From Death to Life

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 2:1-10, Colossians 1:13-14, Colossians 1:21-22, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Psalm 103:8-12, 1 John 4:9-10, Hebrews 10:19-22

Due to the fall of humanity when Adam and Eve sinned, we live with a sinful nature that affects how we think, feel, and interact with God and others. We are inclined toward sin, and we need powerful intervention through salvation and ongoing sanctification. Otherwise, we live in a “can’t stop, won’t stop” entanglement with sin.

This sinful condition is very different from the one I heard about growing up. After giving honor to God, a seasoned saint would proclaim at the top of her lungs, “I once was lost, but now, I’m found!” Though I get the sentiment and even affirm its use, what Paul describes in these verses is not a person who is lost but a person who is dead.

This is you and I, apart from God’s divine intervention. Elsewhere, Paul describes the effects of sin as slavery, binding people to obey the demanding power of sin (Romans 6:16). Sin infects all of us and often keeps us from seeing the depth of our need for redemption. That’s why Paul says that without Christ, we are “dead in our trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1). 

But God. 


God, being rich in mercy, abounding in never-fading, never-ending love, intervenes. He sends His Son to take our place. Instead of pouring His wrath out on us, God pours out His wrath onto His beloved Son so that those who were once children of wrath can become children of God. And, in this, we rejoice! We have been saved from God’s wrath. But, friend, this is not all. The good news doesn’t stop there.

In Christ, not only have we been saved from God’s wrath, but we have also been saved from our once-dead state. Salvation is the gift that keeps on giving. You see, through His death, Jesus saves us from God’s wrath (justification), and through His resurrection, Jesus makes us alive with Him (regeneration)! He moves us out of the morgue of our “can’t stop, won’t stop” relationship with sin and into a life-giving relationship with Him. Where we were once unable to respond to God and His Word, we can now respond to Him through the death and resurrection of our Savior. What a reversal!

However, can I be honest? I don’t always live as though this reversal is true. While I find it easy to cling to Christ’s death, which saves me from God’s wrath, I sometimes find it difficult to cling to Christ’s resurrection, which liberates me from sin’s power. But these two salvific realities are what make the gospel beautiful. Jesus saves us to the utmost, delivering us from sin’s penalty and power. And soon enough, He will deliver us from its presence. Until then, our refrain is no longer “we can’t stop, and won’t stop,” but “Yes, Lord, yes!'”

(42) Comments

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42 thoughts on "From Death to Life"

  1. Katarina Richardson says:

    Clinging to His Resurrection, clinging to the God of life. Death did not, cannot hold him. My very young son has surgery tomorrow and my heart has been heavy —concerned, beyond anxious and in tears about the risk for death. Truly testing of my faith (James 1).I have grieved that sin fractured this world and brought death, BUT GOD! Oh the good news is realized deep. The Holy Spirit answered in my desperation for the report to not have the last word. He put into my mind and heart that God is the God of life. That physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually sin only offers death, but Jesus rose again and we, little Christs, with him! My anxiety replaced with His reassuring presence and peace. Only through Jesus and his grace. This momma will cling as tight as he’ll let me. He will hold me fast through death and sin into life everlasting now and always! Thank you Lord for life in you. Sisters, please know our hope is not in vain and it is as much for right now as it is when Christ returns. I’d appreciate your prayers for my son as well.

  2. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Amen ❤️

  3. Amy EB says:

    I think it was one of the last devotionals of the previous study (Lent 2023) that posed a question about what it would mean for us if Jesus had not been resurrected. I hadn’t thought about it before. Through his death he took on the punishment for our sins, and without his sacrifice we would still not be forgiven for our sins. We’d still be living in the Old Testament. So it seemed very clear what it would mean if he hadn’t been crucified. But what about resurrection? What if that hadn’t happened? I feel like today’s writing encapsulates that distinction of what was accomplished through Christ’s death and what was accomplished by his resurrection. He didn’t just take on our punishment for sin, he overcame sin and death and he offers us salvation and the opportunity to join him in that new life.

  4. Kimberly Z says:

    @Jennifer Anapol love the comment about sin not getting the last word. I often get overwhelmed thinking about all my sins and how I am not worthy of his forgiveness but it’s so nice to remember it doesn’t get the last day. @Foster Mama praying your meeting went well and the Lord was able to make all things right during it. Praying for all of you ladies today and your specific needs. Happy Tuesday!

  5. Lauren GW says:

    10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10….. this verse hit me differently tonight. There’s something so loving about God allowing us to be a part of his works. Preparing the way and planning, so that we can know and experience what it is like to love.

  6. Victoria E says:

    Nancy S – me too!! I’ve been reading along but haven’t yet made time to come post here, felt like I had to after seeing the devotional today. Love

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    Amen Jennifer!

  8. Claire B says:
