paradise lost

Open Your Bible

Genesis 3

Text: Genesis 3

I can picture Eve walking in the garden that day. Unique and beautiful animals all around her, very Snow White-esque. Gold and topaz and diamonds scattered on the ground ala Cartier (Ezekiel 28:13), and glorious plants and food, an abundant furnishing for her world (I’m going with Whole Foods meets the Amazon rainforest here). Gracious provisions and so much more! It is paradise. Perfection.

I wish that was all there was to tell – that the story would end here.

But then comes chapter 3 verse 1 and the serpent enters the scene. The music gets low and ominous. Calamity is looming. The opponent of Christ, the deceiver of the brethren, a beast of the field, approaches Eve and all I want to do is shout as if in slow motion, “nooooooo!”.

And the story does continue.

The tempter speaks, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” Eve untwists his lie for him, but the evil one continues, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Like God?

At this thought all of the animals and gardens and precious stones are dull to her. She is no longer content among His plentiful provisions and only one thing now lights her eye. It is the one thing she is told she cannot have.

I want to blame Eve for what she does next. I want to be so mad at her! But friends, I stand today just as guilty as she. She knew and I know that there is only one God. And we both have everything we could possibly need in Him. But the thought of being in control – of being independent of my need for Him – and calling all of my own shots? Of being the god of my own life? I’m afraid to say I have taken a bite of that same life-condemning fruit. I have been discontent to trust the Lord God in the garden of provisions he has made for me.


And with Eve’s sin and Adam’s too, life as they know it is over. (Rom 5:12) Satan’s promise was an empty one. And life as we know it now includes death, pain, disease, sorrow, and a deep and apparent need for a Redeemer.

I may have wanted the story to end with Eden, but I’m sure grateful it doesn’t end here.

We are no longer in Eden, but we do have a Great Provider who will give us all we need when we need it (Matt 6:25-34).

And the serpent? The serpent is crafty now as ever. (2 Cor 11:3) And the Bible says that the thief still comes to steal and kill and destroy (Jn 10:10). But we need not fear him, for the doom of Satan has already been sealed. (Jn 16:11, Col 2:15, Rev 12:9 & 10, Rev 20:10)

And for us today? God’s Word is beautifully clear on that as well.

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4


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138 thoughts on "paradise lost"

  1. Amber Joi says:

    I never thought of it that way me trying to do Gods job or trying to be in controll… but it was and I find my self asking God to take that out of me because their is no room for that. I just want God to have his way in my life and he can’t if I have thing that do not please him

  2. imperfectlyimperfect says:

    I’m so inspired by the comments I see posted here. I too have a tendency to try to control things. I know I have to work on giving control to God. Lord, help me to have faith & release control to you.

  3. Ajah Grays says:

    We all have sinned and have fallen short of his glory. We sin and we fall into the devils trap every where we turn and it is not always the big things that gets us down but the small worldly things that start to transform our lives for the worst. I come to you ladies today to confess I am a sinner and I have fallen short of his glory and I ask you ladies to pray for me to have the strength that I need to make the right choices and walk in his light. Every one has a future and a purpose that God has invested in you but it’s up to you to know what’s invested in you. Remember ladies your purpose is always bigger then you. Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe and when you truly start to turn away from the things that makes you worldly, that’s when you will find peace with in. May God bless all of you ladies. Please pray for me as I will pray for you. Thank you Jesus. Amen!

  4. Joanne Sher says:

    Oh boy did I need this reminder! Every time I am discontent and act on it, I'm Eve in the garden. Lord, help me to be content in what You have given me!

  5. Alita says:

    " I have been discontent to trust the Lord God in the garden of provisions he has made for me." This line really got me today. I struggle constantly, in spite of the fact that God has brought me an AMAZING husband (that I waited for for what felt like forever), a beautiful daughter 3 months ago (today!), enabled me to stay at home- and led us to live on my family's homestead, where we are looking forward to getting our feet dirty with farm work in the coming years… All my dreams are coming through, and yet I get disappointed when I look at the paint colors I don't like because we haven't had a chance to paint yet! :( Who am I to be disappointed when I am surrounded by my version of paradise? He is God, and I am not. Thank you for this humbling reminder today. We cannot receive a fresh start without remembering where our place is!

  6. Marrissia says:

    I really enjoyed the devotion , it pierced my soul because I am guilty of doing these things wanting independence and wanted God to be apart if my plan . But I made a change i took a break from social networks because I spending too much time in getting lost in other people’s lives , coveting thier possessions and blessings ! This is was not a good place to be , but he word that Gid is saying balance and trust . We can put God first if we stay in constant communication with him , it’s hard but it will be worth it! Thank you autumn for that song! Beautiful words

  7. Trish says:

    This is my favorite part of the bible. I too used to blame eve for it all but she is just like you and me. We have all been in Eve’s position where good is made evil. We must use Good judgment and obey the voice of the Lord!

  8. Patricia Hoover says:

    Good stuff! Who writes this study? It's a tad "Jen Hatmakerish" ! ! !