God, Remember Our Suffering

Open Your Bible

Psalm 74:1-2, Jeremiah 15:15-18, Psalm 143:1-12, 2 Corinthians 1:3-7

When you opened our reading for today, did you also read the word suffering and go, “whew, there’s a lot there for me”? Because I sure did. Suffering is a word that can feel formal or even dramatic, when in reality it’s just a synonym for pain, hardship, or distress. When you feel pain, your heart, body, and mind suffer. 

And suffering is sticky—it brings with it so many other pitfalls for our hearts to stumble over. I have this super-fun, emotional news ticker that runs internally whenever I’m in the middle of hurt, creating a cacophony of heavy feelings demanding my attention.

If I am actually still within myself, the beat that binds all of those feelings together is, “remember me, remember me, remember me.” And sometimes, that echoing fear of being forgotten ends up looming larger than any other hurt.

The truth for all of us today is, no matter how far away this truth feels, God remembers you. Whether you have a surprise suffering springing up or a hurt that’s overstaying its welcome, God is the one who sees precisely how all of these sufferings are sitting within your heart. 

David’s psalms are so helpful when we need to see God at work in the middle of suffering. As we read in Psalm 143 today, David is feeling the burn in his spiritual lungs as he sprints from the pursuing enemy to the safest refuge he knows: God’s presence. David shows us the way to finding God’s presence in those moments.

I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done; I reflect on the work of your hands.
I spread out my hands to you; I am like parched land before you. 
—Psalm 143:5–6

David remembers all God has done in the past, bridging the gap suffering creates between us and God. David doesn’t pull out receipts of work he has done to prove he is worthy to be noticed, but he reflects on God’s character and faithfulness as evidence that God will be the same in this new circumstance.

David also opens up about what he’s experiencing to God, not hiding anything from Him. He “spreads out his hands” before God, opening up about his fears even if they aren’t expressed in the perfect combination of surrender, wisdom, trust, etc. David actually shows the truest form of trust in God by unclenching his grip around those tender places, offering up his sufferings to God as that prayer of trust, wisdom, and surrender. 

Let’s offer each other up in prayer for the ways we need to be remembered today, trading our firm grip on our suffering for the hope that we are remembered by God.

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42 thoughts on "God, Remember Our Suffering"

  1. Ada McCloud says:

    I am remembered by God. He knows my name.

  2. Kellie says:


  3. Evers says:

    Good morning, ladies! I loved how Kayla (author) notes how suffering feels like such a formal word, but in actuality it’s merely pain or hardship. It allows me to relate to the word in a way I was unable to.

    This verse really stood out to me:
    I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done; I reflect on the work of your hands.
    I spread out my hands to you; I am like parched land before you.
    —Psalm 143:5–6

    As my husband and I wait for a job for him, I will remember all the ways God has been faithful to us. My maternity pay has ended so we do not have regular income any longer. Please remember us in your prayers! I’ll be sure to update you all here when God blows is out of the water with his provision.

    Praying for your needs now! ❤️

  4. Claire says:


  5. Natasha R says:

    KRIS, same here, sister! I trust God to answer my prayers or lead me to something even better, but oh my, do I get impatient/annoyed/confused/angry at times. It feels good to be able to approach our King and tell him exactly how we feel. He already knows, anyway, and nothing we do can make Him love us less. ❤️

  6. Donna Wolcott says:

    Kris, Jeremiah 15:18 stood out to me also today. After I read it, I went whoa you’re talking to God. Sending prayers and hugs this day to all. May we be as bold as Jeremiah ( honestly I don’t think I would speak to God that way). ❤️

  7. Kris says:

    18. Why has my pain become unending, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? You truly have become like a mirage to me— water that is not reliable.

    I sat down just a couple days ago and wrote something similar to this in my journal. There are things I’ve prayed about for so long and I feel like God isn’t listening, or He doesn’t hear, or maybe He doesn’t even care. And I told Him so. I told Him exactly how I felt. Just like Jeremiah. It feels so good to know I am not the only one to pound my fist and yell at God.

    I’m also reminded of a passage in Job 13: “Even though He kills me; I will hope in Him. Nevertheless, I will argue my ways to His face”.

    Isn’t that beautiful?? I will still hope in God even when the worst thing happens, even when He doesn’t listen, even when He doesn’t do what I ask, even when He doesn’t spare me the pain.
    BUT, I will also let Him know exactly how I’m feeling about it.

    Our relationship with God is all about honesty, openness, and respect. I think God WANTS us to spout off at Him, but still come to the conclusion that Job did; I will still put my HOPE in HIM. Beautiful. Freeing. Honest. and in the end we submit, trust, hope.

  8. Kelly (NEO) says:

    TRACI G – agreeing with you for a good report from the doctor today