God Has Not Rejected His People

Open Your Bible

Romans 11:1-36, Hosea 14:4-7, 1 Peter 2:7-10

Back in my big hair days, one of the challenges of going to church camp was that we had to bring butane curling irons so as not to blow the circuits…as big-haired girls could do. (I’m still unsure how fueling an object intended to curl hair with a highly flammable gas was a good idea?) But good hair wasn’t my only priority at camp. I also felt a burden to confess a sin I feared had permanently separated me from Jesus. 

That church camp girl with the perfectly curled bangs didn’t understand mercy. She didn’t understand how it works to be fully, eternally grafted in (Romans 11:19). 

When I read Romans 11 now, I linger over Paul’s description of God’s unrelenting, undeserved mercy for Israel, even as they stumbled and rejected Jesus (1Peter 2:8). I rejoice that His plans for Israel stay, that His covenant remains still. What delight that, “He has not rejected His people whom He foreknew” (Romans 11:2). 

This chapter offers a celebration for that church camp girl, and a (perhaps cautionary) reminder for her older self.

Because I confess, even as the memory of such palpable relief after my own stumbling floods back, at times I’ve felt self-satisfied. Now that I know I’m chosen (1Peter 2:9), there are days when I could be one Paul is speaking to when he says, “do not boast that you are better than those branches….you do not sustain the root, but the root sustains you,” (Romans 11:18). 

I think back to standing with my counselor with a humbled, grateful heart. God’s kindness, so unmerited yet unsparing, felt physical. It’s that same kindness and love that holds us all on the tree, through no achievement of our own (vv.21–22). 

We’ve all disobeyed, and yet we can receive His mercy—because Israel’s disobedience made room for ours (vv.30–31). He called us all out of the darkness into the light (1Peter 2:9). 

So then, Romans 11 is a banner of praise and a litany of thanksgiving as we see God’s faithful heart for all of His branches. His care to rescue the broken branches of Israel and His compassion to graft in the wild branches of the Gentiles, place both Jew and Gentile at the mercy of the tree. As mere branches (not roots), we grow because of who we are attached to. He preserves and revives (Hosea 14:6).

No, He has not rejected His people. Through the work done on another tree on the hill of Calvary, He eternally grafted in the wild branches who chose Him by faith yet still holds a place for His beloved Israel. 

His gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable. Because from Him, through Him, and to Him is everything (Romans 11:29,36).

(48) Comments

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48 thoughts on "God Has Not Rejected His People"

  1. Ebony Lewis says:


  2. Misty Portland says:

    Amen! ❤️

  3. Portia Strange says:

    Romans 11:29 says ‘His gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable.’

    Irrevocable means not able to be changed or reversed; final; irreversible; unalterable.

  4. Victoria O says:

    If anyone is struggling with interpretation, I found toggling the app to The Message to be really helpful during this study. I read the study book and re-read here using the Message!!

  5. Dani Hamlet says:

    The moment we were reminded “you are the branches, not the roots” stuck out to me. It’s through Gods work of grafting me in the sustains me.

    I think growing up in the faith all my life it can really feel like I’m the roots, creating that sneaky boastful, self satisfaction.

    Needed this today ❤️

  6. Erica Chiarelli says:

    It’s amazing to realize we are blessed to be ingrafted in and can be a part of God’s family! So thankful!

  7. sophie marie says:

    I don’t think I understand just how merciful God us and how loved i am. It’s one thing to comprehend the subject, and a whole other thing to live like you’ve been fully grafted in; to live like you’re free. lots of prayers for this please because I very much struggle to understand Gods mercy!!

  8. Serene Speakman says:

    “we grow because of who we are attached to.”

    Love it!

  9. Mercy says:

    Happy Thursday she’s.
    Lots of reflections for me today from the richness of the Word. Thank you so much SRT for putting out such great content daily and consistently. A few things that stood out for me:

    1. Kindness and severity of GOD: “Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in His kindness. Otherwise, you too will be cut off” (Romans 11:22). There is a doctrine that says, “once saved, always saved”. This verse Romans 11:22 addresses the false comfort that this doctrine offers. This scripture is conditional on us, how we continue in His kindness. May the fear of the Lord come on us from this verse, that we remain faithful to the Merciful God and not turn astray and reap the consequences.
    2.Faith in Jesus grafts people into God’s household and sustains them to stay grafted. Unbelief breaks them off. (Romans 11:20)
    3.Mystery of God: The partial hardening has come upon Israel UNTIL the fullness of the Gentiles has come in (Romans 11:25). We give thanks for our brothers and sisters in Israel because they suffer the hardening of hearts for our sake. How merciful God is toward us the Gentiles that He sacrifices His first-born nation Israel to go through such hardening season. Do not be arrogant. If the root is holy, so are the branches. May we continue to pray for the peace for Israel (Psalm 122:6)
    4.The healing for those who fall away is available. May we pray this prayer for those we know that are backsliding/falling away, and bring God to the remembrance of this promise: “I will heal their apostasy, I will love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them”(Hosea 14:4), “They shall return and dwell beneath my shadow, they shall flourish and blossom…”(Hosea 14:7). Such profound hope and undeserving mercy that our God gives, when we are yet sinners, or when we fall away. Glory be to Him.
    5. Do not disobey the Word, or we will stumble & fall into offence (1 Peter 2:8).
    6. God does not reject His people, it is His people that reject Him.

    @CINDY HANNA: praying that you have felt better. When a similar incident happened to me, I went to another small church in the neighborhood, so grieved and numb. I walked in to be in the house of God, with the hope to be around His glory in such a low point, not knowing anyone. And the sermon that day was on these: “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you” (Matt 5:11-12). I cried so much that day at the mercy of God for me. The Lord sees your hurt (El Roi) as He saw mine that day, and He heard your prayers, our prayers lifted on your behalf. You are not alone. I pray you find comfort and strength from Him that you are able to soon redirect your focus and find the right people to help you on this journey. Blessings and love to you!

    I will catch up on more reading comments later during my next break, and will pray for prayer requests. Be blessed dear sisters.

  10. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    We are grafted in. Hallelujah!
    I am praying for your requests as I go through. Blessings to each of you!❤️

  11. Terri Baldwin says:

    . He foretells God’s abandoning the nation in the name of the second child; Lo-ruhamah, not beloved, or not having obtained mercy. God showed great mercy, but Israel abused his favours. Sin turns away the mercy of God, even from Israel, his own professing people.

  12. Caroline Bridges says:

    He never rejected anyone in the first place

  13. Cindy Hanna says:

    Each day of scripture reading this week has felt sweet and life bringing. Romans in past studies was hard to wrap my head around. This time a shift has occurred where what was once difficult for me to understand now brings peace and hope . I am so very grateful for the many prayers and encouragement from fellow She’s: Rhonda J, Terri Baldwin, Mercy, Kristen, Theresa Donley, Caroline Bridges and others

  14. Claire B says:

    Jenny L, I am 67. I too have felt this waver of “did I do it right”. I can certainly look back at my teen years, my twenties and thirties and see some shameful behavior. I have repented known and unknown sins. My MIL at 90 told me she rarely read her Bible any longer. I was SHOCKED as she was a deeply faithful follower. She said she had read it so much and so many studies she knew she was in good standing and would no longer feel guilt from not studying but just having prayer time with God was enough. (I thought of her yesterday with that devotion). My 89 year old father (only one left with us) is a deep diver into the Bible and devotions. He says he neglected this in his younger years and yearns for more understanding even today. I am in the middle of both of these extremes. I find if I do my reading and devotions daily I am more peaceful. I also find that when I don’t make time away from reading and study to just sit – for even 5 min – with God to just “be” I start down a rabbit hole of what if’s. I believe God is present always, that we all waiver in daily life, that the Holy Spirit is there to help right us if we listen. I don’t think you were insincere but I do think in reading literature that is geared to people on a younger Christian journey tends to make us question ourselves. I like to fall back on other studies like Pricilla Shirer, Kay Arthur, old Beth Moore, etc and not just SRT. Of course at my age I have the luxury of more time to spend on it rather than doing only one. I have been with Raechel Meyers before this SRT was born. I have learned so much from her and then Amanda and a long ago writer with Raechel, Diana Stone. Deep Breath and be Blessed.

  15. Traci Gendron says:

    JENNYL – I too have felt what you are feeling. In my 30’s I was doing BSF. I did 8 years of it. Was so close to God. Loved the changes that He was making in my life. And then…I fell. I fell back into bad behavior. I went through some tough times in a relationship and I just gave up. I have been back for some time now, but at times I feel that the closeness I felt before is not there. I have worried that He said “enough”. You aren’t deserving of Me anymore. But I know that is not true yet at times I’m fearful that I won’t get that closeness back. The enemy wants us to believe that. Prayers for you my fellow sister in Christ.

    SEARCHING – thank you for always listing our names in your comments. Showing that our requests are heard. I’m so thankful for you.

  16. Traci Gendron says:

    We are chosen and that can feel self satisfying. Yet I believe that knowing how much God loves us makes me try harder. I fail time and time again, but just knowing He offers us forgiveness and love, makes me want to please Him. Just think if we offer that love to others. Would it change the world? I think so. It is hard to not want to do better for the One that shows us so much kindness, forgiveness, love, wise counsel and more.

  17. lisa chapek says:

    28 As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. 29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. – Romans 11:28-29. Praying for all the wandering children and the mamas in this group who long for their return. If God still called Israel as His Beloved even in their rebellion against Him FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR FOREFATHERS, then take comfort that He still calls your children Beloved for the SAKE OF THEIR BELIEVING MOTHERS AND HIS PROMISES TO YOU. His door is wide open to your prodigal, praying with you for them to come to their senses and long for the mercies of God that they see active in your life.

  18. lisa chapek says:

    28 As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. 29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. – Romans 11:28-29

  19. Changed Life says:

    I am getting so much out of this study. Thanks SRT team for another moving study and excellent podcasts! I follow along with the study book and also read the same scriptures in The Message version Bible. I generally prefer the NIV translation, but am finding that my mind wanders with some of Paul’s references, for example, draft from the root, sustained from the root, branches cut away and thrown to the ground. It hurts my head to read that and I am easily distracted. I guess my ADD comes back in force. Haha! The Message keeps me engaged in times like this.

    JennyL, I get where you are in your Christian walk. I have up’s and downs as well and it is hard when it goes on for months or even years. You are staying on track and that’s what matters. God is close even when we are indifferent or simply disinterested. Praying for you and all of us at SRT to continue in our studies as we wait for inspiration from God.

    My sincerest thanks to all of you regular commenters and those of you who research and provide insight on commentaries, hymns, etc. i sometimes rush through my reading without pausing to meditate on scripture. Your legwork is so appreciated by those of us who don’t have time to do the background work.

  20. Kimberly Z says:

    @Jenny L – praying for you sweet thing! I too have felt what you’re feeling and that’s okay! I think we all have. God is working something big in your life. Hang in there. Praying for you all today. Happy Thursday.

  21. Rhonda J. says:

    Might I also suggest “Desert Road” By Casting Crowns. Sometimes it does feel like we are on a desert road.

    “Out here in the dust and clay
    God if there’s a bigger picture
    It’s getting hard to see today
    But I know that you won’t leave me here”

    Music is always my go to to lift me up, and praise in the storm, isolation, confusion and JoY!

  22. Allison Bentley says:

    “As mere branches we grow because of who we are attached to- He preserves and revives” whew can we say that again!! God help me stay attached to you; rooted in a your word!!! Happiest Thursdays sisters!!

  23. Kristen says:

    Thank you all for your comments! Love what Searching wrote about the grafting metaphor. How amazing! Jesus was horrifically wounded and we are grafted in! Then you mentioned that the grafting can help some plants with stress resistance. So not only are we undeservedly grafted in, but He can hold and comfort us too! God’s love is astounding!

    @Teresa I hear you and understand. I have believed this was true for others, but not sure if this was for me too! I’m glad you are soaking in His mercy and grace!

    I love the Scriptures that Kelly Neo referenced! Colleen D. Yes! Amen! I really need to remember Romans 11:29 since God’s gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable! And as you wrote” This is such a precious reminder that “He who started a good working you will carry it on to completion,” (Philippians 1:6). You have not forgotten what You have promised. You have not taken back what You have spoken. “To [You] be the glory forever. Amen, (Romans 11:36).“

    @ERB Thank you for the hymn reminder and may we all be praising Him today! I thought of the song called: Worthy of it All. Some of the words say: All the saints and angels, they bow before Your throne
    All the elders cast their crowns before the Lamb of God and sing

    You are worthy of it all
    You are worthy of it all, Jesus
    For from You are all things
    And to You are all things
    You deserve the glory

    These comments made me say, Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus! To Him be the glory, honor, and praise, and dominion forever and ever! He is great and greatly to be praised! Amen!

    @Kelly Neo and Searching thank you for praying for the 2 Andreas and my friend’s brother!
    @ Kristine, Sarah D, and Mari V have a blessed first day or start of school and year. Those of us that teach really need God’s protection! We need wisdom and favor. Of course, we all need that! Lol!
    God, please let these ladies be a light in the workplace and may they see Jesus in them. Please protect them and give them wisdom and favor with the students, parents, administrators, community, and school board. Amen!

  24. Rhonda J. says:

    @JennyL- Thank you for your vulnerable comment. What I heard was your “sweet and close walk with the Lord,” but now feeling disconnect, and then the fear that it wasn’t real. I think we have all felt that…what if. What if this is the unforgivable sin, what if I am not apart of the remnant, what if I have not asked for forgiveness, therdfore, I won’t be forgiven, if I judged others, I will be judged……and so on and so on. You may feel depleted or separated, but dear sister- God will never forsake you when you are coming to him. For it is written…Draw close to him and he will draw close to you. If you had a “sweet and close walk” with our Savior Jesus Christ…he is working in you something good, despite the feeling of isolation. That is satan’s whisper.

    In my own experience…I kept praying for God to use me…I so desperately felt stagnate in my growth, that I was not being utilized by God! But really…he wanted me to DO things to develop my relationship with him such as reading my bible (to get a better understanding of the whole picture, from Genesis to Revelation). He wanted my time and effort to pray, meditate…to Seek HIS WILL. “Keep the first thing first” as the song says. I wanted to do the exterior work of God..things that look and feel good. And that wasn’t bad per se, it was a heart for Him…but He needs to lead in his own timing, and I needed to look to what He wanted for me. He is stirring you to ask the whys and ifs! Keep humbling yourself to see what He is wanting from you, keep trusting in the silence, keep reaching out to your sisters in Christ to lift you in prayer. (Don’t know if that is helpful or not…but hopefully the Holy Spirit gave me words, because mine usually don’t make sense!)

  25. Colleen DeVeau says:

    @JENNYL, The Lord sees you and your heart. He sees the struggle you’ve been through in your relationship with Him and fighting this sin in your heart. He knows and understands and stands with open arms. Run into them. Don’t let your feelings of being far from Him get in the way. Run to Him in repentance. Run to Him in sincere devotion. Trust Him to draw you near and change you from the inside out. Jeremiah 29:13 reminds us that if we seek Him, we’ll find Him if we seek after Him with our whole heart. I have often felt far from Him over my 28 years with Him. I have felt empty and lost when faced with His Word. I remember specifically in 2017 when I knew by logic that seeking out His Word more would make the difference I needed in my heart, but when I read the words on the page of my Bible, there was no power or meaning in them as there used to be. I found myself becoming bitter and angry that even doing what I knew I should do was not working. I had lost all hope. In time, when I was not looking for it at all, I was listening to music on Pandora when I heard an ad for the new She Reads Truth Bible that had just come out in a version I had never heard of before. I thought, “I have tried everything else; why not give this a shot?” To attempt to make my long story shorter, it took time, but reading the words I had read a billion times (it felt like) in a different version and starting over new in my seeking of Him as a child, He met me and rekindled a fire I thought had been snuffed out for good. Since then, there have been desert places from time to time, but He still meets me there even when I still feel dry. All of this is to say — Keep seeking Him in spite of the emptiness. He will meet you there. He is still there even if you feel nothing. Let it teach you to move and keep pressing even when it feels like nothing is giving way. The breakthrough is on the other side. There is so much more I could say, but I will stop here. You’re in my prayers, @JENNYL.

  26. Tia Watkins says:

    Just a beautiful display of a forgiveness at work.

  27. JennyL says:

    Alright, ladies. I have been reading SRT for many years. I just love the wisdom and the dive into scripture. I’m a mature Christian and have enjoyed a sweet and close walk with the Lord throughout most of my adult life. However, in the last couple of years, I have struggled. I struggled with temptation, avoided it in reality but my mind was not unscathed. I have begged for forgiveness, deliverance, and a repentant heart. I feel separated from God and have for a long time. Now, this passage that used to be a comfort is a stark reminder that our salvation is God’s gift and not all receive it. So was I insincere? Has my heart been so wicked that my relationship with the Lord was shallow, built on sand? At first I could feel His teaching about His love and my stony heart. But now I feel empty, to be completely honest. I am just left wondering if other Christian women have been in such a place? Or what of His good could possibly come from this? Thank you for hearing me. This is hardly a question I know how to ask, much less whom.

  28. Cheryl Blow says:

    I’m so thankful for this gift of mercy and grace that to those who believe. We are grafted in and become a part of Jesus the vine. It gave me such a picture of where our strength and source of everything comes from Him! “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen.

  29. Annie says:

    What a great reading and devotional today! God’s kindness saves us all and holds us all together. We are all rooted in Him and because of this, we are sustained forever.

    “As mere branches (not roots), we grow because of who we are attached to. He preserves and revives (Hosea 14:6).” Such powerful words!

  30. Aimee D-R says:


  31. ERB says:

    KELLY (NEO) thank you so much!! Resting is the best medicine!! And thank you for asking about my brother!! You have such a good memory!!! Today is actually he and his wife’s 4th Anniversary!!! They are both doing so well!! Growing and deepening in their relationships with God, which is AWESOME!!! I can’t remember what I shared last… but he graduated from his master OT program, summa cum laude, and is now working in pediatrics. So THANK YOU for your prayers for him!!! The fruit of those prayers are very evident!! And it is such a blessing to know that you’ve been praying all this time!!! It truly touches and fills my heart!!! ❤️
    How have you been doing? Is there anything I can pray, bring before the Lord and support you in?

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN Amen!!! Thank you for what you wrote!! May your first day of school be blessed and filled with His presence!!

    Today’s scriptures… There was a lot in today’s scriptures but what I kept coming back to was PRAISE!! So let us intentionally praise Him today. He deserves SO much!!!! Thank You Lord for everything, for ALL that You are doing and not doing!!! We trust and praise You through it all!! Amen.

    1 Peter 2:7-10
    **I just want to sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, is our Lord God Almighty!!! He is and was the beginning and the end. May we never take Him and the gift He’s given us for granted!!! We love and praise You Lord!! Thank You for choosing us and for never giving up on us!!! Let us rely on You fully and trust & obey You completely!!! Amen.

    Romans 11:33-36
    **Amen!! Love the reminders of who God is!! I also love the reminder to praise!!!

    Here’s also an old hymn that came to mind…
    “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
    Praise Him, all creatures here below;
    Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
    Praise God the Father who’s the source;
    Praise God the Son who is the course;
    Praise God the Spirit who’s the flow;
    Praise God, our portion here below!”

    May each of us have a truly blessed, praise and wonder-filled day!!!

  32. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies! Praying for you all. Just wanted to pop in and say I got to see my classroom yesterday!! Teacher work week is next week. I’m excited to decorate the room!! Thankful for this time to prepare, and excited for what is next. Have a great day everyone!!

  33. Victoria Fowlkes says:

    Note the kindness and severity of God ❤️

  34. Michelle Patire says:

    “It wasn’t that the Jewish rejection of Jesus as Messiah caused Gentiles to be saved. It merely game more opportunity for the gospel to go to the Gentiles, and many Gentiles took advantage of the opportunity.”
    – Enduring Word commentary on Romans 11

    I think about that Scripture “to the jew first, then the Gentile” (Romans 1:16). When I lived in New York, I was part of a small church plant where there were several people linked to us that were involved in ministries that were going after those currently Jewish. I lived in Brooklyn among the Jewish population (Bed Stuy near Williamsburg). It was awesome. I loved walking through their neighborhood and praying for them as I passed by, on my way to work. I never felt led to be a minister to the Jews, but because my pastor had such a heart to reach them, I felt the touch of that as well. He told me that he would go to a place where ex-Jews would go at night. It was like a secret club for Jews who left their faith to mingle and not feel alone. I forget the name of it. But I was astounded by the sacrifice of my pastor, who was doing so much already to love others.
    He would go there until like 2 or 3 AM and try to witness to those who had fell from the Jewish faith. Some of them actually showed up at our church. I remember meeting one. He just looked like a normal guy, haha.
    So it inspired me to love those are still following the Jewish traditions.
    One time, the Lord actually sent me to an all-boys camp for Jewish young men up here in the Poconos (PA), to deliver groceries for Instacart. I was thrilled because I had been still praying for them.

    God so loves the people who still follow the Jewish law. It doesn’t make sense to, but God allows it and will continue to draw them to near to Him. I’m so grateful to have witnessed up close a ton of Christians with a heart to reach them (even my own age). What a blessing!

    Happy first school day!! @Kristine L- may God give you joy and peace! As to the other teachers, admin, and school workers here!

  35. Victoria Fowlkes says:

    I like the way you shared the other perspective

  36. Theresa says:

    Although I know in concept that God’s Grace is irrevocable and can’t be earned, I’m sorry to say I don’t always live my life that way. Sometimes I find myself anxious and worried that “this will be the time God gives up on me”. I work to do everything right to earn his favor on my life. I know better; but in a world that holds hard work and achievement in such high regard, it can be difficult to believe it’s real! Making a little extra space today to soak in God’s undeserved grace and mercy on me.

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN- praying for your first day with students today

    VICTORIA E- praying for you and I hope you are feeling better

    LEHUA- praying for you and your husband to be fully recovered from Covid. Praying things go smoothly as you are getting back to work.

    RHONDA J- praying for your ministries and healing for your chronic pain

  37. Danielle B says:

    “ you do not sustain the root, the root sustains you.” Romans 11:18 man did that verse hit this morning. I so often feel like I’m sustaining others what freedom to know God sustains me. I can trust and rely on Him. I have seen this over and over. I had about four month battle with insomnia a few years back. It lingers some nights even now. They were nights that were disjointed, very little sleep and even a handful without sleep. God showed every day to support me in that season. He was my root and I praise Him for it.

  38. June Pimpo says:

    How unsearchable his judgements and untraceable are his ways. His plan is so deep and wide…..and his mercy extends to the heavens. How great is our God

  39. Searching says:

    My father-in-law spent many hours over many years grafting flowering plants, requiring unending skill and patience – and the grafting references caught my eye.
    Silly me, I thought I would look up some info and do a short summary on grafting to share this morning – and quickly realized it was more science than I could handle. Two things that did sink in though – First, grafting starts with a sturdy rootstock and a wound is created that allows a tender piece from another plant to be bound to the rootstock. Jesus Christ is our sturdy rootstock that was wounded for us, allowing for the forgiveness of sin and binding us into eternal life with Him. Second, one of the articles mentioned that grafting can help plants with stress resistance (I need that from a human perspective!) … and probably countless other correlations that I missed.

    MERCY – your mention of humility yesterday, a powerful quality ❤️
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – your questions yesterday, “how is it so difficult for them to understand the love of God, His mercy and grace?? How is it so hard for any who are lost?”
    It seems crazy when I read those questions at this point in life, that there are so many that don’t “get” it. And from my own journey – raised in church and even so, listened to the lies more than the Truth. Clear as day in hindsight, but allowed myself to be blinded by the lies and lures at the time. Praying for Arian’s housing.
    KRISTIN – praying for your friend’s brother and sister, and the 2 Andrea’s.
    RHONDA J – credit goes to CEE GEE for the roller coaster mention, with which I agree!
    CEE GEE ❤️ love what you wrote yesterday, “out of love, not seeking reward”

  40. Colleen DeVeau says:

    I am so grateful that You have not rejected any of us but extend grace and mercy to us all. Thank You, Abba, for how you redeem those who have rejected You. I think of my dear friend, J — I know You have never stopped pursuing her, and You never will. No matter how many times she has rejected You and pushed You away, Your arms are still open to her whenever she is willing to turn around. Thank You for the ways You have done the same thing for me and for countless others. Thank You so very, very much for holding our “gracious gift and calling” for us (Romans 11:29). This is such a precious reminder that “He who started a good working you will carry it on to completion,” (Philippians 1:6). You have not forgotten what You have promised. You have not taken back what You have spoken. “To [You] be the glory forever. Amen, (Romans 11:36). To my dear She’s, I love you all and pray for you often. I’m sorry that I don’t often contribute to the conversations here — I often don’t even get to look at them. But please know that I have been here and will continue to be here for you in prayer. May God cover you in His love and mercy and grace continually. So many of you are dealing with such deep hurts, physical, emotional, and even spiritual, and our Abba sees them all. Thank you for faithfully coming here to seek our Father even when it can be so difficult in the midst of all we’re going through. He has not forgotten you, as we saw in today’s reading, and He never, ever, ever will. The things He has promised to be you that you have not seen come to fruition yet are still coming. Hold on, dear sisters. I still can’t get over verse 29, thinking of people who have walked away from the faith who were given gifts from God that they either didn’t appreciate or used for the world, and this verse reminds me that those gifts are still there, those promises are still there for them when they are willing to turn around and come home. I pray so often for those who God has called that have allowed the enemy to turn them away. Do not stop praying for them. As long as there is life, there is hope. Do not give up, dear sisters. Keep pressing on. God is with you.

  41. sarah burton says:

    I agree! Love that Paul can worship in a time of confusion – I’d love that as well!

  42. Kristine Loughman says:

    Thinking back to Paul’s days… it must have been easier for Gentiles to accept the Good News in a way, because they could just take it on face value. But the Jews had to replace their old way of thinking, the Old Covenant, with the new. Gone is the Law, the checklist, the easily drawn guardrails of this is clean, that is unclean. Now Jesus was asking them to love ALL their neighbors. He was passing around acceptance to (gasp!) everyone! If I was a Jew in those days, I can only imagine the judgement I’d have written all over my face! Eek! These days our categories of who should belong aren’t Jew vs Gentile, but I still find myself thinking that some look more olive branch- like than others. God, help me see everyone through your eyes. Forgive my tendency to judge others.

    It’s finally here, the first day of school! I’ve been storing up your prayers and encouragement and I’ll carry them with me today!

  43. Malissia Gonzalez says:

    This reading matches up with day 25 in the study book even though it says day 27!

  44. Colleen DeVeau says:

    @TIA WATKINS, Thankfully, they are not skipped; it’s just numbered incorrectly in the app. This is Day 25, according to my study book.

  45. Kelly (NEO) says:

    @Tia Watkins just a typo…same reading with HRT

  46. Searching says:

    TIA WATKINS – The title and scriptures for today match with Day 25 in my book, so appears to just be a numbering issue. I’ll email SRT and alert them.

    For those of us wanting to look at yesterday’s devo and comments, the link to the previous day (on today’s devo page) won’t show up until SRT corrects the day # – so I just chose Reading Plans then Romans then Day 24 from list to get there.

  47. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Verse 29! “God’s gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable” what a truth to remember on my worse day!

    Verse 32 also stood out to me today, “For God has imprisoned all in disobedience so that he may have mercy on all.”

    The Message puts it this way, “In one way or another, God makes sure that we all experience what it means to be outside so that he can personally open the door and welcome us back in.”

    One of my favorites 1Pet. 2:10 “Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

    ERB – glad you are feeling better. How is your brother doing?

    MARI V – praying for Caleb’s job search

    LAUREN GW – praying God’s peace will cover you.

    MARTHA HIX – praying the cleaning and fixing is going smoothly

    SHARON JONES – how is Abby’s cancer journey?

    CANDACE SMITH – how are your B-I-L & M-I-L?

    JILL PIRHALLA -is your mom still in ICU?

    DIANE MOM – how is your husband’s stroke recovery?

    KRISTEN – praying for both Andreas

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – rejoicing in the Lord’s kindness about your feet

  48. Tia Watkins says:

    Did we skip Plan 25 and 26?????