God’s people: separated but brought near by the blood

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 2:11-12

[Together as a She Reads Truth community, we are reading through Ephesians. Sign up for the reading plan here!]

Text: Ephesians 2:11-12
We live in a world of separation.  Money, race, gender, religion, nationality, education, socioeconomic status….. I could go on and on.  When Paul wrote Ephesians, one of the big separating wall of that time was religion: Jews and Gentiles.  He lays out the facts for the Gentiles, prior to Christ, when bound by the exclusion, set forth by Jewish law.The facts: (v. 12)

  • separate from Christ
  • excluded from citizenship in Israel
  • foreigners to the covenants of the promise
  • without hope and without God in the world

Separate.  Excluded.  Foreigner.  Without hope + without God.

These words are harsh, and they are true if were not for the redeeming blood of Christ.

It is through Christ that these groups that define us, define us no more.  (v. 14)
It is through Christ that the walls are removed. (v. 14)
It is through Christ, hostility is removed and replaced with peace. (v. 16-17)
It is through Christ that we are no longer separated from God: we have access to the Father. (v. 18)

Remember His promise: through Christ, you are no longer a stranger, no longer a foreigner, but a member of His household.  Christ has paid the price, so that you could be made new.  


  • Write down walls that you see and perhaps abide by in your life?
  • 1 Samuel 16:7b says: The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” [NIV]  In what ways can we exercise the discipline of looking at the heart instead of appearances?
  • Take time to ask God to tear down the walls our culture has built.  Ask Him to show you ways that you can bring these walls of separation down, and replaced by His peace and unity.
  • We are easily bound by the lies of our past.  Remember to cling to His promises: He is using you, regardless, in spite of, and through your past!


(30) Comments

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30 thoughts on "God’s people: separated but brought near by the blood"

  1. Pat says:

    I hope many will come back and back to this blog, which was obviously started a number of weeks ago … But I just began this study on Ephesians a few days ago and I like it that there are past comments from 13 weeks ago, but also a few from just a few days ago. Donna, I am praying for your faith to be strengthened right now. Keep holding on to the Lord, even if you feel "beat up" with what life throws you! Scripture tells us there is a "crown of life" for those who ENDURE to the end. If it was not easy to stray and/or get discouraged, there would have been no point of saying that over and over in the Word.

    Thank you for the comments on this blog. They stimulate my own faith response as I reflect on this amazing book of Scripture!

  2. Donna says:

    I need prayer. I know that God's word is true, and I believe that he is working things out for others, but when it comes to me I find it very hard to believe. Some days I can hold onto it and walk with it but others I just can't seem to get it. I don't know whether I am to lazy , slow or I don't know what you would call it. But my heart burns with desire to have a working relationship with my Lord to believe without doubt. Most days I feel like that ship that is tossed and turned on the water, Please pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

    1. Pat says:

      Donna, being new to this forum, I basically responded to your post but posted it as a new one. If you are moved to see what I wrote, just go to the blog … But I want you to know that someone read your post and is praying for you today.

  3. Thank you God for such a beautiful reminder of what you did on the cross for me. I am happier and more energized in my walk with you because you have really been speaking to me through this reading plan and I have you and only you to thank for that. Yes, Lord, take Your glory!

  4. Natalie says:

    My sleeping daughter lays next to me as I read this passage and Devo. The first thing that came to my mind was to ask God to help her have His perspective one day. That she would have His eyes for others and would be protected from the judgement of others… That she would cling to Him when it does happen from others in the church and not run to the world as her parents did for acceptance. Now to personalize that, as her momma, I have to live obediently (as yesterday’s Devo talked about) and model that for her. So as I am going about life, I have the privilege to guide her on what this passage looks like. God give me Your eyes so I can see and love people like you do and return demonstrate it for the future generations.

  5. yneka says:

    I tend to look at people hearts because we all have flaws. Often it is hard to look past certain things. We don't sometimes realize the individual may need and want help. Good hearts can come in some worst wrapped packages.

  6. Kerry says:

    Loved today’s reading especially using the Message. It’s very awesome to know that Go is building something and he is using me in all my messed up crap he saw me and he chose to use me in what he has planned.

  7. Perry says:

    In my case a lot of times it has been pride and past hurt that has separated me from the love of Christ. So many times I have found myself on the opposite side of a wall that I built bc I was too stubborn to ask God to help me and to heal me from the past. Now I am realizing the impact that it has had in my life and I refuse to allow another day to pass without being close to God.

  8. Alison says:

    I feel that now more than ever, we all must take heed of these uniting words as Christians. Our world is in perilous times, and as believers in Jesus, we must work together to build each other up and bring more followers into the fold of God! It is good to discuss these readings with others, even if not in person! Keep reading, studying, seeking, and loving our Lord!