
Open Your Bible

Genesis 1:1-5, Job 37:5-13, Psalm 42:1-11, Isaiah 43:10-13

In this Names of God reading plan, we are learning more about God by studying the names given to Him in Scripture. Rather than having our writers share their own reflections on these passages, we’ve instead provided research-rich content to aid in your study of each day’s featured name of God, including the background of the name(s), a brief explanation of the character of God emphasized by the name(s), and a reflection question to help you dig deeper into the text.


Elohim, El  (Hebrew)

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:1-5, Job 37:5-13, Psalm 42:1-11, Isaiah 43:10-13

Elohim is the first name used for God in the Bible. It appears in the opening verse of Scripture: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gn 1:1). The Israelites adapted the name Elohim from El, an ancient word for “god,” to refer to the one true God. This name emphasizes His greatness and majesty over all creation and all other gods. Throughout Scripture this name is paired with descriptive words to distinguish God and His character from pagan gods (e.g., El Olam, “everlasting God,” El Roi, “God who sees,” and El Rahum, “merciful God”). Elohim is a reminder that the one true God is distinctly powerful.

God’s unmatched power and majesty

What does this name teach me about God?


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194 thoughts on "God"

  1. Lois East says:

    No other before Him or after Him … He is God!

  2. Regina Clinton says:

    He is God all by Himself

  3. Misty Hill says:

    I agree! He wastes nothing-and every move has a purpose!

  4. Abigail Almendarez says:

    He is so majestic. No one like him! He stands alone , there is not one thing that can undo what God has set. !

  5. Michelle Wolst says:

    God does these things for correction, for land, or love. This is what stuck out to me this morning.

  6. Tricia Peterson says:

    I have recently been greatly encouraged by the name El Roy – “the God who sees me.” There is great comfort and peace knowing that no matter the moment I’m in or the outcome of my situation, the God of all creation sees me.

  7. Amy Maria says:

    He is the one true God. Elohim. Creator of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. God is so powerful that even the clouds and waters and skies do as he says. Yet he takes time to create me. He lovingly cares for and protects me. As God speaks in Isaiah, I am reminded that he is also the guy who commanded the seas to part in order for the Israelites to escape from the Egyptian’s and then protected them by closing the waters over the soldiers and swallowing up their would be captors. He protects. He is God who reigns now and forever, Amen! Oh, my God, how I love you! 

  8. Kristine Parikian says:


  9. Christina Acosta says:

    Elohim means the mighty ones.

    I am comforted to know that our God refers to Himself and reminds us He is a jealous God.

    He’s also the great creator and makes weather happen

  10. Nancy ASilva says:

    The one and ONLY GOD. ♥️

  11. Kennye Martinez says:

    He is the one true God!

  12. Eryn Murray says:

    He is the one true and only God

  13. Stephanie L.Yttrup says:

    He is in all, above all, and through all. He is EVERYTHING we need and offers us nothing we don’t need. None compare to Him.

    1. Diane Kesler says:

      Beautifully said

  14. Abby Kushner says:

    I agree

  15. Paige . says:

    We serve a God who is more powerful than anyone and everything we will ever encounter. And yet, he wants US and calls US by name. Even though he doesn’t need us, he WANTS us. Why do I ever doubt my worth when the High King himself is fighting for me?

  16. Jana WhiteFraley says:

    Elohim….No God before or above Him. He alone is God! No one and no thing has power over Him. We can rest in His unmatchless power and glory. I stand amazed at all of the great things He accomplishes….things I cannot even comprehend!

  17. Cristina Higgins says:

    No hands made my God. No mind thought up His power. He is almighty, everlasting and ever present. He loves me!

  18. Kylie Bozzi says:

    Sit in wonder of Elohim… There is none above Him!

  19. Kylie Warden says:

    We never have to worry that something is bigger than God, no other religion, no person, nothing is bigger than our one true Elohim.

  20. Candice Graves says:

    There is none like him his majesty is unmatched. He is the Only True and High God he reigns forever!!!

  21. Callie Coe says:

    There is no one higher and no one greater than our God! This brings me security, humility, and reverence! The God who can shut the mouths of lions, cause the snow to fall, guide the winds, and who created the entire world…He cares for me and loves me. What a humbling and awe-inspiring truth.

  22. Jen Welton says:

    Who can stop the Lord Almighty? Elohim, Elohim. What abwonder that you would choose me as witness. How can we not worship?

  23. Tarinya De Silva says:

    What does this name teach me? Elohim teaches me that when we chose to follow God, we chose to be servants to him ONLY. We might be rejected and alone , waiting for our own salvation, or saving through other people. But I believe I need to fully lay down everything before him. Every room I enter into, what I choose to do is under His Name. He is the one true God, and he will reveal that to me, just like how a bud reveals it’s beauty and blossoms with time.

  24. Emma Sherrer says:

    We can rest in HIS arms knowing that no matter what, God has our back. Our future is secure because it is in his hands!

  25. Lauren Smades says:

    I was so moved by the verses in Job I read it in all versions. What an amazing and powerful God we serve. What a good good Father.

  26. Autumn Prendergast says:

    God is powerful above any and every other name. Elohim, the one true God. The mighty living One.

  27. Sherri Bailey says:

    Loved the verse Job 37:5.

  28. Eva Rivera-Chavez says:

    God can do great things. He can make a way in each situation as He sees fit. His ways are better. He is the almighty God and there is none like Him. I’m grateful to be reminded that in this meditation and go to him with a grateful heart for all He has done and is still to do. Thank you almighty God!!!

  29. Karena Edwards says:

    He is GOD, the one true God, above all other gods.

  30. Acelyn Brito says:

    God is powerful and mighty. Nothing can stand against Him!

  31. Christina Leal says:

    Gods ability to intimately know, love and care for each and every person is unimaginable to me. Elohim reminds me that there is no one else like Him and He is capable of so much more than the human mind can comprehend. Thank you God that you are the one true God and that you are able to hold the vastness of the universe while tending to the details of my life (and millions of others) as well.

  32. Keturah Gardner says:

    He cannot nor will He ever be beat, overturned, His acts counteracted or His words returned back unto Him void. HE IS G O D. Who can come against the Almighty GOD?! NO ONE!!

  33. Mallory Rush says:

    I love that they use descriptive words with the ancient “El” to specifically contrast from pagan gods. He is the only God – the true God. Everlasting and infinitely present.

  34. Rene' Bancroft says:

    The phrase, “distinctly powerful” reminds me that God has unique characteristics and power that ONLY He has. The facts are all around us ~ the depth of the sea, the boundaries of the oceans, the weather, and His ability to give each of His children individual & undivided attention…it’s all incredible & dome days hard to comprehend, but always blesses me!

  35. Ingrid Coutinho says:

    Elohim, the one true God. Such a great reminder especially in a world that has many gods put in the place of the one true God May he always be our center and focus.

  36. Lori Wat says:

    Listening to the mighty, torrential rains outside my home this morning – glorying in God who gives this as a sign so that all men may know his work (Job 37:6-7) Thank you for your grace and mercy God. May all recognize you EL / ELOHIM

  37. Andrea Abi-Saab says:

    God deserves all our honor and praise. Everything comes from and thru Him. There is no other besides Him.

  38. Sabine RheauMathews says:

    Elohim is a great God! He is matchless and powerful!

  39. Whitney LynneBerger says:

    There is no other name above Him. Every knee shall bow. Every tongue confess.

  40. Kelli Sueppel says:

    Nothing is impossible for God!

  41. Ashley Byrum says:

    God can do far more than we can ever ask or imagine. He splits seas for us. Our God is a mighty God. In the midst of our season may we remember how powerful he is and simply trust elohim

    1. Kelli Paskey says:

      YES!!! ♥️♥️♥️

  42. Stacey Ivicic says:

    God is the creator before and above all things. He is all powerful and for us. He is worthy of all praise and honor.

  43. Tara Davis says:

    God should be priority in all of our lives followed by everything else

  44. Bekah McCrorey says:

    God is original… there is no one and there never will be anyone like Him! He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of all. Nothing and no one has gone before Him nor will come after Him. Elohim is entirely unique and the only one true God. There have been many imposters and many who claim His role and title and likeness, but there is only one who is worthy of this beautiful and powerful name. His originality cannot be matched, manufactured, or imagined by anyone as to create it… He simply is, and therefore, everything else has its existence. He is beyond our human ability to touch, see, and fully know and comprehend. He knows no limits or bounds. When the very world we live in is governed by laws of physics, time, and space, He reigns above it all. Our God, Elohim, is the original. He is sovereign and true. He is the creator and sustainer of all things. Nobody is nor will anyone ever be like Him!

  45. Natalie Herning says:

    God is unbelievably powerful. More than we’ll ever grasp in this lifetime

  46. Tiana Johnson says:

    Elohim. No god like my God. To know that his power is unmatched and no one or thing can touch him. My joy is in him, my every being and everything in heaven and earth was created by him and belongs to him. There is no other like him, only him. Elohim! THE ONE TRUE GOD! Hallelujah.

  47. Katie Crews says:

    Elohim teaches me that it is Him alone that I should devote myself too. There is nothing else more worthy thatn Him.

  48. Sonja Vick says:

    How great is my God! So grateful to be called His own! ❤️

  49. Danielle NicoleWilkins says:

    So grateful for the unmatched power of Elohim!

  50. Brittney Ford says:

    Elohim. The supreme and all mighty God. He is in all and above all.

  51. Brittney Ford says:

    Elohim says to me that there is nothing, no other being that matches His might. He is in all.

  52. Kimmy Delgado says:

    God who has everything in control. The one who has our future in His hands. And will fight for us at anytime because He is an all powerful God!

  53. taylor frame says:

    God is all powerful. No challenge we face is too great for our God!

  54. Tangy Millard says:

    The great majesty omnipotent omnipresent omniscient God Elohim God creator of all things seen and unseen known and unknown

  55. Sarah Mezzera says:

    God. A never to never doubt. A name that sums up all power. A name that can conquer all. Not a name that’s intimidating. A name of dominion and authority. A name.

  56. Heather Applegate says:

    God is all powerful. His name is greatness and beyond comprehension. He is so all encompassing and large we can’t understand all he his and does.

  57. Vanessa Hernandez says:

    God is so great, without limit, enormously majestic, incomprehensibly powerful, without equal or rival, He alone is God! How beautiful that He is all of this and yet so tender and loving and kind toward us as His children ❤️

    1. Tangy Millard says:

      Am n!

  58. Taylor Hayes says:

    God has all the authority! He is the only Creator and Author of life. No one is higher.

  59. Karen says:

    God is powerful, mighty, creator of all things, and present with us always.

  60. Jill LeGrand says:

    I love the different Hebrew words attached to God through the Bible. Helping us to understand, at greater magnitude, who He is to us. Elohim is one of my favs.

  61. Stephanie Volage says:

    God made creation and it obeys Him! My God is so extravagant. So might. There is nothing God can’t do. If creation still obeys YOU, so will I!

  62. Heather Todorow says:

    God…In the beginning… He is always here, from beginning to end He will be with us. He created Heaven and Earth…and me…and you. My hope is in Him.

  63. Steph East says:

    My soul thirsteth for God. (Ps 42:2) What a relatable verb and so true.
    I’m thankful to God today for the security of knowing that “My God is so Big, so Strong, and so Mighty. There’s Nothing my God cannot do!”

  64. Emily Fishback says:

    Most of these verses talk about God’s power, and yet, there is this word in a few of them…MY. He is MY God. The most powerful being in the universe can be described as MY OWN. I desire to understand that power living inside of me.

    1. Briana Errington says:

      I love this!

  65. Courtney Havrilla says:

    “Also, from today on I am he alone,
    and none can rescue from my power.
    I act, and who can reverse it? ”

    Comforted in the fact that His mighty power over creation worked in me to create a new heart; he created righteousness where there was none; he created a love for Him where there was ignorance, hate, indifference, and blindness. He acted salvation on our behalf… who can reverse it?

    1. Emily says:

      Love this!!

  66. Katie Owens says:

    “God thunders wondersouly with his voice. He does things I cannot comprehend” I love this verse because just by looking at my life and how it has all played out so far, I know this is something I could have never orchestrated. It shows me the power of God. My salvation alone shows me his power.

  67. Elizabeth S says:

    Standing at my kitchen window reflecting on God’s magestic power, I was reminded of His intimate goodness. I’m in a season of provision, yet longing and waiting for the next chapter. I was reminded of how detailed God’s plans are, and how He has brought me to this good place – better than I could ever imagine – and that I need only trust, and He will deliver me to the next good place. What a beautiful, peace-filled reminder this morning.

    1. Carla H says:

      Wow. You’ve so accurately described what I have been feeling but lacking the ability to put it into words! God has provided me with everything I need, and yet I’ve grown discontent with this chapter of life. But I’ve recently come to understand that while my cup is full God may be preparing me for when my cup is emptied, and the next season of my life may not be as spiritually easy as this season has been. So I’m asking God to give me a heart to truly love this season of life, that He might mold my heart to prepare me for the next chapter he has for me, whether it is a “full cup” season or an “empty cup” season.

  68. Lauren Summers says:

    God came first, will always come before me. He is great and mighty.

  69. Telisha Goodwin says:

    I am enlightened again that the lord is bigger than all things. I may not understand, but I can trust him and his works. ♥️

  70. Felidian says:

    Is God egotistical? Is He a narcissist?

    1. Emily McGhee says:

      To answer you properly you would be implying that God is selfish, self centered, self serving, lacking empathy

    2. Emily McGhee says:

      I encourage you to ask him to show you his love and fulfillment. He comes with open arms and meets you where you are without condemnation. I have been able to experience this love and forgiveness and want that for everyone…

      1. Barbara Menefee says:

        Emily, such a loving and thoughtful answer. John 13:35.

    3. Breanna says:

      God is a deity, a higher being, something beyond what we can comprehend, so I think He operates very distinctly from us and in ways that don’t quite make sense to us (why would we worship something or someone that we could fully grasp?). But I think because of His nature as a supreme being (think Creator of the universe), He is worth worshipping and demands that all His creation worship Him. He is after His own glory, but not in a selfish way like our minds understand. It’s His very nature, just like His inability to be around sin, or His faithfulness and His inability to break promises. It’s a characteristic that isn’t fathomable to us because of sin’s presence on earth. So, no He is not narcissistic, but He is first and foremost about His glory and being glorified. But why wouldn’t we want to glorify our Creator, our Father, our Savior?

    4. Kimberly Zoss says:

      Great thought provoking conversations!

  71. Kelsey Gregory says:

    God is capable of moving powerfully in mine & others’ lives, regardless of the circumstances. ❤

  72. Amanda King says:

    “Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”
    Psalm 90:1-2

  73. Susan Flores says:

    I used to watch Veggie Tales as a kid, and one of my favorite songs went like: “God is bigger than the boogeyman, He’s bigger than Godzilla or monsters on tv!” ❤️.

  74. Catherine Spreadbury says:

    I’m reminded that God is bigger than I know and I can trust who he says he is.

  75. Jennifer Brennit says:

    I’m reminded of my smallness and the security that comes from embracing that I am not in control. My great and good God holds my days.

  76. Valeria Stewart says:

    When I’m going through trials whether my spirit is weak or my flesh fails me, I tend to forget how great, and powerful and merciful God is. The one true God, no one before him,no one after him. This reading was an encouragement and reminder of who truly is in control and who I should always turn to in time if need, Elohim. Praise you father!

  77. Adetoun says:

    It reminds me of His grace and mercies towards me.

  78. Grace Voltz says:

    I love how this word brings out His singularity. He is the only one true God. I feel like when I’m using the term Elohim I am forsaking all other gods I am tempted to elevate in my life and I am putting Him at the forefront. I am saying He is the only one that created. He is the only God who is listening my heart is downcast. He is the God that hears me and knows me and holds the world in His control!

    1. Sarah Peachey says:

      Grace, did you go to cedarville?

  79. Ashley Thomas says:

    I’m trying to catch up on this study. Psalm 42:5 “ Why, my soul, are you so dejected? Why are you in such turmoil? Put your hope in God, for I will still praise him, my Savior and my God.” For me this is Elohim. No matter what my situation, God is there, God is love.

  80. Ashley Smeddle says:

    The verse about the clouds doing His will reminded me to not belittle my role Or others role in life. God ordains it all. We are all beautiful pieces of his story, and I am grateful he is my God

  81. Haley Fortgang says:

    God works in amazing ways, there is no one like him

  82. Susie Dunlap says:

    God is so big and so good! He is higher than any other pagan God.

  83. Georgie RaeBass says:

    There is no god like our God. There were no other God’s before him, and can’t be any after him. He is beginning to end, full of majesty and might. He is large and in charge!

  84. Jennifer L Moore says:

    God is God and there is no other. He is three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is alive and active and not like t he pagan gods of others.

  85. Christen Ayers says:

    God created everything good and beautiful thing to call to our souls through His creation. He has authority over the universe! Of what shall we be afraid?

  86. Kristin WemyssKremer says:

    It’s no coincidence this was posted on 9/11. After processing through the tragedy and teaching about it to 11-13 year olds in a secular setting, this reminded me that despite the chaos that reigns Earth right now, God is working to restore.

  87. Amy Wolfe says:

    Praying for your family! Elohim is able to redeem any situation, even when it seems impossible to us – only God.

  88. Jessica Santos says:

    God, the creator of the universe. My designer. I often forget how powerful and majestic he is.

  89. Heather says:

    Trust. In a world where we strive to have control over all aspects of our life. This lesson reminds me that I should only be trusting in God and not worrying.

  90. Missy MacPhail says:

    These verses surprised me with the multiple connection between God and creation. Over and over they reference God’s supremacy over creation and his connection with creation.

  91. Allison Burggraff says:

    My family has faced a number of significant trials over the last 4 1/2 years. God as Elohim reminds me that he is in control. We need not worry, and we need to pray that we will be guided by God each step of the way. When we live trusting in his sovereignty, we live in freedom!

  92. Jim colegrove says:

    He, God Almighty, has many titles because he has no limitations, from those who mediated on his achievements. But he has one name that he is pleased to be referred to as: “Jehovah.”
    This he has chosen for himself to speak of his limitless powers, intelligence and love (My limited description).

    1. Jim colegrove says:

      He, God Almighty, has many titles because he has no limitations, from those who mediated on his achievements. But he has one name that he is pleased to be referred to as: “Jehovah.”
      This he has chosen for himself to speak of his limitless powers, intelligence and love (My limited description).

      The Tetragrammaton, YHWH: “He causes to become.”

  93. Natasha R says:

    God is absolute power and wisdom. That makes me feel safe and secure, and it also reminds me to be obedient and submit to his will.

  94. Amanda Machado says:

    I always get in panic when I deeply think about the therm INFINITY .
    In Gn 1:1 it says IN THE BEGINNING but actually, maybe, it was not the beginning … actually God always existed and that is crazy!!
    But I really think that untill we are totally spirit in the presence of the Father, always will have some things that we do not understand about God, because He is not a Human person, not even close to this and He is incomparable … we can not put Him into a box because He is limitless.
    I should just rest in His presence and live one day after the other…

  95. Kay says:

    It is good to take time and truly reflect on the majesty of our God because it is just too easy to try to “humanize” Him..I love verses 10-12 in Job–“Ice is formed by the breath of God…” WOW!!! He is truly more majestic and powerful, yet loving than anything I can ever imagine.

  96. SommerAnn M says:

    I love reflecting on when I shall come and appear before God. How can I appear before Him in my daily life? What does this look like? How does He see me? I want to be intentional in appearing before Him in my actions and decisions.

  97. Wendy says:

    I had always been taught that Elohim does not appear until Genesis 1:26 “Then Elohim (translated as God) said (singular verb), ‘Let us (plural) make (plural verb) man in our (plural) image, after our (plural) likeness'”. That always spoke to me – the Trinity in action! Has anyone else been taught this!

    1. Julie Waldvogel says:

      I don’t know your background, but if you look in the interlinear (that’s the original Hebrew/Greek) you’ll find that within the first 26 verses of Genesis Elohim is used 22 times.

      1. Wendy says:

        Thanks – will check it out! Most of my bible education was in Calvary Chapel churches. But I did google and found lots of confirmation that 1:26 was the first. Love learning!

  98. Dorothy says:

    I just got off the phone with my cousin about a half an hour ago, my aunt who I so dearly love and am like a daughter to (because she had only boys and I would love to go visit her in the country and cook with her), had a stroke last week. He said he would have called me sooner but just found my number last night. She is in rehab now doing well after being unresponsive for 3-4 days. She wants to go home and live so she knows she must be able to take care of herself. I will know more tomorrow after my cousin meets with the care team to discuss her going home. Sisters I ask that you pray for her continued recovery — she is a Christian woman who plays the piano at her church and directors the choir.

    1. Pamala says:

      Dorothy, I’m praying for your precious aunt. May she have a full recovery.

      1. Gene Berry says:

        Psalm 83 vs 18 Jehovah

    2. Brittany Ringo says:

      Praying for your and your family.

    3. Liz C says:

      Praying for your Aunt’s recovery and for your whole family.

  99. Parker Medley says:

    This name is just another reminder of his almightiness! He is our one true God and one true King! This morning I was walking to my front door and the view of the sun coming through the trees, with the light glimmering and bouncing through, I was reminded that this is His creation! It was so beautiful I just had to take a moment to soak it in. I believe he talks to us in this way, and I can’t help but listen! Prayers for everyone about to weather this storm!

    1. Kristen says:

      Absolutely! The heavens, earth, all creation declares His glory. They testify that There is a God and Creator! This is a great part of a teaching that goes with creation obeying God. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm4FJ0GB925/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshi d=exq43gi5kkod

  100. Chloe Park says:

    God is bigger than my circumstances. I’m currently going through a season that feels a bit like a drought. Yet I am reminded of how David was able to praise God even when he was running for his life. If David could worship God when things were scary and difficult than so can I! God desires m full heart of worship and when I put my full faith and trust in him, I will be blown away at His power, majesty, and goodness.

    1. Dorothy says:

      I too “will be blown away at His power, majesty and goodness” if I just “let God and let go.” I want to “be blown away”.

  101. Amanda says:

    He is God, the One and Only, not a false god made out of man’s desires or imaginations. He is
    the almighty and powerful God. He created, and everything including me is in His hands/control.

  102. Dorothy says:

    God – Elohim – The One and Only God, the True God, there is no other god. He is the “real McCoy,” the genuine article. I noticed twice in our Psalm reading the verse, “Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” Psalm 42:5b,11b He is my Hope and my One True God.

  103. Kathy says:

    What a blessing to read so many comments, what a wonderful format. By reading today’s verses I am reminded that I have no need or problem that is beyond His ability to act on my behalf. HIs is the power and the majesty forever!

  104. Chris Swan says:

    Praying for all our sisters preparing for this hurricane— God is gracious even during the storms of our lives.

  105. Carol Burnum says:

    Praying for peace and safety!

  106. Helena Rose says:

    Love it when the reflection asks questions, it means I can’t get away with just reading it but I actually have to think and put my thoughts into words!

    1. Julie Waldvogel says:

      Same here! I love that I have to think and come up with a response.

  107. Catherine Harrington says:

    It is Fascinating to learn the vast multitude of names, for God!!

  108. SB says:

    In today’s Bible reading there are many references to God‘s power as creator as well as God‘s power over creation. From the creation story in Genesis to the torrential rains windstorms,cold, and lightning in Job, we see God‘s power displayed. But what I particularly love in today’s reading is Ps 42:8. Just after reading “all your breakers and your waves have gone over me, we read “yet day by day the Lord also pours out his steadfast love upon me.” (TLB)
    How wonderful that the same God who has power over all creation also uses that same power to pour out his steadfast love upon me.

  109. Lisa says:

    I love the reminder of who is in charge here….God in brilliance created it all, brings the rain and snow, created evening and morning, all the stars and holds it all in His hands. I need to trust He knows what He’s doing (He does of course) and rest in His competent hands.

  110. Shelbyrae Myers says:

    I love the description of El Raham merciful God. Such a good reminder that God literally has control of the clouds in the sky and the fish in the sea but for some crazy reason He decides to love me. So amazing

  111. Shelbyrae Myers says:

    Praying for your whole family, the case worker, the current foster family, the judge , and everyone else involved!

  112. V says:

    I am from one of the areas that is evacuating due to Hurricane Florence, and it is a scary thing. I left not knowing what was going to happen and what I might lose in it all. The verse from Psalm 42 “why are you so downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God…” stuck put to me because my mind begins to wander and worry about things that are out of my control. Things like I should have brought this or that keep running through my mind. Instead of me worrying about these things I need to put my hope in God and know that he is all powerful and is a BIG GOD. Prayers for safety and comfort in all these areas that may be affected!

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Thank you for sharing. We’ll be praying for you during this time for continued comfort and peace. We’re grateful that you’re here. -Margot, The SRT Team

    2. Kathy says:

      I pray for your peace and comfort and that God will pour out abundant provision for you in the uncertainty of this storm.

    3. Dorothy says:

      Be praying for you

    4. Kay says:

      Living in Florida, I know how frightening hurricanes can be. I pray that you will be able to focus on the “hope from God” that we read about today and rest assured that our “distinctly powerful” God is in control…no matter what.

    5. Natasha R says:

      Praying for you V!

  113. Mary Jo says:

    Elohim. There is no other God. Unique. Irreplaceable. Filled with might and majesty. He holds our world – His world – in His hands. Whether for correction or His land or love… it is by His hand.

  114. Kristin says:

    Hi, I’m new here :)

    “There is none who can deliver from my hand;
    “I work, and who can turn it back?”
    When my life seems tumultuous and out of control, HE is in control. I often get fearful and anxious, worrying about every little thing. But this verse assures me that if HE is doing something in my life, which HE has revealed so graciously that HE is, then NOTHING in the whole universe can stop HIM!

    1. DebRN says:

      We are glad you are here!

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      Welcome Kristin, we’re so glad that you’re here reading along with us! -Margot, The SRT Team

      1. Kristin says:

        Thank you so much!

  115. Antoinette Burnett says:

    Great reminder of how infinite and unmatched our God is!

  116. Ann says:

    With the season I am in, of wondering what’s next, this name is comforting. Elohim is above everything and is not intimidated by my circumstances.

  117. Kerri says:

    While reading Psalm 42, I automatically read it as this song by The Sing Team. God is most glorified through us when we are most satisfied in Him! Satisfied in You (Psalm 42) — https://open.spotify.com/track/40jK6rrM6gR5Bju6EuyP2P?si=DIMW6mE3QVyr0oF46K5wsw

    1. Cindy says:

      Thanks so much for sharing…this song really spoke to me!

  118. Minnie Batty says:

    Elohim is majestic Creator, God on the throne, while Yahweh is God right beside me, with all that majesty but still willing to reveal Himself and enter into covenant

    1. Linda G says:

      Great comment!

    2. Mikaila Baker says:

      Agreed, what a great way to look at His numerous roles in our lives. Sometimes I find it hard to be more than one thing to someone… it’s hard to be a friend but also a leader when i need to be in certain situations. But God is all things at all times. That is a great reminder!

    3. Barbi Gardiner says:

      This is a perfect way to say that GOD is who we need in the moment. How amazing is it that we don’t need to know which one we need. HE knows and leads, protects, loves us unconditionally! Amen!

  119. Ellie Collett says:

    Last night I got frustrated and upset with God for not telling me why He has brought a guy back into my life. Whether it’s a lack of hearing on my part or He has been quite it has been hard not hearing the reason why He brought him back into my life. Is it for me to pull him closer to Christ or is it really for a pursuit of a relationship?

    This devo provided me with a reminder that God can do wonderful things that I can never comprehend. His voice alone provides so much power. If you are feeling like you might be in a rut or not hearing from God on a certain thing in your life, remember his power and what he has the ability to do. It’s beyond our imagination!

    1. Brittany Noell says:

      This is amazing! I have definitely been in a rut with my job and wondering why I haven’t been hearing Gods voice about if this is where I need to be or does he want me to move. It’s reminding me that I need to be still and pray before anything else. Opening my heart to God will open my hears as well.

      1. Ellie Collett says:

        Yes Brittany! I am always running around doing something so I usually struggle with just being still and listening without getting distracted

  120. Alyssa Davis says:

    Today I am reminded that God is our Creator – there is no other being that rules and reigns sovereign over all the earth and entire galaxies and universe. There is no other like Him. He is the only one who knows His creation the best. It also teaches me there’s many things to be learned and gained from Him, all we have to do is press in and abide! ❤️

  121. Sarah says:

    Why my soul are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Our soul knows no other like God. We can’t even comprehend how much our soul needs Him and how much He is like no other god or person or anything. He is magnificent! “He does great things that we cannot comprehend!” This is so powerful to me. We think we know all of the great things God has done, and we think that he’s so amazing, but we don’t even know the start of it!

  122. Sarah Appleby says:

    It is amazing that Elohim, who with just His voice created the entire world, the One whose works are wondrous and we cannot comprehend, the One is is all powerful, is also the One who is our hope, our rock, our salvation! If our God is for us, then who can be against us!

  123. amarose says:

    God is continually compared to water. His powers are revealed in all types of water from a gentle spring rain to pounding, roaring waves. Water is immensely powerful and strong but also gentle and peaceful. I love this analogy for God’s power and strength but also his incredibly loving, caring character.

    1. Churchmouse says:

      Yes! I love this analogy as well. Babbling brook to torrential rainstorm – God is both peaceful and powerful!

    2. Dorothy says:

      Yes water can be gentle and can calm but also can be roaring and harsh enough to take a life if that life is not careful. God too can be the same.

    3. Rhonda Simpson says:

      I love this analogy too – water is also our basic need & washes away our sins – through baptism.

  124. Kelly Chataine says:

    I was moved by the phrase “deep calls to deep” found in the Psalms passage. The depth of Elohim calling to the deep places of my heart, soul, and mind. God is Spirit, and I (we) must worship Him in spirit and truth. There is a depth to that statement. We read it quickly and we often listen to those words even more rapidly, but they call to our deep places. They appeal to our deep places and request an audience with Elohim. That seems to be the perfect description of what has been happening to me spiritually for the past year. Praise Elohim!

    1. Brandi says:

      Love this! Thank you.

    2. Rhea Pamaran says:


    3. Mia Faith says:


    4. PamC says:

      Wow! Thanks Kelly

    5. Dorothy says:


  125. Kelsi Craig says:

    Gods power and majesty are the things that I think of first when I take time to remember the Lords character. They are also the characteristics that I have the hardest time believing in. Elohim is powerful over all things on Earth and in my life. I wonder how my life would look different if I lived in the truth of Gods power and majesty moment by moment.

    1. Emily B. says:

      Oh, that’s a good ending question. It definitely makes me think, too!

  126. Hannah says:

    The Isaiah reading (“No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?” V. 13) reminded me of Jesus words in John 10:28-29: “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” Praising GOD today that He is the all powerful one who holds us close so that we are safe with Him for eternity.

    1. Amy M says:

      I love this!

    2. Emily Curtiss says:


    3. Mia Faith says:


    4. Natasha R says:

      Ooooh yes! Thanks for this insight!

  127. Beth Dawson says:

    Today was a wonderful reminder that God is ultimately Sovereign and I am not. He knows way more than we do, and knows before we do! What a powerful and miraculous God we serve! Beautiful ❤️

  128. Churchmouse says:

    Nearly every morning from where I sit to do my morning devotions I can watch the sun rise. It breaks above the tree line and casts its light across the valley and over the pond. I never tire of the view. I can watch the clouds move, sometimes slowly and sometimes ominously. Always my thoughts turn to my Creator God. Many times I’m moved to take a photo of the splendor I see. I caption it “God showing off as only He can.” Yes there is only one God who created all and holds all things together. With all the study and intellect and reasoning of man we still cannot fathom the majesty and power of God. Oh the great gift of faith! I see and I believe though I do not always understand. I’m ok with that because what I do know is enough. His Word tells me all I need to know. And my morning view reminds me of His constant creative presence. It is well with my soul.

    1. Momtomany says:

      Once again Churchmouse your beautiful reflection spoke to my heart and soul.

    2. Julie Ganucheau says:

      Love this! ❤️

      1. Emily Curtiss says:


    3. Mari says:

      I agree with the responses here , reading your insight helps me to get a better understanding . Though sometimes very sleepy and tired that’s one of the main reasons I like to do an early morning run just to watch the sunrise reminding me how much God loves me.

    4. Mia Faith says:

      So glad to see you here Churchmouse! I miss the many voices of the ones who commented often before the app changed. I felt like I lost friends!

    5. Cynthia Johnston says:

      Churchmouse, do you have an Instagram account? I would love to see the pictures you describe! Thank you for sharing with us. I am always encouraged.

    6. Natasha R says:


  129. Janna Jackson says:

    God is all powerful, omnipresent and Omniscient. I’m thankful that I have a God that I don’t understand his mind. I’d have a hard time believing he was the one true God if I could understand his mind. The Bible talks about mysteries. One day we all see clearly and understand everything we couldn’t while we were on this Earth.

      1. Kristen says:

        My pastor says that too,. He says he wouldn’t want a god that his brain could comprehend. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Thank God for that!

  130. Kathy says:

    God is totally and completely in control. With this massive hurricane about to slam into the East Coast, I am reminded that we may think we control our lives, but we don’t. God is sovereign and He is powerful. I love this quote; (I don’t know who said it,) “Sometimes the only thing we can do is sit silent and motionless in a Presence that takes over our lives completely.”
    God is sovereign and majestic and powerful, but He also is compassionate and merciful and gracious. The verses in Isaiah remind me that He wants me to know Him and that includes knowing His power and majesty.
    My prayers are with all of you that will be affected by this hurricane. Be safe!

    1. Ginger Lyon says:


  131. Amy E says:

    The passage in Job is a needed reminder this week that it is God who has authority over the seasons/weather. In the midst of hurricane season, I take comfort in knowing that God is in control no matter what storms may come. Please pray for the East coast with Florence making her way in great force.

  132. Marine EmmanuelleCzarnecki says:

    God is the one true god. There’s no one beside Him, there’s no one like Him and & who can do what He does. He’s the creator of all things – everything belongs to Him & everything will bow down before the majesty.