From Death to Life

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 2:1-10, John 3:16-21, 1 John 5:1-13

My mom is one of the most generous people I know. I’m grateful to say that growing up, I never felt a lack of love or met needs, and to this day, she still delights in sending a care package “just because.” Giving is her way to show care, even over great distances. I mention small things, like a spice for a recipe I want to try or a little bowl I broke, and then one day a box arrives with little bags of cumin seeds or a set of pretty measuring bowls or some other thing I never thought to ask for, all with sticky notes saying, “I thought you’d like this.”

I confess, there have been times I’ve felt embarrassed by this overflowing generosity or struggled to find ways to speak this love language back to her. But the older I get and the longer I’m living far from home, the more her generosity and thoughtfulness mean to me. Because after all, it’s never really about the gifts—though I’m grateful to know I’ve been heard. To be remembered, even in seemingly small ways, reminds me that I am deeply loved.

In today’s reading, I can’t help but notice something similarly lavish in God’s generosity. For most of my life, when I’ve read the words “you were dead in your trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1), I’ve only thought of the ways I’ve gone wrong: “Yep, that’s me! Broken and in need of fixing!” But now I see it from a slightly different angle.

Consider for a moment that this mindset is perhaps one of poverty mentality. Once I start to look for it, I can see God’s special interest in the poor all throughout Scripture, from the law’s provisions for gleaning and Jubilee to Jesus’s healing and humanizing the lowest members of society. God is in the business of meeting our lack and filling our empty hands. And death without hope is the ultimate kind of poverty.

Contrast this with God’s abundance: “But God who is rich in mercy, because of His great love that he had for us, made us alive with Christ even though we were dead in trespasses” (vv.4–5, emphasis mine). His is a wealth and generosity we cannot possibly come close to reciprocating or paying back. These “immeasurable riches of his grace through his kindness to us in Christ Jesus” are “God’s gift” to us, to all who trust in Jesus (vv.7–8).

These days, nothing makes more sense to me than the incarnation. There’s a mystery at work where God, despite having power and wealth far surpassing anything we could imagine, extended His kind hand toward us. God took on the human form of a rabbi, got the dust of the earth in His clothes, touched the untouchable, debated the educated, and shared dinner with some of the most despised, forgotten people imaginable. God descended to suffer with us, experiencing the ultimate poverty of death but then rising above it all to lead us in a better way, to lead us to Him.

And where does that leave us? Well, Scripture says, “Everyone who has been born of God conquers the world” (1John 5:4). Or perhaps, as the father says to the eldest brother in the parable of the lost son, “Everything I have is yours” (Luke 15:31). All this abundance is ours: we are seen, remembered, and loved—if only we will choose to take hold of what is already ours because of Jesus.

(102) Comments

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102 thoughts on "From Death to Life"

  1. Marina Serdyuk says:

    Thank you Jesus

  2. Emily Tucker says:


  3. AG says:

    My friend’s niece went home today after having a brain bleed during birth and spending over a week in the nicu and not knowing if she would make it. Praise God! He is so good!

    1. Tina says:

      Best news. Praise God indeed. ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Hallelujah!!! ❤

  4. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    May our heart of heart ever perceive, His.
    “All this abundance is ours: we are seen, remembered, and loved—if only we will choose to take hold of what is already ours because of Jesus.”
    Amen & Amen

    1. Tina says:

      Amen, GWINETH52. Amen.❤️

  5. Mercy says:

    This devotional hit me on a different note this morning, and I am prompted to ask for prayers for my mother. Please pray over my mother that God delivers her from her difficulties, and that her heart be softened for changes and to receive truth. Thank you shes for your prayers. Be blessed dear sisters.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, for sure praying for your mom..and forgiveness for her wrongs to you. :/ We see your hurt, and know God heals that very wounded place!

      1. Mercy says:


    2. Tina says:

      Will be praying for your mums heart to be changed..❤️

  6. Kris says:

    I can relate to Jen’s mom. I am that mom. I do all sorts of things for my kids. I’ve had them around a lot this summer, and just recently I was feeling sort of low, thinking they don’t have a clue how much change, preparation, altering of my life goes to having them here. I make sacrifices for them when they come for visits, I change my routine, spend a lot more money, and nobody seems to really understand. I feel “unseen” sometimes. I was recently complaining to God about nobody seeing what I do and give up and how much I prepare for them…. when God just stopped me in my tracks… and I thought about us not seeing what God has done for us, all the sacrifices, the preparation, the provision, the salvation… all the things He’s done.. and so many people don’t see it, don’t appreciate it, aren’t thoughtful back to Him for it. I had to repent (again) and be grateful for all He’s done for me, and asked for eyes to see His working in my life. I don’t want to be blind to the gifts He gives me, and go about my life without noticing and being thankful.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Kris! ❤

    2. Mercy says:

      Amen to God being so unseen in our lives, trying to make Himself known to His kids.

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      That’s good Kris! I can relate! The me mentality..even though warranted at times, leads us to aha moments such as this!!

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    I love today’s reading…right from the title “From death to Life” for so many reasons. Of course, mainly for my own death to life salvation. But although I knew Jesus was King and my Savior from church life..I didn’t really get the overwhelming significance that I was not good enough on my own, and I would come to need lots of forgiveness for the darkness in me, the good church-girl went off the deep end, not all at once, but bad choice after bad choice. But I tucked them away, and pridefully called myself better than the real bad people. That sin of comparison..but it doesn’t work that way. Over the years, like Laura, I saw my depravity, my sin that crushed me, and how indeed, I needed to not only repent, but weep in sorrow of my wayward heart when God wanted me right there in His grace. Now I am overwhelmed with His goodness and just want everyone to receive it!! And KNOW it ONLY comes from belief and acceptance of Jesus Christ!!

    Secondly..we call our ladies in jail our “Butterflies!” Because it is a place for transformation! They are often at their low, realizing the mess their life is, and a true wake up call because they can’t just fall back into drugs and alcohol to cover those feelings as they would on the outside. Nothing is more beautiful then when we get to WITNESS this transformation.! Just like the worm that goes into the darkness to die to himself, and to slowly transform into something BEAUTIFUL!! We literally see the dark be overcome with light in their demeanor and their shine! Yesterday I was able to get a beautiful butterfly tattoo with a cross at the center! Now it is a visible daily reminder of partnering with God to go to the ones that need life!! It’s a great conversational starter (I assume!) I know my grandkids will ask, and I was already able to share the meaning for wanting it with my son!!

    Lord, use me, use me, I truly LOVE sharing YOU with everyone! It can be hard at times, and in those times I hope my actions are enough to show a light. But with you, I…ME…AM enabled and enough to be used! I can’t wait till the day I am able to lead someone one on one through the sinners prayer! “well done” my good and faithful servant will be the next visual reminder!! I boast only for the Glory of God!!

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    2. MARTHA HIX says:


    3. Cathy McVey says:


    4. Tina says:


    5. Cee Gee says:

    6. Therese says:


    7. Kat D says:

      Ronda, Your witness here to other SHEs speaks volumes and sets a wonderful example of how to show God’s love to others. May we all be inspired to share His love and hope.

  8. Cee Gee says:

    1 John 5:4 – For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. NLT
    This verse jumped out at me today. I confess to previously focusing on the words before. This reminded me of an old hymn – Faith is the Victory:
    Encamped along the hills of light,
    Ye Christian soldiers, rise,
    And press the battle ere the night
    Shall veil the glowing skies.
    Against the foe in vales below
    Let all our strength be hurled;
    Faith is the victory, we know,
    That overcomes the world.
    Faith is the victory!
    Faith is the victory!
    Oh, glorious victory,
    That overcomes the world.
    His banner over us is love,
    Our sword the Word of God;
    We tread the road the saints above
    With shouts of triumph trod.
    By faith, they like a whirlwind’s breath,
    Swept on o’er every field;
    The faith by which they conquered death
    Is still our shining shield.
    On every hand the foe we find
    Drawn up in dread array;
    Let tents of ease be left behind,
    And onward to the fray.
    Salvation’s helmet on each head,
    With truth all girt about,
    The earth shall tremble ’neath our tread,
    And echo with our shout.
    To him that overcomes the foe,
    White raiment shall be giv’n;
    Before the angels he shall know
    His name confessed in heav’n.
    Then onward from the hills of light,
    Our hearts with love aflame,
    We’ll vanquish all the hosts of night,
    In Jesus’ conqu’ring name.

    JEN YOKEL – Thank you for this exceptional message of HOPE and faith! This statement stood out to me: “…death without hope is the ultimate kind of poverty.”

    from Vines Expository Bible:
    “Christ, who descended to the depths of sin to save us, carries us to the heights of glory to seat us. Because He identified with our guilt, we may identify with His glory!”

    Now I am off to read your comments! I am looking forward to what you sisters shared. Reversed my order today. ❤

    1. Teresa Donley says:

      Cee Gee – I was also going to mention the old hymn, “Faith is the Victory.” As soon as I read that verse, I started singing that song! I’ll hear it all day in my head. Thanks for sharing.

      1. Cee Gee says:

        That’s sweet!Same here!❤

    2. Tina says:


    3. ERB says:

      CEE GEE thank you for sharing this old hymn!! I looked it up and listened to it multiple times today!! SO good!!!

  9. Cheryl Blow says:

    “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”
    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    But God – this is the difference! He is always reaching out to us to redeem us and this world!

    All of your comments hit home with me! Don’t be afraid to share! This is how we overcome by the word of our testimony and the blood of the Lamb!

  10. Jamie Trice says:

    This was my Facebook post

  11. Wendy B says:

    So undeserved and yet so avaliable…BUT GOD. Thank you Lord for your extravagant gift.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Amen! ❤️

  12. Jamie Trice says:

    I got something a little different from the Lord this morning from the reading as He can only do for us.
    1 John 5:3
    “For this is what love for God is : to keep his commands. And his commands are not a burden,”

    The last part of that really got to me just now, his commands are NOT A BURDEN! How many times as a Christ Follower do I feel it’s a burden to go speak the gospel to a lost soul because it is going to make me late? Or to go ask if someone looking sad or lonely is ok because it’s out of MY way? Or even give a passing glance and smile to a homeless person holding a sign? Or maybe even speak to them, or give them a little cash I have on my pocket(it is not our place to judge what they will do with it, that is between them and God). His commands are NOT a burden. If you want to read the rest of it, please do. It is 1 John 5:4 But that part really hit me hard, as it hopefully does ALL who claim to be Christians. I see “Christians” failing our lost more and more. It’s heartbreaking.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Ouch! Your last sentence..” I see christians failing our lost more and more…” That is so true…we consider ourselves Christians just by going to church on Sundays. But we are not going to the world where we are needed! My life has changed tremendously by going to serve homeless and jail ladies! It truly is the best blessing!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Thank you for sharing what God laid on your heart, Jamie! Your last sentence is convicting and challenging as we need it to be. ❤

    3. Adrienne says:

      Ouch… that last sentence is sadly so very true. ❤️

  13. ERB says:

    Felt led to share my notes from today.. hope each of you are blessed!! My prayers are with and for you everyday!!! Xoxo

    1 John 5:3-4
    *the LOVE of God is that we KEEP His commands and His commands are NOT burdensome!! Wow!! There is a LOT said right there!! For example living actions over words.. Then it goes on to say that when we are born of God (in the Spirit) we OVERCOME the world (all its ways, paradigms & thinking are no longer important to us) and that FAITH is our victory!!! Wow!!! Going to let this sink down deep within and hopefully have it living (automatic response is God-focused/driven, nothing else/less) in me!! Amen.

    John 3:16-21
    *so easy to pass over a familiar verse/s like 16, but the following verses just show us how IMPORTANT it is NOT to skim/pass over something that is familiar!!! For there is always a fresh nugget of truth & revelation that God wants to give us, may we look, see and understand with His eyes, heart and wisdom!! ..I love how these verses talk about/describe light and darkness. Light exposes things and truth doesn’t mind being exposed, darkness on the other hand, loves to hide and has no desire for light or truth or anything like it to be made clear/exposed!! In other words, with God, there is Light, clarity and simplicity.. with darkness, everything is shadows/grey, confused/muddled and complicated. Quite an important distinction and one we want to pay attention to!! Are we living in the Light or are we living in the darkness? There is no in-between!! May we choose to live in the Light and Clarity of God!! Amen.

    Ephesians 2:4-9
    *dead to the old and ALIVE in the new!!! God took what was meant to separate and kill us and made a way for us to be fully restored!!! We are only where we are at because of Christ.. such a GIFT!!! I also really love that it says “saved by grace THROUGH faith”!!! This doesn’t allow excuses, like ‘grace covers everything’, it requires FAITH and reliance on God alone, which is such a GOOD thing as it is a reminder and call to live up Higher!!!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Good wisdom..thank you Emily and good to see you!! We need to have a Coffee Chat sometime soon and catch up!!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      EMILY, my heart always smiles when I see you here! Thanks for sharing these beautiful words! Hope you are doing well! ❤ Love you, little sis!

      1. ERB says:

        Awww! Thank you CeeGee!! I am here reading and praying everyday, and I feel the exact same way about you and your comments/insights!! We are truly blessed!! Love you!! ❤️

    3. Tina says:

      Good to see you here today! I trust all is well with you, sweet Emily.. blessings covered in hugs from across the pond. ❤️

      1. ERB says:

        Awww! Thank you Tina!! (((Hugs))) and Blessings right back at you!!! I have had a weak and rest filled week, after 2 weeks (super rare for me to have more than 3 strong days in a row, let alone a week, 2 weeks is absolutely miraculous!!) of feeling strong and mostly stable so I am PRAISING God!!! SO appreciate all your prayers, support, encouragement and kindness, it means more then you (all you amazing ladies) will ever know!!! To God be the Glory, always!!! Xoxo

  14. Mari V says:

    I am seen. Such comfort. Even during my loneliest darkest (I have mentioned this before) times when my kids and I still lived with their dad, I knew that I knew I was not abandoned by my Jesus. I can recall sitting on the corner of the couch, reading, praying, pleading, crying out to God, and I know HE heard me and was with me. Though in the beginning I may not have mentioned what was going on in what use to be my home, I still felt heard. Even more after leaving and finally voicing out what was happening. I remember Churchmouse (WE MISS YOU) asking how I was doing. I am forever grateful for this BEAUTIFUL community of BEAUTIFUL sisters that I KNOW I will get to meet someday. Happy Thursday sweeties from sunny California where its still VERY hot here, but love it!

    1. Wendy B says:

      Thank you for sharing. Such an encouragement and praise God for His faithful presence in your life. He is who He says He is.
      I miss Churchmouse too❤️

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      It still hurts my heart thinking of YOU, our sweet Mari V being in that type of situation, BUT GOD, he gave you the strength and courage,and now you are a conqueror!! Your testimony is power for others! Have you thought of ministering to other abused women? Voluntering at a shelter to give a talk or something perhaps or even blogging. I know you are in your busy part of life, but perhaps in the future!! It’s funny how God will put those people in our path, perhaps pay attention to some of the moms that come your way for signals. Tell them about your Jesus when the time is right!

      1. Mari V says:

        Thank you, Rhonda. There have been times when I’ve had opportunity to share. Even have the opportunity to give my testimony at our youth group. And when young ladies have expressed abusive boyfriends, that’s what I tell them. They need to do a complete 180° because I’m not going to change.

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    4. Cee Gee says:

      MARI, thanks for sharing your heart here! My mom was never able to break free of my abusive dad. I know it was only by God that she survived mentally and physically. Like Rhonda said there are other women who need encouragement. God will bring us together. Love you! Btw- very hot here in SC, too!

    5. Tina says:

      ❤️. Much love Mari, ❤️

  15. Taylor Hite says:

    sisters – i am overwhelmed with love and thankfulness for your hearts and covering josh (and myself) in prayer. i showed him your comments and he is so grateful.

    1. Cee Gee says:


  16. Carol Mylin says:

    “BUT GOD”!! “IF ONLY”!!! Loved these reminders in our scripture reading, and also in Jen’s devotional…. So thankful for SRT… the daily “Dive into God’s Word together with so many dear friends from all over the world…
    I love how I’m “feeling known and loved, not just by Jesus, but but each one of you, as we “do life together with Jesus and each other”!!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Same! ❤

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes, Carol Mylin!
      We are women in the Word of God everyday …
      and finding comfort & care & closeness in this SRT community as well … everyday.
      We keep coming back to the Source.
      Thanks be to God

  17. Maria Baer says:

    Jen’s devotional was beautiful and on a personal note, it brought something to the light. My mom is always giving me gifts, and sometimes, even though I love her, it annoys me because I don’t need anything. It is usually things I’ve mentioned that I wish I had or something to that effect. But I never considered that this is her way of telling me she is listening to me.

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Maria
      My response to your dilemma…find a way to pay it forward…someone else may really appreciate or need what your mother offers. (Alongside your gentle conversation around her big heart.)

      1. Maria Baer says:

        I love this idea! After reading the devotional yesterday, I spoke with my mom and apologized for the times I verbalized my annoyance. She is such a kind heart, I know she holds no resentment, but appreciated my words. I love how through these studies and you sisters, God is revealing those areas of my heart that are a little too hard.

  18. Caroline Bridges says:

    Evil people avoid the light because they don’t want to be exposed and then arrested by Police. I totally went off the rails with this statement but thought I would share anyways.

    1. Mari V says:

      BUT one day,, they are exposed and then arrested by the police and no longer can hide. Trust me, I know. ONE day I said ENOUGH and the man I once called husband was arrested for domestic violence. It still took me a year to leave after that, but once I did, I never went back and my healing journey began. That was over 7 years ago. The ONE good thing that came out of that marriage are Caleb and Alyssa, my two beautiful children.

    2. Mercy says:

      Love your statement. Sins carry consequences, and praise God for the police.

  19. Hersh says:

    I so appreciate this community and love to read the insights, thoughts and prayers each morning. God is working on me just as he is like Laura (and all of us). I come this morning asking for your prayers. As my youngest goes off to college and is working hard on being a Christian student 11 hours from home fighting homesickness by trying to be involved in everything she can, she is in extreme pain. Our family has a genetic disorder that particularly in heat, humidity and friction we get a crazy amount of blisters. Her feet are covered and she’s struggling to walk. Yet when someone across campus asks her to go get ice cream she goes. When someone wants to go on a walk, she goes. I pray for people to see this and THEN see God perform a miracle and heal her. Let her be an example of his power. Let me give up my pride of trying to fix this and put my effort into prayer and trusting God.

    1. GTrim says:

      Praying for God’s blessings to rain down on your sweet and strong daughter! Going away to college is such a big step, and she’s doing it in God’s grace. I know it’s hard to be the mom of a homesick daughter with physical problems (been there), but God is there, working His perfect will in both your lives. What a good God we serve!

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      OH what a sweet girl. Prayers for her, and I love that you are giving it to God!

    3. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for your daughter

    4. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praying for your daughter. May God heal her blisters and ease her pain and minister to her heart in her homesickness. God is our Waymaker, Miracle Worker!! And may God abundantly bless you as you entrust your daughter into His hands. ❤️

    5. Cee Gee says:

      Praying with our sisters! ❤

    6. Teresa Donley says:

      I’m praying for your daughter’s pain to be relieved and for her to make many Christian friends who help alleviate the loneliness.

    7. Mercy says:

      Praying for healing over her feet, and strength to overcome the homesickness. May the Lord surround her with sweet and godly friends to be her “family” away from home and may she shine the Light of Jesus.

    8. Tina says:

      Your beautiful girl is being Jesus’s hands and feet right now… bless her! Praying as she gives out, she will me strengthened and healed/ cured of this awful thing. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers for this your child.. in Jesus’s name..Amen. ❤️

    9. Therese says:

      Praying for your daughter.
      Are you on FB SRT page? Id like to message you about this disease. My family too has a rare disease similar. Wondering if it’s the same.

      1. Hersh says:

        I follow FB SRT. Not sure how to find people on there! Would be nice to connect!

  20. Lydia Huter says:

    Oh how we dwell on the undeserving of these gifts instead of accepting them from our Savior.

  21. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    So many reminders this morning of God’s amazing grace and His rich mercy.
    I am forever grateful that God sought me, saved me, sealed me.
    “All this abundance is ours: we are seen, remembered, and loved—if only we will choose to take hold of what is already ours because of Jesus.” Amen!
    Have a blessed Thursday – continued prayers for you all. ❤️

    1. Tina says:

      ❤️. Hope life is being kind to you and yours Sharon..❤️

  22. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen! Thank You that I am Your child with whom You are well pleased!

  23. Kelly (NEO) says:

    From HRT:
    “But God—this is perhaps the greatest coupling of words in the Bible.
    You were dead. But God…
    You were enslaved to sin. But God…
    The rich-in-mercy God, brimming with love for you, made you alive in Jesus despite your moral wreckage. You didn’t deserve it. God saved us by pure grace—it’s an undeserved salvation.”
    INDIANA ELAINE – great news that your daughter will be with you to help during your recovery. Praying your persevere in your PT

    1. Adrienne says:

      I love those two words! (And they make me think, especially, of our sweet Tina.)

      1. Tina says:


    2. Tina says:


  24. Laura says:

    There are many people who are immediately humbled and emotional when they think of the grace that was extended to them through Jesus. I am embarrassed to admit it, but I am not one of those people. I have had to grow into my understanding of that grace. Over the years, I have come to realize that I have a lot of pride and God has been lovingly chipping away at that pride and shaping me into a grateful sinner saved by grace. I am sure that sounds strange to some. I have talked to so many people who just immediately break down when they talk about their salvation and how Jesus washed their sins away and they were set free. Not me. I am saved. I have accepted that gift. But it has been a process for me to get to the point where I have realized my own dreadful sin and my intense need for Jesus and his salvation. Once again, pride. Pride in self. Pride in my own goodness. All of it has kept me over the years from really truly understanding this deeply. How did God chip away at my pride and help me to realize my own need for grace? I believe by placing me in situations here on earth that caused me to show grace (as a human) towards another human. I have had to decide in the past 10 years or so whether I was willing to forgive when it wasn’t deserved. To accept an apology and move on even when I didn’t want to. To put aside my right to “get back” at someone who had hurt me deeply and didn’t deserve to be forgiven, but to do it anyway. And to love them in spite of it. Whew, hard lesson. But I am understanding more clearly why I had to go through it. Because it truly is a wonderful thing to understand your own depravity and call out to Jesus as the only one who can save you. It is a wonderful thing to have a deep understanding of how much Jesus sacrificed for YOU when He didn’t have to do it and you didn’t deserve it.

    I like this quote from HRT: You were dead in your sins. Not sick and in need of a lozenge or some vitamin C. You were spiritually dead, unable to do anything but continue in the deadness of sin. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the ancient serpent slithered around you, pushing you to continue on in your sin.

    Yes, that was me. And I am praising God today that He saw my pride and saved me anyway.

    1. Amy G says:

      Laura, you are not alone in this thought process. You just put words to my feelings and situation that I have been trying to understand better about myself. God has been working on me and my pride as well through the years, once He got it through my thick skull that He loves me exactly the way He made me, which was His first challenge :). Leaning into His grace and mercy can be hard but so worth it, as I am learning.

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praise God for his transformation power – in you and in each one of us who are saved by His grace.
      I always appreciate your testimonies of God working in your life and in your marriage. I can’t imagine having to walk some of the paths you have walked. But your testament continues to show not just God’s amazing grace – but his power and it inspires and motivates me to grow even deeper in my faith.
      Thank you for sharing Laura. ❤️

    3. Sherry says:

      Thank you for sharing. ❤️

    4. Lanie H says:

      Same Laura! I feel like God has been hitting me over the head with grace lately. Like “Lanie, how many times do I have to tell you, you did not earn this, it was a gift, you could have never earned” When I read John 3:20-21 today I read it differently, I read it as those who are evil pretend their good works are from themselves, not coming into the light to expose the goodness of God, whereas those who live by the truth come into the light so it will be seen plainly that it is God’s goodness working through them. It’s the same message as Tina’s granddaughter yesterday, we like to receive all the credit!

    5. Rhonda J. says:

      You always say what I try to say just right!! I think a lot of us feel that way that grew up in church, we are “good” people and haven’t had a lot of pain in our life. We are prideful of “just getting it, raised with faith and doing the right stuff” But..that isn’t good enough. It took me a long time too, to realize the mighty sacrifice was for MY SINS too, they overtime have become huge, the ones I had tucked away under pride. I think God reveals things little by little, But we have to do our part, be yearning and hungry for relationship! You can’t have a relationship without spending lots of time together and digging below the surface to really know each other!!
      Thanks for always sharing! You touch us all!

    6. Sue Dalos says:

      Laura, thank you for your thoughts this morning. I have had a similar journey to understand grace.

    7. Cee Gee says:

      Thank you, Laura, for sharing what many could testify. I accepted Christ as a young teen before ‘the ways if the world’ got its hooks in me. Knowing I was a child of God guided my steps and kept me from going far astray, but life experiences like you described helps us to understand the depth of God’s love, grace, and mercy.

    8. Mercy says:

      Amen Laura. We all think forgiveness is a wonderful gift to get, to talk about how God forgives us of all sins… UNTIL it’s us who have something to forgive, then nope nope, it’s too hard Lord, how can I do it repeatedly. Then we realize how incredibly expensive the gift of forgiveness is when it’s us to give, at the cost of emotional pain and damage done to us, all needs to be pardoned, the mercy of the Cross extended also to our offenders. The table is turned, we swap places, we put on Jesus, we are Him giving grace to such undeserved situations, How hard it is for Him to forgive us. Gracious God. I always love love your raw and real reflections! Please keep them coming! Bless you.

    9. Leslie Littleton says:

      Yes! Everything about this!

    10. PT Bauer says:

      Laura, thank you for sharing and articulating what I (and perhaps many others) think and feel yet won’t say out loud because of the shame in admitting my broken sinful nature and the prison walls of pride I built around my heart for years. Praise God for the forgiveness and freedom through this undeserved gift of salvation through Christ!

  25. Searching says:

    Well if I’m not a mess of tears this morning! They started flowing as I wrote down the Scripture selections and got to John 3:16. Then when reading Jen’s devo, a place of pain in my heart that I have kept buried for decades was touched and I just sobbed. Only the power of God’s love can heal our deep hurts. May it be so.

    Awesome God by Rich Mullins is running through my mind this morning.

    TRACI GENDRON – praying for safe travels. I know what you mean about our morning schedule getting out of line.
    RHONDA J – praying for relief! Love the bracelet gifts!
    MUNCHKIN – praying ❤️
    TAYLOR HITE – praying for Josh
    DONNA WOLCOTT – praying for safe travels and congrats to your granddaughter! Such a good role model.
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL- praying for Jeff as he goes through the treatment.
    MARTHA HIX – praying for wisdom as you consider a move

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Thankful for your faithful prayers! Continued prayers for you – that the procedure you had done will subside the pain and keep it away for a very long time! ❤️

    2. MARTHA HIX says:

      Thank you for your prayers.
      Praying for you as well that your pain is decreased. ❤️

    3. Cee Gee says:

      SEARCHING, I pray those were cleansing tears making way for forgiveness and peace! I pray the power of God, as you declared, has ‘rolled the stone away’ from that buried pain and released its power over your heart! I love you and pray you are doing well this1st day after procedure! ❤Also love that song!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Oops – 2nd day! ☺

    4. Mercy says:

      Sending you hugs and prayers, that the deeply suppressed emotions you bury will be resolved. Joining you in prayers for our shes. Thank you (and KELLY) for keeping up the list daily.

    5. Tina says:

      ❤️. Searching, hope you can feel my arms around you.. love you muchly..❤️

  26. Mary Ann Graves says:

    We have to choose to believe. Amen

  27. Sally B. says:

    And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith. Which is a gift from God, not something we worked up. All we have to boast in the finished work of Jesus on the cross, and God’s rich mercy and great love toward us! The God who loved us while we were still dead in our sins and His enemies!! To quote our dear sister Tina (and the apostle Paul:) But God!!!!
    Praising His awesome Name this morning!
    Have a grate-full Thursday Ladies.

    1. Tina says:
