Day 5

God Is Omnipotent

from the Attributes of God reading plan

Genesis 18:9-14, Psalm 33:6-9, Jeremiah 32:26-27, Mark 4:35-41, 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, Jude 1:24-25

BY She Reads Truth

God has unlimited power over all things at all times. However, He does not act contrary to His nature.

“Is anything too difficult for the Lord?”

This question has a clear, straightforward answer: No. Nothing is impossible with God. His omnipotence, His all-powerfulness, is perhaps one of the first things we learn about Him. It can also be a spiritual stumbling block for human understanding, in things both trivial and serious.

Along these lines, you may have heard some form of this brain-teaser: “If God can do all things, is it possible for God to create a rock that is too big for Him to lift?” It’s a question that suspends normal logic in an attempt to stump us, but as C. S. Lewis reminds us in his book The Problem of Pain, “Nonsense remains nonsense, even when we talk it about God.”

In more serious matters—in times of grief, struggle, and loss—we wonder, Where is God in the midst of my pain? How could He let this happen? Like the disciples, we cry out, “Don’t you care…?” (Mark 4:38). We echo Martha’s sentiments from John 11, saying, “Lord, if you had been here…” (v.21). When we read these stories, we see them met with near-immediate fixes at the hand of Jesus. But we also know that God does not always stop the storm or raise the dead when we think He should. If God is able to do all things, why doesn’t He “fix” all things, already? Why let hard things happen in the first place?

God holds power over all things, governs all things, and by Him all things hold together (Colossians 1:16–17). And that power, that impenetrable grip on the cosmos, sustains us through every wind and wave that comes our way, whether or not we remain on our feet. In time, we begin to understand His omnipotence in light of His other attributes. God can do anything, but He does not act against His own character or nature: His goodness and justice, His mercy and love.

While His omnipotence is a certain terror to those who oppose Him, it is a resounding comfort to His children; God is good and promises good to those who love Him. Nothing is impossible for Him, and nothing can prevent Him from achieving His good will.

Post Comments (46)

46 thoughts on "God Is Omnipotent"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God can do anything! We don’t serve a God who is unable to answer our prayers.

  2. Tiffany G says:

    Def one of the hardest things for me to understand. If God is so good why didn’t he protect me from xyz. I don’t really understand sovereignty and praying to learn and trust the difference between his ability and sovereignty

  3. Beth Hinson says:

    Nothing can prevent God his from will being done. Not my failure, not my stubbornness, not my sin. Thank you God for persevering in every way, even when I get lost along the way. It is such a comfort to know you are still and always in control.

  4. Jennifer RinkerWilson says:

    That same power that allows God the ability to do anything lives in us as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit sustains us and gives us the power we need to endure hardships. So very encouraging and comforting!

  5. Steph C says:

    “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27) Nothing is beyond His power, but His power is in balance with His knowledge, wisdom, love, etc. My knowledge is limited and so my view of what “should be done” will often falter and fail. I have to trust that God has a plan … that I may never understand … but I trust God. Because I have seen Him. And I know Him. And He is always good. And He always acts in love. Always.

  6. Christina says:

    Due to my human nature, I think that everything in my life is controllable by my will. However, God is ALL powerful. I remind myself daily that God is in control, and I must surrender my life to him. For all the horrible things that I have endured in my life, God was and is there. He understands and takes away my pain.

  7. Kelly says:

    This song has been comforting for me during those times when I’ve asked “why?”

  8. Y K says:

    During challenging times we must remember that God is still in control. He’s already seen the end of our troubles. He’s waiting however, for us to lean into Him in order to make it through that challenging season. Lean in, not away.

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