God Is Omnipotent

Open Your Bible

Genesis 18:9-14, Psalm 33:6-9, Jeremiah 32:26-27, Mark 4:35-41, 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, Jude 1:24-25

God has unlimited power over all things at all times. However, He does not act contrary to His nature.

“Is anything too difficult for the Lord?”

This question has a clear, straightforward answer: No. Nothing is impossible with God. His omnipotence, His all-powerfulness, is perhaps one of the first things we learn about Him. It can also be a spiritual stumbling block for human understanding, in things both trivial and serious.

Along these lines, you may have heard some form of this brain-teaser: “If God can do all things, is it possible for God to create a rock that is too big for Him to lift?” It’s a question that suspends normal logic in an attempt to stump us, but as C. S. Lewis reminds us in his book The Problem of Pain, “Nonsense remains nonsense, even when we talk it about God.”

In more serious matters—in times of grief, struggle, and loss—we wonder, Where is God in the midst of my pain? How could He let this happen? Like the disciples, we cry out, “Don’t you care…?” (Mark 4:38). We echo Martha’s sentiments from John 11, saying, “Lord, if you had been here…” (v.21). When we read these stories, we see them met with near-immediate fixes at the hand of Jesus. But we also know that God does not always stop the storm or raise the dead when we think He should. If God is able to do all things, why doesn’t He “fix” all things, already? Why let hard things happen in the first place?

God holds power over all things, governs all things, and by Him all things hold together (Colossians 1:16–17). And that power, that impenetrable grip on the cosmos, sustains us through every wind and wave that comes our way, whether or not we remain on our feet. In time, we begin to understand His omnipotence in light of His other attributes. God can do anything, but He does not act against His own character or nature: His goodness and justice, His mercy and love.

While His omnipotence is a certain terror to those who oppose Him, it is a resounding comfort to His children; God is good and promises good to those who love Him. Nothing is impossible for Him, and nothing can prevent Him from achieving His good will.

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46 thoughts on "God Is Omnipotent"

  1. Lori Pulliam says:

    This Truth is my place of comfort. As I walk through the valley I now only need to know He is with me instead of always praying for a quick removal of my discomfort. There is peace in those places.

  2. Kristen says:

    These songs go with the comments today. https://youtu.be/B6fA35Ved-Y And. https://youtu.be/CKECQ86XexM
    If you have time, please listen to these songs. Hope the sings help and bring comfort. I know that Natalie Grant had cancer, and that is why that song came about.

  3. Shelbyrae Myers says:

    I have found myself asking God why lately why did my grandparents have to die within days of each other. Why does my sister walk away from jesus. Why does my friend walk away from the church and sleep with her boyfriend. So many whys. Hut this reading and my church’s study in James has made me stop and look for the good in these situations. What God has done and is still doing through them. He doesn’t always fix our problems but he always answers our prayers!

  4. Sarina says:

    Yes only last night I was sharing with a friend that I know God is good but I can never say that calling my young sister in law home was something good. In my infinite mind she was needed here, there was so much to be done. Her teenage kids, the family, the church she pastored all are bereft and there are no answers. Today’s study was an answer to all that.I guess we will only understand this in eternity. Till then we have to choose to know He can bit even if He does not He is God.

  5. Sarah D. says:

    Thank you all for your encouraging words and prayers yesterday!! Love you all and this community. Going to continue praying a lot…but I think God is telling me to stay where I am…and to continue trusting Him. It’s hard because the field I’m thinking of going into doesn’t pay much, from what I’ve researched. But then again, it does depend on your rank/job/experience. It’s hard! But I need to let go. I want to know it all at once, but I need to release it to Him. Trusting and knowing that He is all powerful, and He has a plan. He never has failed me and He won’t start now. Love you all so much! Wish I could give you all hugs <3

  6. DebRN says:

    I love to memorize Scripture. Psalm 19 is a daily prayer. Looks like I need to memorize Psalm 33. What a booster shot for our daily lives! What a resource: we are able to stoke our hearts with the Living Word of God while we work in conditions that are a little dusty.

  7. Terri says:

    For Rachel Martinez. 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 are all together and talking about end times. Dake Annotated Reference Bible says the following about vs 28:
    “The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit will reign together throughout all eternity, as before the rebellion which made it necessary for them to take separate parts in the creation and redemption of all things”

  8. Sarah Jenkins says:

    We have had several deaths this week…. all seeming so unjust…. all which God could have intervened, but didn’t. Who are we to understand the perfect will of God? Yet in our pain, He cares and will use these tragedies for good.

    1. Gina Snow says:

      Praying for you, Sarah