a fresh start: introduction

*Don’t miss the super important announcement at the bottom of this post!*

It’s a new year. A new day. If you are in Christ, you are a new woman – made clean and redeemed. And yet, just because the calendar declares a new beginning, we don’t always feel renewed, do we? Sometimes our fresh start doesn’t seem so fresh.

We have a proposition for you:
This year, instead of resolving to finally get it right,
let’s resolve to walk with Him as He makes it right.

Instead of determining to get better,
let’s determine to get closer to Him through His Word.

Instead of making a list of all that we will do on our own,
let’s notice all that He is already doing and let’s join Him in it.

During this first month of the new year, we are going to spend a few weeks searching the Word for fresh starts, the kind only God can provide. Our prayer is that, as we study the ways that He is making all things new, He will be working out and growing new things in us for His glory. We’ll look at the marvel of creation, we’ll walk with the Israelites through their redemption, we will read stories of personal restoration, and we’ll end with the fresh start we’ve yet to see – Revelation.

Are you in need of a fresh start? We’d love for you to join us.



The Fresh Start reading plan will be available through the SheReadsTruth web site only!

This particular plan will not appear on YouVersion. There are two reasons for this:

1. It is indeed a new year and a fresh start! We want to begin it with you – all of you – right here in this online space you’ve made our home. We love that each and every one of you will be walking through these virtual doors each day to gather around the Word together, and we are so excited to see you here.

2. It’s time to break out those Bibles, Sisters. Technology is wonderful, and it is largely how we gather here in the first place. But the printed Word of God held in our hands, and laid on our tables, caressed with our fingertips – there is no substitute for it. If circumstances allow, we encourage you to read the daily passages in a hard copy of the Bible. (But don’t fret! There are still digital options – keep reading. :)

So, how do I read the plan?

There are a few options:

1. Here on the web site. Each post goes up daily at midnight. Simply come to shereadstruth.com and click the latest post (the top left square). And if you prefer to join us via a smartphone or tablet, the mobile version of our site is very user-friendly!

2. Via email. Simply subscribe here, and the daily posts will arrive in your inbox each morning. I get mine around 6am CST. If you want to jump into the conversation on the site, simply click the post title in the email and it will take you there.

3. But what about scripture? If you still find that reading the word is more approachable on your computer or device, no worries! We are super excited about a new feature on our site that allows you to read each scripture passage by either clicking it (which takes you to biblia.com for the translation of your choice) or hovering over it with your computer’s mouse. Try it out! It’s pretty fun, if we do say so.

And that’s that! We will see you here tomorrow when we start Day 1 of A Fresh Start!
We can’t wait.

(105) Comments

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105 thoughts on "a fresh start: introduction"

  1. if the Bible Studies are supposed to be posted at midnight and this was already posted; does that mean we have to wait until the 6th to start the new plan?

  2. There square measure four yogas as per Hindu mythology. Of this the present yuga is termed as Kaliyuga. during this Bhuvaneswari Peetam yuga it's out of the question for standard kinsfolk to stay abstinence or do meditation or move to hills or forests for deep Tapas

  3. kimmie says:

    I'm going to start this today. Crazy late but I plan to do this at my own pace. This is something I need in my life and it's going to take some time. I can't wait to follow in my actual "hard copy" Bible. Loved the youversion plans I used at advent but it was a lot of pressure when I got emails saying I was behind or I missed days. :)

  4. Glo says:

    Hello everyone I was just informed about this site and I'm excited about joining. I have the app on my phone but I'm unable to find the fresh start plan. Can someone please help me????