee Gee says:

      It’s a privilege to pray for you both! Thank you for trusting us with your needs. ❤

  14. Mari V says:

    Good morning and Happy Wednesday sweet She’s! Those praying for my daughter’s first week of college, so far, so good! Thank you for praying and continuing to pray.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Happy to hear that and glad she is so close to home! ❤

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praise the Lord!

  15. Adrienne says:

    EVERYTHING is under His feet. In other words, He’s got this (everything), sweet sisters.

    1. Michelle P says:


    2. Kathy Sochor says:


  16. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Now to Him and Him alone be all glory and power and majesty in the Church! Worthy worthy worthy is the Lamb, seated on the throne; be high and lifted up!

  17. Searching says:

    Psalm 8 immediately brought to mind the chorus “How Majestic is Your Name” (I see Michael W Smith credited as author for this version).

    O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.
    O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.
    O Lord, we praise your name.
    O Lord, we magnify your name:
    Prince of Peace, mighty God;
    O Lord God Almighty.

    The one thing I would correct in these lyrics is that ‘O Lord’ should be ‘O LORD’s … O Yahweh. I usually read NKJV but looked at a few other versions this morning that also show the first LORD in all caps, signifying God’s name … oh LORD, our Lord … honoring Him as Lord of all, including me.

    INDIANA ELAINE – praying for your surgery today.

    I will catch up on yesterday’s comments later, praying as I go.

    Thank you, sisters, for praying! The procedure went well, and while full effect takes several days, I am very hopeful for success as I already feel much less pain and was able to sleep most of the night! ❣️ love and appreciate each one of my sisters here!

    1. Adrienne says:

      Sleep is wonderful, isn’t it? Glad that that part has started a journey that will likely help you. Know you’ll keep us posted on how things are going.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Such an encouraging report! I was wondering how long before full effect kicked in (typically).
      My mind also immediately starts to sing with verse 1 in Psalms. Of course, Sandi Patti’s voice is in my ear! Lol Good eye in picking up the wrong usage of LORD by the lyric people! I checked and saw most lyric sites had the same, BUT Sandi Patti’s video with lyrics got it RIGHT! Fun and teachable discussion topic, thanks! ❤❤❤ Important to know the proper use of those 2 words.

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Glad to hear the procedure went well!

    4. Rhonda J. says:

      Yay, so glad it helped immediately and will continue! Oh would I love some immediate help for my back, I really would love to just have this whole 10 inch rod taken out and thrown in the trash..well maybe place in a momentos frame! It has caused nothing but issues from 20 years ago. Sorry, why am I complaining on your thread?! lol. I am so glad you found the right doctor and procedure! love you!

    5. Indiana Elaine says:

      Thank you so much for the prayers. ❤️ It’s over and all went well! I have a nerve block so serious pain will come a little later. Then the hard work begins!! I will be here overnight. My daughter who is a Dr will be staying with me for a few days.

  18. G says:

    Thank you all for the encouragement yesterday. I did not wind up running with the girl who asked me to be there but with another girl who needed me. We really only anticipated 5 kids showing up for an optional 6 a.m. run. 11 showed up!!! This is junior high! I hung back for the stragglers, per usual. The one I chatted with was really down on herself last week. She started down that path yesterday and asked, “Mrs H, did you have a hard time running the whole time when you started this?” Absolutely! None of us can do it all on our own when we first start. We have an optional hill run this morning, but some pop-up storms are in the area (and my migraine is predicting bad weather, too!)
    I have heard about Mike the headless chicken, maybe it was a Jen Wilkin study? You can google pictures!
    Any recommendations for a podcast/audio devo for a late teen girl? My daughter has senior dismissal and waits in her car for my son to be released from school and mentioned she *could* have some quiet time with God but she doesn’t know what to listen to. She has ADHD and processes better with listening/watching over reading.
    Have a blessed day, Shes!

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      The Bible project may be a good one for her

    2. Lanie H says:

      For Bible reading I did the Bible recap on the you version app with Tara Leigh cobble. It’s 12 minutes of scripture followed by 8 min of her recapping. I would just hit play and have it ready the scripture to me as something new and it was so nice! I also love Sadie Robertson Huff “whoa that’s good” and Madison prewitt for podcast. They are geared more for 20 somethings and right now it seems to be a lot of marriage/kids but if she scrolls back to the earlier episodes I think it would be age appropriate!

    3. Karen Swanson says:

      I recommend UncommonTEEN podcast. Great relevant podcast for female teen Christians

    4. Mercy says:

      Praying for your future encounters with the girls, how precious these conversations are, where the hope (in Jesus) for better days are sown in these young souls in their struggles, and for the girl who had the rough time I pray God’s hand cover her. There is a true hunger out there and thank you for choosing courage.

  19. Laura says:

    We are newsies in our house. We follow current events very closely, all around the World. While I recognize that knowing what is going on in our world is part of being a responsible citizen, I do get bogged down by the darkness and hopelessness of it all sometimes. These readings today really encouraged my heart. Although we say it often at our house,”God is the Ruler of this earth, Jesus will come again and make all things right, etc.” It sure is heartening to read it in Scripture. Isaiah really puts it in perspective: “He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, he will not execute justice by what he hears with his ears…”
    Who knows today what is truth and what is a lie? I sure can’t tell. But God knows. He doesn’t have to rely on the media to tell Him what is going on. He doesn’t have to listen to a podcaster to get the full story. He doesn’t have to watch Youtube to see the incident Himself. He is here with us in the midst of this World and He knows what is going on. It gives me so much comfort.

    Someday, someday friends: “the land will be as full of the knowledge of the Lord as the sea is filled with water.”

    1. Searching says:

      So good, LAURA, thank you ❤️

    2. Adrienne says:


    3. Susan Joiner says:

      A great perspective to have in this upside down world. He is and always has been in control. So very thankful!

    4. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Yes and Amen! ❤️

    5. Rhonda J. says:

      Agree, you often put my thoughts into words! Isn’t it wonderful to have the RIGHT and true compus? The world is so upside down, but knowing the word makes it all make sense, yet unknown by most of the world. It’s crazy to me, how far America has fallen. It blessed my heart that my granddaughter wanted the cross bracelet I was wearing and had it on the next day, and then her step-sister saw the other one on my wrist and wa saying how she liked it, so I slipped it off and gave it to her and pointed to the cross and said, it’s to remind you to always have your faith. She said “I’ll wear it until I die!!” lol. It’s my little way to bless them, I know neither one of them knows anything about Jesus sadly.

      1. Mercy says:

        ❤️ oh kids know Rhonda. You are the Jesus that they see and and receive from. Kids are very perceptive more than we think. Praying over them, may back pain subside.

    6. Cathy McVey says:

      So good Laura!! It is a scary, frustrating time right now and we too, have a tendency to get pulled into all the news. Thank you for putting this in perspective!

  20. Aimee D-R says:


  21. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Eph. 1:23 in the NLT
    “And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.”
    This is why a “wildly unqualified group of people [who] sin, stumble, and sit in our own self-righteousness when we recklessly pursue our glory instead of His” can do His work on the earth.
    INDIANA ELAINE – praying for a smooth operation today.
    TAYLOR HITE – praying for Josh and his back pain.
    ADRIENNE – praying that you continue to make progress

    1. Adrienne says:

      Thank you. ❤️
      I feel “stuck” currently.

    2. Indiana Elaine says:

      Thank you so much for the prayers. ❤️ It’s over and all went well! I have a nerve block so serious pain will come a little later. Then the hard work begins!! I will be here overnight. My daughter who is a Dr will be staying with me for a few days.

      1. Victoria E says:

        Indiana Elaine praises for your successful surgery !

        1. Indiana Elaine says:


    3. Indiana Elaine says:

      Thank you so much for the prayers. ❤️ It’s over and all went well! I will be here overnight, then the hard work begins!! My daughter who is a Dr will be staying with me for a few days.

  22. Melissa Richards says:


  23. Sally B. says:

    It feels a lot like Christmas to me!!:) I wanted to break into Christmas carols after our additional reading this morning. (Could have done w/out the visual of Mike to start my Wednesday!) Here’s my summary: The Author of Life defeated death and the grave at Christ’s resurrection. And Christ is seated in heaven at God’s right hand with complete authority, rule, power, dominion and whose Name is above all others now and forever!! Our God – is majestic, maker of heaven and earth, yet He bestows upon man the offer to rule His creation and have dominion over earthly things as long as man does it to glorify Him. Because man would not, He prepared salvation for us, out of David’s line, according to the Scriptures, comes the Branch, filled with wisdom, understanding, counsel and might by the Spirit. He will make all things right – restoring the earth to its original state. He is the Word, with God and God from the beginning. Praise His Holy Name!!
    And now, I think I understand a little better Paul’s run on, and on, and on sentences – it’s hard to contain yourself when faced with the glory and majesty of our God.
    Happy Wednesday Ladies!

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:


    2. Erin L. says:


    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Amen! ❤️

    4. Rhonda J. says:

      Exactly, Amen! I start running on as well..in the JOY it brings me!! Perfect summary!

  24. Tina says:

    Jesus left the care and keeping of His Church to a wildly unqualified group of people. We sin, stumble, and sit in our own self-righteousness when we recklessly pursue our glory instead of His.

    Oh boy, you can say that again!!!
    BUT GOD…
    Right? He must have trusted us even though we fall each time. Even though we pursue the wrong things. Even though we think we know best..
    A little funny story.. My granddaughter loves baking with her nana. Check. So I was excited to get the call from her to say could we make for her poorly grandad. You don’t have to ask me twice…
    When I got to their house, she had set up all the gadgets, mixer, scales, bowls, even the ingredients! I asked what she wanted to make as she flicked through her trusted I pad.. This one she says.. So we start weighing the ingredients.. Each time she was a tad , no, more than a tad over, I’d say that’s too much, she’d say, “it’ll be alright” and carry on weighing the next thing! Well, by the third time of saying, she’d over weighed I was getting cross! She still insisted.. “It’ll be alright!”
    ALL goes in the mixer, and all you can hear is carclunk, carclunk, carclunk as the whole block of butter goes round and flour is going every where! I try to tell her we should cut the butter, to which she says, you guessed it.. ” it’ll be alright! ”
    Then, suddenly she says it’s ready! What! there is still a whole block of butter visible in the bowl! She would not listen to reason.
    At this point, I tell her parents I can’t cope and leave, as the mixture goes into the tray and in the oven!
    I phone a couple of hours later to find out how it went.. The recipient of the cake told her the cake was the best he had ever tasted and that it was better than any her grandma had ever baked. Her head was so swollen with pride, joy, she had to walk through the front door sideways!
    I asked her why she had called me to help if she didn’t want it afterall.. The response of a seven year old, and I kid you not. ..”.. I realised if you helped, I would have to share the glory, and I wanted it all for me!”
    I think that is me/us on occasion! Or maybe, always, without realising it!
    I, definitely act like a headless chicken on occasion, and if I were honest, when I want things ‘my’ way! That young ‘un sure is like her nana! I need to rectify that, immediately, immediately!

    Lord, I pray you take the scales of my eyes, and help me to see that without you I am at a loss..saying “it’ll be alright” when actually it could be better with YOU! And with your instruction and guidance..
    Thank you that you care and that You are ever ready to step in and help me get on track.. Thank you Lord God, Thank gou.. In Jesus name, Amen..
    Happy Wednesday my dears covered in love and hugs..❤

    Darkness lifting at a slow pace, BUT GOD, is my refuge and strength and I know through Him..'” It will be alright.. ”
    Thank you for your prayers and constant love received.. Like a salve to My soul, I’m not on my own, in the words of Cher… I’ve got you, babes!❤

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Don’t you just love the honesty of kids?!
      Continuing to pray for you ❣️

      1. Adrienne says:

        Out of the mouths of babes, right?

    2. Searching says:

      Sweet TINA❤️ The story of you ‘helping’ your granddaughter… one of your best! Showing how we ask the Lord to guide us, to show us His will, to let us in on the plans He has for us, praying fervently and then brushing aside the countless nudges and redirects that come from Him. I’m guilty as charged with thinking ‘I’ve got this’ or ‘God couldn’t possibly want me to go THAT way or interact with THAT person or show His love to THOSE people’ … lots of soul searching to let go of this.

      Thank you, dear sister! Yes, you’ve got us! Countless sisters praying with you! Praying all darkness lifts with speed and you are filled to overflowing with the joy and peace of God!
      I love you ❣️

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Ditto, SEARCHING and TINA! ❤

    3. Libby K says:

      Those lines really struck me too, Tina! It’s truth and it really reminds me to examine myself with a sober mind.

    4. Lanie H says:

      This sweet story is perfect! I am her. Still at 32. I still drive my perfectionist nana and the “real bakers” crazy with my it will be alright attitude. I have been known to melt the biscuits to the pan from putting too much grease in. And I don’t think I’ve ever had as much self awareness as your 7 year old bc 100 percent, if I put my creative spin on it, it’s mine, forget the person who put the whole recipe together. God is so kind to let us throw our messiness into his plan and then work it for our good. We only need to remember who did it all.

    5. Michelle P says:

      Lol, your granddaughter is a riot in this scene! I would have not been able to deal with it either! Especially with a huge flour mess! Thank you for the laughs this morning ❤️

    6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Tina your story made me think of the praise song by Ryan Ellis – Gonna Be Alright. Very beautiful song!

    7. Donna Wolcott says:

      Tina, thank you for a good laugh this morning. Baking with little grandchildren is fun and challenging. Patience – but God! Glad you are doing better, may your day be filled with sunshine and the Lord’s peace.

    8. Cheryl Blow says:

      Great story Tina! I’m with you Tina when it comes to baking in my life, I can be the chicken!

    9. Rhonda J. says:

      What a great story that parallels so perfectly with how WE try to do it all ourselves as the Lord probably rolls His eyes at us….here she goes again!! Guilty!! :)

    10. MARTHA HIX says:

      I love your experience helping and her insight!
      My oldest granddaughter is 15 and she loves to look at baking shows and then get in the kitchen and invent something!
      I’m praying and giving consideration to moving to be closer to my daughter and your recollection in this story touches my heart to be nearer to my grandchildren and to be sharing these experiences and fun memories! ❤️

      1. Lisa H says:

        Praying for this big decision, Martha.

    11. Mercy says:

      What a heart check story for us! Thanks Tina. Sometimes we need to be honest like a child and admit our pride. She knew she wanted it all, we do too. Our loved ones and friends can cheer us on in our errors for not wanting to hurt our feelings, and that can cause confusion (please don’t do that, we all need truth to grow, not a comforting lie). I love to bake (oh what joy), BUT…the tad over measurement will also bother me so much lol.