God Is Just

Open Your Bible

Exodus 34:5-7, Psalm 146:5-9, John 5:19-30, Romans 2:1-11, Revelation 20:11-12

God is righteous. He is the standard for all that is just and fair.

We are often unsure what to make of our just God. But His righteousness can and should be cause for celebration, a source of immense comfort in a world where earthly justice falls short.

We ache for justice when we experience the ramifications of sin, both on a personal and a systemic scale. When someone or something we love is violated, wounded, or broken, we don’t respond with indifference—we cry out, demanding accountability. If we, with our limited perspective, are so affected by injustice, how much more does God demand justice when His standard of what is good is not upheld?

God loves more deeply and thoroughly than we could ever imagine. He loves perfectly. When proclaiming Himself to Moses, God says He is “a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth, maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin. But he will not leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:6–7).

God’s understanding of guilt is also perfect, because He is all-knowing, holy, and infinite. He has no statute of limitations. He is not swayed by false testimony or inconclusive evidence. He is the perfect witness, who searches and knows every heart, every intention, every action (Job 28:24; Psalm 69:5). He is “faithful forever, executing justice for the exploited,” even when our lives are not long enough to see it (Psalm 146:6–7).

Unlike what we experience from one another on earth, God is not faulty or vindictive. He does not overlook sin, nor does He demand more than what is just. This is good news, because we are not only victims of sin and injustice; we are also perpetrators. And yet the steep price our guilt demands is a price Christ already paid on the cross. And “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Jesus tells us He has been given the right to pass judgment, and that He gives life to those who hear His Word and believe it (John 5:24). Our just Judge is also our Savior. He alone can mend the brokenhearted and offer hope to the unrighteous.

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30 thoughts on "God Is Just"

  1. Nannette says:

    Tina, “my forever hope”! ♥ Such encouragement in your words, in everyone’s posts this morning.

  2. Carol M says:

    Those last two sentences, Shawn…Amen and Amen!!! ♥️

  3. Kelly Chataine says:

    On this day, like other days, we praise our God! He is worthy of praise! We thank God for one another, fellow sisters near and far. Love you all and thank God upon every remembrance of you.

    FYI ~ Last Friday was my last day of school and it went well. I have trained for my new position for three days and I am so thankful for additional time with Dennis and a position that seems to fit me well.

    God is good all the time! All the time God is good!

    1. Mari V says:

      Thanking God alongside you Kelly

  4. Tina says:

    Head in the clouds…

    Happy Valentine’s day to you all my sister’s…
    Know I love you all from across the pond and am so thankful for you all..
    Blessings.. xxxxx

  5. Tina says:

    After reading the first couple of chapters of Hosea last night in smsll group… and this this morning… i am feeling 1) to raise my hands in absolute praise for the love of God that my being knows He has for me…
    2)… to be thankful that I know a God who never ever gives up on me..
    3).. that I know His judgement of my wrongdoing or sin will always have a better outcome than anything here on earth, because His love and care of me is perfect and complete…
    4) … no matter my name, my journey, my foolishness, God’s heart for me will never change or falter because He never changes..

    Forever thankful to be a child of God, who, though sometimes goes off the rails..

    But God..
    He is forever just, gracious faithful, ohhhh merciful, my God.. is He merciful, and my forever hope ..
    Thank you God, thank you… for always being fair and just in love, in your correction of me .. forever grateful to know in your love I will always know Hope and Grace.. thank you lord God.. Thank you..

    Sending love and hugs wrapped in prayers across the pond to all.. xxxx

    1. Mari V says:

      Blessings to you as well Tina from California

  6. Churchmouse says:

    There are no cold case files with God. He knows all, sees all, cares about all and will resolve all. We have felt the ramifications of injustice and we have felt, in our hurting, the tension of resisting vengeance because that brings to God alone. We leave our vindication to Him. We honor Him with our hard obedience. Praying for all others who are dealing with these emotions today.

    1. Hope S says:


  7. Shawn Parks says:

    In a world that often seems like it is spinning out of control; where the lines of right and wrong have dissolved; and the injustice of how people treat others has erupted, I will cling to my faithful and just God who is my rock and my salvation. He endures forever and will come to justify the living and the dead. At the same time, I am convicted by the Holy Spirit that justice belongs to God, and as I condemn this sinful world, I am in it and I am a part of it because I am a sinful person. Praise a God for his gift of mercy by the sacrifice of his son on the cross! May His life and love in me overtake the sinful part of me that wants to judge and replace it with his compassion, mercy, and righteousness.

    1. Cindy SchillingNepsund says:
