Give Thanks in Plenty and in Want

Open Your Bible

Psalm 23:1-6, 1 Chronicles 29:10-13, Deuteronomy 6:10-15, Haggai 1:2-6, Philippians 4:10-12

I admit, I’m a sucker for any reel or caption that starts with “learn the secret to.” Maybe it’s clickbait, but what if it’s the very secret I’ve been waiting for? What will I finally learn that will change my life?

So when I read what Paul writes in Philippians 4:12, it holds my attention: “I have learned the secret of being content.” This is not clickbait. Don’t we all want to learn how to be content in both abundance and in need? The very next verse tells us how, as Paul shares that we can do all things “through him who strengthens me” (v.13).

But if you’re like me, you want more details. Perhaps you feel challenged, as I do, to “think carefully about your ways” (Haggai 1:5) when struggling to give thanks. I’ve struggled to give thanks while my stomach is in knots and with being grateful when I see no way out. When we’re battling discontentment, we need to ask where we are placing our faith. We must examine what our minds and hearts and souls are holding. Today’s passages help us dive deeper into what Paul meant. We see in these verses a declaration of God’s ownership, provision and placement over all things. Individually, each is a truth we may know and embrace. But when we line them up, we’re faced with some tough questions. 

Do we really believe these things: God leads us and gives us what we need (Psalm 23:1–3); He gives us a place to rest and eat (vv.2,5); He keeps His promise to provide (Deuteronomy 6:10); and everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to God (1Chronicles 29:11)?

Because the secret to giving thanks in plenty and in want lies in where our hearts and minds dwell. We can dwell on what we lack or dwell in His kingdom. We can dwell on what we can’t control or dwell in His promise to lead us and provide what we need. 

When I overfocus on what’s missing more than building up His kingdom (Haggai 1:4–6), that’s a sign my heart is dwelling on the world instead of dwelling in Christ. Through Jesus, we are no longer in bondage (Deuteronomy 6:12, Galatians 5:1), but dwelling in that freedom is a choice. Do we seek to give thanks no matter what? Or do we seek to fill our lack with this world? What we seek tells the story of where we dwell.

Let’s lay down seeking this world’s counterfeit peace and security, and instead seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). Let’s choose to dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23:6). Because when we truly believe He is ruler of everything (1Chronicles 29:12), we will seek His provision of green pastures and quiet waters as our plenty. 

Then we will have learned the secret.

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53 thoughts on "Give Thanks in Plenty and in Want"

  1. Mercy says:

    The scripture reading was so broad today and I wondered what the devotional could be focusing on. And I was blown away at how clever our writer was, the leading, the weaving in of details. Thank you so much MARNIE HAMMAR! I just loved it! Godliness and contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6). And TINA, our precious TINA, another devotion on top of this devotion like another she’s put it, thank you! What you shared Tina is absolutely so true. Your story reminds me of my conversation with my sweet cousin in California, her lack is my plenty, and vastly too. May we count our many blessings and have eyes to see them, and give thanks to the God who is always providing! Praise the Lord.

    @LAURA DIANNE: it took me a while to recognize you from the name change. But thanks to MICHELLE PATIRE yesterday, she clarified that, and it’s our LAURA :)). I must confess I have been praying for your daughter’s breakup with her partner, and be delivered. I can’t believe what i saw. It is moving toward that direction. Hallelujah. It is definitely God’s will and when we pray toward His will, we don’t pray amiss, Heavens backed up by His mercy toward our earnest prayers of a broken heart. And please don’t fret when you see other people prosper in their “own ways” (Psalm 37:7), God’s way always always always leads to LIFE (though might go through painful deconstruction first, before the pieces getting put back in right and new order)! May you hold still your heart, hold captive your thoughts, and know that God will honor your obedience. Please don’t turn to the left or right. Hold fast. Please envision your daughter, who will one day be walking down the aisle marrying a wonderful godly man, as you sit on the front row of the wedding ceremony witnessing God’s faithfulness, as they exchange vows and the rings in front of everyone, envision her beautiful white dress, the veil, the flowers, the smiles and the wonderful laughters, the joy and the tears, what a glorious day that would be, and envision her beautiful children that God will bless her with, envision your gathering in the future Thanksgivings and many many Christmases to come, the sweet little ones running around helping you in the kitchen, while making messes and giggling, and you will cast your eyes above this temporary reality, and see how FAITHFUL God is. He is faithful, faithful, faithful to your prayers. He will come through ( I can’t help tearing up when writing this). I believe it. Please don’t fret someone else’s “prosperity” in their compromising, our reality is framed by His Promise!
    @KIMBERLY Z:❤️
    @SEARCHING: for lost item found soon (short story: my mom used to go with us on a small getaway with other families, and she lost a shirt or an apparel at the air bnb. Then she returned home, the item was nowhere to be seen for days, and prayed for it, not knowing where it was, she was super confused, and for some weird/miraculous reason, she found it in her bedroom one day, the item was folded neatly, sitting on the floor by the nightstand. She took it, rejoicing, and she assured me she remembered packing it in her luggage, and it must have been left at the air bnb, why is it here now? No answer. It was just there, in plain sight for my mother. God is miraculous at retrieving lost items. I don’t know how else to explain, but He is just above and beyond what we could make of Him). And prayers for the daughter of friend to come out of critical condition. So sorry.
    @RHONDA: really loved what you shared today!
    Be blessed dear sisters. Have a nice weekend dear she’s!

  2. Brandi says:

    @Sharon, Jersey Girl – the job would be near Elizabeth, NJ. That is a long way from rural Oklahoma. Lol So thankful for the Father’s blessings and the plans He has for us. So thankful for this fellowship! Thank you Sisters for your prayers. I have all your requests in my prayer journal-10 years worth actually- and am so grateful and honored to lay them at the Father’s feet! ❤️

  3. Julianne Pictou says:


  4. Mari V says:

    I like nothing. I need to remember this all-the-time. I have what I need. This devotional was just what I needed this morning. I am so grateful how great this study on Giving Thanks has been for me as I’m sure for all of you my beautiful sisters. Most of you know I left a 20+ marriage, (it’s been over 6 years). My Lord, my Jesus, Jehovah Jireh has been so faithful since the day we left. He has been providing for my children and I. I lack nothing. Now do I have wants? Of course I do. But I have what I need. As I sit here, and think about a few things, some of those things are needs, and I know my Jehovah Jireh will provide for them in His timing. Meanwhile, in the waiting, I will keep seeking Him. I’m not even angry. I just know that His timing is always best. There’s a couple of major things, and some of them are frustrating for my daughter, but even she understands and knows our God will provide. And as silly as this sounds, please pray for her teeth to be protected. Six months ago we were told she had cavities that needed to be filled, last week the dentist called it’s time for our appointment, but I mainly want her to see the dentist and try to get these cavities filled. So we wait for some finances that should be coming, we just don’t know when. Even then, God is still good! And I say this all choked up. He is SO good! We had such a wonderful, wonderful evening last night. Plenty of GOOD food, lots and lots of laughs with my siblings, my niece and nephew and most of all my kids! It was so wonderful!

  5. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning, sweet SRT sisters! I hope that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday! I wish I could sit down with each of you and hug you and pray over your requests in person! I wish I had time to call out each of your names so you would know that I have prayed for you but sadly I can’t do that. Please know that I write down your requests and pray over each and every one. There are some ongoing requests that are prayed for daily whether you post that day or not—personal illness, prodigal children, those who are caregivers, those with family needs, those with job concerns, and all the precious teachers. Have a blessed day! ❤️

  6. Michelle Patire says:

    @Tanya Evans- praise God you had company yesterday :) I am glad to hear that and that you have a thankful heart, despite the wrestling with comparison. I can understand that wrestle, a bit. God bless you :)

    @Rhonda J ❤️
    @Searching ❤️
    @Laura ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ prayers for you, I feel for you my sister.

    I want to keep asking for prayers for my siblings and my reaction to their sin. I know the Lord needs to do a work in me. This story is a little much so heads up.

    Yesterday, I had a little moment where I judged three of my siblings for taking edibles (weed brownies my sister Claire made for three of them) and scolded two of my sisters & brother Justin… mainly because Heather calls an ambulance every time she takes edibles .. and then me and my parents have to deal with her freak outs. She calls an ambulance because she thinks she is dying, because edibles are a door to the demonic and that’s the demons are saying to her after they get in her system. I know this because I took them once and heard literal demons tell me I was going to hell and I believed it, as I cried on a bathroom floor in one of my old apartments… This was in the early stages of my walk with Christ. I never touched them again.

    I realized in that moment with my siblings the Lord was not happy with my judgement. My siblings also acted like they didn’t know what I was talking about, even though I saw the edibles and heard them talking about it in front of me. So I left the room and went downstairs and grabbed my guitar, repented, and worshipped in tears and tried to take the ground back for God. That helped a lot and I channeled my anger and disappointment into music.
    The Lord has been using this devotional so much to tell me to continue loving my family, but I see my own sin and failure to love. I judged instead of prayed. I know God forgave me, but I am sick of my own judgement lol. Please pray that I grow in grace and learn to love them better. Thank you. ❤️

  7. Cheryl Blow says:

    I think once we realize that nothing will fill the longing in our heart but God; then we will learn to be content in all circumstances. We have to spend time with our Shepherd to be lead and fed. I’m not a great biblical scholar but I have learned that nothing will fill our heart but God! I’m grateful for this lesson as a reminder that all I need is Jesus.

  8. Tanya Evans says:

    I was so grateful that I did not have to spend Thanksgiving alone yesterday. I am a single female who lives in a small, one bedroom apartment, no frills. My friend’s home has its’ own movie theater. It’s the type of home that graces pages of magazines. However, I am grateful for my one bedroom because everyday I see homeless people who sleep outdoors. I am so grateful I have a place to stay, that I can pay my bills because there wasn’t a time I couldn’t pay them. It’s tempting for me sometimes to ask God why could I not have been one of those women who had a super awesome house, a wonderful husband, great family vacations but I am choosing to focus on the good and remember it comes from God. In the beginning of the book of Genesis we read the words over and over again, ” And God saw it was good.” God, help me to focus on the good in my life.” Acknowledging the good in our lives is part of being grateful to God.