For He Will Not Leave You

Open Your Bible

Joshua 1:1-18, Psalm 91:1-16, John 14:25-27

Moses my servant is dead. 

I wonder what thoughts and sinking feelings were running through Joshua when he heard the Lord speak those words. Moses had been leading the people of Israel, and leading Joshua for nearly forty years. Moses was the one who stood up to Pharoah. Moses was the one who led the people out of Egypt. Moses was the one who led them year after year in the wilderness. Joshua had watched God be faithful to Moses, but now Moses was gone. Would God be as faithful to Joshua as He had been to Moses? 

And then the sweet relief and comfort of the Lord’s voice. “I will be with you, just as I was with Moses. I will not leave you or abandon you” (Joshua 1:5).

The same promise God had made to Moses (Exodus 3:12), He was making with Joshua. If Joshua would answer God’s call, and follow His leading, he could count on God to never let go of him. 

I’ve never led an entire nation of people across rushing waters, but I do know what it is to feel insufficient for a task ahead. I know what it is for God to call me to move forward, even full of fear, and wonder if He really will stay by my side. We all know that same feeling when we step into the unknown with shaky legs—hearing the lies that ring too loud. What if I fail? What if God leaves me to fend for myself? Will He continue to be faithful, even if I get it wrong? The fear takes hold and before we know it, we can quickly find ourselves doubting God’s character.

Joshua may or may not have felt up to the task ahead of him. We aren’t privy to his thoughts or fears. But we do see God’s reassurance to Joshua—reminding him of His promise to stay by Joshua’s side. There is no safer place to be than in the shadow of the almighty God (Psalm 91:1). And if Joshua were going to lead the Israelites into the promised land, it would only be by the Lord going with him.

Joshua never could have fathomed the reality that we know on this side of the cross, and on this side of Pentecost. The parting gift of the soon-to-be-crucified Christ was the hope that, even after His departure, God would send the Holy Spirit as counselor and comforter (John 14:26). The same Spirit of God that never left Moses or Joshua has taken up residence in each of us who are children of God. With the very presence of God working in and through us, we can never be separated from our Father. 

So, take heart, child of God, for He will not leave you or abandon you. 

Not in your failure or faithlessness. 
Not in your doubts or disappointments. 
Not in your wounds or wanderings. 

We do not have to fear our Father leaving us, because all Scripture reminds us that He never has, and the hope of eternity is that He never will. 

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88 thoughts on "For He Will Not Leave You"

  1. SarahJoy says:

    An old song I used to sing growing up has a lot of Psalm 91. It’s called “Eagles Wings.” I remember singing it for my grandmother’s funeral. ❤️

  2. Melissa James says:

    Praying for you @jennifer

  3. Traia Scott says:

    Praying for you Jennifer!!

  4. Meagan Warlick says:

    Carolyn, I love your words!!! Courage is all about stepping into the unknown, not because we are without fear, but in spite of it! I’m currently walking through a season of life where I feel stuck in my job and it causes me to feel so hopeless for change to ever happen. I think I’ve been afraid to start looking to change jobs because I’m so scared of the unknown. Will I get a new job? Will one even be open in the area I want to transfer? What do I do if I have to stay here longer than I want? This study and your words are such great reminders that the Lord is calling me to take action, even when I’m afraid, because He is there with me and He will be with me every step of the way—no matter the outcome!

  5. Jennifer Urena says:

    I’m also going to drop a prayer request here. The past few days I have been struggling more than normal with anxiety and remembering some things that happened a few years ago. I’m struggling, but I’m thankful that the Lord put this study in my heart during this time. I pray that the Lord helps to remember His truth, to hold fast to Him, and to not fear. Amen!

  6. Jennifer Urena says:

    How great is the Lord that left us these words. In Joshua he tells us to be strong and courageous. But he also tells us in Psalm 91 that he will answer to us and be with us in trouble. This is a very full promise from God. Amen!

  7. Krystle Scott says:

    Praying for you and your mom, Sky! ❤️

  8. Kristen Lowery says:

    Thank you Father God, for never leaving me and always being right beside me every step of the way. I pray that you comfort me in my fears and bring your perfect peace over me. In Jesus name I pray Amen!