Welcome to the Table

Open Your Bible

Luke 22:14-20, Revelation 3:20

Text: Luke 22:14-20, Revelation 3:20

And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
– Luke 22:19, ESV

Something you may not know about our dear Raechel Myers—one of her goals in life is to possess a ridiculously long dining room table. No, really. We’re talking record-setting table length, you guys. When dreaming up her ideal floorplan, Raechel will be quick to insist that the perfect dining room must accommodate such a monstrous beauty, with room enough for as many people as she’d like to sit around it, thankyouverymuch. I love this about her.

The hosting part of hospitality comes naturally to Rae, and I’m thankful to have been on the receiving end of her giftedness more than once. As someone who struggles with all the “to-do’s” of hospitality, it does my heart good to enter into a space where I have been joyfully anticipated and unreservedly welcomed. But even Raechel would tell you—as we’ve learned in this study over the past two weeks—

Hospitality is not just about the table. It’s about the people. It’s about the Gospel.

We’ve said that Jesus is the Ultimate Inviter. And what He invites us to is not just a gathering, not just a meal, but a whole new life.

The Gospel is life-giving. Hospitality is actively seeking to share that life with others. It is taking the gift of new life we have in Christ and giving it away with both careful intention and unabashed enthusiasm.

As followers of Jesus, it is our privilege, our responsibility, our JOY to invite people to the Gospel. When Jesus gathered His disciples for their Last Supper together, just a short time before His death, He invited them to remember. Remember Who He is. Remember what He had done and what He was going to do. Remember that their Why in this life had forever changed. And the symbols Jesus used at the table that day? Bread. Wine. He is the Bread of Life. He is our sustenance. He was broken for us so we might live.

Jesus welcomes us to His table for a life of holy communion with Him. He joyfully anticipates us and unreservedly welcomes us. In turn, we welcome others—all others!—to more than just the dining room table of our dreams. We welcome them to the table of our Savior.

This is the Table that changes lives.
This is the Table that offers forgiveness and acceptance and unconditional love.
This is the Table surrounded with beggars-turned-brothers and sisters of the Risen One, Christ the Lord.

That’s us, friends! We are the ones who have been welcomed, and that is why we welcome.

As we take all we’ve learned about hospitality in God’s Word and apply it to our hearts and lives, may we remember the Why of our invitation. May we remember Who is truly extending the invitation to those around us. Let’s not just invite people to the table. Let’s invite them to Jesus.

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77 thoughts on "Welcome to the Table"

  1. Stacey says:

    Thank you for this amazing study I have truly enjoyed each and every quit time. It has taught me that you don’t have to have perfection to have people over you just have to have a loving and willing heart!

  2. Jabes says:

    One of the most challenging studies I’ve done. One I’ll prob pick up and do a few times. I find loving this way so hard but I love that God is working in me though. Gotta get bigger!

  3. Sarah says:

    Thank you for this study. A lot of good reminders of the informants of hospitality and what it truly is about. I am convicted by my lack of loving others and allowing God to work through my to welcome others.

  4. Katie says:

    Amazing study! I found this at the perfect time and have really changed some things in my life. No longer letting Pinterest define what I should be or do or look like, and sharing my heart instead of my perfectly clean home. This study encouraged me to allow others to come into my mess so I can love them.

  5. Hannah says:

    Thank you so much for this study. God is stirring my heart to minister and show love to other stay at home moms like me. I’ve always been insecure about inviting people into my “mess” and my “space” but I know God has called me to invite people in. Thank you for the scriptures and the reflection that show God’s heart. Now it’s my turn to make the most of every opportunity. That is why I’m still alive right? It’s because God has a purpose for me and he’s not done using me.

    1. Judith, NI says:

      Amen Hannah, your words could be mine today as I’ve finished these readings x

  6. Cecily says:

    I have been so blessed by this refreshing and insightful study. I long to be a blessing to others in bolder, more beautiful and meaningful ways. Thank you for all the time and effort in this wonderful series.

  7. Beckie says:

    This has been such a great encouragement to me and I would like to say thank you so much. It has really helped me to look at hospitality in a new way.