Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 1:1-54, Psalm 119:90, Galatians 3:16
“Who reads Chronicles?” I laughed when I opened an Old Testament reference book and found these words inauspiciously beginning the chapter on 1 & 2 Chronicles. It’s probably safe to assume some of you wondered the same thing. For those of us more familiar with the words of Paul, James, John, and Luke, the genealogies, kings, and construction details found in Chronicles can be over (or even under) whelming.
Chronicles was written as the Israelites returned to Israel from seventy years in captivity in the nation of Babylon. This exile was a national, personal, and religious crisis for the people. Though 1 & 2 Chronicles may be stylistically different from the narratives and letters of the New Testament we’re more used to reading, these books were written to answer questions we still ask today. How do I trust God after my life has gone so much differently than I expected? How do we live rightly as the people of God here and now? How do we trust that the Messiah will come, thousands of years after we first were promised He would?
To answer these questions, the author of Chronicles looked back over generations to encourage the Israelites that there was life to be found on the other side of return. You might be tempted to skim over this list and the other genealogies in this week’s reading. But as you’re able, pause to notice the familiar names included.
Adam, through whom sin entered the world (Genesis 2, Genesis 3, Romans 5:12). Enoch, who walked with God (Genesis 5:24). Noah, who found favor with the Lord in a time of widespread wickedness (Genesis 6:5–8). Abraham, the man who followed God and trusted the Lord to uphold His promises.
And so on and so on, stretching all the way back from creation down to the kings who reigned in Edom. Linked together, the names leave a breathtaking record of God’s work over lifetimes to restore after rebellion, of a God whose faithfulness precedes us and will long outlast us.
Most of our circumstances are vastly different from those of the original readers. But the promise of God’s restoration after rebellion is our story as well, one both Chronicles and the Lenten season help us to remember. We learn through these books to look back at the faithfulness of God when we don’t know how to move forward. Covering over 2,000 years of God’s people waiting through highs and lows for a perfect King and kingdom, these books model how to turn (and return) to God as we wait in anticipation for Christ’s return these almost 2,000 years since His resurrection and ascension.
As we read Chronicles this Lent, our hope isn’t that we walk away having memorized every detail in the temple or lists of lineage. It’s that we arrive at Holy Week changed by the Word, celebrating at Easter the legacy and longevity of our God, our salvation, and the eternal hope we are offered in Christ.
Written by Jessica Lamb

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210 thoughts on "From Adam to Abraham"
Also reading through this study in 2024
Reading this here in 2024! Excited to begin. ♥️
Hi She’s! I’m just jumping back to Chronicles to recommend a great Christian fiction series based on the kings of this period by Lynn Austin called “The Kings of Chronicles!” It is a series of 5 books, (I am on book 5 right now!) and they are So good, and help to bring the understanding of the times to us and get a grasp on how trying to follow God of Israel surrounded by the pagans was quite the challenge! I loved learning more about King Hezekiah and his reign and the Prophet Isaiah!
Yup I agree with Samalan Jack these should come freely.
God bless
Love the App
But things like this should come freely
Love the App
Amen! Praying for our country
he will provide for us!
I’m looking forward to reading this!
Love this! Thank you . Much needed
Playing catch up. I have never been big in reading the Bible ad it’s hard to understand at times. I really am going to focus on doing so . I ha e been on a journey for sometime and am a work in progress!
Really enjoying this one but will catch up a bit this week
Hello. I am just starting my journey, the past few months I felt the need & want to get to know my life with God. I’m glad I randomly found this podcast & this group.
Excited to start this journey!
God put it in the details!
So glad to participate via subscription in app! So much more inclusive and thoughtful for those of us with lesser incomes
Awhile back I started to read the Bible in order from front to back. I started to have a conversation with my brother about the lineage and together started making a ‘family tree’ of all the names in the Bible. We didn’t make it very far but it was so great to visually see the connection. So excited for the next few weeks!
I’m starting late but happy to join!
So excited to be doing this lent study
Reading the lineage also reminds me the importance of your bloodline. God remains faithful from generation to generation. God is the same God yesterday, today, tomorrow and forevermore
I return to the 40-Day Social Media Fast every lent. It works for fasting from anything.
Hallelujah, Praise God!❤️
I’m starting late but I’m so excited for this reading plan and what Jesus is going to teach me in this season :))
“…Look back at the faithfulness of God when we dont know how to move forward.” As humans who through Adam, separated ourselves from God, we now how to daily be “reminded” of who God is and His faithfulness. Through His Grace he has give us his word as a “reminder” as well as
First time experiencing Lent and I am looking forward to dive deeper into the Word and draw closer to the Lord as Easter is nearing. Praying for a heart change. ❤️
This is great!! Can’t wait to come back tomorrow!
Catching up here, but this is my first time committing to Lent & I’m so glad I found this Bible study! Cannot wait to see what the Lord has to reveal & change in each of us during this time!
I have never done a SRT so I’m excited to be apart of this community and see where God leads me!
I’m late to get started but am catching up and am so excited to see what God reveals to each of us through this Lent study!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)
I have been away awhile and time is my obstacle. This is the perfect time to re-focus on time with my Maker.
I’m new to SRT and am so excited to be digging into God’s Word in a new way! Looking forward to Lent and beyond with this community of sisters in Christ. ❤️
I love this time of year and trying to read the Bible more in 2023
This is my first year participating in Lent!!
Looking forward to connecting to the word and God this Lent Season.
Excited to see what God is going to do this Lent Season, so glad to be in the Word with you all!:)
looking forward to this study to draw closer to God even more with anticipation of exactly what he has for me in this season of Lent .
Thanking God for what He will do in our hearts through this study.
Same here, Sarah! I am also doing The 40-Day Social Media Fast as my devotional book for the season, giving up YouTube, because I’ve been able to stay off of other social media without any issues, but YouTube has been my go-to when bored, upset, sad, etc. I am excited for you, too and for me, as well. And for everyone here!
Same here, Kimberly! Here’s to growing in Christ as individuals and as a community!
So excited for this season!
First day of Lent!
Growing up, and even into adulthood, I’ve know about Lent. This is my first year dedicating this time to grow my relationship with Christ and focusing on a specific study plan. I am
First time I’ve been excited to read a genealogy. The podcast helped. I’ve always, ehem, skipped past it to get to the good stuff. I was fascinated to see all the names, wives and lesser known. Great reminder that “God’s faithfulness is for all generations”
Excited to enter this Lenten season with this study. God please use Your words and this study to guide my heart closer to You.
I’ve always wanted to go through the genealogies in a way that I could understand, I’m really glad this will walk me through it in a way I can understand both the literature itself and the importance of it!
Can’t wait to encounter God in the Lenten season
Cheering you on, Angie! My goal is the same about intentionality to spend time with God. May you find rest in Him
I didn’t grow up celebrating Lent, and I am also finding Jesus again in my life, so I am extremely excited for this! ❤️
This is my first year of being intentional in studying a specific part of the Bible and participating in Lent. I am excited to see what God has for me and to help me focus I am also giving up social media. Praise Him!!
I read 1 & 2 Chronicles in my Old Testament course at college this year, and it opened my eyes to the incredible value of these books—something we can often forget as 21st century believers. I am excited to study them more deeply and see how the Lord worked through His people both them and now!
So excited to be following along in this plan and joining this community. I too, have a desire to be more intentional with my Bible study and reading this year, as we move closer to Easter.
I am so excited for what God is gonna do through this Lent season!
Me too, I struggled to keep up or finish it
So beautiful!
My goal for lent this year is to be more intentional about my time and become closer to god. My first step is taking part of this plan. I did the advent plan but found it hard to keep up.
First Day of Lent❤️
Just started the study this morning. Excited to explore and be in the word during Lent.
I just want to be closer to my Lord and being in the Word daily is helping!
Really excited about this study!
Happy Lent everyone!
I started today for Lent. Didn’t realize the reading started on Monday. Nevertheless, I’m excited to read through the passages and prepare my heart for Christ.
Very excited about this study!
I’m glad I listened to the pod cast before jumping in to the this journey! Gave me such a different perspective and prepared my mind to be where it needed to be!
I know but that’s point of the book was to have it in 1 reading experience, not swap between platforms :(
I love getting into the Old Testament like this. So often we only look at the New Testament, but without the Old Testament, the New Testament loses so much meaning and appreciation. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the study holds ✝️❤️
I do this too!
Ready to start this study ❤️
So excited to get started.
Looking forward to this study
@ Georgia I have the book but I also go to and print the devotion to reflect on. I put them in the book so I can go back and do the study again at a later date.
Absolutely! It really got me ready for this study! Also I adore Lisa Harper!!
Looking forward to this journey. I have read Chronicles quite a bit and want to glean a better understanding and new insight.
It’s refreshing and warmth to the soul to be back in the arms of the Lord.
Thank you ♥️
I know but that’s not why I paid extra, so I have to use 2 apps… I bought the digital version of the book
But it’s a HUGE bummer not to have the devotionals in the book :(
So pleased I was able to listen to the podcast for this it totally made me see Chronicles in a different light
Already loving this study! I’m glad to have new reason and purpose for reading these chapters that are just lineage that I so commonly skip.
Excited for what awaits us ahead. Gods continued plan unfolding for us…
This will be my first Lent study also
After a busy day it is such a blessing to rest in God’s word. I’m excited to delve into this study with all of you!
Love this reminder!
This will be my first Lent study
I should try that! I can’t pronounce half of those names!
So excited to study alongside all of you this season. I need reminders of the longevity of the goodness of God. Everything seems too big and scary these days. I need God to remind me that He’s in it with me, with all of us. He hasn’t grown weary just yet, and all signs point to that never happening. PTL
Really excited for this study!
I’m excited to go through my first Lent study!
Amber – do you have Spotify? I have a Samsung and listen to the podcast through Spotify
Excited to do this study!!
When I tap on the podcast in the phone app it says apple. Is it not available in other formats? I have a samsung.
Starting off a new study is always exciting but I pray to keep this excitement throughout the whole study. Sometimes life gets in the way but after the last study on rest I am trying to really prioritize time for rest and time with God.
Mari – so happy to hear your news of a car after the last study!!
Kimberly Z – my small groups is challenging each other to give up something for Lent and my plan is to give up online shopping (even if I don’t always buy things, I spend a good chunk of time scrolling through sites and adding to cart & wanting more and more materialistic things) and using this free time to add a new routine of working on memorizing Bible verses
Sending love and prayers for all. Thr Christian way of taking up a new study for Lent. Let us read!
I’m so excited to be starting this lent study. I’m thankful that our God is unchanging and faithful❤️
I’m so excited and humbled to be able to participate in such a wonderful study. My heart is open and my spirit eager – listening to the podcast now :)
Praying for your mom!
So thankful to be a part of this Lenten study! Last Lent – Ezekiel- was my first study with SRT. I appreciate all the resources—the study book, the podcast, and this online community. I listened to the YouVersion NIV, so I could hear all the names pronounced correctly- it was actually moving.
Happy Monday she’s.
Woke up to a fresh blanket of snow today. When life gives you snow, you shovel lol. One of the comments asked what is helpful to study the book of Chronicles. I read through all the passages whenever the reading calls for, some names start to ring a bell and connections would reveal something. I was studying in the small women’s group (Jen Wilkin’s exodus book), and she said Mizraim was the Hebrew word for Egypt, which means a small and narrow place. And God told Moses to tell the enslaved Israelites then, I will bring you out to a broad place. It makes much a lot of sense now knowing Egypt in Hebrew means narrow place. And surprisingly today, Mizraim was the name of a son of Ham (1 Chronicles 1:8), wow who knew! and Ham was the one who laughed at his father Noah’s nakedness when he was drunk- a big disrespect and transgression- thus Ham was cursed, and Ham’s sons were later the Egyptians and the Philistines. Amazing how the Bible connects. It’s helpful when we commit to reading and studying, keep widening our mind, the Bible can still afford new revelations and meanings to us. Keep on swimming <3, we must.
Thank you dear she’s @Searching, Rhonda J, Gramsiesue, Margaret W and other she’s for your wisdom and prayers. The Lord is so kind in giving me such great support through your insights, there is such safety in the multitude of counsels (Proverbs 11:14). I also want to join you to pray for all he’s who were chosen to be our husbands by the merciful God. He knew the plans He had for us and it was a good plan for our good and prosperity. May we continue to be the light pointing to Christ when our husbands are distracted and deceived by the world with its many false promises and fake glamour. My husband does not attend church either, thinking it’s work. I pray for mine and yours that there will be a shift by God’s power that they won’t neglect the gathering at God’s house, but look forward to going. With God all things are possible, just more grace for our fragile hearts as we wait.
@Lindak: praise God for minimal pain, praying for safe returns for you.
@Mari: congrats on your new ride, I hope you enjoy your new joy ride.
Be blessed dear sisters. To those who knocks, the door shall be opened.
I’m excited and intimidated to be reading 1&2 Chronicles for Lent. The podcast got me fired up and ready to dive in! I’m challenging myself to read the Scripture out loud so I don’t skip over any of the names.
Yes! Excited to start my first Lent study with SRT! Love that the She’s pointed out that through the genealogy God shows how much He personally knows and cares for us individually! ♥️
RanchMom, the web access is the best way to go when you are first starting out I feel, unless you like to take a lot of notes, because it has just about everything you need. The book has extras but doesn’t have the devotionals just the Scriptures for the day. I hope this helps.
So glad to finally start this study. I have been looking forward to it since Christmas. I love the redemption story. God bless you all!
I am not caught up on my reading. Still traveling but I want to thank all those who prayed for me as I traveled dealing with my sciatic flare up. I have been comfortable during our stay and the pain has been minimal. I have had a wonderful trip and managed to see all the sights that we planned to see. We are headed home. Your prayers made a big difference! Thank you Shes ❤️
Last year I read a daily chronological Bible and I remember how at first I didn’t look forward to this section but as I read they also had other sections of books of the Bible that coordinated with those parts; it made it so much more interesting and increased my knowledge of the history of people of God.
God wants us to learn from the mistakes of our ancestors that is why He has given us the Bible and all the information and Scriptures in it. Let us take heed of what has happened in the past generations as we wait for the return for our Lord and Savoir Christ Jesus.
God, Father and Almighty of all Creation be with us through this study and allow us to learn from our forefathers, so as not to make the mistakes they have made. Forgive us for our past sins and be with us through the coming days and weeks as we prepare for Easter and the true reason we celebrate. Amen.
Sisters be blessed and God, Christ and the Holy spirit are with you no matter what you do ALL you have to do is ask for forgiveness.
Looking forward to this study!
Listened to the podcast then read day 1. Excited for this study!!
It was a great podcast!
ERIKA MARTINEZ and others who asked: PLEASE LISTEN to the podcast! Wow! I confess to not listening to them much, but this one is a must. The ladies did a splendid job of putting things in a proper and meaningful perspective. Paraphrase of a couple of the points: even though we may be dismissed/overlooked by our culture/society, God never misses us. And this one: God reminds the people in Chronicles that He knows them by name and He reminds them of their purpose. So good and encouraging!!!! Heads up: our memory verse will be from 1 Chronicles 29:10b-13. Welcome to you new ladies!
I will be trying to not skip over the chronologies lol
Hello! Looking forward to this Lenten study and also positing a prayer request. My mom has been struggling with her health recently and we will get some test results back today. Prayers that things go smoothly, for healing, and that the doctor brings good news.
wow.. 2,000 years, that’s pretty cool. I hope as all of us read our bibles, we can open our hearts and minds to what God wants us to change, learn, and keep in our hearts
Our Lord is amazing ❤️
@Ranchmom I have tried using SRT with and without the books. I strongly suggest the books because they allow one to be more focused I think. I know that if you purchase the monthly subscription you get the app for free. If you do not purchase the book, the website version seems to be just fine. Lol. I have tried them all, and really enjoy the she reads truth subscription.  I hope that helps. Welcome to the community. May you be blessed.
Welcome to all of you just joining SRT for this study. May you be blessed as you read God’s word, the commentary, and interact with the SRT community of believers. ❤️
Hi everyone. Looking forward to this study and the fellowship here.
Hello Shes! I’m excited to start this Lenten study with the SRT community! For those of you who have read through (and stuck through reading) genealogies in the Bible, what was helpful for you to study these passages? What are helpful questions to ask or things to look for?
I’ve never done a Lenten study before. I’m excited and expectant to read God’s Word everyday. Thank God Almighty that He restores His people !
Love this!
Welcome Priscilla! We are so glad you’re here ♥️
Welcome to all the new “she’s”! I get the books and follow along online. If you can afford them, there is so much more information in them to help with the understanding. Be blessed .
I’ve been doing older reading plans since the Advent one ended. It’s good to be back to the “live” community to read together. May I suggest that those of you who long for your husbands to be your spiritual leaders seek to have them as partners on your journey instead? Perhaps they would be less intimidated by such a request, and maybe some might be willing to do the HRT app (or even this one) with you. Just a thought. My husband wasn’t willing to do anything that cost him to be a Christian, and when it did cost him something, who he really was (a wolf in sheep’s clothing) became obvious, and he left. I hope this is not the case for any of you, unless it is the Truth you need to set you free. Blessings to all of my sisters here at SRT.
I suggest the Podcast! Really speaks to why the names (that we usually skip over quickly in the first of Chronicles are important! And gets my mindset better to begin Lent and this first day of reading the word!
Hi ,I’m a newbie my Bible arrives tomorrow. I’m new in faith and follow their ig so decided to jump in on this …..
Hi ,I’m a newbie my Bible arrives tomorrow. I’m new in faith.
Yes, I have also been wondering how I can choose things that bring life instead of operating out of habit or boredom.
The question about how to trust God after my life has gone differently than I expected is something that resonates with me deeply. This past year I have experienced more hurt than I have in my entire life. Between my dads accident, dating, work life, social life things that don’t go as planned. It’s easy to feel like God is not on my side but I also know we have a GOOD God who loves us and wants the best for us. If it’s not good than it’s not over yet is what I tell myself. I and my family have come so far in the last 9 months and that’s something to be proud of. I hope to really reflect on my relationship with our savior this lent season. Praying for you all this week! Does anybody else give something up during lent? Growing up a Catholic we always did and my parents made it fun for us. Trying to come up with something to give up this season that will really challenge me!
I love the app b/c it is always with me. The books are beautiful and I always buy the Advent study. I have so many study books from throughout my life and no room to store everything.
I’ve been reading the Bible in order so far and I got to Chronicles and started it and I thought it was boring so I skipped it. I’m so thankful that there is a Bible study to show me me that God’s word is good and I’ll be able to read those two books!
“It’s that we arrive at Holy Week changed by the Word….” I take a deep breath as I read (“hear”) these words spoken to us this morning. I’m already feeling blessed with this first day of our Lent Study. I don’t know how long I’ve been doing studying with all of you. My guess is 7 years or so. But I’m SO glad my friend Gretchen introduced me to this beautiful community of beautiful She’s. Happy Monday! I am off today. I’m so grateful to have had a little extra rest. THANK YOU sweet She’s for praying regarding for guidance in purchasing a new vehicle. Through prayer and seeking and praying some more yesterday afternoon I picked up my new vehicle. everything was falling into place. Everything. I prayed all the way through and next thing I knew I was driving home in my new car. God is good! Jehovah Jireh! My Provider!
“Most of our circumstances are vastly different from those of the original readers. But the promise of God’s restoration after rebellion is our story as well…” The connection that Jessica made from the original readers and us today was helpful. I’m looking forward to this study.
I’m back to SRT after taking a few years off. I’m so excited to starting back up for the Lenten season and to deepen my faith.
Georgia, I usually have my study book open and take notes from each day’s devotional beside the days reading.
Stephanie, I haven’t listened to the podcast yet I like that idea. I am goi g to start my day with this reading plan. Normally I read at night, just before bed and it really helps to calm my thoughts and go to sleep easily. But I really want to start the day with time with God as well.
Excited to be starting this plan! I got the study book for the first time in order to have less distractions during my time in the Word because of not needing to look at my phone for the references and such. I have been challenged to give up solo watching of Netflix during Lent and only watch it if I’m watching my my roommate or other friends. I’ve noticed how easily I can let hours go by watching a TV show on Netflix and not even realize it. My hope and prayer is that I will instead explore creative outlets that God has gifted me with (music, hand crafts, cooking) instead of watching Nflix. I want to be more present and notice where and how God is at work instead of just transporting myself to another reality where I don’t have to worry about all that is going on around me.
I’m so excited for this study! I have never done anything for Lent before, and i am looking forward to seeing how I grow and what the Lord will say during this time
Great job momma!!!! Reading it aloud!!! Loved reading this!!!
Good morning, Ladies!
I understand the yearning we all have for our husbands to be the spiritual leader of our homes. And in my experience, my husband was never taught how to be a spiritual leader. The only time he was ever taken to church was in the summers when he was staying with his grandmother. So there was never an example for him to learn from.
I feel as if that is true of so many of the men today.
So I pray for a mentor for our guys.
Hugs to all ❤️
From year to year I try to give up something that makes me a little uncomfortable or give to others in a way that will bless them. This year I’m feeling a little bit of both, giving up social media but also donating the abundance of clothing and home goods that I really like a lot but don’t need. Think 40 bags in 40 days but not just the stuff I haven’t used in a year but things that might make me a little uncomfortable. That jacket with tags still on it, the candle center piece that I used once…I don’t want to see them go but I know these things will bless women at our local shelter that will be making their way into their new permanent residences. I really love passing on a blessing!
Good Morning! This is my 5th study with She reads truth. I do the books, but this time I’m pairing with the app. I really want to experience Lent this season. I will be giving up social media.
Day 1 was really great! I’m really looking forward to this Journey to Easter! Thank you for such beautiful insight and leadership! 1&2 Chronicles were definitely chapters I skimmed in the past. This morning I read the reading out loud and even my children were captivated!
Glad to be doing this! My church/pastor is going through Genesis right now. So perfect timing.
I found SRT the day before the Sabbath study so followed along quietly. I enjoyed reading comments daily and kept everyone in my prayers. As we begin this Lenten journey,
I have a question about the web vs app vs study book. I have been using the free access on the web but curious if paying for the book or the app is good/better?
Excited to do this!
Good morning! This is such a wonderful place to be! Im still learning how to walk in Christ. And the SRT studies and community have helped so much! Thank you ladies!
How do I trust God after my life has gone so much differently than I expected? How do we live rightly as the people of God here and now? How do we trust that the Messiah will come, thousands of years after we first were promised He would?
Even though my life went differently as I thought it might, I know God’s hand was in it the entire time. Some of the “expected” were heartbreaking and some were a blessing. Some were because I was not living “rightly”.
Welcome to the new girls! Also, @Genie H. There is a weekly podcast that you can listen to’ Prayers for all of you, and the husbands that are and are not leading. May God bleed and protect those that are. May He draw them even closer to Him, and may they love and reverence Him even more! For those that aren’t, I also pray for them to have an encounter with God by Amy means necessary to draw them to Himself and be changed. May this change lead them to lead their families and to cause others to ask them about the Lord! Please pray for my husband too. He doesn’t attend church. Thank you!
I love how Jessica Lamb frames the book of Chronicles for us and especially the genealogies: “we experience how our individual lives are brought into the larger ongoing story of God’s family legacy.”
I think it is easy for me to be so focused on myself and my calling, and my issues, that I forget to step back and remember my small place in the course of history. It helps me recalibrate my focus that I am to serve God and play a part in a larger story. It reminds me of the eternal perspective I should hold through out my day. I am going to spend the day meditating on Psalm 119:90–what a great verse for this day’s reading.
Lent is my personal “new year.” Looking forward to reflecting as I continue to move forward. I am unfinished!
Me & my husband are giving up our social media this Lent because it’s a distraction from our time with God, our time with each other and our son, and a constant bombardment of temptation and reminders of the broken world. Trying to be more intentional this Lent with not giving up something just to do it, but to strengthen our walk with Jesus
I love how Jessica Lamb frames the book of Chronicles for us and especially the genealogies: “we experience how our individual lives are brought into the larger ongoing story of God’s family legacy.”
Thank you for posting this reference! I was very curious at the line after his name that referenced the earth as being divided while he was alive.
I have been praying hard over what to give up and take in to build my relationship with Jesus. It isn’t just about the chocolate or caffeine this year.
Good morning everyone!! A bit tired this Monday morning but pushing through!! Had a great time at church yesterday, we started a study on 1 Timothy and my discipleship group talked about the sovereignty of God. He is in control and everything is done in his timing, ultimately for his glory if we are in Christ. Would love your continued prayers, I am planning to video again with the guy I videoed with on Friday!! Prayers for wisdom and discernment, as well as that I would not let my heart jump too far ahead, when I’m still getting to know this guy. Also that I would not be anxious about this either. God is in control!
Actually both, but you only need to look at one
There is no way that I am going to remember every name mentioned here today. I wrote the same thing in my study book. The devo today is in the book as the editors letter.
The devotionals are either on the app or on the website :)
GM She’s! I can’t believe it is Lent already! I wanted to follow up on what you are saying @Searching and to encourage you @Mercy (praying for your husband) and other women that are stepping up to lead their family’s spiritual growth! We grew up going to church every week, and my dad faithfully made sure we were out the door on time, and then we would return on Sunday nights. But it was my mom’s fruits of the spirit, and kind nature that really reflected this importance of being a Christian. Now I am an empty nester, but I made sure to take my son to church every week as he was a toddler through the early college years. I was divorced when he was around 1 1/2, but I made sure it was established that as we rotated wkd custody days that we met before or after church to exchange my son. (lol) It was super important that he attend with me and grow up with that discipline. So to all the single mothers or married, I encourage you to stay strong and keep stepping up and filling your kids with the truth, taking them to church (whether your husband goes or not), and showing them the importance of God FIRST in your life. The husbands are supposed to be the head and spiritual leaders, but unfortunately when they are not (which I feel in my own marriage), we must stand firm and uncompromising in our faith!! It is imperative for our kids and our own relationship with God.
Lean into this study, lean into meditation over the words. God wants to convey the importance of the history of his nation. We actually had a Jewish Messianic guest speaker yesterday at church that gave a fantastic overview of the importance of the chosen people and history, yet our loving God that included us the gentiles into his family! And he is the God yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Same God! Give “Same God” by Elevation Worship a listen and make it your hymn of this study!!
Welcome new She’s!
Looking forward to learning more about our God’s faithfulness through the generations! Open my mind and heart to learn Lord. Just fyi, the Enduring Word app has lots of interesting commentary on this first verse. It really helped me out. Happy Monday She’s as we begin our Lenten journey. ❤️
The details in the lineage reminds me how much God cares in every little detail. I am not insignificant. He has also shown his faithfulness to me in ways I would have never expected.❤️. So thankful.
Did anyone else listen to the podcast and think I don’t need to give up chocolate or caffeine etc. I need to give up something that I think I need so I can find more rest in Him. Especially if you just completed our study on rest? I’m thinking I need to change something in my daily routine and find more time to rest in the Lord and not be punitive this Lent but be in relationship with Jesus.
Thankful for God’s promises, mercies, and faithfulness from one generation to the next.
Excited to begin the season of Lent and this study with all you She’s❤️
Happy to be here with you all diving into this Lent study and learning about God’s faithfulness throughout generations! I liked the question they posed: “How do I trust God after my life has gone so much differently than I expected?” I definitely resonate with that. Also reflecting on the devotional’s mention of God promising to restore, even after rebellion. Thank goodness that we are never too far gone for God and that He will come after us, even in our wandering, to draw us back to Himself out of His great love for us. Thank you Jesus!
Lent, Holy Week, and Eastertide are my favorite times of year . So excited to dive into this study!
I am so excited to start this study and to fully dive into God’s word. And to have a community of women that are going along this journey together.
I am so excited to start this study and to fully dive into God’s word. And to have a community of women that are going almond
Good morning beautiful ladies !!! I must say, though I’ve read through the Bible before, Chronicles has been a bit of a challenge and I don’t remember much of it. I’m excited to read it through with you all. God bless you all ☦️
Right off the gate, God is showing me why I need this study with all its intricate details. Immediately, I wanted to skip all the genealogy because “why do I need to read all these names of all these people?”— and that’s just it, isn’t it? Because God’s story and that of His Son, is the story of His people. May this study open my eyes to the glorious intricacies of God’s story and His people’s.
GENIE HEATON— Welcome, sister!
God, help us to respect the name of each person listed in these genealogies and see them as people who lived lives with hopes, dreams, heartbreak, troubles, scandals, and lifetimes of stories.
What a gift this study is for Lent this yest!
These genealogies teach about the spiritual heritage as a nation and inspired the exiles to renew their faithfulness to God. We are part of the community of faith that existed from generation to generation since the dawn of man. I love how God is interested in individuals. He knows and remembers the face and name of each person! Israel’s enemies are even preserved in the genealogy because Esau was a direct descendant of Abraham. God is amazing.
Yes! The generational context is like: WOW! I was amazed too how there were 8 (if I counted right) Kings of Edom. That could be a whole mini series right there. So many people who lived full lives so long ago, but each one was a part of God’s story. So thankful that He has included us in the saga of His love.
… our hope isn’t that we walk away having memorized every detail in the temple or lists of lineage. It’s that we arrive at Holy Week changed by the Word …
This is what grabbed my attention this morning – my prayer for each study is to comprehend and be able to apply the wisdom in the Word in my daily walk.
MERCY – praying for your husband’s faith walk, and that of my own husband and other husbands that I know. Some are leaders or significantly involved in their churches and yet what I see and hear from them in settings outside the church keeps them on my prayer list. There are only 2 husbands (that I personally know) that I can think of off the top of my head that are (or at least appear to be) leading their families from a spiritual perspective. In every other family in my (small) circle, I see the women leading, out of necessity. Growing up, my mother faithfully took us kids to church every week. If not for her faith and diligence … I don’t even want to think about that.
In this moment. Praying for all She
Looking forward to this Lent reading. God is faithful and my need to remember His faithfulness throughout all generations is vital to my life in this moment. Prayers for all She’s today as we dive into 1 & 2 Chronicles to prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. ❤️
So excited to start this study! A bit confused as to why the study doesn’t include devotionals for each day or even reflection exercises ….
Looking forward to this Lent reading. God is faithful and my need to remember His faithfulness throughout all generations is vital to my life now, in this no
Amen! ♥️
It was so sweet to resinate on the very detail of our Fathers design and plan for our Salvation through the linage❤️ excited for this study!
Just found this app and devotional. So excited to start. This is exactly where and what I needed this morning. So thankful ♥️
Peleg (from Got Questions)
Gen. 10:25; 11:16-19; Luke 3:35
“During the time of Peleg, God divided the earth with language. But all the while He had a plan—one that included Peleg—to send Jesus Christ, the One who can reconcile all divisions.”
I’m so looking forward to this study
“Your faithfulness is for all generations.” It’s easy to read these genealogies and feel like a small insignificant piece of this world, but God has proven His faithfulness to me, just as much to Noah, or Abraham, or Adam, or anyone else. ❤️
Looking forward..
Happy and God blessed Monday dear hearts.. wrapped in love and prayers always..❤
We have a history of the faithfulness of God to prove that He can do it for us too.
Looking forward to this.
Excited to follow this devotional this year!