Give Thanks in Work

Open Your Bible

Ecclesiastes 5:18-20, Genesis 2:4-9, Genesis 2:15, Nehemiah 2:11-18, Psalm 90:17, Acts 20:35, Colossians 3:17

My dear grandmother lived to be ninety-nine. She was busy until her very last years, and then it grieved her that she could only watch others at work, remembering the decades of her joyful, satisfactory work. She grew up in southern Minnesota as the nineteenth century turned to the twentieth, and she reared four children on a farm in the depression years, harvesting and preserving garden vegetables and wild fruit, keeping tabs on the dairy, poultry, and hog populations, and purchasing additional land to be farmed. She made certain her three sons and one daughter got the best education possible (she had been, after all, a country schoolteacher). 

I had the privilege of staying with my grandparents for a summer when I was a young teenager. At that time, Grandma was well into her eighties, but she was still caring for their house, making quilts for innumerable grandchildren, tending her garden, and engaging in church activities. I have vivid memories of their daily rhythm of kneeling beside their chairs in thankful prayer after the evening meal. One of Grandma’s adages echoes in my memory: “Hard work is never our problem; it’s our attitude about it.” This mantra encapsulates the message of our reading today. 

To be sure, work can be painful toil in a world marred by disobedience (Genesis 3). Frustrating? Yes. Exhausting? Indeed. Sometimes lacking any sense of accomplishment? Undeniably. Often rife with unjust practices? Sadly so. As the author of Ecclesiastes described toilsome labor, his words echo Genesis 3; Adam’s call to stewardship would become wearisome exertion. The author acknowledged that our days on earth are distressingly fleeting, and the results of our Herculean efforts are likewise short-lived. Therefore, it is striking that Ecclesiastes affirms the value of work even as the book repeatedly reflects on the harsh reality of death just around the corner.

But the initial charge to Adam was to tend the garden, and what a privilege! This is our stewardship with God, a sacred mission in His kingdom. As the psalmist prays, “…establish for us the work of our hands—establish the work of our hands!” expressing a longing to contribute something meaningful (Psalm 90:17). The apostle Paul describes it this way, “Whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17). Our gratitude for our work is unending because working alongside God gives meaning and purpose to our lives. We can take pleasure in working steadily and well because work is God’s gift to us.

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69 thoughts on "Give Thanks in Work"

  1. SusieMarie Howe says:

    Hard work is never our problem, but our attitude is! Yes so true

  2. SusieMarie Howe says:

    Work is God’s gift to us and we should work alongside Jesus.

  3. May Alcorn says:

    Work is Gods gift to us, never thought of that

  4. Karen Wilson says:

    I love the adage that hard work is never our problem but our attitude is!

  5. Linda Fenwick says:

    I haven’t done any kind of work for many years now and I need to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing with my time.

  6. Jeannie Cross says:

    My husband and I are both seeking work as neither of us currently has a job. We would be grateful to have one! Please pray that happens for us soon!

  7. Ada McCloud says:

    My friend said yesterday that I would be a person she would tell what all was happening at her work, but she was making a conscious decision to not talk about the struggles. I like my job. I believe in the mission. I struggle with lots of aspects – but I too need to keep my mouth shut and remember who in really work for!

  8. Melissa Pidcock says:


  9. Tiffany Leader says:

    This is a much needed reminder to loop God in my work, I believe He led me to it (because I don’t think I would ever on my own!) & I do enjoy it but with all work there are aspects that are difficult and hard. So this is a great reminder to find joy in the hard and rejoice in the good

  10. Kim Mullins says:

    I hear you♥️

  11. Mary henderson says:

    Work is a joyful part of God’s plan and creation in us. The word “work” is spoken in a negative way, but I want to change that in my own life.

  12. Katie Nordgren says:


  13. Nan says:

    WOW! I really needed this. I am also a childless widow and struggle with loneliness. I also struggle with my work. It’s taxing on all levels and I wonder how this could be where God wants me.

  14. Shannon Stroschein says:

    At work recently there seems to be alot a don’t agree with and I’ve been focusing on that which has made being “joyful in my toil” difficult. Todays reading is a great reminder that God wants us to be working for HIM and to rejoice for the work he blessed us with even when we don’t like it agree with it all.

  15. Wendi says:

    Perfect timing ❤️

  16. Tammy Stecker says:

    ❤️❤️ I needed that today!

  17. Tammy Stecker says:

    Amen, Melissa! You sound healthy and obviously you love God’s Word! So much to be thankful for here!

  18. Melissa Melton says:

    “Hard work is never our problem, it’s our attitude about it.”….as a childless widow in my early 50’s, I need this reminder on a daily basis. I am blessed with the health and ability to do hard work. Just because I’m doing it alone doesn’t mean I don’t have reason to be grateful for the work.

  19. Bethany Falls says:

    Praying for you.

  20. Teresa Donley says:

    I am so incredibly touched by the stories and requests today. There are faith giants among us. I am always enlightened by the comments regarding each day’s Scripture and devotion. I’ve never been associated with a community where the Word is studied and researched with such diligence – even when in seminary and in service as a chaplain. I am grateful God brought me to this community of Christian women at just the right time in my life. I am lifting each of you in prater to the Father as I read your requests. Many move me to tears. It is a privilege to lift each in prayer, as well as prayers for every lady in our community, those who comment, and those who are quiet.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who were praying for me. The PET scan wasn’t nearly as difficult as an MRI, and I got through it just fine. The funny thing is that they left me in a small room with the lights lowered for 45 minutes and told me to relax my brain. Of course I started thinking of all sorts of things! I prayed for a good portion of that 45 minutes and the 30 minutes in the machine. Hopefully, praying was relaxing my brain so they got a good scan. I don’t see my neurologist until the first week in January. I sincerely hope I receive some of the results before then. But if not, I am so grateful that God is with me in the waiting.

  21. Dawn Prenatt says:

    @Janet – praying for you!!! Thank you for sharing with us.

  22. CHERRIE BREWER says:

    Working into my 70’s is challenging but necessary. Needed this reminder to bring grateful for this privilege. Guessing this will not show up here as none of my posts ever seem to but writing it helps cement it in my mind and heart

  23. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Sorry, I hit send before I wanted to. Even though I am right where God wants me to be, the days can sometimes still be so hard. It is definitely a job that doesn’t get many pats on the back or recognition. I pray that I would be able to have more thankfulness during even the most mundane days.

  24. Adrienne says:

    Thought I would post last night’s message for our sweet evening sisters…

    Just got a message from force4hope(dot)org. This was the organization that we brought two orphans from Africa to live at our home for a few weeks. (It was kinda like a reverse mission trip.) The boy that we had hosted before will be coming back, and we were asked if we would be interested in hosting him again. It’s not cheap, and we would have to drive to Chicago (8 hours) to pick him up and return him there. We need prayers that God’s will be done, please? He is 18 now. (He was 10 the first time he came to visit.) We are paying for his boarding school, and he is like a son to us. I just don’t know about the timing , weather (for the trips to/from Chicago) and the money. Please pray that God would make it clear. Thanks, sweet She’s❣️

  25. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I am a stay at home mom to two active, little girls. I used to be a school psychologist, but felt called to stay home when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I never saw myself as a stay at home mom, but I am so glad that I answered God’s calling. This isn’t to say that I believe every mom is called to stay at home.

  26. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Wednesday ladies! Praying for you ALL to have a wonderful Thanksgiving! @MERCY – your ability to individually pray for all of our needs to such a sweet thing. You’re very intentional and such a gift!

  27. Lakechia Smith says:

    “Hard work is never our problem; it’s our attitude about it”. ❤️

  28. Kris says:

    Someone once said, “Work was given to man before the fall, it’s not a curse”. Work was meant to be part of our lives, something to do, something to give us meaning, something to give us purpose, something to give us satisfaction, something to give us accomplishment. I have an office job now and often there isn’t much to do, so I don’t always leave here feeling accomplished. Its a nice job, comfortable office, beautiful view of the harbor, pays well, not stressful (most of the time). But for a while I was cleaning hotel rooms on the side. I actually felt more accomplished and fulfilled doing that because I always saw progress and success every minute of the day. I felt better about my performance cleaning rooms than I did sitting at a desk at a computer all day. We need to be accomplishing things and seeing progress in our lives. It’s good for the soul. When I see younger people not wanting to work, I really feel bad for them, that they will not have that sense of accomplishment or work ethic. I also recently had a conversation with my brother about doing household tasks myself rather than hiring someone else to do everything. Doing things myself is so satisfying, I can actually say I’m proud of myself for getting something done. God put it in all of us to be productive. I thank God for my job, for teaching me that a good work ethic brings contentment and a good sense of accomplishment.

  29. CL says:

    To Traci and the other teachers who spoke from their hearts today about the difficulties they are experiencing in their classrooms. My heart is with you! I am a recently retired middle school teacher who faced many of the same issues. I came to the conclusion that the only thing I had any control over was me and my approach to it all. So, I enlisted a few of my believing friends to come to my classroom afterschool. We walked around and sat in various places and prayed over the room, the students, and me, calling on the Holy Spirit to protect the space! Next, each morning I stood at my door and put my hands on the door posts and said a collective prayer for the students that would be coming in through that door all day long. Finally, I had a faithful friend send me an encouraging Bible verse each day that I wrote on a sticky note and placed in my attendance binder. I would read that verse to myself as I was taking attendance at the start of each class. It took a few weeks and there were still some bad days, but my outlook changed and a peace settle in my heart because I knew I was not alone in the fight. You are not alone in this fight! Challenging students, unreasonable parents and ineffective administrations will come and go But the Lord is FAITHFULLY THERE EVERYDAY! He loves each and every lamb that comes through your door! Colossians 3:17 ” And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him”.

  30. Mercy says:

    @JESSICA TIMPERIO: healing and freedom from chronic illness. So sorry.
    @JANET CALDWELL: praying for healing from breast cancer, resolving of issues with insurance, and provision/arrangements for your brother Victor. I heard someone calling into Dave Ramsey’s show (I watched on youtube) and they asked about the same situation. He was suggesting the steps, saving strategies, etc. And in financial stress, with emotional confusion, people don’t think straight. I really appreciate Dave Ramsey and his wisdom and ministry in financial guidance, and I love his channel. I will pray for you. May the Lord of order, of healing, of abundant provision, rescue expert, storm calmer, miracle worker, waymaker show up in a mighty way for you and family.
    @LAURA DIANNE: prayers for your husband to take courage and trust/wait for God (Psalm 27:14 ESV). God is faithful to keep His promises. We take risks as we step out onto the water like Peter did, it might look like reckless abandonment, suicide mission to some people …BUT GOD! The eyes of faith vs. the natural eyes see different outcomes.
    @TERESA DONLEY: may your PET scan bring good result, and dementia NOT be your portion, but good health and long life as the Word says (Psalm 91:16, 3 John 1:2). Declaring health and long life over you.
    @SHARON JONES: for your husband’s peaceful mood at home, strength, success, encouragement, acknowledgement at his work.
    @TRACI CLAYTON: prayers for you to be healed, appreciated, and more strength, clarity, support and a change in the classroom environment. I feel that being a teacher and a nurse are the hardest jobs. Your sacrifice and work is seen and will be rewarded by the Lord, it’s not in vain.
    @SAMANTHA THOMPSON: for more energy, refreshment of joy for work.
    @MISSY CSONKA: for your mom and her struggles, strength for you to tolerate, patience for co-living. I am so sorry. I was in the same shoe with my mom and my husband, not being able to have deep connections with those closest to you is such a torment. Thank God for SRT. Hang in there. God can shift situations. Hallelujah.
    @ADRIENNE: wisdom for decision, weighing of solution, and that you won’t lose sleep.
    @DONNA WOLCOTT: grace and protection over your friend’s travel for medical work in Ukraine. Bless her heart for such courage!

  31. Changed Life says:

    I love this time of year, but I find myself in a funk this week. My husband and I had a disagreement last weekend and we are both feeling anger and hurt over it. I am retired and he is off the next four days. We have a lot of time to get under each other’s skin. Dear Lord, please help us to show more love to each other and get over these small annoyances. Life is too precious to waste days feeling like this.

    Lifting up you dear sisters in Christ, praying for you, and thankful for your faith and love back.

  32. Mercy says:

    Thank you ELAINE PHILLIPS for the story of your wonderful grandma. It blessed my soul so much reading through each word of this devotional. Your grandmother really reminds me of Katherine von Bora – the wife of Martin Luther (I read about her in the book called “50 People every Christian should know, learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith”- highly recommend). I just admire godly women so so much who left a legacy despite the limited living situations, yet they shine by God’s strength, … and their children, grandchildren cannot help but noticing, and be blessed greatly by their lifelong habits, sacrifice, resilience, tireless devotion. A good man leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren (Proverbs 13:22). “Work hard. Help the weak. Give” (Acts 20:35 ESV). What else can we say to this but amen? Praise God for godly grandmothers and mothers. May we be graced by God’s strength to be one. Be blessed dear sisters.

  33. Donna Wolcott says:

    Each morning, I thank God for all the opportunities He has given me over the years to do His work. Places and jobs I never thought possible. He has provided the tools when I have felt overwhelmed and not sure I was equipped. Which each opportunity has come blessings and the opportunity to meet, work and serve some awesome people. I feel they have enriched my faith journey. Praying for so many of you with needs this day and for your families. May you feel His peace. Asking for prayers for a friend who will be traveling to Ukraine to provide medical care soon. This is her second trip and will be moving there for a year after the holidays to help setup clinics. Safe travels for those heading out today for Thanksgiving.

  34. AZ Walker says:

    Praying for so many this morning going thru such hard things. Molly R, I understand what you wrote yesterday about Romans 8 and praying for others even if you are not in a hard place in that moment. I am praying for you Tanya Evans and remembered a hard season I went thru a long time ago while praying for you. May God’s comforting peace be with everyone.

  35. Jessica Timperio says:

    I haven’t worked in several years due to chronic illness, but I have been able to get up and clean my house every day. I know it isn’t amazing right now, I know He has plans for me to do bigger things. I don’t know what it is yet, but I am thankful that He has given me strength to do small tasks and I will paitently wait to listen and obey his next commands. Thank You, Lord Jesus

  36. Mari V says:

    I was up in the middle of the night. Again. I’ve mentioned during this I am I pray for people. But this time I also was praying for myself. I was praying for my brain that I would be more diligent and watchful. I love my job! I love working where I’m at! And I do consider it a gift! I’m so grateful God gave me this job! So, during last night’s wakeful moment, I was praying for my work. I was praying I try to remember things more and be more diligent and my eyes open more, especially when looking after kindergartners. We had a minor injury. And I could tell the teacher was displeased with me. I apologized, and I will be more diligent. So, in the middle of the night, I was praying for her. I was also praying that I would just work a little harder.

    Happy Wednesday sweet She’s! I’m so grateful I am off today. And for the rest of the week. I got to sleep in a little longer, which was very helpful.

  37. Cheryl Blow says:

    What a beautiful picture of work through this grandma! This is my husband! He is always working. Even now that he is retired! I am thankful for retirement but God has been showing me that He still has work for me to do. Whether it is at my home, at church, or wherever God leads me for the day. We are here on purpose for a purpose. My desire is to be like this grandmother living out my purpose until God takes me home. “They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭92‬:‭14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  38. AG says:

    @Traci Clayton – I am right there with you! I have only taught for 5 years, but always in a title 1 school & have had hard classes, but this year it is draining me! I’m not sure whether it is behaviors, the horrible curriculum & such high expectations for (myself/teachers in general &) kindergarteners from people who aren’t in the classroom, or just burn out but I am struggling. I love this job and it is all I have ever wanted to do and know it is my calling from God, but some days I am just so miserable & it breaks my heart to feel this way. I have been praying for guidance on what to do from here & will pray for you as well! Todays reading have given me some hope.

  39. Janet Caldwell says:

    Hi She’s. I have been away from this community for a few years as I have dived into other ways of prayer and scripture but because I am consistent in the Advent series and Thanksgiving…mI love the book etc. as I read the scripture and devo and comments, I thought that I too would ask for prayer.

    My husband and I are retired and in our early 60s. We had planned on traveling etc, but in the last year my Intellectually disabled 64 year old brother came to live with us. He had lived with my older sister for the last 15 years after my mom died. Because of my sisters health we had to remove him from her home. She was angry It’s a lot longer story but, nothing was ever done to prepare Victor in case he outlives us all. So, I have been diving into learning about his Medicaid/Medicare his social security. I’m extremely thankful for the government assistance he receives. There is much available. But diving into all this is overwhelming. Our lives have been turned upside down. This is my work. He is very high functioning but cannot care for himself. He can’t drive has no knowledge of his medical or financial needs, it’s all in our hands. I am thankful we have the resources to care for him. But also recently I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. It’s all good really and my treatment was minimal. No chemo. But just recently my medical insurance is rescinding all payments from June 27 forward because in filling out our application for insurance my husband forgot about a back X-rays I had two years ago. They consider that pre existing and say we lied on our application. It honestly was not intentional. He just forgot.

    I write all this to say I’m overwhelmed! This is th very short version of what’s going on. It’s so hard to be thankful when I feel like everywhere we turn something else knocks us down. But I am thankful. I have so much to be thankful for. Our first grand baby will be born next year. But I just wanted to ask this community to pray for me. Sometimes at night I wake up and can’t sleep because of my mind racing. Reading this today, I realize this is the work Im called to and I know God will comfort me and guide me but will you lift up prayers for us. Thanks.


  40. Laura Dianne says:

    (I changed to Laura Dianne since there is another Laura)

    These thoughts jumped out at me from HRT: “……people find God’s calling at the intersection of their greatest joy and the world’s greatest needs. It’s where the way He’s wired us matches up with the ministry opportunities He provides. Our work can be a ministry, no matter what our job description says.”

    My husband is in a period of his life where he is transitioning to something new. Throughout his life, God has brought jobs to him that use his gifts, bring him joy and minister to others. Except now…he seems to be in a dry spot. He feels as though God is calling him into a new opportunity, but it hasn’t happened yet. He has been pursuing it for months…and we are running out of runway for him to be without a regular income. I trust God that He can provide and my husband will start this new job, but I’m really struggling to have the faith needed to wait. It has been a period of time when giving thanks for all of the ways that God has sustained us is very important.

    To Traci Clayton: I am so sorry that things are so hard for you this year. I understand those feelings so well and it is why I retired early from a teaching career I loved for 30 years. Praying for you, sweet sister, that you will feel peace in the midst of this chaos. That God will show you a way forward and work in a miraculous way to comfort you. Being a teacher is such a ministry and I always felt that I was on a mission field as a public school teacher. But things have changed, and for me, although I wanted to stay in the battle and fight for the Lord, I had to admit that this servant was weary and I had to ask God to allow me to stop and serve Him in other ways. I was grateful that after praying that for two years, I felt a peace from God about leaving my career. I pray for clarity for you – to stay in the fight or to work for Him in another capacity. Be encouraged, sweet sister. You are not alone.

    To Michelle Patire: I love your heart for others and for your family. Your posts always encourage me so much, as a mother to two wayward children who are probably around your age. Knowing that there are young people who love the Lord like you do and who continue to reach out to their families and pray for them…it just warms my heart. I have one child who is following the Lord and it is a hardship on her and her husband to deal with her siblings and their rejection of their childhood faith. Both siblings are also so anti-Christian that it is hard for her to be around them, and I know that really breaks her heart. So keep doing what you are doing and never give up the fight. You are seen and you are loved!

  41. Hope Hendry says:

    Hi Traci, I understand. My mom worked as a speech therapist in the special ed department in a Title I school before she retired and she definitely felt burnt out. I’m praying that God shows you the next step for you (either continuing with teaching in a more fulfilling environment or pivoting) and he gives you the strength to make breakthroughs with your students.

  42. Jenn B says:

    I recently stepped away from working in education after 15 years to direct a non-profit and pastor a church which was hard because even in the really tough years and days I knew that I knew God said to show up for my kids. When he called me away I felt I abandoned my kids, until i realized that I get to be a champion of teachers in the positions I am in now. No one knows how hard it is until you have been there and walked in those shoes. I rarely comment but I’m often blessed by all of your ladies’ words. This morning I wanted to name that I’m believing for a breakthrough for all of you educators who are questioning your call, and are just plain exhausted. It’s exhausting because you are constantly giving but not always poured into. My prayer is that this week you would be filled to the brim and running over with Gods presence and his delight over your continual yes to show up for your students. When we give to those who can’t give back to us, the Lord extends even more grace. May you see that what you are actually doing when you step in front of the classroom is partnering with God to disciple young people…and the fruit is lasting. It may be in seed form right now but He is working. May you find rest and strength that makes no sense in this season. May you know that you know what God has said to you, you are called, anointed, and full of the strength He provides. Cheering you on!

  43. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @Traci Clayton – just this morning I prayed for those I know that are teachers, and right now – I pray for you! You are a light in their world of darkness, God has put you there for a reason. Don’t let Satan have the victory – he doesn’t want you there! I will be praying for you to have wisdom, patience and long-suffering and that God will change the hearts and the actions of those you teach. I am sure it is very difficult to teach students these days, with so much lack of respect and disobedience. Praying you will be able to “ride out the storm.” Have a blessed Thanksgiving! ❤️

  44. Michelle Patire says:

    @Samantha Thompson- the Lord be near to you in your work and strengthen your hands (Psalm 90:17) ❤️ I don’t know you but I am believing God to be so proud of you for your empathy and care for those grieving… Especially as you are 6 months pregnant. God bless you and keep you healthy and give you purpose and joy as you do the work He has given you!!

    @Traci Clayton- Man, I can see how negative words from students day after day can really wear on a person. Lord, reveal Yourself and help Traci. I pray that your heart would soften but you would have an honest heart before God with the pain you feel. If you need to leave or change positions, I pray the Lord will lead and speak. May your heart be tender towards yourself so you may be tender towards others. Only the Holy Spirit can do this. May you have an awareness of His grace for you in these moments and help you see light in the dark. God bless you and help you.

    @Tanya Evans- yes, praying with other women here that you find community to dwell with … I’m not sure where you live.. but this is the purpose of the local church… I pray you find yourself in safe community with those close to you and that you give and receive the love you need. May God guide you and bring you His affection in the meantime and always… ❤️

    @Rhonda J- gosh, you really had it when you went to see your family lol. I understand the reality of that. My immediate family is 9 people and I’m the only person who studies the Word… My mom has faith but everyone else is somewhere else… One of my brothers comes to church almost weekly with me… But how deep is the relationship.. just Sunday with God? Idk.
    I told my friend yesterday that sometimes it feels like I’m Elijah and there’s no one left but me that cares for the things of God. Lol. It’s a bit dramatic, as we know, God reserved 7,000 people as a remnant and he wasn’t alone… Lol but our feelings feel big when we are faced with the unbelief of loved ones. I am still learning to trust God with my family and remember only He is their savior. May He break down the vain philosophies they have received from the world… May they see they can’t do it all in their own strength… And find Him at the end of their own ability. That is where I found Him and I pray He continues to do His work in them!

  45. Tamarrah Morgan says:

    Traci, I am praying for you. I, too, am a teacher facing a hard year. I pray for peace to flood your heart and joy to re-fuel your drive.

  46. Molly R says:

    I have four children, the last one being 3 (almost 4 in just over a month). I homeschool them as well. The years of small children have been hard in a way no one can prepare you for, especially in light of raising them in a broken, sinful world to grow in the ways of God and to know Him personally. It takes a lot of modeling that for them, even in the midst of disciplining through the toddler years. This is a good reminder to be thankful for the 4 gifts I have been given, and the guiding of the Holy Spirit to raise them well. And the gift of seeing my oldest 2 (12 year old boy and 10 year old girl), especially, really bringing me joy in who they are becoming, the conversations we share, and the potential they have in the coming years to really shine!
    Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving with my husband’s side of the family. It will kick of 3 days straight of celebrating with various combos of family. Today will be a day of toiling and preparation for all of it – and I am honored to be able to spend my days working for my family!
    Work is a gift, no matter what that looks like for all of us. It’s such a joy to be able to prepare each day for the new gift of toiling under the sun with each of you.
    Praying especially for TERESA DONELY today with your PET Scan and TANYA EVANS in your loneliness. I can’t imagine the ache you feel, but I pray that God fills that hole to overflowing. Praying for the other requests and safe travels during this week. Love my She’s.

  47. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    I was very fortunate to work a good bit of my young adult years doing something I loved – hairdressing. Then God called my husband & me to full time ministry, next week we celebrate 30 years at our church (it was and has been our first & only one!). I love being in ministry and would choose it all over again – given the choice! I also have started (in my retirement years) a new career as a postpartum doula and very soon adding to that- a certified sleep consultant. I am so very thankful that I can find satisfaction in my “toilsome labor…during the few days God has given me…” God gives us possessions (through our work) and enables us to enjoy them, and be happy in our work. (Ecclesiastes 6:18,19) I once heard it said – “Find something you love to do and find a way to get paid for it!” I love babies and being around them and helping new moms – I never thought I could do it and get paid, but I am! Thank you God for your various gifts that you have given to me & to each of my beautiful SRT sisters. May we use them for your glory and honor.

    Praying for all of your requests. Special prayers for those who are lonely at this holiday time, for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, for those who have lost jobs or are struggling at their jobs, for those who are care-givers to their spouses, for all of us who have adult prodigal children. May these verses from yesterday’s reading in Psalm 31:14-15 be an encouragement to you today. – “But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands…”

    Have a Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving!

  48. Chanelle DeGraff says:

    I am so grateful for my job as a mother, wife, and nutritionist. Serving brings me joy. I pray that my hands are His hands, my feet are His feet, and my hand’s mouth is His mouth, bringing glory to Him every day.

  49. Sharon Jones says:

    Traci – I work with teachers as a consultant and I hear so many teachers tell me how exhausted they are. Lifting you and all my teacher friends up in prayer.

  50. Rhonda J. says:

    @Traci Clayton- I hear the struggle and hurt in your voice! I can’t even imagine being a teacher these days, with such little respect from kids, and even parents. Keep your focus on being a light for God and Him using you as to how he sees fit. Maybe pray for open or closed doors, so you know if that’s where he wants you to stay, or if a change could happen?! I don’t know. But I can pray for you, and all of our other teachers trying to stand in a sea of unbelievers and a harsh time. I’m sure it is not what you signed up for or envisioned. :/

  51. Sharon Jones says:

    Other than some of the paperwork- I love my job. It ticks all the right boxes and highlights my strengths. My husband loves his job too but he works HARD and ends up carrying the physical load most of the time. His current bosses don’t seem to appreciate him and while they should get up and help they tend to just make office work. The environment should be better as it is a faith based place but my husband sometimes feels that it has become less of a team effort. My husband loves the overall mission and he doesn’t feel he gets time to do his job so he feels inadequate and that he is failing but since he does everyone else’s job and his things get done in a rush. Or he does it off the clock at night at home. To say he needs prayer is an understatement he becomes grumpy at home when work is not going well and I try to give him grace but sometimes it is hard and I grump back. This time of year should be lovely but I tend to enjoy life more when Christmas season is over.
    But on the positive side we both have work we enjoy and have 3 beautiful teenagers who are doing great. So thankful for it all.

  52. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!
    It feels so good to be back in routine with you all! To be in scripture each morning renews my spirit and to join in with your thoughts and wisdom, joys and struggles, it is such a blessing! When we come together to build each other up and pray for each other, it pleases God! It is hard to be around unbelieving family members that also love to poke fun at “religious” people. I just remember it is not my place to try to convince or argue (which is hard), but to only demonstrate and have a joy that makes them wonder! My niece loves to ask questions, such as “if I really believe people will go to hell” and so on. My nephew believes it is ridiculous to “think it could all be real.” My other nephew thinks logically. Then the other niece is in the mormon religion with her mom, my sister, and just got married. My son was there as well, who, hopefully, is still a believer. I wouldn’t really know because he never says as much. Oh Lord, help us to be your light and to know that there IS a plan for our loved ones. Especially as our SHE”S gather for Thanksgiving with their families! That you give us strength to stand firm for YOU, and confess with our tongue that you are our Lord!

    I do not work anymore with my chronic pain, but I do try to work for the Lord through serving and leading, and outreach! I want to spend my life honoring my Almighty Father God and Saviour!! My goal being, Well Done my good and faithful one!!

    Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends! I myself prefer doing nothing at all, and that’s okay. (maybe not for my hubby! My friend usually brings a plate for him to get some good food! lol)

  53. Traci Clayton says:

    I’m a 5th grade teacher and am in a period of questioning my calling. It’s so exhausting. Not physically, but emotionally and mentally. This year I’ve been switched to teaching a subject that brings me no joy and it’s blinding my view. I’m having the hardest time connecting with my students, no longer seeing their misbehavior as silly or sweet. They tell me to my face that I’m the meanest teacher. Argue over everything I say. And it’s gone so far as to bring tears in front of them. Then, I feel humiliated that I’ve let the words and actions of 10 year olds pierce my heart in the way that they have. This isn’t my first “rodeo”, I’ve had hard years, worked in title 1 schools, I’ve had hard kids,but this year is breaking me and I know I should be joyful and I am grateful, but I still don’t know how to go on.

  54. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  55. Cee Gee says:

    This is such a timely read with today being one of my busiest days of the year – tomorrow being even busier. I have leaned on God for the strength I need to prep, cook, decorate as I recover from my recent illness. I know that it is only because of Him that anything will get accomplished. With His help I will work hard to create the atmosphere that will last in my family’s hearts and memories. Thank you, ELAINE PHILLIPS, for sharing your grandma with us today!


    NANCY S – Continued prayers. ❤

    TERESA DONLEY- Praying for you with PET scan today and as you wait for all results. May your heart feel the hugs and prayers sent your way. ❤

    Praying for each SHE and the needs on each heart. So very thankful for each of you!

  56. Kate K says:

    Praying Colossians 2:6-7 for you Samantha as you serve others. God have you this ministry and He will give you the strength to accomplish it.

  57. Kayla Strata says:

    I am so grateful for today’s devotional. I have been going through some self directed changes in my career & am still challenged to find joy in work at all when all I want is to work in my home with my 3 children. Praying for joy no matter what my

  58. Aimee D-R says:

    Father establish the work of my hands, bless the work of my teams hands. Let it all be a testimony to You my good Father. In Jesus name, Amen

  59. Searching says:

    For sure, I need to be more thankful for the work the Lord gifted me to do and the ability to do it. Many times I’ve said that if I had it to do over I probably would have chosen a different line of work … that’s me being ungrateful rather than thankful. Lord, forgive me for those times when my thankfulness is lacking as I truly am thankful for the skills and abilities you given me, and please forgive me in those times when I am envious of the gifts & abilities you’ve given others.

    To all my SRT sisters and SRT staff – THANK YOU! It is a blessing to have a resource like this to guide and encourage Bible study, and to have this amazing community of faithful women to study and share God’s word with each day. ❤️

    KELLY ❤️
    CEE GEE ❤️

    Praying for-
    HEATHER SCHMUDLACH – season of hardship
    MISSY CSONKA – for the wisdom, guidance, patience, understanding and encouragement needed as you handle the day to day living with your mom and husband. You are a blessing to them both!
    TINA & ASHLEIGH PRUETT – sciatic pain relief!
    ADRIENNE – wisdom in the hosting decision to know God’s will for the situation, and options for navigating the travel, financial and weather concerns. What a blessing and an honor you’ve had to help this child/young man.
    TANYA EVANS – echoing other’s prayers for you in this season. Is there a volunteer opportunity on Thanksgiving to serve or clean up at a community dinner?
    TERESA DONLEY – today’s PET scan and spinal tap results
    JEN B – guidance to the right job opportunity
    MARTHA HIX – travel safety
    RHONDA J – welcome back. Praying for souls to be reached in today’s jail ministry
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – son’s travel safety
    RACHEL CLAY – continued transformation of the stresses you’ve experienced
    GRAMSIESUE- you, Steve, medical team, treatment and answers
    SAMANTHA THOMPSON – strength and encouragement, being a continued blessing to the families you serve

  60. Claire B says:

    ♥️ Be Blessed

  61. Tara B says:

    There are several changes going on at my work and soon to be at our home. I am thankful that I have both a job and a home and family. So no matter what happens, I will rejoice and work for the Lord. I will work for my family. Praying my attitude stays grateful each day at home and at work.
    Lifting all the posts I have been able to read this morning in prayer. For wisdom and healing, for loneliness and security. Happy Thanksgiving Eve She’s!

  62. Erin from CO says:

    I love the perspective on work. Our society has made work to be something to get done quickly so we can move onto pleasure but work is what fulfills, not pleasure. Work also keeps us healthy in mind body and soul. What a gift God has given us-meaning and purpose for our lives. We will work in heaven. Read Garden state by John Mark Comer. So good.

  63. Melanie Mayer says:

    Todays reading brought me to tears. The work is endless and often times lonely and unnoticed. Jesus thank you for giving me strength and wisdom for everyday

  64. Nancy S says:

    17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. – Colossians 3:17 ‘And whatever you do’ means more than “work”, but for me it is serving those I love, especially a husband who leaves behind numerous things unfinished or out of place each day (thanks to Alzheimer’s), without grumbling or letting annoyance build.

  65. Samantha Thompson says:

    I work as a funeral director in my hometown and am currently 6 months pregnant. The physical challenge of my job as well as the emotional burden of my job are at an all time high as we have served several families in this last month that I have been very close to. My heart, mind and body are just exhausted. On top of having put down our 9 year old yellow lab last week, my emotions are in an absolute funk. Today’s reading reminds me that I’m not doing my job alone. I need to invite the presence of God to walk beside me in my job – especially today – He was the one who called me into this ministry in the first place!

  66. Anna Faith says:

    Thank you Jesus!

  67. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Our gratitude for our work is unending because working alongside God gives meaning and purpose to our lives.” It is Who were are partners with that gives us the reason to be thankful, not necessarily the work itself. This is how the work should be framed so that God is glorified.

    TERESA DONLEY – praying for your PET scan today. May the tech get a good scan and may the doctors gain understanding.

    TANYA EVANS – feeling alone is a hard place. Praying God will conter the lies of the enemy with His truth and open your eyes to people in your life who could be the companions you seek.

    JEN B – so sorry about your job loss! Praying the Loord shows you a new opportunity quickly.

    LAUREN GW – thanks for the update about your mom. Maybe she would benifit from this study to help redirect her emotional swings? Battling canacer is hard on the emotions for sure.

    MISSY CSONKA – praying the Lord would show you ways to connect with your mom and fill you with love and compassion for her. Praying He would also give you the words you need to effectively communicate with your husband too. May the Lord show you a friend who you can have the deep conversations with so the need is met.

    SEARCHING – lifting up your 2 requests

  68. Jordan Reid says:

    Struggling to have joy and contentment in my work so this was very needed today thanks

  69. Adrienne says:

    I have a piece of artwork a former student has given me with Psalm 90:17 on it… I love it. I wish I could post a pic!

    And I am thankful that I can speak of Jesus at my job.. I give thanks daily for teaching at a Christian preschool!

    I cannot sleep tonight. My mind is so busy! (See my post last night.)

    Blessings to all, sweet She’s❣️