Final Greetings

Open Your Bible

2 Thessalonians 3:16-18, Philippians 4:6-7, Colossians 3:12-17

As I write this, it is snowing outside. All my little boys are in snow pants, and I just saw them eating snow off the back bumper of my van—so, I know they are having lovely, strange snow time. My girls are sleeping; the baby is taking her first nap, and the teenager still hasn’t woken up yet. We don’t often get a blanket of snow in Tennessee, so the sleds tend to appear after a light dusting. I’ve been known to play English carols and light candles if I even smell snow in the night air. Snow looks like peace on earth. It hides all the mud and failing boxwood shrubs. It covers downed bicycles and the dog-trot paths in the woods. Snow frosts our little hilltop like a wedding cake, making everything look clean and quiet and peaceful.

Eventually, the snow melts, ducks and dogs track mud, the baby starts to cry, and I have promises to keep. It’s sumptuous and delightful to feel peace when the snow falls and everything looks peaceful. But boy howdy, circumstantial peace sure is hard to come by. Something is always clanging for your attention, while relationships and cars keep showing up broken. Our peace doesn’t come from a settled home in the snow or a steady income. (You might have to say that out loud.) Our only true peace comes from Christ. He is the Lord of peace, and gives to us generously.

And when Paul writes, “May the Lord of peace himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with all of you” (2Thessalonians 3:16), he doesn’t mean, “May your breakfasts be uninterrupted by annoying and unanswerable lizard-based questions, and may your evenings be free of emergencies, both toe and weather-based.” The interruptions and emergencies will not stop. Once the babies stop waking you up at night, the pets will do it—and eventually, the bladder will wake us all. Perfect peace based on circumstances is unachievable. Maybe you’ve enjoyed a perfect breakfast, or even a blissful six-day vacation with your very handsome husband, but that kind of peace doesn’t last. We need peace that transcends the uncontrollable ups and downs of life.

Honestly, this kind of peace takes away the pressure. “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6–7). Don’t worry. Pray, and Christ will guard your heart with peace! Snow or hail, filled or hungry, rich or poor—let the peace of Christ rule your heart (Colossians 3:15).

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49 thoughts on "Final Greetings"

  1. Tiffany Jones says:


  2. Taylor Burton says:

    this is such a good word. thank you.

  3. Susan Clifton says:

    From your post, I’m reminded of the word sacrifice, and thankful for your family. They are richly blessed. May the Lord be with you.

  4. Colleen Politanski says:

    Love col 3

  5. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord i rest in your peace!

  6. Susan Crosby says:

    I look for peace and calm in so many things the world tells me will give me peace and calm. These things distract me from what really gives me peace and calm….with Him I have a peace that passes all understanding…only Jesus…❤️

  7. Tracy says:

    This was what my heart needed today. I woke up so anxious over everything in general, largely things that are out of my control, some of which involve financial things. I kept feeling God’s spirit speak to me to go read my bible, go pray, go spend time with Him. But I kept finding more housework that needed to be done. Finally, I kept feeling pushed to sit down and be still. I pulled this day’s post and readings and it was exactly what I needed. And today’s devotional literally said to say out loud that peace doesn’t come from a steady income. Talk about a wake up call. God’s timing is impeccable. He is literally talking about sitting in God’s peace and to be anxious for nothing, but instead to pray. So today, I will pray. God please replace the anxiety and restlessness in my heart today with your peace, that passes human understanding. Remind me that with every worry should follow a prayer. Remind me to give you those worries and instead, take your peace. Thank you God for all your blessings and your timing and most of all, your love and grace for me.

  8. Bev says:

    It’s so personal! The Lord, *Himself* (v16) — in His Own Person — gives us peace.
    His presence is the sole means of the divine peace our souls desire.

  9. India Moss says:


  10. Brittany Turner says:

    I need peace that transcends…peace that forgives and loves above all else. Lord help me to be committed to prayer as I lean into you- the Prince of Peace. Amen.

  11. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I want to find peace in the Lord and in him only. It’s so easy to depend on circumstances to bring us peace, but when those circumstances change, we find our peace is nowhere to be found. I know being a mom has helped me to try and find my peace in Jesus, instead of my circumstances.

  12. KimberlyMcA says:

    As Jesus said to the disciples shortly before his crucifixion, in John 14:27: “I leave the gift of peace with you; not the peace the world gives…” His peace cannot be outdone, it is the peace that leaves us quieted, comforted, knowing whose we are, able to go on, and with the ability to face the trials of this world. His peace is what we all need.

  13. Allison Jones says:

    @ Traci I am sitting waiting for my second shot. I have had anxiety about it all week. I have been praying all morning. Praying for you.

  14. Traci Gendron says:

    Agree Dianne! Wouldn’t that be great!

  15. Traci Gendron says:

    Praying for your friend Maura.

  16. Jenna says:

    I had two different thoughts as I read today’s passages.

    The passage in Colossians reminded me that it’s God’s grace that saves us and is at work in us. Before Paul ever tells the Colossians how to live, he reminds them of what God has already done. God has made them holy in Christ. They are dearly loved in Christ. Out of that identity, God is going to bear fruit in their lives, the fruits of compassion, kindness, humility, etc.

    The other two passages remind me that God gives us His promises and that they are fulfilled in Him. Who is like our God? He truly is accessible to anyone. He makes Himself available to everyone. God comes to us (The Lord be with all of you.-2 Thessalonians 3:16) and He invites us to come to Him (Present your requests to God.-Philippians 4:6). No wonder we don’t have to be anxious. God gives us the gift of His presence. If the Lord of peace is with us, won’t we have peace always and in every way?

  17. Makenzie Benish says:

    Thankful for this reminder. My peace doesn’t come from a relationship, where I live, or a steady income. It comes from Christ. I needed this reminder as I am on the rocks in a relationship, about to move to a new state, and be in CRNA school with no income for the next three years.

  18. Traci Gendron says:

    Such a beautiful devotion! I have always said that snow lends a peaceful quiet hush to the world. I always wonder why so many don’t like it. This devotion came at perfect timing as I’m heading out the door to get my 2nd vaccine. I have to admit I’ve been nervous all week about it. Praying for the peace I can only receive from Christ. Have a joyous weekend ladies!

  19. Mercy says:

    Beautifully written devotion! Thank you Rebecca. The Lord will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed (fixated) on you, because he trusts in you (Isaiah 26:3). Fixate your mind in the Lord, not on your surroundings, or things of the world. Sometimes I feel like I live in two parallel worlds, the physical one where things can go wrong, and at the same time rooted in the spirit realm where the promises of God are played out silently in the background like a movie. I am not sure if anyone else might share this same sentiment. Being physically present on earth but heavenly minded is the way to draw peace from the Lord. “Those who stay close to Him and abide with Him are able to live in this reality” (He reads truth).

    Thank you Heidi for the distinction you draw out between peace and calm. I love it. Jesus did fall asleep in the middle of the storm. That’s the image of peace coming to my mind.

    Praying for you dear sisters.

    May the peace of God come and flood over you this day and every day, snow or hail, filled or hungry, rich or poor.

  20. Churchmouse says:

    I’m a homebody. I like the familiar. I was born and raised and still reside in my hometown and I’m good with that. Our son-in-law is active duty military so he, our daughter and now their first child, sweet Hannah, will be on the move again soon. While moving every couple years would stress me out, they take it all in stride. Their faith is strong. Their trust in the Lord’s will for their next placement is unflappable. What is so remarkable is that our daughter was very much a homebody too. I admire the peace and calm they have, grounded in the Lord. Today I’m praying for all military families whose homes are often temporary, ever changing, many times challenging and way beyond our nation’s borders. May they trust their security to the Lord. May they experience His peace in the midst of their wherever for however long. Amen.

  21. Natasha says:

    This was such a great reminder today. Peace comes from God and God alone. Anxiety has been gripping me since the beginning of 2021. As I watch my teenagers make choices that I have concerns about, we keep the dialogue open with them. But my mom heart weighs with a burden that has left a pit in my stomach off and on these past 4 months. I pray for strength for all mamas of teenagers today. It’s a hard job! Please pray for me as I parent these children and my greatest desire is to see them follow Jesus!

  22. Dorothy says:

    Lord give me the peace in my life to know that You are in control and that I have nothing, no nothing to worry about. Also give me the peace to know I’m forgiven by You and Christ died for my sins. Amen

  23. Ashli V. says:

    “Our peace doesn’t come from a settled home in the snow or a steady income. Our only true peace comes from Christ.”

    I had to write this down, as it’s so perfectly timed for our family’s situation at the moment. Thank you for sharing your heart, Rebecca. Praying for all of you this morning, dear sisters in Christ.

  24. Sarah Eral says:

    My husband and I just got a puppy this week, and I thought my anxious self could handle it. Wrong! I’ve cried and panicked more in the last week than the last 3 months put together.
    I love Heidi’s comment about peace and calm…I crave “calm,” but perhaps what I’m really craving is perfect peace—peace that only Christ brings.
    Lord, a puppy seems so small on the list of the world’s anxieties. But you know me, and you know my heart. Regardless of how calm I feel today, please fill me with your peace beyond understanding. You alone can accomplish this! Thank you.

  25. Maura says:

    KJ, Paula, any here who are feeling anxiety, be intentional in asking the Holy Spirit God our Helper to pray for you, welcome Him in, this has really helped me lately with the storm I have been in to let go and trust. Our God is so good. Will be praying His peace over you. He is able to do so much more than we ask.

  26. Erin _ says:

    Thank you for this reminder Heidi! Peace in the midst of the storm, not in the midst of the calm. Thank you Jesus for being my ever present source of peace.

  27. Maura says:

    Beautiful words! Thank you Rebecca! This world tries to steel our peace, But God gives peace despite our circumstances that surpasses understanding. It is miraculous, mighty and just as Jesus slept in the storm we can rest knowing He is holding us, fighting for us and with us. Praise God. Sisters will you please pray for Jesus healing for my dear friend Bev, she is losing her sight. She loves the Lord and I am praying it is His will to heal her eyes, to restore them to better than they have ever been. Please help me pray for His healing and if it is not His will much strength for her beautiful heart. Thank you I know He heals us I was convicted to ask you to join me in prayer. He is so good. Praying for your requests this morning. Love to you sweet sisters. His peace is with us when we trust His word and Jesus. Shouts of praise to our King of Kings our glorious Lord Almighty!!

  28. KJ Johnson says:

    These are verses I cling to often! I struggle with anxiety and fear and I have to remind myself where peace comes from! Such power in these verses and such beautiful pictures in the reading today! Now to remember this throughout my day!

  29. Paula Strong says:

    Oh how I need to feel this peace. It’s been a rough week. I am not feeling peace at all so praying for Jesus to surround my family with peace.

  30. Mari V says:

    When I start to worry about this or that or when the unexpected (or unwanted), comes my way, things that I cannot control, I remind myself God already knows the outcome and that He is in control and whatever the outcome I know that my God will see me through it. He always has. He always will. He promised never to leave me or forsake me. And I believe Him.

  31. Jenn says:

    @Sherry, will definitely be praying for you and your family

    This past year I have spent completely surrendering my life to God. I have been close to Him and read my devotion and Bible and spent time in prayer with Him for a long time now, but this past year….truly have been immersing myself in learning how to live like Jesus. I have had some doozies this past year, but each time something arises, I still feel completely at peace. The other night I had a dear friend tell me that he thinks my pastor is a cult leader and they have brainwashed me and taken away my personality. He said he doesn’t even feel as though he can talk to me without fear of hearing that he is living his life wrong (which I have never ever done for the record. That’s a little thing I like to call conviction ;) I prayed about it and asked God what I should do in this situation and the entire time I have felt his peace surrounding me. After all, the Bible says “If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.” And to that I say Amen. I know those who aren’t truly walking with the Lord don’t understand it, so I will continue to find peace in Him and Him alone.

  32. ChappyBeach Girl says:

    Heidi, this is so good, thank you (from another Heidi!)

  33. Jenna Schmoekel says:

    Sherry, praying for your daughters healing and for you as you step in to help! Grandmas are so special and so important. I had four kids in seven years too and my mom’s help brought so much comfort and peace to my life during those early years and still today. ❤️

  34. DianeM says:

    Oh what a blessing it would be to sit and have coffee with all of you some morning. Enjoy a blessed weekend, and “May the Lord of Peace Himself Give You Peace Always In Every Way.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16

  35. Taylor says:

    Commenting from yesterday as I got a day behind on the devotions, but today is my first day in my job where I will see 5-6 patients in one day. This is also my 12th straight day of work as I reffed a field hockey tournament over the weekend. I am weary, but confident that the Holy Spirit will energize me and sustain me through this day and allow me to love on my patients well and give them my full self so I may hopefully reflect God’s love to them. Have a great weekend sisters! I need a restful one for sure lol!

  36. Munchkin says:

    I am going back to my career after a two year break, and I am nervous. But I am reminded myself of the peace that God provides. For my worth is not in my vocation or anything the world offers. My worth is in being a daughter of the Most High. May we all remember that.

  37. Sarah says:

    This is a lovely piece of writing,Rebecca! I love the image you painted of the snow covering up all the ugliness. If that isn’t a picture of Christ’s love, I don’t know what is!

  38. Rachel Mendoza says:

    This reading was a blessing today. As I forge my way through an “unprecedented ” school year. I must stop and find thankfulness for what God had given and he will in turn grant me the peace of heart and mind that I so desperately crave.

  39. Julie Hurst says:

    Dear friends, let this one sink in and buoy you with inner joy to finish the race of the week….

  40. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    Rebecca’s devotional brought me to tears. I am reminded I need to find true peace in Christ, NOT in my circumstances. That is where true joy lives…that is where I can find peace that surpasses all understanding because it is not of this world but comes from Christ!

  41. Jeannie Wilson says:

    Peace in Christ takes away the pressure. DON’T WORRY. PRAY, and God will guard your heart with peace. What wonderful reminders that peace with God is the only peace that will never fail us!

  42. Heidi says:

    I used to (and still do at times..) confuse “peace” with “calm”. I think as humans we are wired (even taught??) that these two words are synonymous with one another, but it just isn’t so. To a degree, I CAN control “calm” through circumstances. I can prepare and plan and be proactive in various areas of my life to help prevent unwanted circumstances, and this keep things calm. But without the presence and trust in my Savior, there will be no PEACE within that calm. So many wise speakers and authors have made this point, so I don’t know who to attribute it to anymore, but the action of asking myself “Is this true for the poor, single mom living in a dirt-hut in a tiny village in Uganda?” is a sobering reminder. If i have to schedule an expensive spa day, or hire childcare or fly to Fiji in order to attain “peace”, then I’m doing it wrong. Christ says we can have peace in the middle of the storm. Surrounded by the loud, the unknown, the completely uncontrollable and ever-changing environment. There are so many peace-threatening circumstances happening in our world right now. I’m so grateful His word is true. His advice is trustworthy. His peace is attainable regardless of my surroundings.
    I believe the key to producing these fruits is peace. If I have genuine peace it frees me to be vulnerable enough to exhibit these characteristics and better represent the Savior who is the source of them in the first place. Worry is such a destroyer of life. Praying for all of us and our families to experience His boundless peace in our lives today.

  43. Elaine Morgan says:

    There have been times in my life when the peace of God was the only thing keeping me in this world. When darkness closes in and there seems no way you can take any more grief or sorrow, God’s peace can get you through it to the other side, out of the darkness and into the light. Love you sisters

  44. Sherry says:

    Oh how I needed this devotion today. My daughter and husband just had their 4th child. Yesterday my daughter was put on bed rest because of high blood pressure issues. So this grandma is helping to care for 4 children under 7. I ask for your prayers for my daughter that this issue resolves itself without the need of hospitalization or medication. I also ask for your prayers that God’s peace surrounds me and this little family that I love so much.

  45. Debbie S says:

    So true, Rebecca! We ALWAYS will have interruptions! Let’s find our peace in Jesus! ❤️

  46. Allison Bentley says:

    “Our peace doesn’t come from settled homes or steady incomes- our peace comes from Christ alone- the Lord of peace”!!! What a wonderful thought to meditate on! In my darkest days I wasn’t comforted by my bank account- my house didn’t assure me – Jesus did!!! Praising God this morning – praying for you sisters that you stop amidst the hustle and bustle of a Friday to enjoy Gods peace and to give God the glory for His peace that reigns over you!!!

  47. Angie says:

    Last night in my young ladies Bible study, some shared, fears really, of being safe in this world. We talked about the importance of not being out alone, and several “if this…then, do or do not do that” scenarios we had heard about. We kept coming back to the truth, “we have to trust God, while being wise and not placing ourselves in dangerous circumstances”. Peace. True and complete peace is only possible in the Savior. It starts with Him, is presently in Him, and continues-eternally through Him. Thanks Lord!

  48. Debra Greene says:


  49. Bridgette says:

    Peace in the storm. Wow!! How beautiful.