God Leads His People into His Presence

Open Your Bible

Exodus 3:1-15, Exodus 6:1-8, Exodus 13:17-22, Exodus 15:1-3, Exodus 15:17

When Moses left Egypt, he had no map, no idea of which way to go or what awaited him when he arrived. He had the presence of God to guide him, and he hedged his future (and that of the hundreds of thousands of Israelites who went with him) on the voice he heard in the wilderness, who appeared with a sweeping claim of authority and sovereignty.

“This is what you are to say to the Israelites:
I AM has sent me to you.”
—Exodus 3:14

This story is a familiar one in Sunday school classes, Hollywood movies, and sermon illustrations. What I love about Scripture and these beloved stories is how many different lenses we can wear to examine them. While we could read this passage through Moses’s eyes, as I usually do, I believe it’s even more compelling to read it through the lens of God’s presence that was with Moses and His people.

Beginning in Exodus 3, God revealed He had come to Moses because of the cries of His people. “Then the LORD said, ‘I have observed the misery of my people in Egypt, and have heard them crying out because of their oppressors. I know about their sufferings’ ” (v.7).

God was there in Egypt, with His people. His omnipresence—His everywhere-ness—meant that He never left. And so when He called them out of Egypt to follow Him into the wilderness, they went. In Exodus 6, God identified Himself to Moses as the God who had been with his fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. His presence wasn’t new, but it was revealed in a new, personal way to Moses.

God directed the Israelites’ route, not “along the road toward the land of the Philistines, even though it was nearby” but “around toward the Red Sea” (Exodus 13:17,18). God wasn’t calling them out of oppression and then letting them stumble around, waiting for the stars to direct their steps; rather, He had a specific path for them to follow, one in which He would lead and they would have to learn to trust and follow Him.

His presence, provision, and promises are everywhere in this story. He was there, constantly providing for His people, whether defeating their enemies, sending manna and quail to nourish them, literally lighting their way, and more. He faithfully kept His promises to Moses.

When God called Moses, He didn’t promise him an easy road. In fact, Moses himself never made it to the promised land. But God did promise Himself, His presence, and His perfect provision. We all know the seasons of our life that are a little like the wilderness. For the roads that feel like dead ends or the roundabouts that circle us around and around, I would love a good map to show me how to navigate those turns. But I know from these stories that He was always there. And today, I need to know that those promises, and God’s unfailing presence, are mine as well.

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60 thoughts on "God Leads His People into His Presence"

  1. Sabrina Edmondson says:

    I like this little after reading passage because it’s such a reminder that God sees our troubles. He’s not just standing off to the side without a care. He’s right in it with us, helping us through. It makes you feel a little less hopeless and alone when times are tough. It’s a motivator to ‘keep on keeping on’ and let God be your hand-hold. He’ll walk a little ahead of you, just hold His hand tight and let him show you the way.

  2. Missy Csonka says:

    Thank you all for being here! I appreciate all the support and all of your insights on the daily readings and for sharing your storied so we know how to pray for you.
    Hoping you were all blessed by reading about God’s persistence in pursuing us and wanting us to be in relationship and fellowship with Him. ❣️❣️
    With much love and many Hugs SHES, In Christ!!

  3. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that this same God travels with us through all of the winding paths of our lives.

  4. Tricia C says:

    I am sorry that I am not able to keep up with everybody’s comments and requests. Right now I’m in a point of transition with jobs and still working the night shift. Please know that I am covering you all in prayer. Our God is so Awesome that even if I don’t say every single request by name He knows. I love you all, Sisters.
    MERCY I would be happy to help in anyway I can for Amanda.

  5. Tricia C says:

    When reading Exodus 13:17-22, I am reminded how thoughtful God is. He thought about the fact that if the Israelites faced the Philistines, they would want to turn back. I am so grateful that He already knows all of my trepidations and my worries and He has a plan to take care of that.
    Thank you, Lord for your never ending thoughtfulness and kindness, even when I don’t deserve it.❤️

  6. Ginny Krawczynski says:

    I love how The Father draws His children together. Here, as we seek to study His word I can’t help but think of the endearing smile that might emanate from His face as His daughters share insights,experiences,needs, feelings and info to grasp better what the guiding of His word means to us as we live out our steps, ordered by the Lord. The word is our pillar of cloud by day and our pillar of fire by night !

    1. Taylor Graves says:

      @ Ginny I love this so much and couldn’t agree more with you ❤️

  7. Allison Bentley says:

    When reading Exodus I am always amazed at how “put together” God is! He knew the greater the suffering the greater the miracle would be and how the Israelites would “learn to trust and follow Him” if He took them through the wilderness. I often think about my own “Egypt” and “wilderness” and it’s so amazing to live with a “exodus” mindset and be fortunate enough to look ack and see Gods hand in everything- down to the people he placed in my life, the experiences that shape my outlook, and of course HIS PRESENCE in all of it!! Thank you Lord for your presence! Happy Tuesday She’s!

  8. Michelle Patire says:

    Mia Faith,

    Your faith in God through this is so beautiful. Glad you are still showing up here despite the pain you have endured. We love you!
