Gabriel’s Annunciation to Mary

Open Your Bible

Luke 1:26-38, Job 33:4

Text: Luke 1:26-38, Job 33:4

Oh, how I love Mary. I love that God chose her. I love that she believed the words of Gabriel with obedience and without hesitation—never asking if, but only “how?” She is chosen, she is key, and indeed Mary is blessed among women!

But the Holy Spirit! This new information about the character of the Holy Spirit as an inseparable member of Almighty God is a game changer. What the angel Gabriel says to Mary teaches us so much about the Spirit’s role and our own relationship with the Father and the Son! You see, the Holy Spirit is a promoter of Christ.

John Piper wrote an essay back in 1984 titled “Christ Conceived By The Holy Spirit,” and in it he says the Holy Spirit’s ministry “is to point away from Himself to the wonder of God the Son and God the Father. Being filled with the Spirit means being filled with love for Christ… The Spirit is shy; He is self-effacing. When we look toward him, he steps back and pushes forward Jesus Christ” (emphasis mine).

How about that?

Come to think of it, Mary’s role imitates the Holy Spirit’s in the most simple, beautiful way, doesn’t it?

While the members of the Trinity are coequal in power and in standing with one another (all equally God), they are also distinct. Most typically we pray to become more like the Son in love, humility and passion for the Father. We look to the Father as the creator of heaven and earth; mighty in power, yet intimate and present. And it’s probably fair to assess that we look to the Spirit primarily as a helper. The Spirit is indeed our Great Helper, but let’s not miss His distinct example as well.

“From the very beginning of Christ’s incarnation the Holy Spirit was quietly doing what needed to be done to put forward Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of man.” -Piper

What would it look like if the same were said of us in our daily lives?

“From the time she wakes up, ___________ is quietly doing what needs to be done to put forward Jesus Christ as the Son of God and  Savior of man.”

Reading that over—inserting our names—puts flesh on bones of our calling as Christians. It reminds us that we, like Mary, have been called by God to participate in the coming of His Kingdom in a way that is unique to us and precious to Him. The mother of Jesus daily and quietly put flesh on her faith by “doing what needs to be done to put forth Christ as the Son of God and Savior of man.” Dear friends, we can do the same!

Let’s ask ourselves today: What does this look like, in my real, everyday life? What does it mean to quietly put forth Christ?

As we consider the Holy Spirit’s wonderful, powerful and mysterious role in the birth of Jesus—Emmanuel, God with us—may we also remember that He is our promised Helper (John 14:26). If the Spirit’s role is to ever magnify the Father and Son, and our role as Christians is to do the same, don’t you think the Helper will undergird us in all things? Yes! Thanks be to God.


AND A HAPPY BONUS: You can find a lovely lock screen (created in collaboration with True Cotton Art!) that corresponds with today’s reading in the lock screen section of the She Reads Truth Android or iOS app!

lockscreens example

For an added layer of worship during this sweet season of adoration and expectation, we’ve created a Spotify playlist for Advent 2014! You can find the complete SheReadsTruth | O Come Let Us Adore Him playlist at this link, or listen to today’s track on the player below. Enjoy!


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53 thoughts on "Gabriel’s Annunciation to Mary"

  1. Abiola says:

    I’m standing in line at Urban Outfitters reading this, thinking about a date I have later, and thinking, what if he totally saw me as the daughter of God I am? My first thought was panic. Panic. This just challenges me to look at how I do shine my light on our Jesus. Our thoughts shouldn’t lead to panic people will see Him in us. They should lead to joy, unbridled joy :).

  2. Aloha says:

    God is good. For some reason when I was younger I was afraid of the Holy Spirit, of which now I am ashamed. I love the message today, and will hold it in my heart and try, with the help of our Savior and the Holy Spirit to live a life that points always to Jesus!

  3. Latesia Brown says:

    It's amazing how God can choose the meekest and shyest people to be apart of something that is so amazing and crucial to history And he is looking for a people that will answer to the calling that he has on our lives in spite of what it may look like, and in spite of what we may or may not be comfortable with. A lot of times God may call us into a place that may not be in our comfort zone, but nevertheless we must answer to his calling and his purpose for our lives. Like Mary did, she humbly accepted the calling and assignment that the Holy spirit gave to her in spite of how she felt. Thank God for her and the Woman of God that she was, for if it hadn't been for her humble obediEnce, History itself would have been changed, but I doubt that God would have stopped there, he would have found someone else to fulfill his purpose and his will. AMEN

  4. Diana Anunda says:

    I just finished watching the Christmas party and I didn’t want it to end!! Thank you ladies for constantly pointing women to Jesus Christ. Angie Smith, God bless you for the Word you shared tonight. For pointing out the invisible line and the paradigm shift between Luke 1:25 and Luke 1:26. I pray that we all are covered with the grace to move from duty to devotion and desire of our Savior, Messiah and King Jesus!

    1. Charli says:

      I was also blessed by what Angie shared! I’m so thankful to God for these women for speaking truth into my life tonight! My heart is full from His word and that beautiful time of worship we shared

  5. beccaclarke says:

    I love, love this blog! But I'm doubting this particular post based on the usage of Job 33:4. :(
    I do not understand how Job 33:4 fits into this post as an encouraging verse. It's a quote by Elihu said to Job in bad company. Elihu is making fun of Job, who had said something similar earlier in the book. Elihu is saying that he has the spirit and breath of the Holy Spirit so anything he says to Job is valid. It's a statement made in a sort of mockery. Can someone help me understand how it is still an encouraging, fitting verse to this post?

  6. Ioneem says:

    What happened to the Christmas party. The screen said taking a break be right back, but nothing happened. Disappointed.

  7. Antimony says:

    Wow! This: “What would it look like if [this was true of me in my daily life]? ‘From the time she wakes up, ___________ is quietly doing what needs to be done to put forward Jesus Christ as the Son of God and  Savior of man’.” Because, really, shouldn’t this be the story of my life? Isn’t this the ultimate goal? But how often am I distracted by so many other (inferior) purposes? Sobering.