Freedom from the Law

Open Your Bible

Galatians 2:11-21, Deuteronomy 10:12-17, Acts 10:9-48, 1 Corinthians 7:17-19

Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:11-21, Deuteronomy 10:12-17, Acts 10:9-48, 1 Corinthians 7:17-19

I once took a conflict assessment (like a personality test, but for workplace conflict styles) that revealed to me that I have a “collaborative” conflict style. This means when conflict arises, I try to identify solutions that work for everyone. This is often a recipe for disaster.

I like to present a lot of options and then back slowly out of the room (metaphorically) and not make any decision that will make other people upset. I am a problem solver, but in the “here are a bunch of ways to solve it, you decide!” kind of way.

Paul was not like that, and especially not in his conflict with Peter.

The latter half of Galatians 2 is one of the strongest rebukes of an apostle in the Bible. Paul called Peter a hypocrite who deviated from the true gospel. Peter had been eating non-Jewish-law-approved meals with Gentile Christians. But when a group of radical Jewish leaders, called the circumcision party, disapproved, Peter stopped eating with Gentiles. The Judaizers believed that to be a true Christian, a Gentile had to become Jewish first and follow Jewish law.

In his book, Galatians for You, Tim Keller writes, “Paul did not simply say: You’re breaking the rules (even though Peter was), but: You’ve forgotten the gospel: your own gracious welcome in Christ. Paul did not focus so much on the sinful behavior as on the sinful attitude of self-righteousness that lay beneath it.”

Living out the gospel often rubs against cultural best practices, be they ancient or modern. More often than I wish, I capitulate like Peter. I wonder, how can I live out my faith but in a way that doesn’t make other people angry or uncomfortable? I live in the irreconcilable tension of seeking the approval of both God and man (directly antithetical to what we read a few days ago in Galatians 1:10).

After rebuking Peter, Paul went on to make one of the most impassioned, beautiful expositions of the true gospel. He says, “a person is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ….I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing” (vv.16,21).

Paul spent the rest of Galatians building on this truth: the traditional Jewish law does not save or purify people. Only faith in Christ who perfectly fulfilled the law and died and rose again can do that. The approval of other people doesn’t save you either, and you only need acceptance by God the Father, gained by the righteousness of Christ given to us when we believe. All we need is in Christ. All we have is Christ. Christ did not die for nothing; He died for you and me.

Written by Melanie Rainer

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101 thoughts on "Freedom from the Law"

  1. Kimberly Beck says:


  2. Lesley Matlack says:

    All we need is in Christ!

  3. Brittanie Dix says:

    Only Christ can save!!

  4. Emily Tucker says:


  5. A C says:

    Yes, thank you!

  6. madie varney says:


  7. Bree says:

    I’m really struck here by Paul’s advocacy for compassion and generosity within the Church. His encouragement to Peter to remain consistent in eating with the uncircumcised Christ followers despite the criticism of some Jewish leaders, as he’d done prior to the leaders’ arrival, is a beautiful reinforcement of what our Father models elsewhere in the scriptures. Jesus died for all, and God has no favorites — our behavior to one another in the Church should also mirror this.

  8. Robin Tella says:

    Well, sister, you nailed it. How difficult it is sometimes to think about being kind, or not hurting anyone’s feelings, making everyone happy, yet speaking the truth in love. I am a problem solver in the same way you described. Wow that was a good word from God right to my heart. Thank you. ❤️

  9. Anna Tober says:


  10. Danielle Beatty says:


  11. Mercy says:

    Happy Friday shes, at this hour, I pray the Lord will rise up Pauls to stand and defend the gospel with boldness, to discern and call lout “half-truths”/lies and tear down these strongholds. People pleaser- oh the thing that is a symptom in our church and governments : the FEAR of Man. May we ask ourselves, where did this start, where is the entry point for this fear of Man that replaces the fear of God in us? This is a big fear. The fear of man comes with the high need for man’s approval. Was it your parents? Was it a family betrayal that put a deep wound on you? Was it the “Joseph’s brothers”, “David’s brothers”, “Sauls” that you have encountered and sold you out from their envy and resentment? Please ask the Lord and deal with this fear. Have we known that we are being muzzled and robbed of your voice? Symptoms of being muzzled (from a study I have done) : the excessive sensitivity to the fear of man/what people think; fear of offending or saying the wrong thing; confusion, mental block, questioning of ourselves and identity., rendering us into this state “I am not going to say anything”. Is this familiar? This is the poison that robs us of our blood-bought relationship with God, rob our kingdom authority, and rob us of the keys to shift culture. Get out of this bondage please, children of God, please listen to me, the fear o man is a big religious bondage and political bondage. Is there any fear of man in your life when it comes to being an emerging voice for Jesus? Are you so afraid to speak, calling good good, evil evil in your daily life? Can you see any hurt places that this fear was initially sown? Know that when we represent Jesus, we enter into a warfare. We must ditch the approval of man. The attacks on us are not personal, but toward God. “For am I now seeking the approval of ma, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ” (Galatians 1:10 ESV). Demonic ideology has caused us to put man above the obedience to God: such as cancel culture, virtue signaling, political correctness, to name a few. We were conditioned to accept and tolerate everything. We become slaves and we are afraid of offending people. It’s a lifestyle of fear. And this must break! If you have this symptoms friend, I knew I had it and It paralyzed me for ten years but God helped me to be healed. Ask God to reveal the entry points, the legal rights? was it when you were a child, you were threatened to never question a wrong action of your parent? You were shunned by a church figure who muzzled you when you challenged them? so you had to downplay yourself and God’s truth to avoid resentment and mockery? whatever it is, please ask God to reveal to you and break them all through prayers. We break this fear of man in the Name of Jesus, we repent Lord for placing man’s opinions /acceptance over Your Truth, forgive us for fearing man and making them lord over us. Cleanse us and heal us of the wounds from the abuses that have opened door to this great fear of man, and make us mighty warriors with the Sword of God in our mouths. There is a cost, we might go through a period of isolation, the loss of relationships, like David’s brothers telling him :“I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is…” (1 Samuel 17:28) when the young David came out to battle facing the giant Goliath, and his brothers, can you imagine, yes our own christian brothers /sisters can say this when we face giants, as a form of character assassination. Move past. Don’t let this take you out. Isolation season is a chance to be built up from the ground HIM alone and no one can claim that they make you who you are today, but only God Himself. Be a Paul dear shes, be the emerging voice in the capacity that you can, from little to much, in your circles of influence. Season our words with grace by God’s help. Will you say yes? I pray the grace and the increasing courage be poured out of you this day, in increasing measure of strength, boldness, spiritual understanding and wisdom. May the mind of Christ be with us to discern, and the heart of God be with us to know how to word what we need to speak. Thank you for reading my long post if you make it this far :). Be blessed dear sisters.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Mercy, I am going to be completely honest and say that I cried while reading your post because it describes me so well and it’s something I have been working with my therapist on recently. I actually had to almost pinch myself because your words were so spot on it felt unreal. But it is real. Thank you so much for writing this. You’ve helped me more than you can know.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        That is so amazing how God uses someone with their experience and wisdom to touch and help someone else! Thanks Mercy for being a bold Paul for us, and Victoria for being vulnerable in letting us know how it touched you! Love you both!

      2. Jill Pirhalla says:


      3. Mercy says:

        Aww Victoria, my sweet sister, I’m glad this spoke to you and I’m sorry you are enduring too. Praying for you and inviting you to join the study I’m doing..I will post the book name/ course below.

    2. Marla says:

      Mercy, this spoke to me in a tremendous way. For a very long time I have been experiencing those symptoms of being muzzled and praying for deliverance from this fear of man I have developed. This have encouraged me to take an additional step towards getting deliverance from this by doing the work and allowing the Holy Spirit to show me where I opened the door. I am interested in the study you’ve done on this. I’m so grateful for you and all my sisters in Christ in this community

      1. Mercy says:

        The online study course I did was called Wild Ones Journeys (specifically Journey 3 that just finished) by Nate Johnston, material is his book Wild Ones ( the pioneer call…) and also the study book. I highly recommend for the wounded ones especially those of us who have been hurt in church, in families and relationships, and this affect how we see God. This book and the study that Nate wrote and conducted made me feel seen and heard, and I feel that one book of wisdom has come from decades of pain and coming out of it. I’m so thankful for the prophetic voice of Nate and his ministry to gather the wounded and empower us to be launched back out from long hide out in caves season.

        1. Marla says:

          Thanks for sharing ♥️

          1. Mercy says:

            I want to share more notes from Nate in the course.


            (By Nate Johnston)

            Recently for our RMNT bootcamp I felt the Lord telling me to create a very direct and practical list for dealing with this spirit. So here goes!

            1. Treat it as a spirit, not a disorder
            2. Don’t dumb down your destiny /prophecies and words
            3. Refuse to be muzzled / be vocal
            4. Call out gaslighting and behaviors
            5. Let them know you won’t play their game
            6. Don’t coddle pity or victim mentality
            7. Let them know who they are but that they have allowed that spirit
            8. Don’t tolerate Jezebel
            9. Starve it out by not obeying/boundaries
            10. Major key. Fear of the lord
            11. Stockholm syndrome needs to break – you can’t be emotionally manipulated and address it at the same time
            12. Deal with you – narcissistic puppet mentality needs to break
            13. Build up who you are in the lord
            14. Stop saying yes
            15. Get a support system in place
            16. Get prayer support in place
            17. Know that god wants you free
            18. Narcissism can be healed but that’s not your job anymore
            19. Give them to the lord
            20. Saul was a narcissist- remember honor – he knew who Saul was meant to be.
            21. Know that God has a future and a life for you out of this.

            1. People want to overcome narcissism but 95 percent choose not to confront it
            2. There’s no point learning about narcissistic spirit if you don’t heed the number one rule – don’t tolerate it.

            Where are you stuck at in this process?

    3. Amy G says:

      This is an amazing, much needed word, Mercy, thank you for sharing! I copied and pasted it into my notes to have access to read and re-read for encouragement when needed. Fear of man is a definite real thing that needs to be overcome for so many of us.

      1. Mercy says:

        Thank you dear Amy…praying for us to overcome together the fear.

  12. Rhonda J. says:

    Please check our She FB page so we can do a community fast early next week, together in unison, lifting up our Sister Gayle! (read more there on the pinned thread!)

    1. Kris says:

      I rarely do Facebook, can I know the details of the fast for next week?

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes! I have set it up to be a 1 Day Fast on this coming Monday! You may fast for the day, or a lunch, dinner, whatever you choose to sacrifice and replace that with Prayer for Gayle. Her cancer has returned, I can copy her post and put it here, or maybe she will, for the details. But we want to pray for strength, wisdom, guidance and healing!

    2. Jill Pirhalla says:

      Is this a different FB than The She Reads Truth page? If so how do I find it?

      1. Lisa H says:

        Look up SRT SHE’S. :)

  13. Kris says:

    What I see here is this, Salvation comes simply by believing in Jesus as God’s Son. “Working out our salvation” (Phil 2:12) is walking so close to Jesus that He is changing us day by day. Jesus does the changing, Jesus brings about our desire to obey. There’s nothing wrong with the Law, it brings about peace and comradery and well-being. But it doesn’t save us. Only belief in Jesus saves us. And like I recently said, Let the Holy Spirit do the convicting, Let Him bring about the change in people’s hearts that makes them want to obey.

  14. MARTHA HIX says:


    1. Tina says:

      Martha Hix, so lovely to see your ❤️ today..
      Much love to you..❤️ one right back!

  15. Peggy Pappas says:

    So much here that speaks to my heart as well. I rarely comment but have reading with this community for 5 years. I am blessed by each of your comments and pray for each prayer request.
    Today’s mention that Peter was not just breaking the rules, he had forgotten the gospel reminded me of a book I read years ago that said Christians must preach the gospel to ourselves daily. We forget who we are and whose we are sometimes. The sinful attitude of self righteousness being beneath this sinful behavior hit home for me too. As one author I read says, I am a recovering Pharisee.May He increase and I decrease. Have a blessed day my dear sisters in Christ.

    1. Margaret W. says:

      Pride is the original sin, the one we need to examine our hearts most about. All other sins pale in comparison.

    2. Adrienne says:


    3. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes, Peggy.
      That self-righteousness is sneaky!
      “ I am a recovering Pharisee”is a great turn of phrase.

  16. Diane Smith says:

    I love how Paul defends the gospel!
    Makes me remember the verse in John that says. That you may know the truth that will set you free!
    Freedom is a word filled with hope from all that keeps us from knowing His grace, the Joy of being in His presence, the more I long for this reality, the less I focus on people’s opinions, judgments and attitudes.
    The clouds in my mind are dispersing, . Oh Lord give me clarity to see you in all I do today!

  17. Soma D says:

    Good morning and Happy Friday Sweet She’s,

    Be kind and tender hearted and forgive one another, as God has forgiven me (us) through Christ.

    I have been put to death with Christ on his cross, so that it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in Me.

    God bought you and me for a price, so do not become salves of people. (Slaves of worldly ways, conforming to pleasing and valuing people and worldly approval and wealth above God) .

    All these scriptures are a great reminder of how again and again we die to ourselves: our desires, our righteousness, our worldly preferences and judgements, and WITH GOD’s GRACE alone we align ourselves with Christ’s truth and Christ’s love and Christ’s righteousness. Truth without love is just a noisy gong or a deterrent to faith, and love without truth of God’s word is not the Good News. I pray I can be kind and tender hearted as I speak the Gospel at All times (in my transformed actions) and if necessary, use words. St. Francis of Assisi.

    Praying for all prayer requests,

    Have a blessed day

    1. Mari V says:

      LOVE this Soma!

  18. Cheryl Blow says:

    Our reading today is just packed with good stuff. I too can be a people pleaser. Never wanting to make anyone uncomfortable but God has been given me nudges to be more bold. This is a struggle for me. I am finding that when I step out to ask an unbeliever if I can pray over our meal, they don’t object. Usually, I will ask the Lord to be with them and bless them. And guess what? They thank me! I keep it short but they actually look up and have a very genuine smile! I think we are so afraid of offense that we do nothing. Even to fellow believers, I can be afraid to give helpful guidance when I see them going in the wrong direction. I’m certainly not like Paul but I want to share God’s love, mercy, and grace to everyone. Sorry I feel like I rambled. I hope this conveyed what was on my heart.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes! So good Cheryl!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      I totally got it! Thanks for sharing!❤

  19. Mari V says:

    All I need is Christ. All I have is Christ. I don’t need anything else. Transparency here. I’m taking a deep breath. Feeling a little down this morning. Then I read this. A reminder, that “all-I-need is Christ.” SO true. Happy Friday sweet She’s! I made it through lots of training (and more today). Last night at our “Meet and Greet” I met most of the incoming TK students! SO CUTE! I feel privileged that I get to be part of their little lives! I am grateful and so excited that I get to partake in this “new adventure” of TK. AND TK is “NEW” to our school! The teacher is sweet, respectful, appreciative. AND she’s old enough to be my daughter!!! She’s the SAME age as my son!! DO I feel old!!

    1. Tina says:


    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Love you (heart!)
      It must be SO fun to meet your littles for the upcoming year!! AND to know you are a small part of their life!! SO many people name a teacher that changed their lives or that they just LOVED, I am sure you are one of those!!

  20. Adrienne says:

    Episode 1048 of Relatable is really appropriate for some of the conversations that were had here yesterday. (I didn’t post a link, in hopes my post won’t go to moderation. I’ll try to post a link on another post.)

    1. Laura says:

      I’m halfway through that one right now. So good! This speaks exactly to what my son is going through in his life. Thanks for mentioning it.

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      I LOVE her SO much!

  21. Cee Gee says:

    As I was reading the passage in Deuteronomy, I realized that in the last few weeks we have read verses calling (in a specific way) for a change of heart or renewal of heart. Caps (emphasis) are mine.

    Hosea 10:12
    PLOW UP THE HARD GROUND OF YOUR HEARTS, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.
    Joel 3:12
    Don’t tear your clothing in your grief,
    instead. …
    Return to the Lord your God,for he is merciful and compassionate,…
    Deuteronomy 10:16
    and don’t be stiff-necked any longer. …

    Melanie said, “All we need is in Christ. All we have is Christ.”
    Have I truly given Him my whole heart – my plowed, torn, circumcised heart?
    Praying for requests! ❤

    1. Adrienne says:


      1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Christina Jones says:

      Thank you for sharing this Cee Gee. Hosea 10:12 was a a verse I meditated on in college and it’s still so very true for me today. It My prayer is that God reveals those hard places in my heart, where I have strayed and they can be corrected

      1. Cee Gee says:

    3. Tina says:

      Cee-Gee ❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:

    4. Gwineth52 says:

      What a sweet summary, Cee Gee,

      1. Cee Gee says:

    5. Searching says:


      1. Cee Gee says:

  22. Laura says:

    Seriously, I never realized how much I like Paul. I love the straightforward way he is guiding and leading this new baby church and new baby believers. I know it is easier to be around people who are softer and more gentle with their words, but often, don’t we just need someone like Paul to say it like it is? And call us out on our stuff? I know I do! And I have found for myself, that if my desire is to grow and change and become better, AND I respect the person who is telling me these things, then I better listen. This message is so clear – don’t play both sides. The World and Christ do not mix. There is NO compromise. You gotta follow Christ’s way and if it rubs the World’s way of thinking the wrong way, well so be it! Mark 8:36 and Luke 9:25 “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” I don’t want the world, I want Jesus!

    1. GramsieSue says:

      Amen, Sister!

    2. Adrienne says:

      ❤️ Listen to that Relatable podcast I mentioned. You are spot on.

    3. Tina says:

      What truth, Laura..
      ” I don’t want the world, I want Jesus!

    4. Rhonda J. says:

      YES! Double Amen and Praise God! I want to know I was bold for Christ, in Love, but straight forwardness. Yet..I am still awkward and not good in the last 2 chances I have tried to make proclamations! It’s always harder for those that you know well.

    5. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes, Laura. That Apostle Paul – fervent & fierce – laid it all on the line. Friends like that do us a real favor.

  23. Déja D says:

    10+ years ago I used to be a self-righteous Christian. I was confused like Peter was in this passage. Unfortunately, God has brought me around, humbled me, and helped me see the true meaning of His salvation. Sometimes there are moments in the day, where I think that I should scoff at someone, Christian or not. Instead, I’m trying to take that as an opportunity to remind myself, that none of us is better than the other because God‘s grace and mercy cannot be earned, nor his salvation. That doesn’t mean we act, but we should be intentional on how we approach our own actions and others. Thank you, God for helping me to see your true nature.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes! I TRY to remember this as well. I was there for years, yet I do remember the ones that tried to correct my course in love! It is hard to love in Truth! But yet I was a sinner, all sin is the same and against our God! Thank you Jesus! He doesn’t have favorites…yet I do want an intimate relationship with Him now that I KNOW what He did for me!!

  24. Aimee D-R says:

    Father that I have passion for the gospel like Paul! In Jesus name, Amen

  25. Rebekah Ramirez says:


  26. Susie H says:

    “The approval of other people doesn’t save you.”

    I don’t generally consider myself to be a people pleaser, but this really stuck out to me. It’s worth looking at – how much am I motivated by what others think of me ( or what I THINK they think of me) rather than what God thinks of me?

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Right, I just tried to say the same thing! I must be bold for Christ! Speak in truth, when it doesn’t please people…IN love!

    2. Adrienne says:

      Unfortunately I AM a people pleaser.
      Someone I used to attend meetings with once, said this, “It’s none of my business what so-and-so thinks of me.”❤️
      What HE thinks, matters!

  27. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s!

    Not so many comments today.

    I love this controversy between the great Paul, and the first Disciple called- Peter! Why..because it makes all of our quips between denominations seem at least a little more understandable- yet, Paul does call out our dear Peter! Which, again makes me think we DO have to sharpen each other with Truth! Truth MATTERS. Christ and the cross….is the main thing, BUT- the law does matter, not in the way of obeying completely without fail, and by ritual, But, God does set boundaries for OUR good.

    Even of the belief that Christians are those that BELieF in Jesus– IT is WHAT that means to them, it still matters. If they belief he is God’s SON, but not dirty, well then it is false. If they believe in Jesus, but still go to a Priest for forgiveness, that is false. If we belief in Christ, but believe love is love, and it doesn’t hurt anyone for men to love men, and women to love women–well that’s a problem. SO…controversy is okay, but in my opinion we also have to make clear what the biblical truth. Not to be controversial HERE…but if not here to have discussion, where?!

    1. Laura says:

      Amen, Rhonda J. Love that this community is all about Biblical truth. There are so many versions of “truth” flying around out there in our world, but we know that the only real truth is God’s truth, which He doesn’t make us guess at. He gave us His Word! It is our job to read it and study it. And He gave us the Holy Spirit to help us understand it when it doesn’t make sense. My heart is so grieved with the false teachers among us in the church who lead their flock astray by preaching truth that IS NOT Biblical truth. We are constantly trying to make “truth” fit what we want instead of seeking true Truth in Christ.

    2. Adrienne says:

      Iron sharpens iron, indeed!

  28. Elise Leonard says:

    Definitely praying to be more like Paul. I, too, find myself looking to please others most of the time.

    These readings have been so encouraging to me that not everyone will look the same, worship the same, pray the same, but it doesn’t matter. If we are a believer, we are one.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, I used to like to please everyone and avoid controversy at all cost, but now I find myself speaking out in boldness for my honor with Christ…I want to please Him more than people, after all, I will stand before Him one day. I want to say I was bold in saying “women’s choice”- is truly killing a baby. This is controversy that I don’t like, but yet, God calls us to be bold for Him, and to not conform with the world.

    2. Robin Bailey says:

      That is so true, Elise. I pray that I no longer look for man’s approval. Please pray for my coworker. She has a lump in her breast that is being tested. She has a lot of fear and anxiety due to having gone through uterine cancer. Please pray for a clean report and that she will not be afraid. God is with her every step of the way. Have a great weekend She’s!

      1. Cheryl Blow says:

        Praying for your coworker.

  29. Melissa says:

    I wish I could say I am more like Paul, but I am more like Peter—wanting to please both sides and hope no one will see. God sees my heart and will keep working on me!

    1. leap says:

      I feel the same way.

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Melissa
      To avoid duplicity.
      I believe it’s a decision
      to make every day.
      Through difficulty.
      With His help.

  30. Mia Faith says:

    Galatians 2:20 was ONE of my late husband’s (well, that was hard to type) favorites. He loved the Word and had many faves, but this one he quoted often. I’m thankful he left us with such a beautiful, godly legacy. Have a great weekend, friends. Continued prayers Kelly (NEO).

    1. GramsieSue says:

      Hugs to you. Your new normal takes some getting used to. Prayers for comfort and peace. ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Mia, praying your heart knows peace and that these little reminders warm your heart to the memory of your good man, now with the Lord..
      Covering you and yourswith love, hugs and prayers ❤️

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      love to you Faith!

    4. Adrienne says:

      Oh, Faith. That breaks my heart. I know yours is broken too. I continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.❤️

  31. Linda in NC says:

    I am so very grateful for each prayer lifted up for me and Gene. Yesterday was a peace filled day. We were both emotionally drained and physically tired. However the Lord spoke peace and confidence into my soul. As I’ve said before, I have to live within the grace given for that day and
    deal with what’s right in front of me. My grief for one day doesn’t have to be the grief the next day! As the hymn says (3rd verse) “Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Blessings all mine with10,000 beside.” He is faithful! Amen and amen!

    1. Lanie H says:

      Linda, I absolutely love working with the dementia population and try to find as much humor as possible. We know that God turns out mourning into laughter and that is what I try to think of when these situations occur. My current patient in memory care lost her phone yesterday and was VERY distressed by it. After lots of tearful listening and questioning I found out the real reason she was distressed was not because she couldn’t get in touch with her loved ones, but that she was worried someone was out there making long distance calls running up her bill! I said, I don’t really know how to explain this to you, but that’s not thing any more you just pay a flat rate per month but we can certainly call and cancel that. And that was it. It was the end of the full day of tears, and I got a good laugh thinking of running up my mom’s bill as a teenager. I know yesterday for your family was distressing to say the least but I hope one day you can laugh about it too!

    2. Tina says:

      Linda in NC. I love that old hymn.. lifting Gene and yourself up in prayer for today to be another good and God blessed day..
      Blessings wrapped in love and hugs.. covered on prayers. ❤️

  32. Searching says:

    One thing about Paul in these verses, he says it like it is.
    As reminded in the devo, may I remember all I need is Christ and ultimately all I have is Christ.

    Acts 9:36 …. He is Lord of all. This piece of Scripture brought to mind a chorus written in 1969 by Steve Vest. When I found it on hymnary dot org, Steve had added a correction to the entry that the first line starts with ‘For’ and also provided the 2nd verse (that I don’t recall singing) and his opinion that more than 2 verses took away from the flow of the melody (threw that part in because was interesting to me). That being said, when we sang it back in the day, the first verse was sung many times over, many. I do love the 2nd verse.

    For He is Lord, He is Lord!
    He is risen from the dead and He is Lord!
    Ev’ry knee shall bow, ev’ry tongue confess
    That Jesus Christ is Lord.

    You’re My Lord, You’re My Lord
    You have risen from the dead, and You’re my Lord. With my knee, I will bow, and with my tongue, confess That Jesus, You’re My Lord.

    Sisters, let’s own Him today.

    Requesting prayer for 7 month old twins born very early, multiple medical issues and surgeries, and experiencing complications from most recent surgeries. I learned about them yesterday and may not be able to reconnect with the person assisting, but will pass along updates if I get them.

    JULIA C – good to see you
    LINDA IN NC – thankful for the understanding shown by the message recipients, praying your husband will continue to understand about not having a phone. Praying for joy to abound today and every day.
    LYNNE IN AL – praying
    AG – praying for the best weather for your wedding tomorrow

    CEE GEE – am I confident enough … great question to ponder! ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      I am not familiar with that song, but I am going to check it out. Thanks! ❤
      Praying for those precious babies and praying for healing/resolution for those complications.

    2. Tina says:

      Searching ❤️
      Hope you are okay..❤️
      Praying good health over you, in the name of Jesus. ❤️

  33. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “For the Lord your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awe-inspiring God, showing no partiality and taking no bribe.”
    As one “grafted” into the vine and adopted into God’s family, so thankful God does not show partiality!
    Thanks for your prayers for NE Ohio! Power is on for me (but internet yet) but many still without. I’ll catch up on comments tomorrow.
    Have a blessed Friday ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, so glad at least you have power! ❤

    2. Tina says:

      Kelly, praying there is a quick resolve to this..❤️

    3. Adrienne says:

      ❤️ power is good, huh? (Winky emoji)

  34. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Christ died for you and me. Thank you Lord!

  35. Tricia C says:

    I love what Melanie said. “All we need is Christ. All we have is Christ. Christ did not die for nothing; He died for you and me.”
    Amen and Amen! I am so grateful for that!
    Blessed Friday dear Sisters.

    1. Tina says:

      You took the words right out of my mouth Tricia.. Amen and Amen to these words that hit home hard today!

  36. Adrienne says:

    Galatians 2:20… love it! We have been crucified with Christ. Christ lives in us, sweet sisters! It is our faith , given by Him, that saves us, yet as 1 Corinthians tells us… do what God commands. We can do that only with His help. (And please understand that we… well I… will fail at that much of the time. I am so glad I’m forgiven!)

    1. Tricia C says:
