God Is Holy

Open Your Bible

Leviticus 20:23-26, Isaiah 6:1-7, Hebrews 7:26-28, 1 Peter 1:14-16, Revelation 4:8-11

God is perfect, pure, and undefiled. He does not sin.

As God’s image-bearers, we’re called to reflect His holiness. God says, “You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am holy” (Leviticus 20:26). It is a seemingly impossible task. We have all been stained by sin and bear on our backs the weight of a sinful nature. Try as we might, we all “fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

When confronted with God’s holiness in the heavenly throne room, Isaiah’s response was nothing short of terror: “Woe is me for I am ruined because I am a man of unclean lips” (Isaiah 6:5). That’s how stark the contrast is between God’s perfect, holy nature and our utter lack of holiness. It’s not even close.

To be holy is to be set apart, uncommon, and raised up. God is all of these things, and we are not. But His response to Isaiah’s woeful plea was not to leave Isaiah ruined before the throne. Instead, He extended mercy and made atonement for Isaiah’s sin (Isaiah 6:6–7). God, in His perfection, has made a way for His people to be holy, for nothing is impossible with Him (Luke 1:37).

Because of Jesus’s sacrifice for us on the cross, all things are being made new (Revelation 21:5). We have been given God’s Spirit to walk with Him and practice holiness daily. Someday, all who know Christ will be perfected in Him. On that day, we will reflect God’s holiness to all creation, just as God designed it to be from the beginning.

In the meantime, God has given us the righteousness of His Son, making us holy in His sight. We are now set apart as His “holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9) and a temple for His Spirit. The holy presence of God that once made Isaiah tremble lives inside of believers. Our hope in Christ is so sure that God already regards us as people who no longer fall short, who have become holy, just as He is holy.

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63 thoughts on "God Is Holy"

  1. Marilyn says:

    God commands us to be holy and considers being holy reasonable. God also tells us we will not see God unless we are holy. “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).
    Check this out Holiness Hope this will enlighten us.

  2. Kristine Sylvester says:

    That is so painful.
    I have three grown children and only one lives at home. Our children have their own lives and their own testimony. The child that is being shunned is walking a path that is very familiar to our Lord. Let your child feel the sting so that they can, also, share in the glory. Place each of them fully into the hands of the Father and ask Him to help you to trust Him. It is SO hard; I know this, intimately. The Lord recently worked with me to address the issue of making an idol of my children. It was one of the most painful things I ever had to release; it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. But, as is His way, the release has brought me great peace and freedom.

  3. Bethany says:

    Praying for you and your family, LB. Our God is gracious and compassionate. He is the Almighty One and so intimately acquainted with every detail of our lives. Trusting He will provide in beautiful ways.

  4. Heather Foord says:

    He is Holy, Lord Almighty, maker of the earth….

  5. L B. says:

    I am asking for others to please offer words of encouragement for me and prayers.
    My husband and I have 5 children 2 boys and 3 girls.
    The girls are ages 23,17and 14. There have been issues over the years too much to put here but just some relation stuff and one of our daughters has dealt with some depression . They get along at times but recently the younger 2 have really been isolating the older one. They all live at home. They for sure have different personalities and all profess a relationship with the Lord but it is hard to see in the way they relate to one another. It is a very hard position for me as a mom. My heart goes out to my oldest for being excluded from them and she doesn’t have a lot of other friends. I just don’t even know how to pray. I want them to treat one another with love and mercy and the way that honors the Lord. I try to talk to them but always a lot of excuses. Then I try to be quiet and pray and they say I take sides. It is a mess and I am just so saddened by the waste of time.

    I just lost my dad about 2 months ago and I have a brother that doesn’t speak to any of the family. When I think of that and then my girls it just makes me so angry and sad all at the same time. And seems I just don’t know what to even ask the Lord I appreciate all you reading this and praying.

  6. Elenoa Delana says:

    Amen ❤️

  7. Tiffany G says:

    I have def lost the Holiness in my mind and tongue. This scripture remind me of the power of Holiness. It sets ppl free.

  8. Tiffany G says:

    Def remind me to look at my behaviors

  9. Saundra says:

    I love this “Give me grace to choose you over worthless pursuits.”. I’m writing that in my prayer journal and praying over and over. Thank you

  10. Kari says:

    Wow the verses that were chosen for today’s reading are incredible. Paired with the devotional, this made me see that sometimes I have a tendency to see God as a “buddy” rather than the holy, all-powerful God who created the universe I live in. I’ve read these same verses from Revelation a million times, but now they are so real. How the living creatures and elders fall down before the throne and worship day and night…this is not something that is done for a guy labeled as your “buddy.” This is the holy ever-present God. Who for whatever reason chose US. Thank you SRT!

  11. Lani Edwards says:

    I’m in tears reading these comments. one woman cries out for prayers and a multitude respond, holding her up to Jesus. what an amazing gift we can give each other by upholding one another before the throne of grace.

  12. Alicia Pino says:

    It is SO amazing, that Jesus has taken our place, as sinners, doomed to eternity without God, and that by trusting in Jesus, we are made righteous through Him! We all fall short, and are being conformed to the image of Jesus, but even when we fail, we are made new and forgiven, and made righteous all over again! What an amazing truth and miracle to meditate on!

  13. Praying Sister says:

    Dear Anxious Heart, praying for you and your husband. I am in the same situation as well and with prayers and a lot of communication, I’m glad to say I can see a change in my husband, I can see God fighting for us. Just to give you that hope that God hears us, he hears our cries. I’m lifting you and your husband up in prayers tonight. Don’t give up.. the Lord said he will never leave us nor forsake us.. trust that he will heal your husband and your marriage.

  14. Churchmouse says:

    Adding my prayers to all the others, Anxious Heart. Praying that you and your husband will be led to effective therapists who can help you. There are so many wonderful and effective resources. Do not give up hope. God walks through the darkest valley right beside us. Hold tight to His hand. Cry to Him for help and cry out to a trusted friend/doctor/counselor who can recommend next steps. One at a time.

  15. Valerie says:

    praying for you and your husband, anxious heart. i feel for you both. i have suffered from depression and have tried to support others through depression before as well. both perspectives are not easy and even though you say you are “just trying” to be strong, know that you ARE being strong, and you are not alone <3 sending you all my love, prayers, and good vibes!

  16. Steph C says:

    “So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy” (1 Peter 1:14-15). This challenge to not go back to the old ways is so convicting to me. I know that the old ways are empty and unsatisfying. But I still go back to them when I am tired or sick or stressed. Oh God, You are my joy and fulfillment. You are my Savior and my Lord. I want to seek you and know you. I want to live in purity before you. Give me grace to choose you over worthless pursuits.

  17. DebRN says:

    Praying for you Anxious Heart! Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday and forever. He is by your side as you walk through this season of trial. God is still working within us, changing us with these very rich verses, our spiritual food. His goal in Christlikeness for you and me. You will not walk away. You will walk with your husband side by side.

  18. Katherine West says:

    “ …and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be mine.” ❤️

  19. Churchmouse says:

    How we forget. We default holiness to one more obligation to be accomplished, one more burden to bear. The Scriptures tell us that we who believe ARE holy – we ARE righteous. Holiness is not another activity we must do to somehow prove ourselves. Holiness is a state of being. Jesus said “It is finished!” We are holy. We are set apart. We are not perfect, yet. That is different. Let us not reduce what Christ obtained for us on the cross – our holiness before God. He tore the veil. He stands and defends us before the accuser. We are holy. That is our position before God, paid for by the blood of Jesus. Let us not ever minimize that.

  20. Kelly Chataine says:

    Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty!

  21. amarose says:

    Anxious Heart, praying for you and you husband that you would be able to get help, that the depression would lift and that you would know the hope that comes from God as he holds you close. He has promised, to never leave you, to never forsake you and he is walking through the valley of the shadow of death with you. My family has been going through this same thing with my brother, severe depression, not wanting to seek help, him rejecting God but I want to tell you, there is hope, even when it seems like there’s no way, God is making a way. My family isn’t out of it yet but God continues to walk with us and remind us of his love and his faithfulness. He will do the same for you. If you ever want to talk more, you can email me at [email protected]. You’re not alone in this!

  22. Alexis says:

    Anxious Heart,

    I am lifting you and your husband up in prayer. I pray for hope that never fails and light to end the darkness of depression. That in this time, although it seems like God is far away; He is right beside you both.

  23. Carol M says:

    Dear “Anxious ♥️“,

    May the God of Hope full you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him… So that you may overcome with Hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13.

    I’m praying this scripture over you today… Also urging you to get help… counseling for yourself, if he isn’t willing… this is to big for you to carry alone.

  24. Diane Van Drunen says:

    Dear Anxious Heart,
    I just want to encourage you to keep loving your husband through this dark time, but also to be fervent in getting him the help he needs and don’t be afraid to make this known to those who love you. So often with depression we suffer alone, the opposite of what is needed. In depression I firmly believe community/family help is needed. Is there someone you husband especially feels loved or encouraged by? A grandparent, brother in Christ, or family member? Try to bring other around you to help. Prayers for you during this difficult time.

  25. Pam says:

    Dear Anxious Heart – I also suffered with depressed. The Lord showed me this. https://sottopelletherapy.com They have been doing this in Europe for decades for men and women. Changed my life. Pray about it and He will show you if it will help. Praying for you both.

  26. Anxious Heart says:

    I need prayer. My husband is intensely depressed. We have gone through many seasons of life change all at once and his overwhelming sadness seems to be the only constant. I care for him deeply. But this depression is overwhelming. He is unemployed. He barely moves some days. He wants to get help but can’t seem to make himself make a therapy appointment. This might be related and might be unrelated, but he had lost faith in God. It’s been a dark season.

    I have found itself getting trapped in my fears lately. What if it never gets better? What if I can’t stand this and walk away? What if I should walk away? I am trying so hard to lift this up to God. To pray more fervently. To trust in his strength. Sadly, I usually end up just trying to be strong.

    Please pray for our marriage. For the end of depression. For forward movement. For hope.

    1. Mari V says:

      Dearest Anxious Heart, Please know you’re not alone. It may seem like it at times, but you’re not. Trust me. I am praying for you.

      1. Susan Clifton says:

        Dear Sweet, prayerful family,
        Lifting you both up in prayer, but remember, depression, like so many other health issues, is a disorder. Treatment and faith are both needed. Praying he can get to therapy and a hedge of protection and light around you both.

    2. Laura Munoz says:

      I’m praying for you and your husband right now. I’ve been there. This verse was my touchstone in depression. John 16:33 “I have told you this so you will have peace in me. In this world you will have troubles and sorrows, but take heart, because I have overcome the world.” It doesn’t sugar coat the truth but it does give hope.
      Also check into gut health and depression. Evidently serotonin is created in the gut and if gut flora is off, it can make depression much worse. A really good probiotic could help. That and hormone balancing helped me.

    3. Lauren G says:

      Praying hard for and with you, Anxious Heart. Truly, nothing is impossible for God. Hoping that you feel assured of that today. If you need help praying for your husband, I recommend the book The Power Of a Praying Wife. It was helpful for me as I learned to pray over every aspect of my husband’s life. And prewritten prayers are nice when your heart hurts and you feel exhausted.

      Will continue to pray for you and your husband in this season.

    4. Brittany Ringo says:

      Praying with you right now Anxious Heart!

    5. Anna Damiano says:

      Praying for you!!

    6. Khim R says:

      Praying for you.

    7. Becky Kuiper says:

      Praying for hope for you, full healing for him, and restoration of his hope and faith in God.

    8. Kim McKeeHoggard says:

      My husband went through a season of depression. ..and it was that: a season. He needed me to speak words of truth to him, to be near him physically, to remind hm to “trust God and do the next thing”. Take it a day -even a morning at a time. Be the void God to him. You make the appointment with a recommended psychiatrist- believer if posdible- and go with him. hands, f

    9. Y K says:

      Praying for your marriage, for your husband & for you. Depression is extremely isolating, I’ve been there. Please don’t ever forget that you aren’t alone. God is walking along side you through ever step of this season. Lean into him.

    10. Jennie Magpantay says:

      Praying for you!

    11. Robin Elgard says:

      I’ve been there too, sister. I thought I’d be crushed under the weight of it. But I wasn’t, and you won’t be either. Pray scripture over him, and hold fast to God. He will be faithful.

    12. Whitney Strubhar says:

      Praying for you to find some rest and peace in God. He is our strength and a present help in trouble. God saw this time in your marriage before you said “I do” — he will see you through this. Praying that your husband sees the goodness of God. There’s a sermon series by Louie Giglio called Believe that helped me greatly during a time like this. It may be encouraging for your husband as well.

    13. Rebecca Barrouk says:

      I am praying for you and your husband right now!

    14. Jennifer Anapol says:

      I will be praying for you and your husband. I pray that he would find healing and hope. I pray that you would find strength to walk through this trial with him.

    15. Elizabeth Barton says:

      Anxious Heart, I’m so sorry this is where you are now. I have lived in that overwhelming, heavy space unsure of where to go and what to do in marriage. I will be praying that God’s provision will fill you each day, that you will see glimmers of hope and that you will find laughter and joy to be your strength. Find people to be around you, community is key in these times. Let those around you be the hands and feet of Jesus. Don’t isolate, that only makes it worse. You don’t have to carry the load by yourself. I’m sorry your husband is in such a dark place too.. praying he finds the strength to get the help he needs for him and for you! ♥️

    16. Lindsay Duncan says:

      My husband went through something similar. Something that is helpful is knowing that no season lasts forever, even though it seems like it will. Keep encouraging him, keep talking to him about what you’re

    17. Jeanie Scott says:

      Just prayed for you and for protection over your heart ask well!

    18. Lori Herning says:

      I am praying for you sister.

  27. Jeannie Burrus says:

    Because God is outside time and space and operates in kairos instead of chronos time, He sees us- at this moment- not only as we are- but as we will be. This truth gives me hope that if I continue to cling to Him and rely on His strength, grace, and mercy, He will complete the good work He has begun in me.

    1. Sarah-Jane Beaudry says:


    2. Y K says:

      He sees us not just as we are, but how we will be. I love this. I gather strength in this today. Knowing that though I am flawed, His power is made perfect in weakness!

    3. Laurel Vernia says:

      So hard for us to conceive this – yet God made it so easy for us to receive. Such an amazing God!

    4. Amber Hezlep says:

      He will! Amen!

    5. Jennifer Anapol says:

      I love how you explained this truth. I love thinking about how God is not done with me yet. When I feel like I fall short of who he has called me to be. I am glad that he isn’t done with me yet.

  28. Lori Pulliam says:

    I am comfortable with all the glorious attributes og God when we are talking about Him. When we speak of those same attributes being in us as image bearers i see the mirror of sin held up . I used to believe it was for condemnation…and still sometimes slip into that. I now know the mirror of holiness is to convict me and turn me to repentance. It is mercy and grace. It is Christs reflection in me. I am Holy because He is Holy.

    1. Janet C says:


  29. Angie says:

    Beautiful, Holy God
    Loved by You
    we give you praise.

  30. Erika says:

    “Our hope in Christ is so sure that God already regards us as people who no longer fall short, who have become holy, just as He is holy.”

    This makes me think of the phrase I have seen on plaques, Instagram posts, and emails lately, “you are enough.”

    We know that we are unrighteousness, imperfect beings. Our culture displays unrealistic portrayals of reality that make us feel not good enough. But we are enough for God, just the way we are. We can approach him the way we are. He loves us and accepts us the way we are. And he blesses us with salvation and righteousness so that we are “good enough.”

    1. Joy Billops says:


    2. Laurel Vernia says:

      God is so great!

    3. Becca McCleary says:

      yes only if we are in Christ are we enough in the sight of God. we, in and of ourselves, are not enough on our own.

    4. Alexandra Acosta says:


    5. Kimme Bartlett says:


  31. Shawn Parks says:

    God’s holiness is an attribute that I have always acknowledged but it is the one that I have skirted around in order to be encouraged by his omniscience and his omnipotence. Though I have always been awed by his holiness, that is where I am most aware of my own sin and my unworthiness to be considered a child of God. I know too well that my thoughts, words, and deeds do not meet his standard of perfection ever. Today’s words were so encouraging and empowering. Because we believe in Christ, God lives in us so He sees us as being holy just as He is holy. And one day we will be perfect in and for Christ. For now, I am being readied for perfection and live each day to reflect God’s holiness through His spirit that dwells in me. My goal is to live empowered by Christ to reflect his holiness, not to live in shame to hide my sinfulness.

  32. Terrisa Stewart says:

    To know that even in my sinful nature, God is calling me to be hold because He is holy lets me know that there is more to be than my past and present. While I may not be able to see it today, I am soon to live in my purpose. That doesn’t mean I will no longer sin. It means that I will find it soul crushing when I do sin and hopefully will be less likely to sin against the Creator.

    1. Shawn Parks says:

      And be encouraged, because with the power of the Lord living inside of us, we can call on his holiness to help us in our weakness to make holy choices over sinful ones!