Give Thanks for God’s Mercy

Open Your Bible

Luke 7:36-50, Ephesians 2:4-10, 2 Corinthians 4:7-15

When was the last time you kissed someone’s feet? When was the last time that you had enough tears to wash…anything?

This story in Luke 7 exists to show us a genuine response to God’s overwhelming mercy. I wonder what commotion this woman’s weeping must have made at the Pharisees’ table. Imagine her there on the floor, openly weeping in front of strangers. She disregarded their disapproval and made a radical display of devotion. Jesus bent down, looked her in the eyes, wiped the tears from her face, and told her the truth: Her weeping was not in vain. Her sins were forgiven. She came in weeping but could go out rejoicing.

Meanwhile, the hosting Pharisee did not ask who she was, what she was doing, or why she was doing it. He didn’t provide her a seat at the table. He assumed that since he knew about her past, he knew everything about her future too. He talked about her but didn’t care for her. He judged her by what she had done, not by what God would do for her. He missed the miracle. But when Jesus looked upon this weeping woman, He saw the beauty in her sacrifice and in her heart. When Jesus saw her, He offered her abundant mercy and a new identity.

This is our God! When I humble myself before Him, He forgives everything and puts my feet on a whole new path. When Jesus explained His parable of the creditor with two debtors to the Pharisee, He said, “Her many sins have been forgiven; that’s why she loved much. But the one who is forgiven little, loves little” (Luke 7:47–48).

This woman wasn’t a worse sinner—she was a better seer. Unlike the Pharisee, she saw Jesus for who He is. Rather than trying to hide her mistakes, she grieved openly for how she had failed. In using the parable, Jesus was inviting the Pharisee to see his sin with a clearer vision, to see that the molehill of sin in his heart was actually a mountain. Right perspective on the magnitude of sin leads to a radical posture of gratitude toward God.

Jesus isn’t saying we need to sin more in order to love Him more. He’s inviting us to see the evil of our sin without mitigation. Only after taking a brutally honest look at ourselves will we be able to appreciate the merciful, caring, forgiving gaze of our Savior. He lovingly looks us in the eyes and gently wipes away our tears. He sets our feet on new paths. May we focus on that change today and, with grateful hearts, thank Him for all He’s done for us.

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41 thoughts on "Give Thanks for God’s Mercy"

  1. Cheryl Blow says:

    Tina, thank you for the song! The older I get the more I realize my need for a Savior! I woke up in the middle of the night with Brandon Lake’s song, “Gratitude” on my heart and when I got up this morning it’s still there! I have nothing fit for a king but all I can offer Him is my praise, my gratitude for His mercy and grace! If you have time, look it up, it is a beautiful song. It will lead you to worship. My 4 year old grandson almost drowned this past July 4th. He had been under for an undetermined time but his 7 year old brother saw him and jumped in and pulled him out. I praise God every day for His protection. We all know he could have been one of the July 4th statistics BUT GOD.

  2. Cee Gee says:

    For the first time, I noticed the posture of the woman – BEHIND Jesus at his feet.

    This is such a beautiful and convicting devotional! When we kneel at Jesus’ feet, He redirects our feet to a path of right living.

    Do I shed tears over my sins? Do I abide so closely to Jesus that He could feel my tears on His feet? So convicting!

    2 Corinthians 7:15 – And as God’s grace reaches more and more people, there will be GREAT THANKSGIVING, and God will receive more and more glory. (emphasis mine)

    From Encyclopedia of the Bible on Biblegateway resources: “Perfume could be produced from sap, bark, flower, or root.

    So strong were the better kinds of ointments, and so perfectly were the component substances compounded that they have been known to retain their scent for centuries. Sometimes it was produced in a powdered form (Song of Solomon 3:6), perhaps like a sachet powder. The first maker of perfume mentioned in the Bible is Bezalel (Exod 37:1, 29), and the profession became highly developed in Israel as elsewhere. ”

    TRACE G – So sorry about Skye and praying for Christina Marie and Van and for your grieving heart. ❤

    Praying for each SHE and so thankful for each of you and this study time. HEIDI – So glad you are back with us; I have missed you! Praying for your heavy load and especially for the Thursday assignment. ❤

  3. Traci Gendron says:

    I need God to wipe the tears from my eyes this morning. Another young man died from Cystinosis this morning. I am crushed, heartbroken. My heart aches for this family losing their only son. Please Pray for Christina Marie and Van. Their son’s name is Skye.

  4. Rhonda J. says:

    I love the song “Mercy” by Elevation Worship.

  5. Gayle Craik says:

    Good morning She’s! What a special reading.

  6. Rhonda J. says:

    GM! That was a great devotion paired with those scriptures! Wow! It really struck and stuck! For one, of how I behave like a pharisee many times in seeing people for what they’ve done and not as God sees them; “He talked about her but didn’t care for her. He judged her by what she had done, not by what God would do for her. He missed the miracle.” Whoa, that hit. Then, also, like many of you, didn’t really see my sin as big sin. I grew up as a good girl too, even when I was deep in sin in my twenties, I thought I was way better than those around me. I had always known Jesus was my ticket to heaven, but didn’t really realize my deep need for his forgiveness. Then one day it struck and it was overwhelming. Now I still feel that massive emotion of the cost, for me.

    Thank you for the honesty you all share with your walk, trials, and praises. Thank God we are always being sanctified when we WANT to get closer to God and study His word. It’s sad seeing christians that are saved but don’t value the relationship they could have with Jesus!! (me before!) It is certainly life changing, and I just want that for the people I love, and everyone really!

    @Heidi- glad you are here with us!! Prayers for this busy time, good luck Thursday!

  7. Lolly Regan says:

    The verses in 2 Corinthians, I don’t think I have ever read before. Or I read it with a focus on me. “Look how much we suffer” not on Jesus and His mercy. It overjoys me to remember his mercy is for me. I think I have the same problem as the Pharisee. I don’t look at my sin with the correct weight. I judge others as worse than I, I forget my desperate need for a savior. For a forgiving and merciful Father. Lord, help me to see the weight of my sin, all sin as you see so that I might better appreciate the weight of your goodness and mercy. Amen!

    1. Kim Green says:

      Or look how much I (needlessly) suffer because I don’t accept:recognize His mercy . Daily new mercies appear, a d I can feel peace/joy that surprises all understanding. I can move forward.

  8. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    How humbling and courageous it must have been for this unnamed woman who entered the home of Simon the pharisee. She risked being judged and thrown out, yet that didn’t stop her overwhelming need to sit at the feet of Jesus and wash his feet with her tears and her hair. She had such love for the Savior. A beautiful picture of forgiveness. It reminds me of the song by Shane and Shane – His Mercy Is More, this is a verse and chorus from the song:

    What patience would wait as we constantly roam
    What Father, so tender, is calling us home
    He welcomes the weakest, the vilest, the poor
    Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

    Praise the Lord, His mercy is more
    Stronger than darkness, new every morn
    Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

    Praise God His mercy is SO MUCH MORE than our sin! I will be forever grateful that Jesus came to seek and save the lost (including me!!) and that there is no sin to big that He can’t forgive!! Thank you, thank you God – for Your mercy that is new every morning! (Lamentations 3:22-23)

    Praying for your requests @Searching and @Heidi! …it’s good to see you back Heidi!

    Have a blessed Tuesday my dear SRT Sisters!