on special assignment

Open Your Bible

Colossians 1:1-2, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Ephesians 2:8-10

Text: Colossians 1:1-2

Verse 1 of Colossians in The ESV reads, “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God”.

The Message reads, “I, Paul, have been sent on special assignment by Christ as part of God’s master plan.”

Yes, there is a whole lot more of Paul’s letter ahead of us. Yes, this seems like such a inconsequential afterthought of a verse, and to stop just one verse in seems silly.

But it’s not. I want you to write it down – I want you to say it out loud:

“I, ______, have been send on a special assignment by Christ as part of God’s master plan.”

Do you believe it, sister?

I mean truly… do you?

Because it’s true. Your special assignment is different than mine. It’s different from your sister’s calling, it’s different from your mentor’s, and your neighbor’s and the girl who sat in front of you in church last week. It is as unique as you are, this calling to point the world to Christ.

And no matter how old you are, and how many days God has written for you on this earth, sister, YOU are a part of the MASTER PLAN. He has willed it. It is written. (Psalm 139:16 says, “in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were not of them.”)

Can I share something personal with you? Really personal? The Lord has graciously given my husband and me seven precious babies. I have delivered and held and kissed three of them, and only two of them have toothbrushes in the upstairs bathroom, shoes in the hall closet, and dirty clothes in our laundry room.

And do you know, that even those fleeting little lives – those longed-for souls whose hearts beat for 212 days or less – they were on special assignment by Christ? That at the end of their lives, God said “Well Done. Mission Complete.” (and “PS, I’m still working on your Mama…”)

So what about us? What does this mean for us? Paul lived his calling with conviction and submission. He knew it in his head, and he knew it in his heart. He acted his calling and lived it with zeal!

Do you sometimes forget your high calling in His Kingdom? Do you ever wonder how your obedience could possibly be critical to the master plan? Do you ever question how God could use you, yes even you, as a vital cog in His plan and in the furtherance of His kingdom?

Turn off your screen and sit quietly with the Lord this morning. Submit yourself to Him. Report for duty. And trust Him to stir within you a confidence and surety that He will use you.

Because every day that your heart is beating is a day to live your calling as a daughter of the King! And we are so grateful that he chose you to serve along with us!

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234 thoughts on "on special assignment"

  1. Esmeralda says:

    I converted and gave my life to Christ 7 years ago. If anyone would have told me 10 years ago that I would be living the life I’m living now, I would have laughed. Prior to Christ being in my life I lived in my little boxed up “perfect world” without purpose and feelings of emptiness, a void that I tried to fill with things that only brought temporary relief. My walk with Christ has not been an easy one but His word never said it would be easy…but it is so worth it. I used to question why I couldn’t be one of those people who got instant healing and deliverance as soon as they gave their life to Christ but God’s ways are much higher than mine. I see that my journey is different and there were/are things in me that God wants to heal and remove so I can live the life He has called me to live. I’m 36 and on my second marriage in a blended family. I know that in my own strength and in my own flesh I can not make this work, I need God to help me. Spending time and seeking my Heavenly Father has taught me to see the gold in me. It’s showed me how loving and gracious my Father is to have taken me out of my darkness into His marvelous light. I now see how He can and will use what I’ve been through for His glory and in His kingdom.

  2. Sharelle Blackmon says:

    Being honest, I’m 31 and I don’t even know what my purpose/calling is. I’m confused everyday and it’s been this way for almost a year. I cry, I pray, I read devotionals and yet I’m still clouded with insecurities, sadness and worst of all an onset of depression if I’m not already depressed. I’m listen to sermons, I feel my convictions but I guess I lack understanding. I question daily, how to get to my purpose and I feel even more lost when I pose the question. Waiting on the lords response, or trying to figure out if he has already answered is the hard part for me.

  3. Lauren Wells says:

    My friend Jesus is real and he saves! Our earthly walk is to short to hold in unforgiveness, or bitterness! Let it go, God has forgiven you his mercy and grace is everlasting he’ll never remind you of who you used to be ,he’ll only encourage you to do better everyday! His love is what conquers all, his love is the lens I see the world through now and nothing can hold me back! I am a kingdom child and the daughter of the most high! I found my identity in Christ. Talk to God listen and be obedient and you too can believe you were born to shake the world through Jesus Christ! Thank you lord!

  4. Elizabeth H. says:

    I do not know what my special assignment is… I feel like any time I look for it, either I cannot hear what God is saying, or I don’t like what I am hearing. Like the author here, we too have 5 Heaven babies. We’ve become much closer as husband and wife during that trying time. But I was so very angry at the Lord and made myself distant in the beginning. Now, making a daily effort to be closer to the Lord, my life does flow better. I need to ask again what my assignment is; and I need to yield- be still- and listen for His answer.

  5. Tracy says:

    Serving as a ministry leader for 13 years I have some how lost my way and focus…looking to man for approval. Reading this today the Lord invited me to write down “I am apart of Gods Master plan.” several times like a school kid in trouble. It was His reminder to me and His desire to see me get this message DEEP in my soul, so that my eyes are on pleasing Him and not man.

  6. Melissa Glinsey Golden says:

    The Kingdom of God is at hand!!! Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled… Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all the things you have need of will be added unto you. Always pray without ceasing; and hold fast to your faith in God. In the beginning; throughout time; and even until the end of this world, it has always been all about God. Forevermore shall it be, as He will continue to reign as Supreme Omnipresent and Omnipotent upon His Holy throne forever and forevermore!!!

  7. Kaira Jordyn Angel Edwards says:

    Kaira Jordyn,
    I have been baptized in water at 13 years old and was so excited with my decision to walk up to the pastor (the one who Christened me and baptized me) and declare the desire. For the weeks prior to that declaration, I did not have the confidence yet. But I had to come to the realization that this was a matter of life and death. I wasn’t supposed to care what others around thought of me. Fast forward from then to now. I got lost on my journey and was just recently from October to this month, delivered from depression, anxiety, generational curses, insecurity, maturation and pornography. I have made the decision without any outside influences (something I struggled with for a long time) to consecrate myself, put down my crown, my life and pick up my cross to live freely and I pray that you will soon do the same
    In Jesus name, Amen.

  8. Liz V says:

    Liz V
    38yrs. Single
    I’ve been carrying the cross by dealing with my dad drug addiction for as fast as I’m alive. Now that I know Christ, I see nothing but his mercy for me and my family and also he has been helping to build strength, mercy for others and my faith it’s bigger than ever. I’m able to see my calling through my own struggles. I cannot explain why I’m feeling so strong and ready to be use to help others that are going through the same situation as I’m waking through right now. I cannot explain my joy from my tribulations. It’s priceless!
    May the glory be for my God and I pray that you…you find the same joy like I’ve as you’re going through something heavy.