There are two elephants in the theological room today.
Simply put, as the author of Hebrews describes, we often lack enthusiasm for wrestling with biblical truths, especially when they are challenging. We are too prone to mutter, “Whatever!”
This was also an issue for the audience receiving the book of Hebrews. In today’s reading, as soon as the discussion of the supremely remarkable “priest forever” (Hebrews 5:6), Melchizedek, was just getting underway, the author breaks off. It’s as though someone had just said the equivalent of “Why do we need to talk about Melchizedek anyway?” We can infer that the audience was content with matters the author declared to be elementary—mere baby food.
And now to the second elephant: it sounds like I can lose my salvation! That butts up against dearly treasured assurances. Isn’t it ironic that the discussion on Melchizedek is postponed, and instead, we address this gnarly topic?
It starts on a somber note: “It is impossible…” (Hebrews 6:4). In the Greek text, readers are left hanging. We only discover what is “impossible” after we first read that these persons have been enlightened, tasted, and shared in the Holy Spirit. “Taste” does not mean a tentative superficial sample; it means to enjoy fully. These sound like bona fide children of the living God. The words could be testimonies in a revival service. Their spiritual journeys, however, come to a crashing halt. Most of us know individuals who affirmed their belief in the transforming power of the Word and Spirit but chose to step away. That move implies deliberate disavowal.
Enter the land metaphor with the key word—“cultivated” (v.7). Caring for land is hard work; so is cultivating our souls. Thorns and thistles speak volumes of neglected land. To riff momentarily on the earlier metaphor, those who stay on baby food or only milk may have compromised immune systems later. When virulent spiritual viruses attack them, they succumb, especially if they have not learned to discern evil from good, an exercise lodged in the study of the Word.
To be sure, the author is confident of “better” things for the “dearly loved” audience (v.9). Rather than tie up loose theological ends into a nice package, the admonition goes directly to our tendency to coast when rest is not appropriate in the face of evil within and without. We need to be warned lest we neglect necessary spiritual disciplines.

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53 thoughts on "Go on to Maturity"
Feeling impacted and challenged and thankful.
Such good insight
Let us grow from the Milk. So we can eat the feast!
Good points you guys (Emily and Carissa) I loved this passage. If we neglect our salvation, if we neglect God… if we simply want the salvation and not Jesus… we will not endure. Yet the Lord keeps his children in the faith. Those who continue in faith and patience. Lord Jesus, keep us. We must have you keep us. Guard our path, shield us, lead us to Jesus always. He knows us. He has us. Let us rest in him, and run to Him, and come to him in confidence. Only by faith in you are we saved. Let us continue in this. Bear fruit in us by the presence of the Holy Spirit, to continue. To glorify YOUR name. Trust YOU for daily provision and life, not ourselves. Jesus you took care of our sin. Let us live in obedience because we love you. Because we trust your love is enough. Let us never try to earn that which is a gift. God help us. We are saved not by works but by your mercy, by YOUR work. Amen
But you can actively reject it. “Lose” implies it was misplaced— an accident.
I agree with Kaity in the difference between tasting and ingesting. The tasting doesn’t produce life-change. The text goes on to describe land that absorbs water. Some land produces fruit and other land thorns and thistles, but both lands absorb the water that’s available to it. There is an offering that is present, a common appeal…but, something much deeper takes place in the soil (or soul) that produces fruit. I do really like the author’s point in the importance of cultivation. I do believe that the heart of the text is to encourage each of us to cultivate a lasting love for Jesus, a heart that receives the nutrients in the depths of our being. I love the admonition to not grow lazy and complacent in our walk. There is definitely a tie to drinking milk and eating the rich foods.
So many times in my walk with Christ have backslid. Being saved at 5 years of age I have not always put God first. My hope is that readers understand that God is a forgiving, gracious and merciful God who picks up His children when they fall and fail. He brings good out of our surrender and we grow in his grace. This word was meant for people who tasted, felt, experienced Gods gifts and turned away still. They made there choice and didn’t have time to repent before death.
Thank you Angie Mills for your amazing breakdown!
Thank you Ann
This devotional is no good
14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. 16 Only let us hold true to what we have attained. – Philippians 3:14-16
12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. – Hebrews 6:12
I have a different perspective than the author of the devo. I think the use of the word “taste” is very deliberate. To me, taste seems to imply that someone only experienced the flavor, the smell, of God and the Holy Spirit, but never truly ingested, took in fully, and got the nutrients. Often, people are swept up in the “taste” of Christ that they experience in a powerful service or life-changing situation, but they never fully partake in His salvation. That’s what I think this is talking about. They are the seeds that get choked out by the weeds, never having enough strong roots to withstand. Never truly saved. They took a whiff, but never took a bite.
I’m very confused about todays reading.
Amen Angie Mills. The Lord has a way to keep us from stumbling, especially when He is the right hand intercessor next to the Judge and with indwelling Spirit within us to keep us tethered. It is secure. Thank you for taking the time to go in depth like you always do. I love it.❤️ Praise the Lord for you.
They were being warned not to return to animal sacrifices. They would lose the progress they had made from faith in Christ and his sacrifice for sin.
To all She’s who are confused about Hebrews 6:6:
I do also believe that once you have been saved and trusted Jesus as your Savior, you are always saved. Just as salvation is not a work that we do on our own, but an acceptance of the gift of salvation that God so freely and graciously gives us; so is our perseverance. If it were up to us, we would so easily fall away whenever great trials or tribulations come … or small ones for that matter. We cannot cling to Jesus hard enough in our own power. Without Him, we can do nothing! But, praise God, Jesus is omnipotent and is always strong enough to hold on to us. He is omnipresent and always with us to uphold and help us. He is omniscient and knows our weakness and intercedes on our behalf. It is because of His past work on the cross and His continued work of intercession on our behalf at His Father’s throne that we cannot fall away.
This definition of “falling away” comes from Vine’s Expository Dictionary from
Fall, Fallen, Falling, Fell: (Verb)
Strong’s Concordance Number: g3895
Greek: parapipto
– akin to: Fall, Fallen, Falling, Fell:
primarily “a false step, a blunder” (para, “aside,” pipto, “to fall”), then “a lapse from uprightness, a sin, a moral trespass, misdeed,” is translated “fall” in Rom 11:11, 12, of the sin and “downfall” of Israel in their refusal to acknowledge God’s claims and His Christ; by reason of this the offer of salvation was made to Gentiles; cp. ptaio, “to stumble,” in ver. 11.
– properly understood as: “to fall in one’s way” (para, “by”), signifies “to fall away” (from adherence to the realities and facts of the faith), Hbr 6:6.
I believe that this verse is saying that there are those in the church who are not true believers. They do not truly confess Jesus as their Savior or as the Lord He rightfully is. They may look like they are in their actions, but their hearts are far from Him. The Word of God teaches us this truth throughout Scripture. There were those who were Jews who kept doing the good works of Judaism so people thought they were good Jews, but God said that their hearts were far from Him. Jesus told many parables and teachings about the weeds being among the wheat, people claiming Him as Lord but not doing His work, and whether or lives are producing fruit that matches what we believe.
This section of Scripture is asking us to examine ourselves. If you have placed your trust in Jesus as your Savior and proclaimed Him as the Lord He is, you have received the gift of eternal life and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Is your life manifesting that fact? Can others tell that you are a Christian? Are you seeking to grow more and more into godliness? If on the other hand, you made a profession of faith at one time (or several times) in your life and it made no significant impact on your life, you need to ask yourself why that is the case. When you truly belong to Jesus and place your trust in Him, He sends His Holy Spirit to you who will help to transform what you love and the way you think and live. If you are someone who claims to be a Christian but look and think and act exactly like those in the world do, ask yourself if you genuinely believe what Jesus claims about Himself. He is the ONLY way to the Father. He is the ONLY means of eternal life. We must come to Father God only by the grace He has given us, through the faith He gives us, and only on Jesus’s work.
As long as you have breath on this earth, it is never too late to repent when you truly turn away from the sin of unbelief and fix your eyes on Jesus.
I am praying for each of you who are struggling with this passage. I pray that God gives you His wisdom to understand the truth that is being spoken here. I pray that He would assure your heart of your salvation if you are truly seeking to live for Him. If you have only professed belief but have not chosen to live out that profession, I pray that today will be the day that you choose to follow Jesus no matter the cost and cling to Him for your life.
I have always believed, based on scripture, that we can’t loose our salvation. I do know that the author isn’t just referring to a simple falling away, but a deliberate walking away.
I too am confused by today’s reading. I know
I pray that I would grow up in Christ. I want the take a step back and really see how much I have grown in Christ.
No one can lose their salvation. That is fundamentally incorrect. The passage here was in reference to Jews in the period following Christs ascension. Reading your Bible without dispensational truth in the foreground is a certain way to get confused
It seems like the author of Hebrews is both warning the people not to fall away from their faith—with strong words—and also speaking to them tender words of comfort. How like Jesus he/she is! ❤️
Truly there is nothing new under the sun as King Solomon put it. The issues in our church today (slothfulness, okay with being at baby Christian stage for decades, lukewarm) have happened before. “Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Hebrews 6:12). There is nothing worse than being a grown child, looking mature but still acting like a child for lack of character development, Christ-like character development!!! We need to catch ourselves acting immature and come to daily repentance/confession before the Lord that He may cleanse us of those errors (1 John 1:9 if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness). As a mom attending to babies/toddlers, I must help them with ALL their needs, it is a necessary stage but should NOT last forever. In church, should be same. Those who tends to baby Christians, it could be exhausting and time wasting. How do you differentiate baby Christians when they look like grown religious people in church? Some really refuse to grow, holding tight to milk phase, proving themselves unskillful in the Word when you judge their foolish actions (Hebrews 5:13)- to enjoy the benefits of being served, which runs opposite to the mandate of Christ, I come to serve, and not to be served (Matthew 20:28). A baby doesn’t know how to cross the street, make decision, read the signs on the road nor the traffic lights to know when to go or when to stop, they simply just don’t know. How is that fulfilling? There is a quote of a respectable Christian man that made me think, “To live two days in succession on the same spiritual plane is a tragedy”-Smith Wigglesworth. I pondered if “tragedy” is a strong word he might have used, but upon meditating, it rings true. Let us grow, dear people of God. Let us desire higher levels of maturity in character/ spiritual understanding &knowledge/functioning in spiritual gifts/ servanthood/ dying to self/loving God dearly hence doing His commandments/ loving our faulty neighbours- for the glory of Christ who did all those things. Seems like a lot? when we fail, we can pick ourselves up, ask God to help us, try again and again. Don’t be slothful, but start doing the internal work for Christ-like character development today. Grow and exercise your muscles. Why? The devil is afraid of faith giants, not babies, they go after the weaklings. Check your level of attacks and battles to discern. When you go deeper in Christ, there is a security and calmness abiding in His shadows (psalm 91:1). Attacks are fewer, joy is abundant and sweet (Psalms 16:11). A book by CS Lewis, called “Paved with good intentions” , I paraphrased, he said the deeper you go out to the ocean of searching for God, the deeper the joy and the larger the reward will be, but the church is under a fear and just stay near the shores, not dare to do anything, and the devil wants us to be deceived/paralyzed. I testify this is true. When we take risks and go far off shore, feels scary, but less battles, there is calmness. Sometimes I don’t know how to tell someone that they need to grow, it is really hard in real life to speak this type of truth that will certainly offend them, the type of truth in love that both confronts and covers. May God give us the grace to season our words and silence the fear of men. Be blessed dear sisters.
Not surprisingly, the word Today leapt to mind in the discussion of falling away. “Today” is mentioned 10 times in the book of Hebrews. While we know we have a future hope we should never forget that we also have a daily “Today” to walk in. God is always interested in what we do Now. The example of the land is helpful. Though the the thorn filled field is in danger… it is not yet cursed or burning. That will happen in the end. The field still has an opportunity to drink in water and produce a crop Today! To me this warning call to maturity is about steadfast patience, faith and continuing growth through discipline. Do not doubt that it is never God who goes back on his promises or oaths…it is always us. God is good and just and patient.
Me too, I’m confused.
It is imperative that we are actively discerning what is good and what is evil in our everyday lives. We can not just take things as harmless or fun just because it’s been widely accepted and others haven’t given much thought to them. At the end of the day we will have to give an account for what we participated in & allowed our family to as well. “14 But solid food is for the mature — for those whose senses have been trained to distinguish between good and evil.” . – Hebrews 5:14
@Yajaira, I believe God knows what is in our hearts and minds so that even if you fall away but truly repent, even on your death bed, you can receive salvation. But if you turn your back on God and his word and live your life as if never knowing the truth, you are truly lost forever. As if crucifying our Lord all over again. I think that’s why the Word teaches, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom! But as Jennifer Loves Jesus says we go from scared to sacred! We may begin our love story with Jesus out of a holy reverence (fear) but continue to grow in our love for Him as we spend more time with Him in HIs Word and prayer and In community with others (Shes!) as we strive for that sacredness.
Jamie V. Keep praying for each member, we don’t know God’s timing but trust that He will accomplish it through those who love and believe in Christ as His only son Our Redeemer and His Holy Spirit alive and present with us! I believe in prayer, don’t give up! Christ gave His earthly life so that every one should come to eternal life and none should perish. I continue to pray for family members that I believe are still on spiritual baby food…
I understand your plight completely. My husband wasn’t truly saved until fairly recently, so a lot of days I feel as if I’m just dragging dead weight. A lot of it is selfishness, as I’m home with them every day and we know that SAHM mama’s don’t get the luxury of personal space.
There is no hope apart from Jesus. What does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways and to love him. God‘s way of salvation is through Jesus and the work he did on the cross through his death and resurrection. Once knowing this and If we turn our back on Jesus and think we can choose our own way to live in and our own rules on salvation we will fall away from Truth. When we seek Lord our God with all our heart as we are told to do, we will cultivate our hearts and lives to move on to maturity in God’s work. After believing Jesus paid the price for our sin, how can we go back to animal sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sin? Which is what I believe they were thinking they could do in Hebrews to appease the non believing Jewish leaders. I need to be careful I am never compromising Truth for safety.
ERIN, mine is not the place to judge the hearts and minds of people but this passage is talking about ‘apostasy’ rather than backsliding. People can backslide but keep an element of faith which can be re kindled. But apostasy snuffs out any lingering flame of faith within which says my salvation comes through Jesus. Apostasy says it’s all down to self and reject the grace that once was known. In reassurance SUSAN, this passage is one of encouragement to continue in the faith, the hope of salvation being the “anchor of the soul” V12. We do all fall short on occasions but whilst we have that lingering flame of faith our salvation is secure in Him, hallelujah!
Grow up! If I have been exposed to the true and living Word, and authentically believe, growth is inevitable because of the power of the Word, the power of the cross! That doesn’t mean there aren’t seasons of fallow ground, drought, etc. that are then rejuvenated to fullness and bountiful cultivation. But if I have simply been exposed to the truth, but the seed hasn’t actually germinated in the soil of my heart, the only cultivation will be short lived without the nurturing and feeding a deep rooted sprout needs to go on to maturity – a sad potential in light of missing out on the transformative power available to all.
I am thankful for these “zingers,” these tough, convicting passages! It’s what’s needed to spur me on to maturity. Someone else commented that maturity isn’t achieved in comfort! Learning the hard way, learning from mistakes, learning from discipline, learning from truthful confrontation, learning from hardship – none of these I would seek out in my selfish immaturity, but by the grace of God, when they come, my germinated heart can pause for a moment, settle into what maturity I have been granted, and rise to a new level, instead of pouting or resisting that discomfort for the sake of staying in my immaturity. Abundance of life the way God wants for me, while this side of heaven, is going to take some discomfort as the world sees it!
God, thank you that that is still a desire of my heart: to grow, to mature, to know more, to have fruit that unavoidably lets others know I am different, and still changing with every season into a beautiful fruit only you could cultivate!
I am a bit confused by today’s reading. The part that reads, “It is impossible for those who have once be enlightened…and who have fallen away, to be brought to repentance.” -Hebrews 6:4-6
I’ve always thought that if you truly repented and received the Holy Spirit, you have God’s promise of salvation. But does this scripture mean that even someone who has the Holy Spirit can turn away from God? I know that we all fall short and even after we are saved we are still prone to sin but I mean more like people that decide “No, I don’t want to follow God anymore” and decide to turn away from God until the day they die. Sorry for the long post I’m just really trying to understand this passage. :)
I am a bit confused by today’s reading. The part that reads, “It is impossible for those who have once be enlightened…and who have fallen away, to be brought to repentance.” -Hebrews 6:4-6
“9 Though we speak in this way, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things—things that belong to salvation. 10 For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. – Hebrews 6:9-10” These verses really stick out to me! ♥️
Union with God is a journey that begins with love and ends with love eternal. In this journey we progress and grow as we come to know God more. My physical body is a barrier to being with God fully, yet as my spirit intertwines with God’s Holy Spirit life here is transformed. Just as a goldfish only grows as big as its bowl of water, being in Christ brings a powerful place of growth and maturity. I step beyond the bowl of fear of God into a more divine experience of His love. My reverence to Him becomes a natural (or supernatural) response to His love instead of fearing His discipline or punishment. From scared to sacred. From wanting peace to experiencing true peace and contentment within the realm of His love. Obeying God is not oppressive, it is progressive. The more I obey His commands and practice the disciplines of faith, the more freedom I have. Heavy weights of despair or anxiety are lifted and carried away, or carried with until I lay them down. My humanness is held and helped by His hands because I trust Him. I journey with Him, growing in Him. “Not that I have already reached the goal or am already perfect, but I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Jesus Christ… one thing I do: forgetting the things behind and stretching out to the things before me. I pursue the goal for the prize of the upward call of God…” (Philippians 3:12-14). Father God, I hear Your call. I feel Your love and care for me this morning. Help me live up to the truths I have reached in You. Let my feet remain planted on Your holy ground, and go where You lead. Send the rain and seeds You want planted so that my life cultivates goodness and blessings around me. In Your name alone keep growing me. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
Erin, in the parable of the prodigal son, he turned away from all of his inheritance to go into the world BUT what happened when he returned to his father? When the son was far off in the distance His dad was filled with compassion and ran to meet him and threw his arms around him. He then instructed his servants to bring out the best robe, a ring for his hand and the fatted calf because “for this my son was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found.” We can walk away from the faith but we serve a God filled with compassion for His children.
I appreciated this section this morning, a bit convicting. I love learning new things about biblical truths and our loving Savior but I like to live in my comfort zone; and that doesn’t always bring growth. There are definitely areas of spiritual discipline that I have fallen back into the infancy stage with. I am determined to do better.
14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:14
Lazy. Stuck on milk. Immature. Fall away.
Diligent. Savoring the meat. Mature. Perseverance. Inherit the promises. Full assurance of hope. Stand firm.
The choice is ours.
Definitely feeling convicted to not neglect the “necessary spiritual disciplines.” I make it a priority to try and read my Bible every day, but Division 1 field hockey games happen most Sundays which means skipping church. I’ve only been to church once in the last few months because I have been assigned games most Sundays. One of the things I’m looking forward too about this season being over is getting back to going to church regularly. I want to cultivate my soul so that my life honors God and reflects Jesus to everyone I interact with! I really appreciated all the comments to help further my understanding of this passage and devotional!
I’m glad we had the supplemental readings today to help make sense of this idea of maturity. The reading in Philippians assures us that we don’t all have to be at the same place in our faith journey to receive “maturity”, as long as we are continuing to seek wisdom, knowledge, and new understanding of the faith. This will grow us into spiritually mature children of God. The most important part is we have to keep going. We have fo keep seeking to understand, because when we stop, that is when our faith falls away and we are stuck nourished by the morsels of immature faith. However, I do believe the author of hebrews believes those morsels can lead us back to the mature faith if in those seasons of lack, we make the correct effort to find our way home again.
It is scary to know that I could just throw away everything that I am learning to loving about God, in order to live a life of the world. Lord keep my eyes on You and not of this hollow world.
In this passage, I see that Jesus is just. He knows those who are His. He does not forget the work and love we demonstrate for His name by serving His people.
However, as believers in a church (locally) and the Church at large, we don’t know the hearts of those who are His. However, God allows us to discern those who still need to hear the Gospel and those who are ready for the harder teachings of discipleship and sanctification. As Jesus told us, we can know those who are His by their fruit. People’s actions show what is in their hearts (Luke 6:43-49).
So, there are two kinds of people in the Church.
There are those who have heard the elementary teachings about Christ, about the Gospel, and that is all they want to hear. They continue to be immature in Christ and are lazy concerning Biblical teaching and studying. They are always hearing the Truth, but never applying it. At one point, it seemed as if they were truly believing all the teachings about Christ and that they would mature and bear fruit for Him, but they fell away. God says that people who commit themselves to a life of immaturity in Him and laziness toward godliness will find it impossible to be renewed to repentance because they are continually recrucifying the Son of God and holding Him up to contempt. They claim to be Christians but look and act just like the world, so that those who are of the world are not willing to hear anything about Christ and may even mock Him and His people because of the actions of these who have fallen away.
Then, there are those who have heard the elementary teachings about Christ, the gospel, and they long to learn more about Him. They long to become mature in Christ. They are not lazy concerning the things of Christ and godliness. They work at learning more about Him through the reading and studying of His word. They do not merely read His Word, but they seek to apply His Word into their own lives by doing it, by living it out day by day. They imitate other mature believers who have inherited to promise of rest and eternal life through faith and perseverance. As they bear fruit, they cannot but help to teach other people what they have learned about Christ, and thus, become teachers. (Any time you speak the Truth into the life of another who has not heard or learned that Truth yet, you are teaching. You do not always have to teach a Sunday school or Bible study or become a missionary to be considered a teacher.) They seek to find ways to serve others, especially those who are God’s people for the sake of His Name. Those who are mature in Christ and true believers in Him will have God’s gracious gift of perseverance in the faith. They will demonstrate the same diligence for the full assurance of the hope that they received until they fully realize the reality of that hope at the end.
Lord, may we be found faithful. May we continue to pursue with passion the reading and studying of Your Word so that we can learn the Truths found in there. May we be faithful to apply those Truths to our own lives and obey Your Word. May we be faithful to tell others the Truths You have shown us and teach the next generation of believers how they are to follow You with faith and perseverance. Lord, continue Your good work of perseverance in each one of us. In the Name of Your Son Jesus who began this good work in us and will see it to completion, Amen. Let it be!
Blown away… todays words really opened up my eyes to the reality and the potential we have to co-create our lives with God. Because he is within, if we dare to soul search and practice the discipline we will find him and become absorbed by his guidance and truth. If we cultivate our souls we will be aligned with him. And miracles will happen because we have elevated ourselves. However it also shows us that we are responsible for our lives. If we do not tend to our spiritual work and unlock the god within us we are blocking his potential to act through us and we will reap the consequences.
So the reading has me a little confused. So if a person falls away from the faith, it’s impossible to come back? I’ve seen people who have left the faith and then came back as a new creation. I’m just super lost in this.
I needed this reminder today. Thank You Lord God. Amen
This was very convicting for me, as the imagine of land (soul) that is cultivated vs. land that is not is a reminder to do the hard work of practicing what may be difficult or hard spiritual disciplines in myself and my children. My husband is one who has fallen away in active spiritual disciplines, and I often feel the weight of my family’s spiritual maturity on myself, and because it is so hard to train myself and my kids alone (it seems). But I cannot give up trying and praying to the Lord for change in all of us!
Wonderful explanation Elaine Philips! We shouldn’t be afraid of wrestling with the the “harder” aspects of God’s Word, because we can trust the Author to give us His wisdom and understanding.
From HRT: “Maturity is for every believer, something we should strive for and look forward to. It’s something we shouldn’t begrudge or loathe but something we should pursue enthusiastically. It’s God’s hope that we “will be imitators of those who inherit the promises through faith and perseverance” (Hebrews 6:12). So go on, grow up! Let’s all embrace growth, leave the elementary teaching behind, and graduate up to understanding…to maturity.”
VICKI KINGLOUCKS – praying your husband gets the “all clear”!
Simply put, as the author of Hebrews describes, we often lack enthusiasm for wrestling with biblical truths, especially when they are challenging. We are too prone to mutter, “Whatever!”
OMG. I feel like this,for sure, was ‘post grad’ stuff!!
Definitely, an infant, not ready for the solid food!!
This was definitely hard to understand…
Slowly in reading the scriptures, tells me that even if I fall short, EVEN if I lose faith, EVEN if I turn my back on Him.., because I had a previous relationship with Him, my salvation is secure and that there is always, ALWAYS.. a way back. What Good News!
As long I (the soil) keeps drinking (taking in the Word, hearing it and putting it into practice) the rain (His Word), I will receive the blessing of God.
If I should become of the world and take on its untruths and lies, I am in danger of entering a furnace of no return..
He is not unjust, far from it.. He does not forget (Praise God)!
Hold fast to Him girl, Hold fast, and with faith and patience, what He has promised will be yours!
What Good News!
This what I felt today’s devotional was about..
Did anyone else get this difficult read ?
Blessings dear hearts..❤
Hebrews 6:1-6 is addressing Hebrew Christian’s who are in danger of making a terrible choice to abandon their forward progress in faith to return to Jewish rituals , example : animal sacrifices. They would lose the forward progress they would have otherwise made . This verse needs to read in context. This verse it goes on to say a few verses later that those who have fled for refuge have this hope an anchor for the soul firm and secure. Our salvation is secure . We are given the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. Praise God !
Ooof. Today’s reading was hard. Much to meditate on and turn around in my mind…