and if not

Open Your Bible

Daniel 3:1-23

Text: Daniel 3:1-23

“And if not…”

I feel like that’s the rally cry of my faith. I hold on to the idea that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had. I believe that God will show up, that He will show up here on Earth and move in His people and move mountains.

“And, if not…”

And if not, He is still good. He is still the King Most High. He alone is still worthy of our worship. It is still worth it. It would be far better for me to perish than to live a life of bowing down to a lesser god.

We may not live under a government that dictates who or what we can worship, but how often do we voluntarily allow idols to take residence in our life? Comfort, safety, health, wealth. How often do we bow down and sacrifice for those things?

I have hopes. I have desires. If I’m honest, sometimes I hope God’s desires line up with my desires for my life, not the other way around.

But, I believe I’d give up comfort, safety, health and wealth to more fully know God. I believe that giving up those things would benefit me here on Earth. And, if not, I have the comfort of knowing there is glory in Eternity.

Do you have something you are hoping God will show up and do? Do you trust that He is good to grant that desire? Do you trust that He is also good in the “And, if not…”?


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73 thoughts on "and if not"

  1. Phe says:

    I have let go of a man that I’ve been with for more than twelve years and no talk of marriage won’t go church with me and now I’ve asked him for space n he’s alre moving on, but I still gotta trust God

  2. Leah says:

    I love this way of thinking!! That even if our life isn’t comfortable or desirable here on earth, it definitely will be in Heaven one day! Following our Lord is so worth all the struggles we may face and it may not be an easy way of living all the time but I would rather please Him than this world that’s for sure!!

  3. Alisha says:

    Loved this!! I’ve recently been meditating on this passage as it pertains to what is going on currently in my life. I feel so enriched this morning because the Lord put this little devotional in my path to remind me that I’m covered on all sides.

  4. Melissa Glinsey Golden says:

    God is the sovereign Almighty who sits on the throne. There is none to compare to Him nor take his authority. We see what happened when Lucifer attempted to overtake the throne. He was changed into a hideous monster. The third of the angels who joined in with his attempts were also changed into hideous monsters. Satan and those other fallen angels were cast out of God’s Kingdom. The old dragon and demons know their fate. We must keep our focus on God because even if He doesn’t take us out of the fiery trials, He will keep us and protect us. We won’t be consumed by the fire. He didn’t say we wouldn’t go through the fire. He just promised to keep us. I will trust in the Lord my God forever!!!

  5. Ana says:

    I am drawn to 1 Peter 5:9 as I make my way through these comments. At a pivotal stance in my walk with Christ, I have encountered my fork road. Do I choose to trust God knowing there is hurt and pain awaiting me or do I substitute God with my own ego in what will be a disastrous attempt in prolonging the inevitable. I found encouragement and strength through the words of others tonight so thank you to all of you. I am not alone in this and as scared as I am, just like tonight God will provide. Philippians 4:13.