God Is God

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 10:14-17, Psalm 145:3-7, Isaiah 40:9-25, John 1:1-5, Revelation 22:13

God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things, both visible and invisible. He is infinite, eternal, and unfathomable, yet He reveals Himself to us through the universe He made and His infallible Word.

Whatever we think of when we think about God is, at the very least, incomplete. He is infinite, but our imaginations are limited. He is unfathomable, so our thoughts cannot plumb the depths. He is the Creator of everything, yet we are constrained by metaphors that come from the created world. The very idea that we might classify or categorize God is laughable. He cannot be tamed or studied. He is beyond our reach and beyond our understanding.

And yet we can know Him. He has graciously entered our world, time and time again, so that we might be His children and His true image-bearers. He was in the garden with Adam and Eve. He spoke to Noah, Abraham, and Moses. His presence filled the tabernacle and, later, the temple. He put on flesh and became one of us. And He has gifted His Spirit to His people, in order that we might know Him more intimately still. “The LORD had his heart set on your fathers and loved them. He chose their descendants after them—he chose you out of all the peoples, as it is today” (Deuteronomy 10:15).

We can know God because He has chosen to be known. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present. He is loving and just, merciful and good, and a thousand other things beside. “For the LORD your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awe-inspiring God” (v.17). Theologians have made many a complicated list of God’s attributes, filling thick volumes on shelves that occupy the libraries of this world. But those books amount to what we can know about God. We have been given an opportunity to go much deeper than that. We have been invited to love Him and be loved by Him—to know Him in a way that defies our limited capacity for knowledge and understanding and, in so doing, bring Him glory.

Whatever measure of knowledge we have about God is granted to us so that we might worship Him, not merely as admirers from afar but as dearly loved children.

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193 thoughts on "God Is God"

  1. JoBeth Watts says:

    one of my favorite songs is “Always Good” by Andrew Peterson— the line that gets me says, “As we try to believe what is not meant to be understood, will You help us to trust Your intentions for us are still good?” While I was reading today about His high and unattainable knowledge, it was comforting to me that not only am I not able to comprehend His depth today, it’s something I’m not supposed to understand tomorrow either. And while it is so.hard. to trust what can’t be understood, that is exactly what pushes me into deeper faith, knowing good and well that all is from Him, through Him, and to Him. It’s amazing to me that God uses what we can’t understand to sanctify us and draw us closer to Him. God is cool.

  2. Marilyn says:

    We are to be true image bearers. Sobering

  3. Monique Gillis says:

    “We know God because has chosen to be known!!”

    I love that! He wants to know us and chooses to know us.

  4. Sue says:

    I am challenged by this last statement of the devotional thought “Whatever measure of knowledge we have about God is granted to us so that we might worship Him, not merely as admirers from afar but as dearly loved children.” I like to gain knowledge and sometimes pride myself on “knowing”, but gaining knowledge of God should make me more humble before Him. I am going to try that with this study, Each time I learn a new characteristic, pause to worship Him.

    1. Dorette Meades says:

      This is my challenge too. Thank you for sharing

  5. Brooke Clark says:

    Sovereign, but still makes time and deep energy for each of us. And invites us to do the same. Powerful.

  6. Alyssa Gomez says:

    My husband and I are enjoying this

  7. Sachi J says:

    God is so good. Not just for some, but for all! God really did choose ME out of everyone to be one of his daughters. How amazing! My salvation story still gives me goosebumps, to think that despite my situation, my circumstances, my past, MY GOD was always still there. And by simply seeking Him, he presented Himself with open arms, to carry me, guide me and lead me.

  8. Alexis Caillet says:
