i cannot go down

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 6:1-14

Text: Nehemiah 6:1-14

I thought I knew all about determination in my life. Earning that degree. Passing that Bar. Getting that job. Birthing that child (after 32 hours and a defunct epidural. Sorry, but it bears mentioning).

Sure, things weren’t easy, and it was a lot of hard work. But the only true barrier between me and my goals was myself, my fears and my weariness. I had friends and family encouraging me. No one tried to stand in my way.

But then again, I wasn’t doing the Lord’s work. I wasn’t building or even reinforcing His kingdom; I was setting bricks in my own wall.

You see, it’s when we are taking on the tasks that He has called us to do that others, namely the Enemy, will work against us. And just when our task is about complete – just when we can see the fruits of our labor at hand – they’ll try to distract us. They’ll threaten us.  They’ll discredit us.

And we should all be as steadfast as Nehemiah in our response.

“I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down.”  (Nehemiah 6:3)

Though you scheme against me.

“I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down.”

Though you threaten to harm me.

“I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down.”

Though you accuse me of doing His work for my own glory.

“I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down.”

I thought I knew all about determination. But Nehemiah shows us true determination.

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58, NIV)

Because you are carrying on a great project and you cannot go down.

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84 thoughts on "i cannot go down"

  1. Julie says:

    A incredible reminder that the enemy attacks to distract us from His work…..no attack….working on our own agenda? Praying about this message today – thank you SRT for all that you do!

  2. That’s so rich. Oh how we can be tempted away from His Work! I think now so many of the pulls away from the work, as women in our culture, are to do [this] so you can measure up, appear like [so and so] because they are good enough…and there our eyes can be lifted from our prize, Jesus Christ. I have found comparison and self-determination to try and measure up leads quickly to the shattering of our personal kingdoms. But when we fix our eyes back to the unchanging circumstance of the Cross of Christ and his atoning work, THERE I find reason to not “come down.” There it’s not about my kingdom anymore.

    So good to read this morning!

    1. Melissa, thank you so much for sharing these beautiful words with us! We love having you here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

      1. Praise God for y’all!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    An awesome reminder!!!

  4. Kellie C. says:

    Woke up this a.m. With many fears. This was perfect timing

  5. Brittany says:

    This message is hitting so close to home. Thank you.

  6. Steffy says:

    How was getting that degree, passing the bar, getting that job and birthing that baby NOT God's work? How are these every day things that people do not considered God's work? I'm sure there were times you wanted to quit, or not go to work, or were super scared about the baby, (the Enemy) – but you carried on – you did the hard work God called you to do – you completed your section of the wall.

    1. Margaret Ann says:

      I totally agree! That’s what I was thinking as I read this. The things we are called to everyday in faithfulness are definitely God’s work if we are a child of God.

  7. T Thomas says:

    Thank you to all the ladies that commented on being a stay at home mom and your labor being mainly within the home or family oriented . It feels good to know that you’re not alone in your thoughts and feelings. The lockscreen verse really hit home for me. I always pray that when I become frustrated by dishes or any other chores that he blesses the work of my hands, mind, body, and spirit and that I labor in love. I want our home to be a safe haven and not a battleground. Whether we work outside the home or stay at home, “we are carrying on a great project and cannot come down.” I see “work” in an entirely different way now. I get discouraged at times because like Sarah mentioned above I was in school for certification while pregnant with my first child and I was determined to get into this line of work after she was born. Then when my husband and I decided that I would stay home, I’m not working in the field I went to school for. “Building bricks on my own wall.” Whether I get to work in the field ever, it only matters that I’m doing what He has set out for me to do whether inside or outside the home. “I thought I knew all about determination.”