from his fullness

Good morning, girls! How was everyone’s weekend? Does anyone else have an eldest child beginning Kindergarten next month? And if so, is anyone else feeling all kids of weepy and excited and crazy? Anyone?

And, since we’re sharing, let’s take a moment for complete honesty:

Who’s behind in their reading for this plan?

Has summer gotten in the way of the lovely Bible-reading routine you began in June?

I’ll go first: until this morning, I had 7 unread days in this plan. Eeesh. Not proud of that. Kinda hurts (a lot) to type that for y’all to see.

Am I all alone in this? Maybe I’m the only one with 7 unread days, but are any of y’all backed up at all? Anyone playing catch-up, scrambling to get ready for a new plan to start at the end of this one?


Grace abounds.

But really, it does! Don’t feel discouraged if you’re behind. Life happens, and Satan loves to use busyness and distraction not only to pull us away from our best intentions to honor the Lord, but to discourage us from trying because we aren’t doing it perfectly.

Do you remember why SheReadsTruth began in the first place? Why it was the first Bible reading plan that actually felt doable for so many of us? It’s because we’re doing it together! And that means we encourage one another, and dispense grace like a fountain! We spur one another back into His arms because He’s the point. And we’re living in community together because that’s how He made us.

So yes, the Prayer plan ends Wednesday. But here’s the thing: we want to model something for you all. We want to model grace. And rest. And intentionality. Not only because you may or may not need it, but because we do too! We’re doing this all together!

So, here’s a quick look at how our week is going to go:

Monday: Day 19
Tuesday: Day 20
Wednesday: Day 21
Thursday-Sunday: Grace Days
Monday: Day 1 of the new plan

Yep, Grace Days. Four of them. Use them to draw near to your Savior in whatever way you see fit. Finish up the Prayer plan if you are behind, go back to days you may have missed or skimmed over in The Soul Detox or Living the Surrendered Life. If you’re all caught up and want to do something short, check out some of the 2 to 4 day reading plans that YouVersion offers.

Or, change your pace entirely. Spend these days only praying and not reading. Maybe writing or painting or doing the Word. Ask the Lord what he has for you in this time.

We hope these Grace Days will be a blessing to you and to your walk with the Lord. And, we would love to hear (if you’re willing to share) what this change of pace will look like for you. And of course, the new plan will be announced Monday, August 6th. Looking forward to walking with you all this week and beginning something new together next week.

Blessings, friends!

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41 thoughts on "from his fullness"

  1. B says:

    Love this… I actually had been so behind that I thought I might just give it up… but today, I was cleaning and busy and crazy and about to start the dishwasher and vacuum when the clouds rolled in (rather beautiful… in fact), and the sky opened up and we had a 30 minutes thunderstorm/mini hurricane over here in my little corner of Maine that came out of nowhere… and so I decided to turn off all the lights and sit and watch the storm… and when the rain subsided I realized the power had gone out from the storm, and so I read my Bible for a half hour…
    the power came back on and I got back to cleaning, and rearranging/reorganizing.. but man was that an encouragement from the Lord… and tonight I finished the Prayer reading plan, and read two chapters in Luke (I am currently reading through the Gospels, and had neglected that for a while too…)… and then decided to come here to see what the new reading plan was, to see that others had fallen behind as well… how great is our God… :) reminding me that I am not alone and that others "fail" as well.. but we do get Grace days… every. day. :) Thanks for what you guys do :) love it love it love it!

  2. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Thank you for the GRACE! I am a couple of days behind and was starting to stress. Yes, I have a kindergartener and I can't believe the summer is almost to an end. Thank you for modeling HIS love and mercy for all of us to see!

  3. Lindsay says:

    I don't see a #sheshares for this week, and really wanted to share what God was doing in my life. After finishing the prayer study I feel like my eyes have opened!

  4. Emily says:

    Hi ladies…One of my coworkers and friends was killed in a car accident yesterday. I'd really appreciate your prayers for myself and my community. This is the second accidental death in a week in our small town. This woman was a special education teacher at my school and I'd love prayers for my students as they process this news. Thanks in advance!

  5. Heather says:

    I like being able to catch up before the new plan starts. But, I also know that I need help. There are days that I simply forget to do the plan. It makes me sad when I think about it. I feel like I’m failing in some way, like I am letting God and y’all down. I know that’s not true. I am going to try harder. I can’t wait for the new plan!!

  6. Amanda says:

    Such a great idea!! I've started late on all the plans, and am only on day 12 of the prayer one. Looking forward to starting a new plan along with you all, and staying on track. Thank you so much for this community – I haven't read my Bible this regularly in years, and it has been so refreshing to my weary heart!

  7. BakeYourDay says:

    Grace days are a fabulous idea. I am looking forward to see how the Lord works during these next few days, and very much looking forward to the next reading plan!