God Is Immutable

Open Your Bible

Numbers 23:19, Psalm 102:25-28, Job 23:8-14, Malachi 3:1-6, Hebrews 6:13-19, Hebrews 13:8, James 1:16-18

God is unchanging in His being. His character and will are constant.

As humans, we speak the language of change. We are always seeking the next, the better, the unknown. Even if we prefer to hold change at an arm’s length, it is inevitable. The seasons shift, the stars fall, our numbered hairs fall out, and our hearts undergo the only constant we know—change.

The book of Ecclesiastes contains this famous refrain, charged with the impatience, discomfort, and hopefulness of our ever-changing lives:

There is an occasion for everything,
and a time for every activity under heaven:
a time to give birth and a time to die;
a time to plant and a time to uproot (3:1–2).

We live our lives seemingly anchored to little more than change itself. And yet Scripture beckons us to drop our anchor and hold fast to the One who never changes.

Our God is unchangeable because He is perfect. Nothing can be added or taken away from Him. Everything He does is consistent with who He is. God’s promises are the same, and His ability to keep them will never waver. In Malachi 3, God tells His people: “Because I, the LORD, have not changed, you descendants of Jacob have not been destroyed” (v.6). In short, God’s immutability means we can count on Him, no matter what.

Job, whose life changed in dramatic and painful ways, knew God to be always true to His character. “He is unchangeable, who can oppose him?” he asked (Job 23:13). Job staked his hope—his life—on his belief that God will always be who He declares Himself to be and do what He says He will do.

Job’s hope is our hope.

Complete, unchangeable, perfect—this is our God. As the ancient doxology “Gloria Patri” declares:

Glory to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning is now
and will be forever. Amen.

Edited language of first paragraph on 2/5. Thanks for keeping us on our toes, Shes! 

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129 thoughts on "God Is Immutable"

  1. Marialva Ventura says:

    God’s plan is perfect…being reminded that he always stays the same gives me hope that he will complete what he has planned for my life in His own time,formy own wellbeing and His Glory!

  2. Kate says:

    I am so glad and grateful that God does not change His mind about me! (Num 24:19)

  3. Jeanie Scott says:

    Even when we can’t feel God close, we can KNOW he hasn’t changed. He still loved us. He is still in control. He still has a plan. We are not forsaken, forgotten or rejected. Thank you Jesus for being our steadfast and never changing king, lover, friend and savior.

  4. Nicole Cook says:

    I’ve been really struggling with Gods character as of late. I’ve grown up in the church and have never been in a season like this before, but I’ve found my faith feeling stagnant and very distant for longer than ever before. Will you all help me in praying to rediscover His character and Re-ignite my love for Him?

    1. Dessirie Cabalquinto says:

      Hello, I’ve read somewhere that our faith is there even at time when we don’t feel emotionally high with love for him. Just the fact that you are holding on and wanting more is bigger than the mustard seed that moves mountains. :)

    2. Anna Quinn says:

      Praying for you right now and praying the same for myself. We’re in this together.

  5. Katie Terese says:

    My family is in a season of change. Most of it positive which doesn’t always mean less stressful or easier. I remember telling my husband the other day that I just wanted a clear path and to know what was going on and to get past this change and to feel settled. I never really sat to think about the fact that the most important thing in my life has and will never change. I have been in love with Hillsong United’s song valleys and mountains (song of ascent). Part of the song say something about “no less God upon the mountains, no less faithful when the night leads me astray, your the shelter where my heart is, in valleys and the heartache all the same.” I think I’ve never sat down and realized why this spoke to me so much. But in the midst of the change and fear and excitement that comes with that God is here the same as he was when life felt familiar and stable. What a comfort!

    1. Jaime Grace says:

      Amen! I’m a new mom-and it’s exciting-but different-a lot of change-mostly good-but your thoughts express how I feel. Thanks for sharing! ❤️

      1. Kimme Bartlett says:

        Hang in there, Jaime! Parenting is the Adventure of a Lifetime:) Stay close to our Heavenly Father!! xo

  6. Karen Claunch says:

    We are celebrating our 50th anniversary TODAY! As I was reading this morning I was rejoicing! We married young. We didn’t even know what we were doing but we were “In Christ” and His unchanging faithfulness has been with us through every hill and valley.
    We have walked through many changing seasons…many deep sorrows, but He has been our hope …our secure anchor every step of the way! Praise be to our unchanging God!

  7. Jennifer Agger says:

    As I face deep struggles a reminder that God is unchangeable reassures me. The moment when I feel I have nothing left, I am reminded that I have all I need. God will provide. This difficult season will pass and. if I stay obedient to God and trust in him, I know that he has great plans ahead