Text: Exodus 1:1-22, Exodus 2:1-22, Acts 7:23-29
A malicious villain, an endearing protagonist, an impossible circumstance, and an unsuspecting hero—these are some of the elements we’ve come to expect from a good story. But for me, the best part of a story is a great rescue—because in every great rescue, there’s a moment of great faith. It’s the moment when it seems there’s no way out, like the villain is going to have his way.
Of course, I also dread those moments because they’re suspenseful, terrifying, and sometimes brutal. The protagonist comes to a point where she has to depend on something greater than herself, to have faith that a deliverer will come to her rescue.
The Israelites had reached that point. Enslaved by the Egyptians for 400 years, they had been subjected to harsh labor and treated ruthlessly. And if that wasn’t enough, their children were being murdered! The darkness and oppression surrounding Israel during their time in Egypt is unfathomable.
God had promised to make them into a great nation and to bless all the nations of the world through them (Genesis 12:1-3). But how was this going to happen when they were enslaved?
Enter Moses, a man whose life was marked by the Lord from birth (Exodus 2:1-10). God chose this man to deliver Israel, and He gave him a desire to protect them. But Moses was a complicated, imperfect, temperamental man who once killed an Egyptian he saw beating an Israelite. In a panic, he fled the scene and headed for Midian, where he saved seven young women from some ill-intended shepherds. See? Complicated. When God opened Moses’ eyes to the oppression of his people, his heart was moved to defend them, however imperfectly (Exodus 2:11-17).”
Moses was God’s chosen deliverer, born to save the Israelites. In him, God continued to fulfill His promise to bless all nations of the world through Abraham’s offspring. Israel’s deliverance through Moses pointed directly to our coming deliverance through Christ.
Both Moses and Jesus were born under an edict of death, as both Pharaoh and Herod ordered the murder of all male children under two (Exodus 1:22, Matthew 2:16). God called Moses and the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, and He called Jesus up out of Egypt after Herod’s death (Exodus 3,14; Matthew 2:19-21). The Israelites did not initially recognize Moses as their deliverer, just as the people didn’t understand that Christ had come to deliver them from sin and death (Acts 7:25, Matthew 12:38-40).
Every deliverer in the Old Testament, including Moses, foreshadowed our ultimate Deliverer, Jesus Christ. And every act of deliverance in our past is a promise from the Lord to also deliver our future.
Friends, our deliverance—from whatever it may be—is already in the works. Just as the Lord had a greater purpose for Israel’s oppression (Genesis 15:13-16), He has a greater purpose for our suffering, too. Deliverance might not look like we expect, and might not come exactly when we hope, but it is coming. Even when we can’t see God working, when we feel like He no longer sees us, He’s working for our deliverance (Isaiah 64:1-4).
As we study the life of Moses together, let us be reminded of the deliverance we already have in Christ Jesus. May our eyes be opened to the way the Lord is working on our behalf, right now, in whatever our circumstances may be.
Let’s trust His past faithfulness for our future deliverance. May this be for us a moment of great faith in our own rescue story.

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126 thoughts on "God Raises Up a Deliverer"
I’m looking forward to what God reveals during this study .
In this time of pandemic and as the world is changing it is the perfect time to be reading this and reminded that God is at work whether we see it or not.
Loved that our deliverance is in the works , no matter how it looks , we just have to wait in the lord ❤️
I’m excited to study this with The Minimal Mom on YouTube as she and her twin sister do a video every Sunday morning!
I love chapter 1, the opening to one of the greatest stories of deliverance. It is ultimately Christ’s redemptive story and survival amongst self righteous Pharisees (for the midwives it was Pharoh and Egyptian leaders) . Often people are fearful of us, but that’s just the enemy giving them fear, because if we know who our God is , then we realise he’s bigger than the land we’re enslaved too, for he is creator of all. He’s our very oxygen and reason to breathe, even under heavy burdens we need to believe. So don’t fear , don’t be captive with the pride of life , for though the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy, Christ will give us a new life , but first we must suffer , for his kingdoms not of this world. We shouldn’t expect to be anything like it , only like Jesus. It’s his grace that delivers us daily , nothing we build or store up will help, it’s only God. God is our ever present help in times of trouble.
What a wonderful reminder that in spite of our weaknesses, God has a plan for us and He will use us for His purposes, even when we try to take control in our own strength and using our own will.
Love this ❤
Can’t wait to really dig into this study! :)
I’m studying the book of Exodus right now and have gotten so much out of these first couple of chapters. Mainly that when we think that God has forgotten us in our slavery and oppression/trials and suffering, we can be assured that He hasn’t! God is always at work behind the scenes, just like he was in Moses’ life. God is so good.
In my bible study right now we are going through the series When Life Gets Hard by James MacDonald. The series is on trails and suffering. I love how that ties in so well with today’s reading on deliverance! God is good
That sounds like a good study; I’ll have to look into it
Sometimes I feel like God is silent and all I can see are my present circumstances. But God is faithful and just like this lesson reminds us that God will deliver us, God has in his own way shown me that He is working in the stillness and the quiet. “Be still and know that I am God; and I will be exalted among the nations.” The second half of that verse promises his deliverance and that he will be glorified through us and our circumstances
I love the reminder this lesson gives us– that God chose Moses. It wasn’t an accident, or just another person he directed him and gave him specific orders to free the people. Moses, was a complicated man and we are complicated people that need to be delivered from our sins every single day. This helps me realize in my everyday struggles that God will deliver me because he CHOSE me for the road he needs me on.
Israel’s deliverance foreshadowed Christ deliverance for us and this helps me remember that there is always something to look forward to in the end. Regardless of how sucky your day is, week or co-workers can be Jesus is the prize at the end.
Praise Jesus, for Moses and his great reminder for us!
I have to say today was ordained by God and I am so thankful for this website. Recently my 16 year old daughter has been having such a hard time. She has had a rough growing up in her earlier years. Because of my decisions she has suffered and now has to work through those memories. I thank God for forgiveness and that He grabbed ahold of me when He did. He saved me but more importantly He rescued my children from my decisions. She is at a point in life that I think we all come to eventually of “who am I” and she is beginning to play with the ideas of good and bad and right and wrong. She is frustrated and hurt but trying so hard to stuff it down and not care. It is very hard for me to see her go through this. I know that the Lord is reaching out to her but if it can be difficult for us as adults to see the Lord through our difficult times, I think ‘how much harder must it be for her’. This morning I was up early and thought it would be nice to do a devo with her today. We happened to stumble upon this one, by no coincidence. ALL about DELIVERANCE! I’m not sure if she picked up on the Lord telling her that there is already a plan of deliverance for her in the works but I did and I needed that to have peace… I know my daughter is in His hands and that I can trust Him to deliver her. Thank You Jesus! He is Mighty to Save
thank you for sharing this understanding of this story. God is great and delivers us even now.
no matter what happens to us: a plot against us, someone betrays you, and or endless attacks, God is only a breath away…He has a plan and will rescue you. In the meantime, stay connected with God all the time. God will heal my scattered broken heart. he sees me and hears me
Sometimes God uses something painful in your present to heal wounds from your past. We do not go alone as we go back to painful memories.. But I AM goes with us, as He did for Moses.
Love that every deliverer in the OT is a foreshadowing of Jesus. He is our Redeemer. In the past, now, and forever.
I’m late to the party, but I really needed this right now! I’ve been in nursing school for a few years now, taking classes part time so I can spend more time at home with my daughter. Now the college I’m in has changed many of their regulations and I would have to start the program over to continue, and I just can’t do that. So as I’m working on transferring and deciding on a new major after putting so much into nursing, I know He has reasons I don’t currently know and I need to believe in Him. Even when it doesn’t make sense to me, I can trust that God is good and won’t lead me astray. Thank you Lord for this!
Good luck to you Katie! Trust in God and you will be rewarded.
Proverbs 3:5-6 is great right here. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.
I’m late coming into this study but it’s funny and wonderful how God perfectly times things exactly when he knows you need them. I’ve been feeling so oppressed lately. By people and relationships, by my anxiety and depression, by the world in general. But this reminded me of the fact that God has delivered me from things in the past, why not in the present and future? It reminds me of Psalm 77:11, we must meditate on His faithfulness, and remember what He has done for us in the past, and it will help us remember what He can do for us in our present and future. He is our deliverer. He will always be so. Trust is a hard thing for me to wrap my mind around, but ugh, today’s devotional hit me right in the gut. ❤️
Praying for you Teagan :)
God is working even though I can not see his hand. He is my and my family deliverer . Needed that powerful promise this morning :) thank you today is going to be powerful and amazing !
Today I was looking at the odds of my situation instead to focus in my Deliverer “My Jesus.” Today I have an interview for a principal elementary job position. I came as an adult to U.S. and I speak English with strong accent, although I have a Masters degree, some people thinks that I am not capable of an administrative job because my accent and Hispanic background. The enemy wants to pulling me down with flashbacks of prejudice and discrimination I went through. But my Deliver, My God says that I am adequate and capable, and that I am her child. Today, I have a meeting in a district where is just white people, but they need a bilingual administrator for the new school. TODAY, I HAVE TO LOOK AT THE CROSS, AND WALKING WITH FAITH IN THIS INTERVIEW. I KNOW THAT MY DELIVER LIVES, AND HE HAS A PLAN FOR ME, A FUTURE. I DECLARE VICTORY OVER THIS JOB.
I pray you will find favor among those who do the hiring. May God place you in a position where you will grow and flourish, and where you can bless others.
I needed to hear this today. I lost my job two weeks ago and my uncle last week. I’m coming to terms with my uncle’s death however I’m struggling on the job front. It’s hard day after day to not know what solid options are there; to feel like the last 11+ years are for nothing. I know God will deliver. I’m working so hard to trust and not worry. To take action but not plan my future without listening to God. His plan, his time, will result in my happiness.
May the Lord bless and strengthen you, Melissa, as you fight the good fight of faith.
Seeing that you are trying to go about such hard circumstances in His way is so inspiring! Keep leaning on Him
Melissa I understand far too well as I lost my job last summer after a decade in the profession that I felt God had called me to be in. Now I see the deliverance to something greater than I would have crafted or dreamed….freedom in Him. Praying for you sister.
That was powerful! I started the devo a week late with my fiancé, however I’m excited to see what God will do through this time we are devoting to him!
Found this devotional today, and already love it. Love the connections that the devotional makes! So excited for what is to come!
I’m in a very trying season of my life as I prepare to graduate college and go out into the great unknown. Praying for courage and great faith!
I Love to read this it makes me feel good inside and outside
This really hit home for me today. I take so much in my life for granted and often forgot to remember the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made. Moses was also so important in the story. I am very thankful that because of these sacrifices I can live the life I have today.
I like what you said actually I love what you said it’s really powerful
What a blessing this study is going to be for me. This is a reminder that even though God might be silent right now, that He is still on my side ironing the wrinkles out for me. What a great God we serve that even though we come blemished and untrusting he loves us and rescues us from every situation. He redeems what is broken and sets are feet on solid ground. Thank you God for sending Jesus to us! He is our great deliver!!
I’ve just lost my two children to still-birth. Everyone keep telling me Gods in control & he has a plan, but honestly I’ve grown to be fearful of God rather than rest in his protection.
Rose, I’m so incredibly sorry for your devastating loss. Please know that God is mourning right beside you. It was not him that caused this, but our very broken world. Sometimes we don’t always know why he doesn’t stop certain things from happening, but he knows all and always always always has our very best eternal interest in mind. Keep crying out to him- he’s right there with you. He will never leave or forsake you. He promises to draw near to the broken-hearted, and I believe he will deliver you from this terrible pain and suffering. May your precious little ones rest in the peace of His mighty arms. Lifting you and your family up to Him now.
Oh Rose my heart and prayers go out to you! I pray that you will find peace through Him and that he delivers you from this heartbreak.
Thank you Lord, for delivering your people andkeeping us
I certainly have been delivered in the past and will continue to have faith in my future through Christ Jesus.
Let’s trust His past Faithfulness for our future deliverance! This statement really spoke to heart! This is so very true. God remains the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His Faithfulness remains present always.
I want to sit at your feet, drink from the cup in you hand, lay back against you and breathe, feel your heart breathe… This is what I I think rerreadreayoupostwhattho
Such a good word! I’m a day late in reading this but man, God sure does know the timing we need. Dealing with some big decisions and things lately and this study just blessed me. In a world of instant gratification we tend to get discouraged when God doesn’t answer our prayer right away! We immediately take that as a “no”. And sometimes it might be, but other times it might just be a “not right now”. God knows our future and knows the amazing ending we will all see. We just have to trust that He’s got this. The Israelites had to wait 400 years to see their deliverance! Goodness! This is a wonderful wake up call that it’s not in our timing but in God’s perfect timing!
Ugh tho is not working!!! This is what I think of when I read your post. Lay back in the fold of His arms and try to rest!
Typo alert: “and He and called Jesus up out of Egypt after Herod’s death,” from the 7th paragraph from the top. The beginning of this phrase doesn’t make sense as written.
Over the past week I had been dealing with anxiety. My thoughts were all over the place and making me absolutely miserable. This morning I woke up to a verse from Colossians that said God is in control of our lives and is going to send peace our way. I have to remember that God is in control of my life and my future. I just need to keep my focus on Him and His plans for my life just like the Israelites
I suffered from anxiety in college. It’s such a trying time and scary! Once I realized that God was in control it took the pressure off of me. I didn’t have to worry because HE’s got it! Once I grasped that truth it freed me up to just worship and live for Him. Such a relief! I’ll be in prayer for you Hannah. Hold on to the truth that God’s got this! He loves you and has an amazing plan for you. One day, you’ll be able to testify that the enemy didn’t win and you overcame your anxiety. :)
Praying for you! Remember that Jesus said HIS peace he leaves unto us. That is the most powerful peace that can be left on earth. Hugs to you.
Beautiful truth. Also, please consider finding someone to confide in about your anxiety. God also made us social beings who heal through sharing and verbal expression of our experiences and thoughts to another listening ear.
Thank you for sharing! Your story helps others who are struggling as well.
I needed this tonight. Now. In the season of life I am in. Last April, my world was turned upside down. I had no where to turn to but Jesus. His grace is unexplainable.
LOVE how Moses tells the story of Christ. Studied this last year in Bible Study Fellowship and was AMAZED!! How I never noticed before I do not know!!
Such an amazing first study. I’m going through some hard seasons right now. I’m currently graduating high school and dealing with lots of pressures. My friends are turning against me and I have overwhelming pressures as I finish school. I have battled with horrible anxiety for the past 5 years. All this pressure is bringing all of that back up. “Let’s trust His past faithfulness for our future deliverance.” That line truly gave me a slap to the face today. I had been trying to take care of myself and have been me focused, and trying to fix myself, I forgot to look to Jesus. So thankful for His faithfulness and His love towards us.
Praying for you Gracie!
Such an encouragement for me today! It is often hard to remember that a deliverance is coming while in the midst of the storm. What a great reminder!!
I’ve been going through a really hard season lately. This verse encourages me to know God delivers
Praying for you today, Eras. Asking God to continue to encourage you through His Word!
“May our eyes be opened to the way the Lord is working on our behalf, right now, in whatever our circumstances may be.” Yes, Lord. Today I have an appointment to find out if, after chemo, radiation, and radical surgery, I am cancer free. May my eyes be opened to God today, whatever the outcome.
Good luck, Tracy! I will pray for you now.
Praying for you, Tracy. Asking God to make His presence known during your appointment. Thanks for sharing this with us today.
I was fortunate enough to go through a study of Moses through the BSP organization and it rocked my world. I am SO excited that this study is being offered. It couldn’t have come at a better time.
I meant BSF, not BSP.
I have never really seen the parallels between Moses and Jesus as both being deliverers. Now, it is very clear. I keep thinking about Moses’ mother having to place her son in a basket and hope for the best. How scared she must have felt, but oh the faith she must have had that he would be protected by her God. Like Moses’ mother, Mary also had to have faith. I think it is wonderful how God uses everyone in the story to deliver us, and that we don’t have do try to do it on our own.
Agreed. What great points. As a mom, I cannot imagine placing either of my boys in a basket at 3 months old and putting them in the river. I wonder if God spurred that idea in her and if she obeyed in faith. I also can’t imagine the pain she must have felt giving Moses over to Pharoah’s daughter to raise once he was weaned. We have some amazing women of faith and strength who went before us.
My mother had to help me flee alone at 6 from apartheid South Africa during the era when they were deliberately killing children. Reading this reminds me of her faith. Even more appropriately she named me hope. Thank you God for women of deep faith. May I also be one. Thank you for thinking enough of me to deliver me.
Love this part “Let’s trust His past faithfulness for our future deliverance.” God is so almighty and amazing. Sometimes I forget how great of a God we serve. Such a beautiful comparison of Moses saving the Israelites and Jesus saving us!
Lord help me to trust your past faithfulness for me future deliverance. Thank you for that faithfulness in the past. Forgive me for forgetting you are that SAME God now, today. Help me to trust your deliverance for my present circumstances. I love you, too.
I love all the prophecy in the OT of our risen King! So much to be learned when we read these verses!
Long testimony ahead: Praise God, I will have more time to devote to my devotionals in the morning because as I wrote in a recent post, I was quite cruelly let go from my job last week. I’ve spent the last 1.5 yrs turning a program for elderly adults and those with special needs completely around at this nonprofit, Christian organization, and out of nowhere, a nun and a colleague who I thought was a friend conspired to get me fired. Come to find out there a scores of other people who are sharing their stories of have been wrongfully terminated and their practices are completely unethical. Their corruption had been plaguing me, and every time I saw something unjust I would speak up. I know they didn’t like that very much. On one hand, I feel compelled to stand up and take action, because the clients are the ones who are suffering. On the other hand, I am wondering if I need to let it go, forgive those who betrayed me (my supervisor recently told my parents who came to pick up my things to give me a kiss for him, I wanted to say…ok Judas) and move on. To be honest, my dream has been to open up my own center to serve this population.
That morning, I was driving to work and listening to KLove. A woman had called in and she said she, a single mom, had quit her job a while ago because she was being mistreated. She looked for a job for two months and one day got a call from a number she didn’t recognize. It was company she didn’t know that existed and she was offered a job. The dj said: “that’s right. All we need is God’s permission to leave.” I said outloud “God, please give me permission to leave my job today.” And then I was fired.
I feel somewhat like Moses today. I want to fight for my people! I love them with every beat of my heart. Never have I met people more joyous and beautiful. But, as Carly B mentioned, am I taking deliverance into my own hands? I must wait for God’s way and God’s time.
When you’re in the middle of situation like yours, it is so hard to see that God is working for your good. You said that you asked His permission to leave your job and then were fired. That is a great example of Him helping us out. Maybe you wouldn’t have left on your own and would have continued to be miserable? Now, you have the opportunity for doing something so much better. I, too, went through having my position eliminated a few years back. It was hard at the time, but when I look back on it now, it was a good thing. God has plans for us, and while it is hard to see what those are or even to understand them, He truly will lead you in the right direction.
Wow…. I was really touched by your story, as I am in the battle of job vs. passion and the Lord has placed a burning passion in me for the elderly population, I can’t wait to see what the Lord does in this season of your life… Please keep us updated!
Needed this today! Thank you so much!
Praying the Lord delivers me from a season of failing my nursing boards and that He would allow me to pass my boards on May 2nd!! This will be my third attempt. Believing He is faithful and that He will deliver me.
Will add you to my prayer notebook and pray for you now and on that day, Sarah! He’s got you!
hi Sarah.. i include my self in that prayer too… i am studying for my medical boards and i have too failed couple of times but i know God is my deliver!!! New seasons coming… praise God because he is good and faithfullllllllll!!!!!
Keep the faith! We never can see the big picture like God can! I failed my dental hygiene course, which put me back one year (gasp) to start working, BUT I would have not met my husband if I didn’t fail. We started working with the school for only that year, which I would have been already gone/graduated if I passed! God sees/knows ALL!
I am taking my nursing boards for a second time on the 29th of April. I will be parying for you!
God will be faithful to deliever us, in his own time. Just think, he knows exactly what job we will get, and maybe that great job hasn’t opened up yet. Keep faith!
Thank you for this inspiring message and connection from Old Testament to New Testament.
My prayer: that He would rend the heavens and come down. Make yourself obvious to us today dear Lord God, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.
If He revealed Himself to Moses He will reveal Himself to me. And to those for whom I pray.
Thank you so much, what an encouragement for me & to share with others.
So many burdens on so many hearts today. Add mine to the list. A friend has died, leaving behind his dear wife and three children. He did not live to see any of them married nor grown old with his bride. I think of all their losses… But am comforted that he has been delivered from this hard life to an eternal one of joy and health. And that the family all knows this as truth. Oh, dear friends, I’m so thankful for our Deliverer who conquered the grave to give us a future and a hope as solid as the Rock that He is. Grateful for this reminder from the life of Moses and SRT today.
Keeping your friend and his family in my prayers today, dear Churchmouse.
praying for comfort and peace – I’m so sorry for your loss and the family’s loss
I have been praying for my brother to be rescued from his alcoholism. I covet your prayers also! Will you join me in asking the Father for the chains of addiction in his life to be broken? Thank you!
I will pray for you.
Praying for you!
My brother is an alcoholic as well and has been heavy on my heart for the past few weeks. I will join in praying for you and your brother as well!
Deanna, alcoholism is challenging and devastating at the same time. Keeping you and your brother in prayer.
Prayers going up.
“But Moses was a complicated, imperfect, temperamental man” ….. this sounds like me as well. Thank you God for using Moses as he was and giving me hope for who I am. Thank you for loving me as I am, encouraging me to chase even harder after you. Thank you SRT for a study on Moses!
Yes, I love and take courage from all Moses’ reluctance & imperfection!
Exodus has been my favorite book of the Bible for a while now. When I was in high school a friend of mine shared a passage with me about the whining the Israelites displayed in the desert. They have been rescued and still find reason to complain. I do the same. The Lord redeems me from one thing and I quickly resort to whining and complaining that life isn’t what I wanted. At the beginning of the book the Israelites must have been wondering with deep agony, “Where is God?” He was not meeting their expectations and in that pain we worry and doubt. Our God meets us there. How beautiful! Not only does God provide the solution, He uses an imperfect human to do His will. This, of course, points us to Jesus, but it also reminds us that He uses us as jars of clay, no matter how broken. Thank you She Reads Truth for pointing us to Jesus time and again. Jesus is the better and perfect Moses. God wrote us a story to remind us of His faithfulness. Let us no longer fear, for God is delivering His children today, wherever we may be.
I”ve been praying for several years for a full time job. I’ve been disappointed as job after job was offered to someone else. I wonder if God remembers that I’m searching for one. I am going to 2 job fairs this week. I covet your prayers, SRT. Thankful that HE IS in control.
Praying Patti that you would find favor with these employers and that you would be offered the job that would best meet your needs. Wonderfully God- honoring that you would reach out for prayer for the matter. He will answer.
Patti, I’m sorry to hear of your struggles. Silly question; do you have LinkedIn? It’s like a professional Facebook. You can apply for jobs on there easily and employers can look at your resume. You can also find people you know and that opens you up to more positions. Also, Indeed.com is a great site to look for jobs as well. Finally, if you’d like another set of eyes to look over your resume, I would be happy to do it. My email is [email protected]. I pray God shower you with abundance!
Praying for you right now, Patti!
I’ve been praying for several years for my daughter to be delivered from homosexuality. Sometimes, I try to take control of things because I forget that God is always working. Thankful for this timely reminder that HE IS in control.
Praying with you this morning.
My husband found salvation yesterday. We have been married almost 15 years. My mom came to church yesterday for the first time in two years because of her battle with mental illness. I was sitting between them at church just awestruck at how faithful the lord is. How he works in our lives and others when we least expect it. I have struggled with fear in my life and he’s been working it out. I am this morning so thankful for my daily deliverance.
Oh, this makes my heart so happy . My husband and I were married 14 years when he accepted Christ and everything changed from there. Praise God that He saw fit to change your husband’s heart and that your mother is open to church as well. Prayerful that the peace your family receives from this is great!
Sarah and B-
I am so happy to hear about the redemption in your husbands lives as they accepted Christ. I can imagine the countless times you prayed for them, and I’m sure it felt hopeless many times. I’m in my early 20’s and I can relate in some way. I have been dating my boyfriend since middle school, and I’ve prayed so many times over the years that he would come to know Christ. As we have gotten older, I’ve realized how our relationship is getting more serious and we talk about getting married someday. I’ve struggled a lot with this, because I love and care for him so deeply but I’m afraid about being unyoked in a marriage with someone who is uncertain with matters of faith and who Jesus really is. I feel like my many years of praying have gotten me nowhere, but I’m reminded that God works in mysterious ways and he’s always working despite how we think and feel. Would you be willing to share about some of the things you’ve learned in your marriage with someone who didn’t accept Christ until later or any wisdom you might have on this? I know this is pretty personal but I have been praying about this and your comments are encouraging to read. Thanks for sharing your own personal evidence of God’s faithfulness in your lives. Xo
Dear Caroline,
I know that your post is in response to Sarah and B, but I just wanted you to know that I’m praying for you concerning your boyfriend. I know you must be in a very difficult place right now wanting your boyfriend to be closer to Christ than he is right now. I encourage you to keep praying for your boyfriend, but above all that you would put God first. He knows your heart, wants, needs, and desires and He has your best interests in mind. Sometimes our best means letting go of what we want or desire in exchange for what God is calling us to. I pray that God would give you clear direction and discernment on how best to handle your relationship. Also, please remember that God would never call you to something or someone that goes against His word. There is no fear in love, for perfect love cast out fear.(1 John 4:18) That kind of love that casts out fear can only be found when Christ is at the center.
Written in love,
This is awesome. Praise God!
Praise be to God!
Rejoicing with you! ♥
Praise be to God!
Oh, what wonderful news! Praise God!
“Even when we can’t see God working, when we feel like He no longer sees us, He’s working for our deliverance.” I really needed this. I recently was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and it feels as though my whole world has come crashing down. I feel like I have no idea who I am. I carry shame with this diagnosis. I know this is from the brain injury I sustained with having multiple strokes a couple years ago, but it still has rocked me to my core. It caused me to drift further from God. Like I am no longer worthy of His love and grace. This passage this morning was a light at the end of the tunnel. A reminder that even though I feel that He is no longer with me, He is. And He is working on my healing. He is doing whatever He can to draw me close. I haven’t been on this community in over a year, and here I am today. Thank for today’s message. It provided comfort for me in a very dark time.
K – I know that I many not know your whole story nor can I imagine your overwhelming emotions at this time – but I wanted to remind you that just as with Moses – none of this surprised God – He has a plan for us – and at times we all have to fight to see the light and His presence – but He is there and He knows your suffering. Our value is not based on a diagnosis or what others think of us – our value is based only one the One who created us! So thankful you have rejoined this community – praying for Hope for you – also great book for fear and renewal / deliverance of our mind – is “Battlefield of the mind.”
Ivey thank you for your words of encouragement. All of my life I have been taught my value is in who I am the skills posses and what I bring to the table. My mind knows this that God says that is not my value but my heart can’t accept it. It’s something I’ve been struggling to overcome. I sought counseling through my church last year, but that did not resolve it. My recent diagnosis has made me feel of little value because how can someone as strong as me, have bipolar? In my family mental illness is something that is not believed in. If my family knew I would be considered as crazy or told I just need to pray harder. It’s a badge of shame, of dishonor. The only person who knows is my mother, and a few friends I have told. It’s been very dark time.
God, I lift K to you right now. YOU KNOW IT ALL AND HAVE HER IN YOUR ARMS. LET HER FEEL YOUR PRESENTS. Let her know that your Holy Spirit is with her right now.
May she get to the right people who will help and not hinder. May she feel your peace. In Jesus name , Amen
K, sending you big squeezy hugs. I live with mental illness and write about it openly (maybe too openly, ha) to raise awareness and help fight the stigma. My parents often do not understand the illness and that makes it even more frustrating because all we want is for our loved ones to understand that no, we’re not “crazy.” I am praying for your strength and protection. It is a long road and faith, I believe, is key in fighting the battle. You are not alone! You are loved by God and needed in this world. It may not seem like it now, but there is something good that will come from this. If you ever need to vent don’t hesitate to reach out to me; [email protected].
K, I have clinical depression, so much of what you said resonated with me. Like your family, many people I know Dont believe mental illness exists, or they think I can just “snap out of it.” I, too, have struggled with feeling like I’m not worth God’s love because I keep slipping back into my illness time after time after time. The thing I had to realize was that His love for me had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what I do, and there is nothing I can do that will ever separate me from His love. Hang in there, sister; it does get better once you get used to the way your brain works! And He is with you every step of the way.
This reminds me that true deliverance can only come from God and it will come in his time and his way. Moses was delivered because his mother reached a point where she couldn’t fix it herself but she surrendered control with no guarantee about the outcome. God saved Moses in a dramatic way and his mother was even paid to care for him!
On the other hand, Moses, when he was older, tried to take deliverance into his own hands. His motivation was good but he it wasn’t God’s way or God’s time and the result was bad.
This challenges me not to try to take things into my own hands but to be willing to seek God’s way, even when that means waiting, and even though I find it scary to give up control, because it will work out better in the end.
I love that in Scripture, Moses is not described at the perfect man who always worshipped God with all his heart, but in fact as a murderer who went through great difficulties right from the start. That way, I really can identify with him and it gives me hope, that, as imperfect as I may be, God can use me – because he delivered me through Jesus Christ.
I love this insight. Thank you for sharing!
This past week was really difficult for me. I had a convention that I’d worked on all year happen which was stressful every step of the way, an incredibly sad memorial service to attend which sucked life out of me, my backpack filled with everything important was stolen, and I have more than 20 assignments to turn in late for school. I’m not sure how I’m going to piece it all together. Life robs us of so much. It wasn’t just my laptop and wallet and bible and purse that was stolen. My Christian love for people was. I had an unChristian like anger towards the person who stole my stuff. Death stole my hope. Academic responsibility stole my time. How can someone not feel overwhelmed and desperate. But through all of this, I have to choose to believe that I will get my humanity back. All those times growing up that I was taught about love, hope, and kindness need to come back around now. I have to choose to still love those who’ve hurt me, to persist through obstacles, and to make time for Him. He’ll bring me back my stuff and multiply the blessing. It may not return in the form of my old wallet and laptop, but my love for people, my forgiveness towards wrong, and my time with Him will double. That’s why I’m a Christian. Because I believe there’s hope. No one said I’d be chipper the whole time. And it’s okay to feel disappointed, frustrated, angry, sad etc as long as I don’t let that blind me. It’ll be okay. I will be delivered.
Wow..this right here Lord God, is what I’m talking about….wow…!
What a reminder to me, Debbie Pinto…that I AM a Christian because I have a God who is BIGGER than any thing I can go through, a God who gives me Hope at every turn, a God who has, does and will continue to deliver those He loves….ahhh thank you for this precious reminder…
Praying His providing hand be over to you to restore strength lost, replace what was lost, and to give you peace over the hassles of these past days…
Sending you a hug and love all the way from England….
God bless you…Debbie Pinto..xx
Praying God will restore your belongings and you will be able to sit back and trust Him with all things. There IS hope. ♥
To be 20 assignments behind is a huge issue for you … The conference must have really overwhelmed your time … I imagine you are extremely stressed and when you add in the theft and the memorial service then it’s really tough going. I feel like you can’t change the theft or the memorial service or the conference (which I hope was a great success after all your work!) but you can get those assignments flowing …. I will pray God strengthens you and enables you to achieve more than you can imagine!
That’s a loaded week, Debbie! The good news is you made it. I’m sorry to hear of your belongings being stolen, I believe that would anger anyone. Adding the memorial and your assignments on to that, I imagine you are tired and a bit weary. Guess who’s there? Lean your head into Jesus’ shoulder and know that He has everything already worked out for you. I pray this week meet you with healing and replenishment to boldly meet you challenges.