Kids have an uncanny knack for extending their bedtime routine way longer than it needs to last. They try delaying the inevitable by distracting you with all manner of things, like missing pajamas, a long-winded yarn about a sibling, or a third reading of Goodnight, Moon. Unless your kid is one of those miracle children who quickly settles into sleep, as soon as you turn off the lights and shut the door, you hear it: the call of distress.
Sometimes you answer right away. Sometimes you don’t (especially if you know the routine like the back of your hand). Eventually, you may have to let the child’s cries for one more story go unmet for the evening, even when your heart moves with the desire to give in because, at the end of the day, you can only read Goodnight, Moon so many times.
But God always wants us to call out to Him in our distress. We see this after the word of the Lord comes to Jeremiah a second time and God says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:1,3). Our cries for help are really opportunities for connection with Him, for sharing great and incomprehensible things with us. As with Jeremiah, these “things” aren’t self-evident based on our experience, but given to us as insight and revelation that comes from a life of walking with God. They come from a life of crying out to Him and waiting for Him to answer. Early on in life, Jeremiah received a crash course in this practice, one that was necessary in order to follow in the steps God had prepared for his life.
The Book of Psalms also features this theme prominently. “Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble; he saved them from their distress” (Psalm 107:19). This call and response pattern repeats itself in beautiful depictions of God saving people from places of despondency caused by internal or external circumstances, and sometimes, both. Again and again, we hear God answering them when the time is right and with just the right antidote.
God urges us to cry out for help, like a child. We are His children, after all, and we don’t exist outside of His provision no matter how autonomous we may feel. Just like the familiar pages of a well-loved storybook, God longs to comfort us in our distress (Isaiah 30:18). Just as a parent answers a child in their distress because they hate the darkness, God wants to answer us in ours, to meet us in our need. His response to our affliction, and His timing, may look as different as the affliction itself, but He never leaves us in our distress.

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58 thoughts on "God’s Covenant with David"
Father thank you for never leaving us in our distress. Thank you for walking beside us.
I love this. God longs to comfort us in our distress. God never leaves us in our distress.
10 “This is what the Lord says: ‘You say about this place, “It is a desolate waste, without people or animals.” Yet in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem that are deserted, inhabited by neither people nor animals, there will be heard once more 11 the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord, saying,
“Give thanks to the Lord Almighty,
for the Lord is good;
his love endures forever.”
Never ever a more appropriate reading for today
Catherine W., Marianne Reuter, Tina, Linly Karshagen and Parasa I will be praying for your countries.
I fully agree Kristen, Kristine Loughman, Sara Terry, Tabitha Cehulik, and Maura.
Amen Sharon Smith, Elizabeth, Jenna, Katrina Santiago, and Jennifer Anapol
Angie,and Churchmouse I always look forward to reading what you have to say.
Praying for you Mom to Many and your family, Sarah D. and your sister and brother-in-law, Pam G. Williams and your students, Melanie Rastrelli, your son and his family.
I am glad to be part of the group. Getting strengthened day by day with heart touching messages. My city Hyderabad in India lockdown due to Corona pandemic. Please keep us in your prayers.
God bless you. Praying for you.
God is good! His mercy endures forever! He will never leave us or forsakes us! He goes before us and fights our battles! Our God never fails! He is our healer! He is our deliverer! He is faithful! These are just a few of His promises. We can trust in Him. We can rest in Him. He is our peace. ❤️. Thank you CHURCHMOUSE for your post today. You are a real blessing to me.
Prayed for your sister, Sarah D. Just spent an hour calling out to the Lord in my distress. I tutor children with learning disabilities and am a vendor with three Charter schools. I have spent the last week figuring out the logistics of Virtual Tutoring (remote) so that I can continue to provide services for my students. I tutored 6 of my 16 students the latter part of last week, and most went well with some minor glitches. This morning everything went wrong, a parent hadn’t sent pictures of the student’s work until late last night, they were too light to print, my first student had a poor connection, and after I finally finished, I had to scan and send assignments to three parents. Of course, the technology went crazy. I kept thinking I was almost done, but no, more emails came in to address things I had already taken care of! WHAT’S THE POINT OF ALL THIS? I USUALLY SPEND TIME PRAYING AND READING THE WORD BEFORE MY WORK DAY BEGINS. THERE WAS NO TIME THIS MORNING. ONE OF THE PLACES THAT THE ENEMY ATTACKS ME IS WITH FRUSTRATION. I HAVE REALLY TRIED TO RECOGNIZE AND CONFESS THIS AND TAKE MY THOUGHTS CAPTIVE BEFORE LOSING IT. BUT TODAY THE ENEMY HAD HIS WAY. I FINALLY RETREATED TO MY SECRET PLACE AND WEPT AND CRIED AND READ TODAY’S READING. THANK YOU LORD FOR ALWAYS ENTREATING ME TO RETURN!
Hi SRT family, just wanted to ask for prayers. Last week my sister, her husband, and my almost 2 year old niece announced that they were pregnant again…but sadly just now my sister called saying that she had a miscarriage. I know from reading SRT sisters comments that many of you have experienced this. I am single and in college so I have not, but I can only imagine how painful it must be. Please pray for my sister and her husband as they go through this really difficult time…and please pray for me that I would be able to encourage them, in the right timing and with the right words. Please pray for God’s comfort and that they would know God is right there with them in this. Love you all.
I’m so thankful we have a good God who we can cry out to in times of distress. Not only does he hear our prayers, he urged us to seek him.
Good morning from New Zealand !! In 24hrs we go into nation wide self isolation because of Covid-19. I am still so overwhelmed by the applicability of Jeremiahs book through this Lenten period. The verses today seemed to illustrate what is to come for us as a nation but also that there is hope and that GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL.
I am so grateful to be part of this community in a time of great isolation. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom ❤️
Today’s Bible readings and devotional hit home and I needed to hear them. As I read Jeremiah 33 I couldn’t help but go back to verse 3 “‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’” God said this thousands and thousands of years ago but I believe it holds true today, right now. Then in verse 6 God tells Jeremiah and His people “‘Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. ’” I believe this is also message meant for us now. In the devotional Bailey Gillespie says “Our cries for help are really opportunities for connection with Him, for sharing great and incomprehensible things with us.” She is right and we need to share with others even if we can’t get outside to do it. We can call or write or text or sing our praises. If others hear us listening to Christian music or podcasts that is a way to show our love and praise. “Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to humankind. And let them offer thanksgiving sacrifices, and tell of his deeds with songs of joy.” (Psalm 107: 21-22) Bailey goes on to point out “His response to our affliction, and His timing, may look as different as the affliction itself, but He never leaves us in our distress.” This is a good reminder that God doesn’t forget about us, He just does things in His own time not in our time. I don’t know about you but at times this can make me frustrated. We need to also remember what Romans 8:16-17 says “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” I want to share in His glory so I need to remember that there will be times of suffering just like Christ had to suffer. I hope all of this makes sense and it didn’t ramble. I is what I felt I needed to share with you my sisters.
Praises be to God and Christ that we have each other and SRT to share our love for Them with each other. Amen
Thanks for a great prayer Angie, it brightened my day, and I needed it!
In a time of such chaos and confusion it is so reassuring that God listens to very fear, thought or concern. May I not try to change my circumstances but instead allow God to change my perspective through it.
Angie, I echo that prayer, that God would shine through the clouds to brighten my day, so that I can shine that hope into someone else’s life. To have God’s Hope spread like a virus.
My God never leaves me in my distress! I can testify that this is true. It may not be in my timing but it’s always in His perfect timing.
The beginning of Bailey’s devotion reminded me when my kids were little.
I miss those times of cuddling up with a book. My favorite book. “I love you forever.” Right now I’m thanking God we are all home together. My son had to vacate his college and came home safely on Saturday. He already miss his college and all his buddies. But this mama is thankful that he is home safe for now.
What a sweet time with the Lord this morning. Thank you father. Your steadfast love endures forever.
I’m so thankful that in the midst of desolation, plague, famine, the sword, and impending exile, God gives the promise of Jesus’ coming, the Righteous Branch from the line of David. On top of that, God confirms the promise saying, “Can I break my covenant with the day and night?” Does the sun stop rising or the night fail to fall? The Lord Jesus has come and He will come again! Praise God for being true to His character, faithful to His word, and jealous for the glory of His name!
Always God’s word encourages faithfulness. In this time of fear for so many praying my faith will speak. Joining you Angie and Churchmouse in the God hunt. Praying that I will seek Him in all my conversations point to His love and grace. Remembering times when my daughter was caught in addiction that my prayers for so long seemed futile and I felt so desperate and yet I knew He was listening and would answer. He did and He does. She is no longer imprisoned by what had taken her life. Our God loves us in unfailing love and I am so so thankful. He is near, He is working, He answers our prayers. May we give Him the glory. Angie and Jen those blessed times with the babes always stir my heart to remembering my children and now grandchildren. Oh the joy God puts in the morning. He is so good.
Thanks for sharing, Maura! ❤️ God is always good and we are always loved. Your last few sentences remind me of a verse from Psalm 143:8—Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.
I know that the She Reads Truth team could not predict our current circumstances when they chose to have Jeremiah as the Lenten study, but wow, how it relates to our daily lives right now! Streets are empty, people are losing loved ones, sickness and fear are overtaking our world, people are desperate for food and other essentials and worried about the future. But through Jeremiah’s time, God was faithful to his people. And he will be faithful to his people now. We just need to trust like Jeremiah did. Only God knows the outcome of this diseased time, but scripture tells us “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Rom. 8:28”. God, please help us to trust you, even in this time of the unknown and fear. Please use us, your people, to spread your light and love around the world in this dark time, knowing and truly believing that you are with us each step of the way. Help brighten this dreary day, that I may see you shining through the clouds, and pass that hope on to another who needs it. Amen.
A great assignment for us all!
Amen! Love this, Angie! Thank you and God bless you and your loved ones.
Please pray against fear and anxiety today for me. My husband is a financial advisor with his own business and these are extremely volatile times. He loves Jesus with his whole heart and trusts Him for daily wisdom but feels like he holds peoples futures in precarious balance. We have both declared from the beginning that the business and all we have are the Lord’s but I struggle mightily with control and need to lay it down everyday.
He is able to continue to work from a small office as we are now going into week 3 of social distancing and self isolation. As very much an extrovert this is very hard.
Thank you all for your daily wisdom- it sustains me and I truly feel genuine love towards each of you sisters.
Mom to Many, I will be praying against fear and anxiety for you and your husband as a financial advisor in his own business. I also have a son-in-law in the same situation with my daughter his wife and 3 small children. I will be praying for both of them to persevere and be able to maintain their small businesses and provide. God is good. His Will is best! Trust is hard in these difficult times. But I will trust and pray.
Mom to many, your post reminded me of a great word from my pastor yesterday I wrote down because of my tendency to do the same thing – “we try to solve problems we can’t solve by adding our worry to it. We think that this issue is too much for God but that if we add our own worries to it, maybe then we can figure it out.” Such flawed thinking but really hit the nail on the head for how I can approach stress at times. A great reminder that God is in control always!!
Reading this chapter today in light of current events, I felt like I was reading a description of America, instead of Israel. We are being held captive by this virus, our streets are desolate, and celebrations are gone. Yet, God in his divine faithfulness doesn’t leave us without hope. If we call out, he will answer and he will restore- fortunes, healing, and celebrations. Praying this chapter upon our country and our world today!
Grateful for a husband that has been giving me space to do this lent study and tending to our 2 year old during morning quiet times! Thankful I had the routine of this Lent study in place as it’s the only thing that’s the same in my day!
These are indeed days of crying out as we face this invisible and deadly enemy. I typically open my morning prayer time with Psalm 86 and then I turn to Psalm 107. Verses 6,13,19 and 28 (NLT) are all similar. A simple cry in trouble “Lord, help!” Reassurance follows “and he saved them from their distress.” The psalmist encouages us to cry out for help, watch God work. Ah but look at verses 8, 15, 21 and 31.“Let them praise the Lord for his great love and the wonderful things he has done for them.”
Yes let’s cry out to the Lord during this hard hard season. Let us do so with the reassurance that He hears and He acts (He’s been there, done that before). And let us, when this comes to an end (and it will), remember more than the numbers of those who were infected and the numbers of those who died and the numbers of countries involved. Let us grieve but let us remember to praise God for His love and His care in the midst of it. He walks THROUGH the valleys with us. Let’s join Angie in her God hunt, diligently watching for His hand in this season. We won’t have to look far. He’s right beside us. He’s walking through with each of us. Pray that more will reach out for Him. And take His hand. All of us. He won’t let go.
Yes! Amen!
I loved Jeremiah 33:9–Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise, and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it…
I want MY life to bring renown, Joy, praise, and honor to God!
Me too!!
This reading seems so appropriate today. I live near Dallas, Texas and Dallas County, where I work goes under a “shelter in place” order at midnight tonight. My husband and I will both be working at home, and our teenaged daughter is doing school from home too of course. I’m having such a hard time understanding all of this. Today’s passage and the devotional are so on point–God is in control. We can’t break His covenant. He is faithful to answer our calls of distress like a parent to a child.
Today’s reading reminded me of a verse my pastor shared in church yesterday that was such a comfort to me, I hope it’s a comfort to you all as well. Isaiah 63:9- “In all their distress he too was distressed, and the angel of his presence saved them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.”
That is so comforting! Thank you for sharing.
Today’s reading perfectly coincided with my bible in a year plan where I read Joshua 5:12 “and the day after they ate from the produce of the land , the manna ceased .” God’s timing is perfect and He will always meet our needs . In my American culture , we are used to binge watching and amazon prime and so our waiting and trust muscles have gotten weak. So maybe today’s challenges are an opportunity to practice trust in God. I can’t say I am enjoying t this “opportunity to practice “ but I am loving how scripture is becoming alive for me !
Jen Brewer, your post reminded me of the days when my boys were preschoolers. The house we were in had a dormer in our bedroom that jutted out. I put a small desk in the area. It was an old house, and there wasn’t any electricity near that area so I used an old fashioned oil lamp to see. Every morning I would meet with the Lord to pray and read my Bible, by the light of that oil lamp. Every morning while reading my boys would wake. I would either go get them or they would toddle into my room. I would cuddle and love on them for a little and then tuck them into our “big” double bed. They would go back to sleep, cuddled in mommy’s bed, while I met with Jesus. What a precious time. I’m so glad for you. I’m so thankful for all the godly mommies out their who are meeting with Jesus and whose children are blessed because of it.
I am so in awe of God for His love throughout my lifetime. I cannot begin to thank Him enough. I am overcome with His mercy, grace, and love. There are so many times, all day long where He loves on me and gives me comfort. This morning it might be the reminder of His faithful presence and provision when my sons were little. It might be when I am not feeling well, and thinking…could this be that horrible virus…could I have exposed my grandchildren…fear starts to come near and then I walk by my calendar and see it needs flipped for the day. The attribute of God for that day is our “physician.” And I lay fear down because God has affirmed once again that He is trustworthy.
The list of God sightings on my God hunt season of Lent is only measured by how open my heart and eyes are to see Him.
Open our eyes Lord. Let us see You. May we call to You and know great and incomprehensible things according to Your will and Your plan. And then, may our words, hands, and feet, be directed by You to obey every moment, every day, with all our hearts, Yours forever. Amen.
That is a really beautiful insight into your walk with the Lord and the comfort He provides. I have two small children now and can relate to early bible times with the Lord and the beautiful waking of our children. Isn’t it peaceful? Blessings and thank you for sharing.
Thank you for your beautiful words, Angie! The Lord used your words to speak directly to my heart this morning.
Angie, you’ve expressed yourself so beautifully, & I agree with you in prayer!
Yes yes yes, Angie. Thanks for sharing this beautiful precious memory and your wisdom, love for Jesus and encouragement to keep seeking Him.❤️
10“Thus says the Lord: In this place of which you say, ‘It is a waste without man or beast,’ in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem that are desolate, without man or inhabitant or beast, there shall be heard again 11the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing, as they bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord:
“‘Give thanks to the Lord of hosts,
for the Lord is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!’
This part really stood out to me today. I feel like we’re living in these desolate times. But God’s promise holds true, the voice of gladness will be heard again. His love endures forever.
Sending love , Light, and prayer out to you in these seemingly long and sometimes dark days ~ finding the words here to be so timely but uplifting – in all of this swirl of unknown ness and navigating each day it’s comforting to find that we are not alone and will never be alone even in the deepest waters-
My two year old son cried out for me as I was halfway through reading the in Word this morning (my second day in a row rising a little early to have time in the Word before my little guy rises rather than during his midday nap—feels like such a victory in the midst of being 6 months pregnant and potty training him since he usually rises early!). Anyways, it was just such a beautiful picture as I held him in the dark, met his needs and tucked in back in to bed that related with Bailey’s words of reminding us that God always responds to us when we cry out to him. Thank you for being our ever faithful, good Father. And thank you sisters for your encouragement and insights from around the world. Grace and peace and hope ❤️☕️❤️
What a privilege it is to be able to call out to him knowing that he will hear, listen, and respond!
Yes, thank You for Your Word God! I am thankful nothing is too hard for you! Let’s make this our prayer, all: Psalm 107:19–22
19 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble;
he saved them from their distress.o
20 He sent his word and healed them;
he rescued them from the Pit.p
21 Let them give thanks to the Lord
for his faithful love
and his wondrous works for all humanity.q
22 Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving
and announce his works with shouts of joy.r
What an encouraging text in these times! Thank God we can call out to him and He will answer.
The part in Jeremiah where he says that empty streets will be filled with life again, especially resonated with me. Here in Germany streets are empty already, but this will not be the end! God will see us through.
These days in Turkey we are seeing the church gather together more (in creative ways) for prayer. God is still on the throne and he is still hearing the voice of his children, just as he did in Jeremiah’s day. This encourages me to rejoice that God is at work in the church to strengthen it, and to keep calling out to him.
Praying for you and the brothers and sisters in Turkey