
Open Your Bible

Genesis 1:1-5, Job 37:5-13, Psalm 42:1-11, Isaiah 43:10-13

In this Names of God reading plan, we are learning more about God by studying the names given to Him in Scripture. Rather than having our writers share their own reflections on these passages, we’ve instead provided research-rich content to aid in your study of each day’s featured name of God, including the background of the name(s), a brief explanation of the character of God emphasized by the name(s), and a reflection question to help you dig deeper into the text.


Elohim, El  (Hebrew)

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:1-5, Job 37:5-13, Psalm 42:1-11, Isaiah 43:10-13

Elohim is the first name used for God in the Bible. It appears in the opening verse of Scripture: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gn 1:1). The Israelites adapted the name Elohim from El, an ancient word for “god,” to refer to the one true God. This name emphasizes His greatness and majesty over all creation and all other gods. Throughout Scripture this name is paired with descriptive words to distinguish God and His character from pagan gods (e.g., El Olam, “everlasting God,” El Roi, “God who sees,” and El Rahum, “merciful God”). Elohim is a reminder that the one true God is distinctly powerful.

God’s unmatched power and majesty

What does this name teach me about God?


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194 thoughts on "God"

  1. Michelle Wolst says:

    God does these things for correction, for land, or love. This is what stuck out to me this morning.

  2. Tricia Peterson says:

    I have recently been greatly encouraged by the name El Roy – “the God who sees me.” There is great comfort and peace knowing that no matter the moment I’m in or the outcome of my situation, the God of all creation sees me.

  3. Amy Maria says:

    He is the one true God. Elohim. Creator of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. God is so powerful that even the clouds and waters and skies do as he says. Yet he takes time to create me. He lovingly cares for and protects me. As God speaks in Isaiah, I am reminded that he is also the guy who commanded the seas to part in order for the Israelites to escape from the Egyptian’s and then protected them by closing the waters over the soldiers and swallowing up their would be captors. He protects. He is God who reigns now and forever, Amen! Oh, my God, how I love you! 

  4. Kristine Parikian says:


  5. Christina Acosta says:

    Elohim means the mighty ones.

    I am comforted to know that our God refers to Himself and reminds us He is a jealous God.

    He’s also the great creator and makes weather happen

  6. Nancy ASilva says:

    The one and ONLY GOD. ♥️

  7. Kennye Martinez says:

    He is the one true God!

  8. Eryn Murray says:

    He is the one true and only God