he makes all things new

Open Your Bible

Genesis 1

Text: Genesis 1

It’s a new year. A new day. If you are in Christ, you are a new woman – made clean and redeemed. And yet, just because the day has started over and a new year is on the calendar – we don’t always feel so fresh, do we? This year, we have a proposition for you. Instead of resolving to get better, to grow yourself, to finally get it right – walk with us through His Truth as we let Him do the getting it right. We’re going to spend a few weeks searching the Word for fresh starts, the kind only He can provide. And our prayer is that as we study the ways that He is making all things new, He will be working out + growing new things in us for His glory. We’ll look at creation, we’ll walk with the Israelites through their redemption, we will read stories of personal restoration, and we’ll end with the final fresh start that we’ve yet to see – Revelation. And we’d love for you to join us.

He Makes All Things New

When we read the remarkable account of the creation of the world, we see an epic and historic picture of the perfection of the pre-fallen world. And however the timeline played out, we know that the Bible tells us this: God is the Creator of all things.

And when we talk about beginnings, it is natural for us to also think about the ending. Beautifully woven, the Bible begins with creation and concludes with the new creation. The word of God tells us in Revelation, “And he who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new… I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.’” (Rev. 21:5-6, ESV)

There is one Author and there is one Story. And the all-knowing Author knew how the story would end, even as he penned the seas and swarmed them with living creatures, and as He breathed life into the man whose sin would one day nail Him to a tree.

And knowing all of that – knowing that He was creating the plants and yielding the seeds that would one day be his cross, that the beasts of the fields would need to be used as sacrifices for His people – knowing this then, the Author and Creator saw it all and called it good.

But why? It may seem trite to say, but the answer is love. He made the world perfect knowing that it would become imperfect and that He would make it new again. And hard as it may be to believe, He did it for the process. God had the power to skip right to the end, or to never create the world to begin with. But he did create it, and he did it to show Himself to us, that we might know Him. That we might know the breadth and length and height and depth of his love for us (Eph 3:18); that we might experience His grace.

What will be your response today, sisters? Will you find comfort (even joy!) in the cradle of the Almighty’s hand? Will you rest in the hope that He will restore creation – that He will restore you? The newness came and it was glorious, and it is coming again!

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation [that’s a promise]. But take heart; I have overcome the world [and so is that!].” (John 16:33, ESV, emphasis added)

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8,9, ESV)

(423) Comments

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423 thoughts on "he makes all things new"

  1. Debbie L says:

    It’s January 2017. I see most of the comments are from 2013. I came here from another #SheReafsTruth on YouVersion. I love this idea to comment as we read through this. Although I’m over 40 years walking with God, I need a fresh spiritual start! I’ve been reading the Bible through for over 14 years, starting over every January. But I still struggle with change, to become more like Christ. While I’ve mastered hoe to love the lovely, I still struggle to love the unlovely (like the person who cuts you off in traffic), or the family member that doesn’t Love the Lord like I do, but says they are a Christian! Yikes, how bad am I? It’s hard to love someone who isn’t kind first-How much more does that person need Love? Or the person who is just plain annoying? Or irritating? Or the Customer Service person on the phone at Direct TV or Sirius XM? I’ve lost my temper with them because they keep repeating themselves or give me wrong directions-it’s probably a communication gap. I always feel awful afterwards. I need to change my response to these people and let the Lord God, Father Almighty, Maker of the Heavens and Earth love them through me. This is the change I need to become obedient to the Lord when He says to Love Him with all my heart, mind and soul AND to love my neighbor as myself! All of these are my neighbor-just another soul walking through life as I am.

  2. Rosemary says:

    I love the “She reads truth” devotionals. Can’t wait to read others.

  3. jazz says:

    I love that every time I read gen I learn something new. Its a great reminder of how alive His Word is. I love how begining in vs 24 all the different kind of animals that were being created are classified separately, including how specially in His likeness we were made,but in 30 humans seem to be classified as beasts of the earth, showing our relationship, but not equality, with animals. I just thought that was neat!

  4. Vikki says:

    Happy new year ladies. I'm very glad to be starting this devotional with you all:) We all go through tough times but throughout them, always remember that our heavenly Father absolutely adores us and there is absolutely nothing that is ever going to change His mind about that. Until tomorrow, have an awesome day.

  5. Jordan says:

    Happy New Year! I’m just excited to see what God is going to reveal through this study.

  6. imperfectlyimperfect says:

    Happy 2014! I’m excited & nervous going into this new year. I feel big changes coming, & I’m praying for big blessings too! I’ve never tried so hard to understand the bible even though I grew up in a strong Christian home. I’ve always known God’s love for me, but have taken it for granted most of my life. I just completed reading through the whole bible on another plan, but now I’m seeking more insight & understanding. I look forward to going through this plan with all of you & pray that we are all blessed spiritually & literally as God works in us & through us. I’m humbled & blessed by all of your comments as well. It is wonderful to know that I’m not alone in my search for a new beginning in Christ. I loved the 4 questions that Flo Jo mentioned & will be sitting down to answer those myself. Also appreciated the comments about balance (as that is one of my biggest issues). Thank you all for sharing & God Bless you as we walk together.

  7. lisa says:

    I am excited about my fresh start.I am excited to see how my life unfolds in this up and coming new year.

  8. Deidre says:

    God created the world and everything in it. He created it out of love for us. I am very confident in knowing that He will be coming back again.