a holy ambassadorship

Open Your Bible

2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

An ambassador. What a cool job – to travel all over and represent your country or company. To have the opportunity to talk about something you love with so many people who might not know.

An ambassador has a unique role beyond just that though. They have to be pretty trustworthy in their work. Not only to the people they are interacting with, but to the state or company they come from. Whoever sends them needs to know their ambassador is going to show the [1] best side and be able to rise to the occasion. The entity behind the ambassadorship has to have a great faith that the person they chose truly does love and believe in what they are sharing with others.

We’ve all been unofficial ambassadors at some point. When you love something, you want others to know about it. Think of a product or company you can’t get enough of. Great customer service, quick shipping, always the best prices. You’d tell all your friends, eager for them to know what they might be missing out on. Your admiration for that company would shine through to others. They would know you truly meant what you were saying.

In Corinthians Paul writes on how we, as Christians, are ambassadors to Christ. Jesus has called us to go among people and share His Word and love to them.

“That seems fairly elementary and straightforward,” you might think. And yet, there is so much more to it. To the world, we stand in as Christ. Broken, angry, hurt, desperate messes that we are, and yet He chooses us to be His light in a world of darkness. He trusts that we love Him enough to give our very, humanly, best[2].

We have the great responsibility of not only representing Him, but doing it in an authentic way that draws others in.

No spotlight.

No pay.

No fame.

We should do it because we love Christ so much, we can’t bear the thought of someone not knowing how that feels.

When we reflect the passionate, unchanging love of God, what do others see? Something forced? Fake? Eager to be noticed? Or do they see how much we want to be different, how thankful we are for a Savior whose grace covers all of our sins and faults?

Do we reflect the genuine love we have for a God that trusts enough to make us His holy ambassadors?

(74) Comments

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74 thoughts on "a holy ambassadorship"

  1. KimberlyRae says:

    I guess a big thing that scares me to in being an ambassador for Christ…. I'm new at this and I don't want to tell someone wrong….. I was floored the other day(and mind you I too was floored when I heard this)… but in speaking with my sweetie who has just started going to church in the last year… I made a comment about The Son is the Father…. he said wait a minute…. God sent His son…. Yes this is true, He did, but God is the Son… He is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Sprit….. I just didn't know how to really explain it other then immediately texting more mature Christian friends to point me to scripture that could help me…. I found John 1:14 the word became flesh and made His dwelling among us…. then read to him my notes in my life application bible…. but yeah…. I sure don't want to get it wrong and turn someone away from instead of TO the Lord….. my other comment to sweetie was sometimes we just have to believe and have faith and realize we were not meant to know the WHY to everything…..

  2. KimberlyRae says:

    I try to be a good ambassador… I hope others can see that in me… I am NOT pefect, I sin daily in some form or fashion and because of that I wonder often what non believers think??? oh how can she profess to love God, look at her getting angry when someone cuts her off in traffic, or losing my sanity with a telemarketer, etc… sometimes you just want to shout I'm human….

  3. Kari says:

    Ellen ,i have 18 year old son with asbergers . He have not a rageproblem, and he does not have big mental problems, but still he makes me sooo frustrated. Things got a bit better when he turned 16. You are in my thoughts, i know how difficult it is. I too have 2 more kids to look after. I will pray for you and your family.

  4. Cynthia says:

    I really need to put more effort in being an ambassador. On top of that “holy”…WOW!

  5. Crystal says:

    I guess I always thought you had to speak the word of God, but now I understand it a little differently. You show God in your actions and your words. It's how you live your life and treat others. This definitely put a different perspective on it for me. Lord help me show the world your light and to be the best possible me I can be.

  6. Ellen MR says:

    I’m not shining for Him lately…trying to do right, wanting His love to show thru me, but not much light is coming thru, only a flicker. And we need a torchlight!!
    I’m feeling blocked, like all is anger and confusion in my household- my young son is nothing but pure rage, his Aspergers is overwhelming all of us! And my heart is just broken.
    I NEED to be a light in his darkness! I need to be a safe harbor for my other kids!!!
    I’m praying for strength, PATIENCE, and wisdom to handle this…he’s becoming suicidal…even tho I’m new in my walk with the Lord, I’ve ALWAYS known suicide is the ultimate sin!!
    I’m sorry to burden you ladies, I’ve always drawn such insight and encouragement from your posts. Your prayers would be much appreciated today. I need all the help I can get. I humbly ask my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to help me show His love to my son, to let him know He is a light out of the darkness, that the Lord and I are there loving him, no matter what!! That there IS hope, and He is holding His hand out- he just needs to take it!
    We will walk with him…

    1. Crystal says:

      Saying prayers for you and your family!

    2. Vickie says:

      You and your family are in my prayers. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. Keep on reflecting Him.

      1. Brandi says:

        Praying that the Father will bless and magnify your efforts today. That He will bless you with supernatural strength and wisdom. Also praying that He will reveal Himself in an awesome and powerful way to your son – in a way he can't resist or turn away from! Right now I am joining with sisters in Christ to pray a hedge of protection over you and your family. We are standing in the gap in the power of the blood of Christ!

  7. Amie says:

    As I prepare to travel overseas to study abroad, I need to remember that no matter where I go, I am to spread His LOVE and promises. I pray that He helps me overcome my fear, and truly love Him by sharing with others during my stay in Spain.

  8. Aneta Nina says:

    this is incredible! God spoke this to me last night!!!