God means what he says

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 10:19-29

Text: Hebrews 10:19-29

Sometimes in my life, I forget how serious God is – how true the words in the Bible are. In this day and age of instant gratification and feel good messages, it’s easy to start to think of God as a warm and fuzzy persona. The unconditional love He has for us is talked on more than the firmness of the proclamations He’s made.

In Hebrews, we are told that God means what He says. In two ways. That once we are His, we are His forever. That we are to “…hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” (Heb. 10:23 NIV) We can come before him and know that because of Jesus, we are shown as white as snow.

But the flip side of this is the last part of these verses. For those who hear the Word and turn away from it, who refuse to accept Jesus’ offer of salvation, “…no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.” (Heb 10:26-27 NIV) That’s pretty heavy stuff. How often do we hear this in the same paragraph as a loving God?

“But,” we may think, “not really. I mean, surely when they die God tells them it’s ok, no worries. They might be really nice people. He won’t send anyone to eternal hell.”

Sisters, nice isn’t the condition for salvation. It’s fully, totally, unconditionally accepting that we are broken and sinful by nature, and the only way that we can come before God is through Jesus. Jesus makes this very simple: there are no hoops to jump through, no lists, no good works to get to a certain level of holy. Nothing. There is nothing on earth we can do to ensure eternal salvation short of having Jesus as your Savior.

This verse is uncomfortable. It’s not pretty. But it’s the truth. God means what He says. When you’re His, you’re His forever. Period. And if you hear and reject what He’s offered, there is no other option. No second chance at those pearly gates.

As we start this New Year, let’s look into our hearts and make sure we are fully comprehending our salvation, that we have truly given our lives to our Father and not simply been working on getting to heaven because we are nice people.

Good works should come from our thankfulness for salvation and love for Jesus, not as a way to get around what He did for us.

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62 thoughts on "God means what he says"

  1. Tammy says:

    Nancy, I’m a little behind so I don’t know if you’ll see this or not, but I think we just have to trust that God is God and we are not. His ways are not our ways. Those that have heard and choose not to believe decide their own fate. For those that truly have not heard, I believe God judges them fairly. There are probably very few people in developed areas that have NEVER heard anything about the gift of salvation. As for people in remote parts of the world that may have never heard, God can deliver the message to anyone hinself, through a dream or a vision, there are ways. God IS loving AND harsh and he is also fair and he knows our hearts.

  2. GodsKookie says:

    "nice, is not the condition for salvation" -wow!!!! Stopped me dead in my tracks!!! #RealityCheck!!

  3. Tsalached says:

    Wow! A powerful reminder we tend to focus on the goodness and grace of God and forgets about His wrath. I believe the 2 nd half of the scripture is speaking to backsliders, yet if they repent He's there with open arms as with the prodigal son and its not His will that any should perish 2 Peter 3:9. Which is why He has commanded Believers to go preach the gosple to every nation.

    Thank God we are saved by faith and not works, much more souls would be lost, theres non that does good no not one. Psm 53:3. Powerful devotion so many revelations from the few line.
    Keep blessed ladies

  4. Ellen MR says:

    Thank you Brandi!! :)

  5. Ellen MR says:

    Thank you KC2010! I sure appreciate ANY thoughts or beliefs that ANYONE has!!! I’ve been thinking along those same lines about sin after being saved, and I may be way off, but don’t we ALL have to go thru Judgement also when we die? Or maybe I misinterpreted what someone told me…and that’s where I get anxious- what if I or whomever I should go to for spiritual advice is NOT interpreting the Word correctly or as God intended?? I understand a pastor is responsible for his congregation, but I’ve not found a “home” church yet and I’m FULL of questions! Ladies, these are exciting times for me, and I’ve already learned A LOT from your posts and opinions- Thank you !! Sorry for all of the questions, navigating this journey alone can be scary also- because what could be more important?!!
    Eternity is a looong time to be making any mistakes…
    Thank you for your prayers! Everyday I’m asking the Lord to open my heart and my mind, that He will help me to learn His ways, that He would mold me and prepare me for the path He’s already chosen for me and that the Holy Spirit would move in me and thru me to glorify His Name, and in His Holy Name I pray- Amen!

    PS: if anyone knows of a good church in Mpls, Mn. I’d appreciate any suggestions! :) (if we’re allowed to ask?)

    1. Brandi says:

      Will be praying that the Father will lead you to a home church where you can serve, worship and be edified. A church where He is glorified and where His Spirit is at work. A church where His word is taught and honored! Also praying that He will give you wisdom. He promises in James 1:5 that if any of us lacks wisdom we should ask Him, Who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will br given to us.

    2. Kayla says:

      Hey Ellen, I'm a little late to the party (trying to get caught up!) so I'm not sure if you'll see this or not. Great questions and things to wrestle with. Unfortunately, I don't have the answers (I wrestle with those things too!) but pray that the Lord will make his will and intention known to you.
      I live in the Twin Cities and go to a great church. I'm familiar with a few other churches in the area as well, so feel free to email me if you want a few suggestions! [email protected]

    3. Anny says:

      Hi Ellen, I'm not a pastor or theologian either but I had a lot of the same fears and anxieties as you when I started out as a Christian. One thing I found very helpful was to keep remembering my feelings were not to be trusted (I.e if I "felt" saved or not) but I could always trust Jesus' words. I also read a lot of c.s. Lewis and listen to tim kellerman's podcasts (one called " finding the way" might be helpful) and they might be good to keep you connected until you find a church). I think one of the earlier replies was right when they said God looks at the heart – so if you try to do what's right but stuff up, Jesus will see that. (He'll even forgive if you deliberately do what's wrong but are remorseful. It's very heartening to remember Moses, David, Peter etc etc etc ….liars, adulterers, cowards, murderers and yet .. Forgiven forgiven forgiven.) and the fact that you are starting to worry about keeping in step with Christ is a great sign of the Holy Spirit working in you. Keep running that race!

      1. jesusgirl71 says:

        Wow! Alwways looking for new podcasts. Will have to look up tim Kellerman.

  6. Sherry says:

    These scriptures in Hebrews do seem perplexing and tough to understand. So, I suggest you do what I did and dig deeper and prayerfully check into different Bible commentaries. I found them to be very helpful with today's devotion. It will be worth the time and effort!
    Just one more thing to remember…Luke11:9 says ASK,SEEK and KNOCK. JESUS IS THE ANSWER . Love and prayers to all.

  7. Chris says:

    KC thank you! I wasn’t sure if I was misinterpreting the Word. Ellen, I think that KC is right when she says to repent and ask the Holy Spirit. I keep trying to reassure myself that as long as I let The Holy Spirit be like a flashlight into my soul, all the little nasty dark places that I may not know about will be revealed. I guess maybe it’s an issue of the heart? And remember, was it Peter who denied Christ three times? But when he rembered that Jesus saidnhe would, he repented. Surely that was an example to us that all is not lost if we slip away. I guess God paid the price for us and is not willing to let us slip away into complacency. Verses like these keep me on my toes!

  8. Toeseen says:

    God help us