God Equips Moses

Open Your Bible

Exodus 4:1-17, Hebrews 5:1-6

Text: Exodus 4:1-17, Hebrews 5:1-6

I love Moses. He’s such a beautiful picture of needing everything God offers.

And I love reading about Moses’ first encounter with the God of the universe, burning in a bush. The dialogue between them makes me laugh because Moses’ reluctance is so relatable to me. His objections remind me of my own.

God: Go to Pharaoh so that you can bring my people out of Egypt.
Moses: What? Who, me?!

God: I will be with you.
Moses: What if they ask who sent me?

God: I Am has sent you.
Moses: What if they don’t believe me?

God: I’ll give you the power to perform signs and wonders in My Name.
Moses: But I’m not good with words.

This is where I can imagine God saying slowly and firmly, “Moses, who made your mouth? Go! I’ll help you speak, and I’ll tell you what to say” (Exodus 4:1-13, my paraphrase).

It’s easy to read about Moses’ doubt and think, This is God speaking to you! Don’t you trust Him? After all, even God Himself was angry with Moses (Exodus 4:14). But then I think of all the times I’ve determined God must have confused His plans for me with His plans for someone else. I’ve offered up plenty of, You’ve got the wrong girl! I can’t do this! Just look at my mess…  

I often wonder what God is thinking as He listens to my fears and protests of never-enough-ness. The writer of Hebrews offers us some insight into this:

“For every high priest taken from men is appointed in service to God for the people, to offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins… No one takes this honor on himself; instead, a person is called by God, just as Aaron was” (Hebrews 5:1,4).

God does the choosing and the assigning—not us. He calls us, and He equips us. There’s no need to run from His calling, to deny it, or wish it away. Because “the God of peace, who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus” will also “equip [us] with all that is good to do His will, working in us what is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ” (Hebrews 13:20, 21).

Jesus breathes His power through our frailty in ways we can’t imagine. It’s because we have our own weaknesses that we’re able to love others well, to deal gently with those we encounter (Hebrews 5:2). In fact, this is the only thing we can boast in: His power is made perfect and on full display in our never-enough-ness. When we are weak, we are actually made strong in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

Whoa. The secret to strength is weakness.

Grasping this has been a game-changer for me. I used to think my shortcomings disqualified me from serving Him. But I’ve learned that when I admit my inadequacy, I invite God’s power in to strengthen me. This is fertile soil for surrender. Surrender says, The calling You’ve laid before me is too great. I cannot fathom it. Still, I will obey. I will trust that You go before me.

When God equips us, He also strengthens us. And in that strength, we realize that we, the weak ones, have been a part of God’s plan all along.

So if you’re feeling not-enough today, take heart. The God who was faithful to equip Moses and used him to deliver the Israelites, will surely strengthen and provide for us as well.

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90 thoughts on "God Equips Moses"

  1. Erica says:

    Feeling completely inadequate as a stay at home mom taking care of my three children. I’m reminded I’m right where I need to be, where he needs me to be. Praying today for his strength.

    1. Gayle Bryan says:

      Praying for strength for you today.

  2. Sabrina Corpus says:

    This passage today has been such a God sent. There are somethings in life that we cannot explain and things that we do not understand, and that is something that is currently happening in my life. There are two roads that I can take, and I am not sure which one to choose, both seem like they are applicable and I know that God, in His mighty power and love can/will work with whatever path that I choose, it’s just knowing that I have a choice in the matter scares me, because what if I don’t choose the right one? My heart feels so heavy and I feel so weak, but reading this passage in Hebrews and in 2 Cor. has really reassured me that God is going to strengthen me. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that God has got it and He will strengthen me in this experience that I am facing. “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” Thank you so much for this message, this has truly been a God sent and I am so grateful for this.

  3. In my weakness I am actually so strong because of Jesus in me

  4. Aimee says:

    Thank you! Even the image at the end ministered to me this morning- after a week of sleepless nights up to my 8mth old my message for tomorrow morning is unfinished and I woke today thinking how Lord, how do I juggle motherhood and ministry in this season and this was just the encouragement I needed. HE will help me speak!

  5. Lacee says:

    Wow! What a powerful word today. God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips those He has called! This is such a refreshing story to read. Sometimes I feel like the men and women in the Bible are so much “holier” than I am. I just finished a study on David, and I realized how perfectly imperfect they all really were. May I boast in my weakness because that is when God is glorified. He uses us, imperfect and all, to bring glory to His name!

  6. megan says:

    whew, this is incredible. suddenly so much depth to a concept I’ve been familiar with my whole life. god is so good y’all.

    1. Indira says:

      I could not agree more. We are chosen, and equipped. I’m glad we are allowed to ask questions- and love how God will never get tired of our doubts.
      Surrendering is key.

  7. Laurie says:

    Such a great and encouraging devotional. Thank you…I am feeling more equipped with the word.

  8. Brianne says:

    I needed this today. Thank you.