godly marriage

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 5:21-33

[Together as a She Reads Truth community, we are reading through Ephesians. Sign up for the reading plan here!]

Text: Ephesians 5:21-33

Let us go back and read verse 21 together, the last verse in our previous section of Scripture:

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” (NIV, emphasis added.)

We live in a fallen world.  The Bible tells us that we are made new through Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 2:5), yet we will still face trials and temptations (James 1:2-4).  Paul talks about three specific points in the next three sections of scripture: marriage, parenting and the workplace.  It is not until Christ returns again that we are fully sanctified, and it is important that we remember that Paul gives us guidance in response to our broken humanity.  I am covered by God’s grace daily, but I still have the opportunity to sin, and often, I do.  So as we look at these three areas, I don’t want us to dwell on the fact that we are not perfect, but we need to remember that we are not living in Eden.  Our brokenness is not a picture of perfection, but to understand the curse, we need to understand the blessing.  I want us to focus on Him, the inheritance we are promised, and grace that covers us every time we mess up.

Paul begins this passage speaking to us as women and wives: “wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” (v. 22)  I believe that Paul’s advice is a direct response to our brokenness: teaching us to choose sacrificial love, as Christ loves–and died–for us.  For if we look at the blessing given to Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:28), they are told to subdue and rule together.  The curse, in Genesis 3:16b says “Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” (NIV)

Paul goes on to command the husband to love his wife as Christ loves the church.  Let us remember Christ gave up His life for us, the Church. (v.25)  If we look at the curse given to Adam, Eve is nowhere to be found, but instead the curse is focused on the work and toil set out before him.

So what does this mean for us as wives? As husbands?  How can we bring our marriages closer to His created design?  How can we, through Him, overcome the curse?  How can we choose to love the way He loves: making choices to submit and sacrifice, not control.

Women, our tendency can be to control our husbands, and we need to learn how to become a helper for him.  (Genesis 2:18; John 14:26)  That word “helper” is not some small, backstage role. It’s the same word God uses in Exodus when he says, “I am Israel’s Helper” in parting the Red Sea and causing manna to fall from heaven! In other words, to be a helper is to be powerful and strong. God is saying in Genesis 2 that he’s created a helper for Adam who is strong and has abilities in ways that he does not.

And for husbands, the tendency is to turn away, to focus on career, to focus on providing.  But that is not God’s design for marriage.  Husbands must turn back to their wives and family, a love that is characterized by Christ’s love for us.
In Christ, a husband’s headship is characterized by becoming a servant and submitting to the needs of his wife, to foster Christ-likeness in her.  A wife willingly submits to her husband’s lead in serving her like Christ, as she desires to be more conformed into Christ’s image. There’s a dynamic at play in the marriage relationship:  equal and complementary.

  • As women, married or single, how do live out being a helper?
  • Take time to look at ways you might be trying to control your husband or loved one.  Ask God to reveal to you how to let go and help instead.
  • Jesus, through His death on the cross has overcome the curse and made us new.  His example of humility and sacrifice is why we have the freedom today to submit to one another, out of reverence for Christ.  How can we submit to one another in our every day lives?
  • This section of scripture might be very painful to read: perhaps you are in or have had a relationship or marriage that is characterized not by sacrificial, Christ-like love, but abuse and control.
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44 thoughts on "godly marriage"

  1. victoria says:

    my greatest surprise munak helped me to bring back my man and now my relationship is now perfect just as he promised. Getting your ex back permanently spell does not only bring back someone you love back,but it will also re-ignite your lovers feelings for you to be as happy with that person as possible. My man now treats me like a queen and always say he love me all time. If you are passing through difficulties in your relationship Email him for urgent help. holyprophet8@gmail. com

  2. A G says:

    I am in a troubled spot. I feel as though I have been a decent wife. Yes, I am not perfect. However, we got along fine, and although I had a say in most things, the final decision was up to my husband. He recently mentioned that he wasn’t sure he wanted to be married again. We are attempting to get on a waiting list for Christian marriage counseling. I’m not sure however that we have ample time. I’m terrified and broken. I’ve been crying to God for days now, and looking for scripture I’ve only found less specific verses. How can I best pray for my husband and I? What are the consequences of divorce (God Forbid) when I am adamantly refusing divorce?

  3. PJ_Sigma22 says:

    Passages like these are a little difficult to read, simply because I am a woman who does not entertain men. Wives submit to your husbands, husbands encourgage your wives, but those specific roles don’t exist in my relationship. Yes it may no be right in the eyes of God. Yes I think about it from time to time. Yes I believe in deliverance. And yes we all sin which is why The Word says ‘for all have sinned and fallen short the glory of God.’ I love God. I love everything He has been for me and everything He has done to me. I am not worthy. I’m no more or less worthy than they next person. However despite my thoughts right or wrong I still embrace God to maintain a relationship. When reading this passage I thought about the time my pastor was preaching it in a sermon. It was in such a way that I didn’t think it applied to me. I left. I don’t want to be poor soil. So I read it through and I see more than specific wife and husband relationships. Just like when reading about the seeds in soil we see more than a farmer and seeds. I love who it have become through God. If anything about me must change I know he will do it. I believe in Gods power. Thank you Lord for saving my soul #Amen