FUNDED! {an app update}

Sisters! It’s time for a family meeting. Gather ’round.

[This is the part where we imagine you gathered in our living rooms, squished on the sofa and sitting cross-legged on the floor, beautiful faces grinning in celebration with us.]

SheReadsTruth family – YOU DID IT. You teamed up with our gracious God, you believed in something you can’t yet see, you gave of your real, actual money and stood in support of a brave new direction for this community of women you love.

You fully funded BOTH the
SheReadsTruth iOS and Android apps.

You raised $65,000 in only 22 days.
Look! We have proof:


Um… Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

That is incredible! YOU are incredible. We are floored by your generosity, encouraged by your enthusiasm and humbled by your trust. Thank you thank you thank you.

Now – let’s talk SheReadsTruth Virtual Conference.

Because suddenly, this is a real thing we get to really talk about!
If we reach our next stretch goal of $80,000, SheReadsTruth will host a FREE virtual conference open to all Kickstarter donors – even if you can only give $1!

IF we reach our goal, we’ll call the event Evening of Truth and it will take place in early fall, featuring two of our favorite Truth tellers —

Annie Downs
writer, speaker, storyteller, loud laugher
author of Speak Love, Perfectly Unique and the upcoming Let’s All Be Brave

Ellie Holcomb
singer-songwriter and the voice singing “The Only Hope I’ve Got” in our Kickstarter video!
recently released record (that we love!), As Sure As The Sun

–>With more fun surprises to be announced! <–

Yep. We get to worship together, led by Ellie. And Annie will not disappoint (she never does) to engage and challenge and delight us all at once. It makes us so happy to think about!

“So, what will you do with the extra funds?”

Glad you asked! In addition to funding the virtual conference and the lovely Kickstarter gifts for you, our donors, all additional funds raised will go to broadening and improving the SheReadsTruth community experience. Even if we don’t hit the conference goal, the money you give will go straight to the furthering of the She Reads Truth ministry. There are so many improvements to the site and opportunities for community connection we want to implement for you guys, and the thought that some of those things can happen sooner rather than later thrills us. We’re talking lotsa happy dances over here!

If you are a SRTer who has not yet given, would you consider doing so today? Every single dollar matters, truly. In fact, our handy site statistics tell us that if everyone reading this gave $1, we’d far surpass our conference goal today! Also? The swag is pretty.

Visit the #KickstartSRT campaign here

With hearts bursting with love and gratitude,
Amanda + Raechel

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18 thoughts on "FUNDED! {an app update}"

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