gather ’round + rest

Wow. What a month December has been!

It has been our JOY to walk through this advent season with you. The way you have so openly approached the season and the scripture, the manner in which you have shared with and encouraged one another in comments or on instagram, Facebook and twitter — We’ve been watching with awe and gratitude at what God is doing in this lovely community.

Thank you. Thank you for spending such a precious season with us.

Now. It’s time to answer your question: What’s next?

First: Let’s Gather ‘Round the Table

Is it just us, or has this advent season felt like a feast for the soul? Even in the midst of holiday busyness, family craziness and general life insanity, the nearness and mercy of Jesus found us in these stories. In the Story. We read it with new eyes, and we hope that you did, too.

We want to hear from you. You hear from us all the time – too much. :) We want to hear from you, and we want you to hear from each other.

We’d love to spend the next few days sharing how God has met us, comforted us, challenged us and extended mercy to us over the last 30 days. We want to create a virtual table, of sorts, a table where all are welcome, where we can talk with one another over warm coffee and good food, listen intently and speak boldly. Would you join us?

Here’s the virtual “meeting” schedule:

Today, December 30 – We’d love for you to share your overall, one-sentence impression of what this advent season meant to you. It can be simple, profound, practical, spiritual: just your gut-level reaction of “This. This is what I’m taking away.”

Tomorrow, December 31 – We’ll ask you to share the scripture that most resonated with you on your advent journey.

Wednesday, January 1 – We’ll invite you to share how the Action element of the plan affected your advent experience. Was there an action that was particularly symbolic for you, or perhaps one you were reluctant to “perform” but found to be surprisingly meaningful?

Thursday, January 2 – We’ll talk about how our New Year resolutions and revolutions are affected by the baby in a manger, the reality of our God who became man.

Then: Let’s Rest in Truth

We know the advent plan was somewhat of a marathon, and we want to give you a couple days to rest, breathe a little, marinate in all we’ve learned from our time in the Word and with one another.

We’ll take Friday, Saturday and Sunday – January 3, 4, 5 – to read a few Psalms together, to praise God for all we’ve seen and heard, and to ready our hearts for our next reading journey.

And finally: Fresh Start!

On Monday, January 6, we’ll begin our next reading plan – Fresh Start 2014. We cannot wait to venture into the new year with you, you beautiful women (and men!) you.

THANK YOU for gathering here with us.

THANK YOU for seeking the Lord so honestly and openly.

THANK YOU for reading God’s Word faithfully and allowing your hearts to be transformed.

We are honored to be on this journey with you and we so look forward to seeking the Lord in 2014 with you!

Amanda, Raechel, Diana & Hayley



Share your overall, one-sentence impression of what this advent season meant to you. It can be simple, profound, practical, spiritual: just your gut-level reaction of “This. This is the what I’m taking away”.

(145) Comments

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145 thoughts on "gather ’round + rest"

  1. Larahannah says:

    Gods faithfulness, love & provision in Jesus our saving grace! Also reminded me of how God has shown these divine characteristics this past year. He is always the same. He never changes. He only gets better the more I know him.

  2. T Thomas says:

    I have never done a Bible study during Advent until I started following SRT. This 2013 Advent season in particular, it opened me up to see the importance of His birth just like when we commemorate His death and ressurection during Easter. It’s the first time I even attended a Christmas Eve church service. Every Advent season from now on, I will always do a study or reading plan. This added to my Christmas season was new and different, but the Word was at the forefront and it keeps Christ in Christmas.

  3. Terri says:

    I became lost during advent. I never found my footing. I realized my marriage is over. I am desperately praying that the new year will be better.

  4. Nikkilooch says:

    God has loved me since the foundation of the world; loved me with a serious, real, all-action kinda love.

  5. Amanda says:

    This was the first year I was intentional about any kind of personal Advent commemoration that I was able to stick with (besides the Advent chocolate calendar for the kids), and I have to say- it made the holidays so much more richer and gave me an added level of peace. It was a beautiful and inspiring season.

  6. Taylor G says:

    I’ve heard before that we should be waiting in anticipation of Christ’s coming, and this series helped me to do that in this season of remembering His first coming as well as looking forward to the second.

  7. Corinne says:

    This advent season has offered fresh air, fresh perspective and has been completely life-giving to this momma’s weary soul.

  8. Cheryl says:

    I was reminded that Christ does not need- nor does He look for- a perfect place in our hearts to dwell. He takes us as we are- sees our sin & brokenness- and willingly takes His place in us. Absolutely astounding grace.