“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…” begins the unofficial United States Postal Service motto, a sentiment that I believe also applies to the spiritual discipline of fellowship. My husband and I have led a weekly small group in our home for over four years. We can say without a doubt that the forces that try to keep us from living on mission together stand no chance against us when we serve, share life with, and bear burdens with others believers. And as Coloradans, we have literally not allowed snowy conditions to keep us from meeting together.
In our years of leading, we have witnessed how God produces good fruit in people who choose to invest in godly community. It can be so easy to want a community that looks, feels, and talks exactly the same way we do. Which is why fellowship is a discipline—we learn to respect and care for people who won’t be exactly like us. We have to practice habits of serving people when it’s hard and bearing with people when they may not be in the same place spiritually as we are.
God has “arranged each one of the parts in the body just as he wanted” (1Corinthians 12:18). As we move toward Jesus together, we grow in concern for the person sitting next to us. Our small group is made up of varying stages and experiences of life: married couples, older single women and younger single men, pilots, new mothers, and drummers in rock bands. And just when I think someone doesn’t have anything to teach me about God, a testimony from the quietest member convicts me and strengthens my faith.
The discipline for fellowship then is not about finding the “right group of people.” It is about committing to a group of people who are “devoted to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). It is about creating an environment of men and women who watch out for one another “to provoke love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24). We must fight our temptation to avoid or neglect our spiritual communities, and instead become men and women who shape our spiritual communities with God’s love.
We, as the Body of Christ, need every person to do their part (1Corinthians 12:12). We can use our gifts to encourage our communities to engage with each other, or offer to be an accountability partner to others. Though it may be overlooked, an invitation to a meal can be an act of communing with God and one another. Being willing to pray for one another, reading Scripture when we gather, and working through our local church’s teachings are valuable rhythms for fellowship.
No matter what your past experiences with community may be, or your feelings of indifference toward meeting regularly with believers now, I encourage you to not allow snow or rain or anything at all to keep you from engaging in godly fellowship.

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264 thoughts on "Fellowship"
I love this. It’s such a sweet reminder of the blessing that my church family is!
So beautiful how scripture will always have the message you need to hear the most , thank you ❤️
Fellowship is such a beautiful thing. Especially Godly fellowship. It refuels the spirit and makes it even hungrier for understanding God and his word
As a young single mom of 2 my goal is to find a good group to surround not only myself with but also my children. I have a hard time with that because I’m “too good” for some and “too bad” for others. In this generation it’s hard to find that good community being a young single mom when church people view you as being less deserving than others.
I’d love to find more friends to talk openly about the love I have for Jesus and help spread his good words. Even if it’s online
God gives me everything I need.
I love this! After several years of praying for, and working towards building a community of friends who love Jesus for our family, we have hit a place where we are trying to deepen relationships through small group, discipleship, etc… it’s been so amazing to see the answered prayer at work.
I’ll be praying for the Lords leading and wisdom❤️
My husband and I are in completely new stages of life as grandparents and missionaries… and it is hard to find a new rhythm of our life with all our family begins so far away; but this is such an encouragement to me that we walk this journey (no matter who or where we are) never alone (because we have Jesus) and we should always seek out others to do this adventure of life with!
of one body, this includes you girl! ♥️
Beautiful, and so true! Sandy, we are all an important part of one body – this includes you! ♥️
Beautiful, and so true! Sandy, we are all an important part
These readings unsettled me- my fiancé is not a believer but I also believe God has put him into my life
The world feels so divided lately. This was exactly what I needed
My church – true hope Spokane love streams every Sunday morning on Facebook and YouTube!
such a good one!
I needed to read this
How do you join a church online? I work every Sunday and Wednesday, but I am looking for a community
Love this
This convicted me, I need to commit to a community outside of attending church on Sunday’s.
Wow so good! I needed this today. We are all needed in the Body of Christ.
Thank you!
I love how she said fellowship wasn’t about finding the “right” group but committing to a group of people who are committed. That is such an opposite to what we do today. We look for the “perfect” place instead of a place we can see people walking and being encouragement to one another
Woah! Well now I feel God really tugging on me to start a small group in our church. I feel like he has allowed me and my husband to redo our patio and our home to be able to host a small group. Loved this gentle reminder of how important fellowship really is♥️
I love that!
There are important moments of fellowship that I often miss and then reflect on later and think I wish I would have done or said that. This day convicted me to commit to those moments.
I’m so grateful for our group and for all of the groups and studies I’ve attended. Having a community that I can be held accountable and be encouraged by to strengthen my faith is something beautiful , & I never want to ever take it for granted. We are better together!! Encouragement is so important!! Iron sharpens iron ❤️❤️
Would love to join a small group! Does anyone have any info of how to join one online?
I live in Eastern Ky. Its always been difficult to find a church to fit in. People who have been attending for years, have their groups/clicks. Theyre already big buddies with the Pastor and wife and kids. They try to be nice and welcoming but actually arent. You later hear about how they all got together on a weekend or whatever. I pray someday I find a church that I feel like I belong. Im 58 and still pray for that
Hi Sandy, Having moved 17 times in my adult life I noticed the same thing. I learned it was up to me to be a part of the group so I just started showing up and joining in any way I could. After a while I am accepted. So hang in there. Usually people do not realize they are stuck in a rut. And now knowing what it’s like being the new person, I am very aware of anyone new and I extend a warm welcome or invitation to join in. Every church needs that person.
Hey Debbie!! I would also love to challenge you to be the change in your local church body! Patterns like that don’t change until someone is brave enough to be seen as different for a little while! There are probably so many like you that could benefit from someone paving a path for them to be able to enjoy the local church without having a lineage there! You can do it! God is on your side and you were fearfully made!!
Hey Debbie!! I would also love to encourage you to be the change in your local church body! Patterns like that don’t change until someone is brave enough to be seen as different for a little while! There are probably so many like you that could benefit from someone paving a path for them to be able to enjoy the local church without having a lineage there! You can do it! God is on your side and you were fearfully made!!
Hey Debbie I want to encourage you to pray about joining a church online. Church is bigger than just being in a building.
There are many churches were you can become a virtual member and have virtual fellowship
I completely agree with this study and the idea of it is so beautiful. But I have not experienced this is in my adult life and it is a huge source of discouragement for me. At least in my area of New England to truly be part of a church you need to be established like 2 generations in the community/church. I pray about this so often.
So cool to read, right after a woman in my life encouraged me to find a consistent church to attend and become a member of.
So true
Totally agree – community is great but a Christian community or small group feeds the soul. I like the part about how different people bring something to the table, no matter the stage of life they are in!
If it weren’t for my small group meeting throughout the pandemic, we would not have made it through ! You simply cannot get spiritually fed from an online service alone. This is crucial. I especially think small groups are a great place for accountability and confessing sins to one another to get help and encouragement
Definitely a desire to fellowship and make it happen. My husband and I have a gift for getting plans together with friends, family, and church members. My husband made a statement saying he wished people would invite us or get plans together so we didn’t always have to but I was reminded that that just may not be their part and is our part and gift God has given us. So to not grow weary being the plan makers and initiators
The part that stuck out to me the most was: “it’s easy to want a community that looks, feels and talks exactly like you do. But that is why fellowship is a discipline- we learn to respect and care for people that won’t be exactly like us.” I think I’ve been looking for this ideal community and Im realizing the people right in front of me are the people I should be fellowshipping with. Each person brings something unique and needed to the table.
♥️ I can’t wait to see where He leads you in this!
Acts 2:42-47 sang to my heart! In the past I didn’t see the need for community with women who shared my faith “I have friends who needs more?” was my thought. I am so grateful that God moves in big ways + created a community that I feel so humbled to be part of! ♥️
I total land understand where you are coming from. I’ve moved to a fairly rural area and have no church and sadly
No fellowship with anyone my own age let alone within 30 years of me.
Since moving 3.5 years ago from a larger town and church we loved dearly and then having our son, we have gotten out of the rhythm of attending church. I’m feeling the push to find a church and get involved again. I love how it said that the body is made of many parts and the people don’t have to be “our people”. God designed the parts to be different ~ each with a purpose. I’ve so enjoyed the group of ladies I get to gather with online as we learn gods truth, but I think it’s time to gather with some people in person. ❤️
I agree Mari. I have really liked not having to socialize as much. Beginning in January I committed to attending a small group online through Zoom. Even just the two hours online has helped tremendously.
This convicted me because through this pandemic I have liked not having to socialize as much. But I’ve learned that the enemy works best when you’re alone. With nobody to lift you up or speak life into you. Fellowship is so vital!
That hit me too! Definitely made me rethink how I approach fellowship
Hi from Phoenix AZ. My daughter introduced me to your website and I have enjoyed reading your discussion! Is there anyone here from Phoenix?
I fellowship weekly through an Alpha Course. Most fulfilling experience ever. This is my fourth course, I’m a group host and I can’t ever imagine not doing this.
I am encouraged and blessed to be a part of God’s family
Raquel, please leave politics out of this study. We are a group of Christian women who come together to learn more about our wonderful creator. I have been here since the early days, as have many others. This is our safe place away from this crazy political climate. Political discussions are for a different platform. Thank you for understanding.
I’m encouraged to look at a small group, who I felt was not following what they were preaching.
This is good. I just signed up for a small group this week and felt like I already might want to bounce because I anticipate it won’t be a group of people who can empathize with my life right now. I’m encouraged to stick it out and see how it goes.
Amen! Fellowship times with our small group has continued and been even more precious during this pandemic….. I believe it will be even sweeter when we can resume in person gatherings in our homes.
It’s not about finding “the right group of people,” it’s about committing to a group of people… so good to hear this!
This one was perfect timing. Definitely resonated with me.
This one really struck me today. I have been searching hoping to find a church or group within our church with younger moms because I wanted to be around people just like me. I just realized that isn’t what I need at all ❤️
Amen! Great word today!
Fellowship is so powerful and feel is not always talked about, especially today and the world we are currently in. Great Word today!
This was perfect timing this morning.
I can relate as a fellow 23 year old. I would LOVE to connect and be in community with each other even if it is just via tech…my Instagram is @mlowitzer
I just prayed for you. Your message resonated with me. I have now been married to my husband for 16 years, and a book that changed my life was “The Power of a Praying Wife”. Keep praying for him and also for you! Pray you will have the patients and unconditional love that can only come from the Holy Spirit. My husband has grown so much in the right direction thanks to His mercy ❤️
Praying for you Hollyann. May God lead you to a community that builds you up and shows you God’s love. May God stir your husband’s heart towards his.
I’m absolutely praying for you.
This hit me hard. I’m only 23 and most of the experiences I’ve had with “community” at my churches in the past have been negative ones. And further more, since before the pandemic even hit, I’ve been very indifferent when it comes to meeting regularly with other Christ followers. The negative experiences have left a bad taste in my mouth and I’ve used that as an excuse to get comfortable with not going to church. I know God is giving me this message at just the right time. I’m recently married and while I’m coming back into my faith, my husband is still very lukewarm and indifferent in his. Should anyone see this, please pray for my husband and I. For his faith, for us to come together, for us to actually search for and join a new community in our new city.
So timely & encouraging as I’ve been challenged to continue to make a difference for Christ in my neighborhood & city, leading small groups – neighborhood & church – that do the same. Extending a hand while walking alongside refugees & new Americans, the elderly, the orphaned, the poor. The opportunity to do so in Christ is an honor. Walking alongside my church family as we deepen our understanding of repentance as a PROCESS and grow in courage, love & grace as we apply the process to our individual lives plus the body/our church family. To God be the glory!
God is there for us
How timely! Just last night my husband and I decided to work on our Christian fellowship together, since we won’t be rejoing any groups until the pandemic subsides. It’s been rough to be away from the women I used to meet with, but this is the time for hubby and I to do some work we’ve long neglected.
Sending you love and light, Grace. And no worries, I’m behind too—but I remind myself it’s not a race! And in terms of attending church, I think it’s about just finding the right one. But, trust me, I know how hard it feels to start something new. While I love my community church, it’s a much older congregation. I stumbled upon a Facebook bible study, and it’s those ladies who really help me to dive deeper. I would try to find some virtual options—they may be helpful in confronting this obstacle!
I miss having fellowship with my church family. It gave me such energy and drive to show up every week.
I have felt the same way in the past 10 years. I was convicted one day though, when I went to church sitting at the back thinking ‘if this is the church, I want nothing to do with it’ then the Spirit prompted me ‘Jesus is the Church.’ Follow him, not these people. Dwell with him. Abide with him.
I don’t know if this is exactly where you’re at but be encouraged. Find somewhere to fellowship.
This study challenged me to consider am I just trying to find ‘the right group of people’ or am I looking to fellowship with others who are committed to the teachings of Christ.
Wonderful reminder as my husband and I lead a small group during this crazy time. We have seen several slip away during this pandemic and new faces emerge. Thankful that we all have a lesson to learn and a story to share.
Super introverted. Have joined several small groups but haven’t felt “it” yet. This discipline has definitely confirmed that it’s me and that I need to allow the Lord to guide me and not my feelings. I’m encouraged to be open for the next opportunity to join a group.
I’m behind on the study. I honestly have a really hard time with fellowship. Especially, going to church. I had a prolonged bad experience with church and am eaten up by anxiety every time I go. Even if it’s a new church or different environment. I really need to confront this, it’s holding me back from God.
2 Corinthians 6:14- do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. —What about being unequally yoked with believers? I have multiple people who say they are saved and know the Lord and yet nothing reflects a Christ Like spirit. I try to encourage and remind of biblical teachings but feel like I get nowhere most of the time. How do we handle this?
‘We become people of love by loving. We become like Jesus in relationship with others.’ I love this truth! So simple yet so hard at times to live out. To surround ourselves with not just the love and support of community, but the challenges and accountability that interacting with those not like ourselves present. We need relationship with others.
I pray to God for daily courage to use my gift of empathy to truly touch and help others. It HURTS my heart a lot when doing so, so that’s where the courage comes in, and also for God to heal my heart. Empathy isn’t an easy gift to have, but I’m grateful to God for giving it to me
This is so good. I have been a part of a small group for a few months now and I haven’t really felt as though I belonged there all the time. They were a small group together for a while before my husband and zi joined so we have naturally felt like the outsiders since the beginning. But today’s reading and devotional tell me that we are all valued and can contribute to the owship and community of the group. My feelings of being an outsider are really just something I created in my head. I am looking forward to our next small group meeting.
Miss my home gatherings so much!
I miss meeting with my small group in person! I have been trying really hard to be intentional with meeting on zoom even though it is different and would be easy to miss. This came at the right time and God was speaking to me!
I miss going to an actual church. I miss fellowshipping in person. I have found a small group of women to worship with weekly. It has been a great experience and I have grown so much. I often get frustrated when my work schedule hinders me from meeting, but some how, I make it work! I feel it’s so important to have that circle of friends to grow with.
Love …”it’s not about finding the right people, but commiting to a group of people committed to God’s teaching”
Had to come back to this one today, every part of my mind and heart wants to back out of community and withdraw. Being an introvert and enneagram five, I’ve learned to close myself off to many and if I let you in, well that’s extremely rare. To hear someone that Ive let in and value say they have two people, and not hear my name, was gut wrenching. But we are created for community. Praying I find a fit in this world.
I recently moved to a small community that as a result has the small traditional churches. I grew up in a very traditional Lutheran church but never really connected with God until moving away. Before moving to this new community I attended a wonderful large church and was surrounded by church community. I’m an introvert and there was always comfort in a large church(I don’t stick out). I have been extremely hesitant to go attend any of the small churches here as 1. I worry I won’t glean much (similar to the church growing up) 2. I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb 3. I’ll be going alone
But… I’m missing that communion with others so much. Online church services are a blessing but I need that relationship with others. Time to let go of my insecurities and doubts and go see if I can find fellowship with others.
So encouraged, this year I will be in a small group. Found it hard to do by myself.
Trying to join a new community of believers since graduation and while I’m home before moving to a new city – it’s been hard to find to say the least but it’s been a growing season at that! Community is much needed and this is some encouragement that I needed to read.
As a fellow introvert, I couldn’t agree more!
Even us introverts were created for community, we need it and were not meant to do this life alone! Praying you can find an accepting group in your local church that will welcome you with open arms!
This spoke to me! My family and I just moved to another state. We went from a state that we were surrounded by church family and a state where covid restrictions were not as strict. Now we are in the most strictest state and have only been able to attend church in a drive thru style with minimal interaction. This reminded me to reach out and get involved more, to be a part of the body.
That’s awesome!!
Isabella, I will be praying with you as you seek to connect with other believers. May God encourage your heart!
STRONGLY Convicted by this. For years now I have been isolating myself from fellowship. I am not a member of any local church, though I go to a few. Ever since I came back to Christ when I was 22 (I’ll be 27 in a month from today), I felt people from the church would judge me and that I didn’t belong with them for my past. Also, from this weeks podcast, I am just like Rachel. I am an introvert who thrives on being alone. The fruit of the Spirit is all over my relationship with my self – but clearly not with others.
But since it is now the time that Our Savior is coming (very soon, friends! Maranatha! ) , my heart has been aching for communion with godly people. Seeing fellowship as a spiritual discipline and understanding that as doing what Jesus did (ouch!) , I want to be found in Him so I need to say goodbye to my past ache and insecurities.
Pray with me, friends!
I chuckled at “neither snow” as my small group has had many meetings outside in the snow, with blankets, hot tea and portable heaters! We moved onto Zoom as numbers spiked in MN last month, but as they are coming back down I’m sure we’ll be back out in the snow again.
After moving to a new city during Covid we were pretty isolated. But after a few months we have joined a church and just this week became a part of a small group. We meet through Zoom, which is not ideal, but am so thankful to be in fellowship with a group of believers!
Praying God will place me where I need to be
Missing my small group so much! But I am grateful for the individuals at work who I can turn to for prayer and advice.
Several years ago, in a lonely season, we decided to start a “First Friday (of the month),” which was an open invitation on Facebook to anyone we knew who just wanted to come eat, chat, play games, etc. We provide the main portion of the meal, and others help to fill out the meal. We’ve had small gatherings, and we’ve had gatherings where we’ve realized that our home only holds so many people… Over the years, we have had many sweet times of fellowship, and it has grown to include deeper prayers, themes, little intentional discussions… This season with Covid has made us hesitate, but this reminds me of how truly important and life-giving it is.
I need help finding people to gather with I just seem to do this on my own
Will be praying for you to find that group! Glad you are here!
I am a widow living alone and I am doing this as a reintroduction for myself to my Christian life. I was raised a Catholic but haven’t been to church in a while. I have been weak in my faith but I haven’t lost it completely. My problem with any type of digital gathering is that I am hearing impaired, so I am praying and waiting
to allow me to find a small group to join. Bless all of you and
I often tell myself that I am alone especially when I see other ladies having fun with their friends. But God used this lesson to remind me of the ladies and small groups in my life. I am truly blessed beyond measure. Thank you God
I’m so thankful for my small group. I learn so much from the others and we have created a small community that we can reach out to for so many things.
I agree with all of this! I loved this lesson on fellowship and have been challenged by it!
Our presence in community makes us better.
Perhaps look for a zoom Bible study? There is a girl on Facebook that does She Reads Truth Bible studies every week through zoom that go along with these plans!
I felt this way for many years. That feeling of being behind. That your friends are passing you by. However, every single thing I have had to wait on….in hindsight I was grateful for the wait. Praying for you!
Oh Wow. I don’t know what Army base you live but I know someone else who is home while husband overseas and lives on an Army base- who can’t right now but loves the idea of zoom Bible study. Do it with strength from the Holy Spirit. Praying for you!
COVID is so easy to use as an excuse because it does take work to be mindful of how you’re Fellowship where you are fellowship and how you conduct your fellowship time with care! I work at l I using all this as an excuse.
May God provide me with insight to persevere through
I miss the old days of Sunday School. Very few churches have that anymore. I know small groups work and they are important, but with kids and activities – it’s harder for us to find a time we can commit to consistently. I love fellowship and need more in my life – especially during the pandemic. We have gotten so far out of routine with going to church in person. I think we have to search out and find fellowship wherever we can – this study is a great reminder.
I would love to do something like this as well.
For everyone who’s wishing for Bible study and fellowship y’all should check out D-group! Google “Bible recap” and you’ll find a great one year chronological plan for reading the Bible along with a short podcast for everyday’s reading from the creator Tara Leigh Cobble! If you dig a little deeper on their website you’ll find d groups. They’re structured curriculum based Bible study groups that meet all around the country! We meet in person in the backyard of my group leaders home with some distance between us, but I believe there are virtual groups, as well! There’s a search option to see if there’s one in your area! I recently found one in my area in December and I was able to join up for this session that started this past Tuesday! I’m SO excited I found this and will have a weekly meeting with other Christian women who also want to deepen their knowledge and love for the Lord! Check it out!!! They operate in 6 week sessions and this one already started but you can join in on the next one!!
I really miss the small group study’s. They are either zoom or not at all
Even one person to fellowship with is great in a zoom meeting. You will greatly look forward to each other’s presence knowing you made time for each other and you did so because of your love for God and truth. You can do it!
Fellowship looks so different these days (with the pandemic going on)…I’m grateful we have this community online when it’s hard to get together in person.
I love this. I don’t have many (really any!) Christian friends, and I work Sundays so I attend my Church via podcast on my commute. Fellowship is an area that is really lacking in my life!
Lord i praise you!
Awesome word
We’ve felt this so deeply in the past 3 years. We are missionaries in Eastern Europe and long for community & fellowship. It has become even more apparent since we brought home our twins. Lord, bring people who we can do life with in this season to grow and nurture our faith!
Raquel, I’m so sorry for your difficult experiences at church. One option is the Daily Audio Bible- I found this about 10 years ago, and it has been a blessing to me. I struggle with church for a couple of reasons, but the DAB has been a consistent presence in my life. It is a wonderful online community and many people there have been hurt by church. The leader, Brian Hardin, reads through the Bible every year with a short commentary on the daily reading.
I needed to hear this today. I’m at a place in my life where I realized that I’ve hit a plateau in my walk with Jesus. I’m just pushing the reset button on what following Jesus looks like. Everything in my life has been out of convenience and I never really felt the need to reach out to others or find godly community. It was just too much hard work to find people to meet with. But after reading this, i know this is something that I should strive to seek for accountability and encouragement in my life.
I’d love to experience that fellowship again.
It’s awesome you are here! I am in a similar spot. I feel like no matter what, we are all in the same spot, always more to learn and more growth opportunities.
I’m excited to keep growing, and I’m excited you are too.
Fellowship can sometimes be a spotlight feeling but it slowly becomes so different from anything else.
This one hit very close to home for me. Being somewhat of a toddler in my faith, I sometimes find it difficult to not feel very simple when it comes to fellowship. I don’t have all the beautiful and lengthy prayers to pray with or for people; I’m still trying to get through the Bible fully for the first time; and I certainly want to not be concerned with what people think of my inexperience but it is sometimes easier said than done. God is really convicting my heart here so I see this as a discipline I need to work on more.❤️
It would be really nice to have a group and get on zoom or something like that once a week and have a group to talk to and study what we read that week and learn from each other. not sure how to get this together though.
I would love to do something like this!
@raquel jaramillo
Wow I’m so sorry that happened to you that’s terrible! I’m so happy you’ve stuck with God throughout all of that. No one should be condemned for their skin color, and no one who’s truly a Christian should be doing that. I’m so happy you’re here with this community and can’t wait to grow with you! Love your sister in Christ ❤️
What a timely reminder during these strange and crazy times. It can be easy to let the ease of online viewing set in and consider a couch as a satellite campus. The body of Christ is meant to be together to lift one another up in the difficult times and to remind us of Christ’s love. I am thankful for my church family and saddened for those who have not found a safe community of believers to call family. Churches can cause hurt no doubt, they are full of broken and sinful people, but I pray the bad experience with one would not keep you from finding a community of believers you can call family.
I miss fellowship so much during this covid period.
I struggle with fellowship. I feel God in my quiet time, but with fellowship I’m consumed with impressing people. It’s the 3 in me. When I’m with people, my thoughts are who I need to be for them. I live in a small town with little community, and my church population is much older than I. I have a wonderful work family, but I’m the boss so true fellowship can only happen so much. Hopefully God can help me break down my own walls, and excited to be part of an online community
I love learning other people’s enneagram numbers! I struggle with the same thing but I am a 9.
I’ve found myself wondering over the last year if we “fit in” to the small group my husband and I attend. We’re in a different life stage than everyone else who attends and I’ve struggle with the idea that we didn’t belong. This was such a sweet reminder that we still have much to learn and to offer the group. Thank you ❤️
As an introvert, this one is a struggle for me. Praying for God to teach me how to add fellowship to my life.
I’m the same way! Praying you find a community. I know the struggle especially right now.
When the quarantine hit this summer, my spirit was hit. Before COVID happened I was the front row worshiper at my church. I felt God in everything and everyone around me. Then we were out in lock down and I crumbled. I needed my fellow church members to help me continue to grow in my faith. I am struggling now to get back to the person I was before. I Pray that I am able to find myself strong in my faith again soon.
I have been attending church virtually due to COVID. How I miss enjoying an in person service.
ALYSS A and RAQUEL: My heart aches for you reading about the incredible untruths spoken to you in the churches you have attended. Lord, bring truth speaking believers into these precious women’s lives. Heal the wounds they have suffered. Give them a thirst for and an understanding of your Word. Lead them to resources and people they can connect with even in this crazy time we live in. Amen.
Thanks for posting this!
Love this!
I hear you. The church I went to as a baby split when my family joined due to our being Hispanic. We stayed there though and Dad started a Spanish ministry there a few years later. It slowly changed over the years — they are more tolerant now than they were in late 70s. Christian college and the churches I’ve gone to have done a number on me I think. I think I have learned more reading and studying Gods word on my own this past year. Virtual church may be an option. If it gets too crazy or too political you can turn it off. I’ll pray for you if you’ll pray for me with my church gathering issues.
Hard one to stomach today. I fear for mine and my family’s life in local church communities. The elders of the church we have been going to for 20 years have outright condemned those who look or believe like I do and stated that we are going to Hell or are inherently evil, one even stating that he wishes those who look like me would be shot. It feels like the worst breakup of my life. I miss fellowship but I’m afraid to set foot back in that community (even virtually) and scared that others will be the same.
I have very similar views towards attending church as you. I haven’t attended in years, aside from occasionally going with my mother. However, today’s reading built upon conviction over the past few months is persuading me to feel differently and at least join a small group. I am praying for you and hope you find a community of believers to “do life with”.
It has been a few years since I faithfully graced the inside of a church. I stopped going after hearing the preachers tout the wonders of the republican presidential candidate whose life was not in accordance to everything I had been taught. I think a few services with the same empty feeling. I had been brought up in an independent Baptist church, gone to Christian school and college so have been exposed to the same teachings and was taught to be a faithful Republican. (Im not by the way.)
It would be nice to be in services but I don’t think I’m ready yet to go back. There’s been a lot of hurt in my life from these type of circles. I’ve been studying the Bible on my own with these studies and read the Bible through last year. Maybe in the future. . .
The emphasis of not to neglect church gathering is such a great reminder in the reading today for me. Being restricted in our separate homes, it is easy to be slothful/ lazy and pursuing our own agenda, for which I think this is the intention of the enemy to prolong isolation. Being knitted together in a congregation environment pulls us back to the Holy purpose of following Jesus through learning the scriptures together and fellowship. Jesus himself does not go on mission trips, town to town, by himself, He collected and gathered 12 men to be in his company. This is a great example of the first small group Jesus raised. This small group through time got developed to reach to other nations for which the Gospel is now widely spread (proving this model works!). Even though Jesus left this group after 3 years to ascend to Heavens, but these 12 men carried on the mission of spreading the Great Light and His teachings. Fellowship is a form of personalized discipling, to grow into the image of Christ, provoking/challenging one another to love better, forgive better, to do more and more good works, building up other people in love. Praise Jesus for forming this successful model of discipleship. Hallelujah.
I have noticed just how vital fellowship is during 2020. When we had stay at those orders, it was so hard for me not to see any of my friends. I’m so thankful for fellowship and the amazing people God has brought into my life.
I love fellowship, I recently decided to become a member of a local church because of this. Something I loved was the diversity of people there, and just how despite being different people they can still be one in Christ.
“As we move toward Jesus together, we grow in concern for the person sitting next to us.” I love this. I’ve really been missing in-person community the last few months. But hoping to get back into a connect group soon!
Erika Lynn, I’m praying that God will lead you to a biblical, godly group of believers that you can fellowship with, be encouraged and edified with, and where you may also encourage and edify others. God is faithful, and if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.
I was just explaining to my family the other day that one of my goals for 2021 is to get into a small group again. Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor by reminding me what my goals are. I recently reached out to a small group for first responders where I live (I’m an ICU nurse) and I’m so excited to commune with not only believers, but ones that also can identify what I’m going through in the hospital. While I’m excited, I ask for prayers that I stay committed to this group. Along with my job as a nurse, I’m also in graduate school for my NP and both things take a lot of time and sometimes my desire for a Christian community is pushed to the side.
I’ve been wanting to find a community of believers to join. Right now it’s hard because of the pandemic, but it is a goal I have for 2021. Would love to join a group for bible study and fellowship.
Hi Erika. I’m in Bible Study Fellowship on-line. I know the local in-person classes are going on both in person and on Zoom. My discussion group has been on Zoom for 3 years so we’re able to have ladies from all over. If you’re interested, Google search Bible Study Fellowship. Have a great day!
Praying for you Nanak! I can relate to what you are feeling and have struggled to “fit in” as well. Over this last weekend though a couple fro. our small group invited us over for dinner. We have not been close to this couple previously. I was uncomfortable w the invite bc that would mean I would need to engage on a higher level which takes me out of my comfort zone. We did accept and I am so glad we did! I realized, for me, I need to put myself out there more and not wait for the invite. I tend to do that…wait for the other person to reach out instead of just making the first move myself. Our small group has disbanded as most of the ppl who were in it (we have had this group for about 4 yrs) have moved away over the course of the past 10 months. We had been zooming since the beginning of the pandemic but by Nov we pretty much went on a hiatus although we still do have our prayer group. I think this is why the other couple reached out bc we are local to each other. They discussed beginning a new small group which we are open too. Aftwr today’s message I think I will reach out and see if we can’t make it happen. I am nervous about taking that step but need to change it up in order for me to have a different experience. Father, pls give us all the courage to step out of our comfort zones and reach out to each other w encouragement and love as we seek you. Please use us as we give ourselves over to you and to give us the strength to continue to move forward as we face our fear. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
I am highly convicted by Henri Nouwen’s quote about how no one person can fulfill all of my needs. I often feel discouraged that my husband of 28 years isn’t “this” or “that”, but Mr. Nouwen reminds me that he isn’t meant to be my everything. That’s where the diversity of a community comes in! So my husband isn’t complimentary of my crafting skills (because he has little interest or knowledge in it)… several friends ARE. So my husband doesn’t enjoy the same shows/books that I do… several other people MAY. My husband is wonderful… but he can’t be my all… and meeting with various others can lift me up in ways he can’t. Beautiful picture of another reason fellowship is vital.
I miss the fellowship of in person church too. Like Churchmouse’s church ours has reopened & stayed reopen despite our governor’s edicts. They take temps at the door, etc., but then do not enforce face masks. I think they miss the point of Romans 14:19 in their stubbornness to fight the state. They need to be caring for “all the body”. Sadly, it has cost them several covid outbreaks, one that included the pastor. My husband has kept us home, worshiping on line after we discovered the no masks required. He was going through a possible kidney cancer diagnosis so we were being cautious. Now that my husband is hospitalized I’m grateful he made that choice. And we’ve been supportive of our church & kept in touch, just kept our distance. They’re keeping him in their prayers. They are mighty prayer warriors!
Yes! Amen!!
Fellowship is a must! I am thankful for technology too to help connect us during these times when we cannot physically meet as a large group. Loved the study today on fellowship and the importance of the body of Christ!
I remember my parents would invite anyone into their home. I also remember stories of my parental grandparents doing the same thing. My Christian beliefs and faith are from my family are by example. I still will occasionally help some one out if they are short on money to pay for food or if I see the need. Occasionally, I’ve paid it forward and paid for someone else’s meal — someone I didn’t even know. The satisfaction I got from doing this was amazing.
God bless all you my sisters in Christ. Have a great day.
Fellowship is an honor. To prayer for and care for other children of God. One co-worker who has become a dear friend, teared up when I told her I pray for her. She didn’t think anyone prayed for her. People need to know now more than ever that they matter to those they will be spending eternity with.
Fellowship is something that I believe Jesus asked us to do. This allows us to bond with other believers. This bond that we have makes us be responsible for one another. When one falls we are there to pick each other up. Likewise, we should take that into the community and the world to share Jesus with others. Get to know people and love on them. This is exactly what Jesus wants us to do. His words are all connected.
I love fellowship. I am doing great things through God Himself. Even when I dont fit in in this earthly place, I fit right in in my spiritual place.
Here in Canada we are also in Lockdown, we have not been able to attend church in person for almost 2 months and unable to be in anyone’s household. It’s been challenging to stay connected with people. Connecting online is not the best option but I have been so thankful that we have the technology that we do have. We are able to walk outside with a friend so I have spent alot more time outside this winter. We are still called to fellowship, praying that God would give us insight on how to do that.
I’m so thankful
For technology to be able to watch church on line each week! Thankful for so many Christians in my family I can meet with and stay somewhat connected with friends over all kinds of social media! The spirit of God is not limited to walls and programs. It has been a good reminder for me and my responsibility as a Christ follower to be like him. Remember in this reading Christ is not in church walls and not only with believers. He is where he is with who is there, he is at a home with a prostitute doing ministry and loving people. This is what we are truly called to do and be. It’s easy to be discouraged knowing “church” is not an option for us and won’t be for a long time because of what where we live and health issues I can chose to be uoset or trust God to use this how he chooses in my life. It’s my choice to remain in him, abide and he will bear fruit that will last!!
Lizzie I agree!! I have never had a small group. It would be welcome in my life!
Praying we don’t let anything stand in our way of gathering together and worshiping our Lord and Savior!
TAYLOR, my heart goes out to you in your hurt! I will add you to my prayers for recognizing the man God has for you. Our son is in a similar position as yours in that he is living with us and anxious to meet the young woman intended for him. I encourage you as I encourage him to be patient and alert asking God to help you recognize that person when your paths cross! Covid has made this more difficult, but just rest in God’s faithfulness and timing and be ready. That person may be closer than you realize! Thank you for allowing us to pray with you in this heart need!
Christian fellowship is more important than ever!!! I think that coming together to pray with each other, encourage each other, & learn from each other should not be discouraged. I have seen how much this lack of godly association has confused, injured, and divided my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am praying for God to give me wisdom about resuming a ladies Bible study in my home. Thank you for your encouragement today!
KAYPEE PORTER – I use New Living Translation, ESV (recommended for study by our pastor who teaches at a Bible college), and occasionally I check The Message translation for help with understanding. You can choose any of those + others by using the downward arrow next to CSB on the Scripture page in these readings. Hope this helps! Missing personal fellowship along with the rest of you and more thankful than ever for online options!!!
Konnie, you are not alone. I am also an introvert and that is a hard personality to have in the evangelical church. I have dreaded groups and felt shame over it. But like you, once I’m there, I’m ok. I recommend the book Introverts in the Church if you haven’t read it.
I completely agree, Emilee, and have felt the same way!
The simple feeling of being surrounded by people that are there for the same reason I am and want to encourage each other to grow deeper in faith is something I miss the most. I miss being able to laugh, celebrate, cry with/for and just listen to the people sitting around me. I recently moved to a new city so this season has been really hard for me to meet new people and fellowship but I can join a small group that will help me in that. Even if it’s not the same as my previous group I am determined to give it my all and fully invest in them!
I also miss my small group and friends!! Praying for all!❤️
These readings hit me hard today. I don’t have a large community or fellowship (none) and it has been on my heart. Praise God.
Praying for Taylor today- as you work through some understandable struggles with dating. Give the Lord time. Like everyone on here, fellowship has been a challenge with COVID , but my husband and I both have ministry involvement over Zoom that has at least kept us I touch with some people. In some ways, having this pandemic in common with everyone , has made me more sensitive to the struggles of those on my Zoom calls. I think I have been listening a little better and hopefully caring more deeply. The slow down and distancing has opened my eyes to our need of each other. If you haven’t heard the Podcast for this week, I highly recommend it.
“God has arranged each one of the parts just as He wanted”. God is always doing something different with my co-lead and I and our small group for women. We pray about what we are facilitating/leading them thru in a study. We pray about who He has in mind to join us in the study. We pray about the days of the week to meet and the times. We pray about how to present the study. Pretty much each one of the 25 studies we have done together with ladies we have done different. Next month is no exception: we doing a morning and a evening, two different days on zoom. I love how God has arranged each study and taught us all so much; He has raised up new facilitating/leaders, also. And they now pray through everything. God bringing together who He wants keeps things fresh and changes all of us. Meet together in small groups, meet together with large groups locally—do all as God directs and arranges so hearts and minds change and grow.
TAYLOR, what you’re feeling seems totally understandable.. I’m so sorry for your hurt. That must have been terrifying and heartbreaking. Being hurt by anyone you hand trust over to is traumatic enough, but someone you trust in that capacity makes it even more hurtful.
I want to encourage you in one thing- while you have real-life, actual experience with a man claiming to be a Christian (but clearly not a man who was not living a changed, God-driven life) hurting and taking advantage of you, think about how many women are walking around with boyfriends or husbands who (while, still flawed!!) love them, care for them, and partner with them in their walk and growth in Christ. Their relationships are actual callings and used by God to further His Kingdom and exemplify His sacrificial love. The number of the ladder far outweighs. I hope and sincerely pray you’ll be able to heal from those hurts and leave that baggage at the feet of the One who adores you. I truly believe that He has beautiful plans for you. If you desire a godly, loving man, then I’d encourage you to be praying for him, praying for YOU, and asking God to align your heart with His so that your desires are His desires. You’re so loved. So so so loved..!!
Lexy May, I agree. This is a time to burn away the chaff (the sin, too!) and see what remains. In the season, what have you seen or been called to as important/holy parts of church? We stepped back from hosting a small group the in 2019 to recharge but I definitely find that I’m missing the spiritual intimacy of having people in my home.
My heart hurts reading this, this morning. I long for a church home and to be connected to a small group. We moved this summer, and finding a church during Covid has been very difficult. We visited once, and the rooms were crowded and people had their masks off. I am so sad that church is a place right now that we can’t feel safe… I want godly community but I also want to be wise when it comes to Covid…
Nanak, praying for you.
During the pandemic, our small group continued to meet via zoom weekly. It was so life giving to me and I was leading it. We encouraged one another, held each other up in prayer, and just listened. Such a sweet season even in the midst of uncertainty. We had our security in God’s great love for us.
Praying now fir you Nanak.
This is something I need to work on for this year. I tend to skip out on fellowship thinking it’s not a big deal but I’m wrong. I need to make time for Bible study and fellowship outside of Sunday mornings.
It’s so easy to use work or other activities as an excuse to not gather with other believers but then you find yourself slipping back into old patterns because you’re not surrounding yourself with godly people to help keep you on the right track and rebuke you when needed.
I’ve been blessed to still be working during this time, which means, I get to see my amazing coworkers, regularly! But I must say, I am grateful to be a part of THIS community! So many ladies from different parts of the world, reading the same study together! Wow! I start my day off reading all the comments, then end the day reading the rest of the comments! Thank you, all!!!
Praying for you, Tricia!
46You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment. 44Then turning toward the woman he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in she has not ceased to kiss my feet. 47Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” 48And he said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”
This really spoke to me
I used to take fellowship in groups for granted. Today’s scripture and devotional was very convicting about loving people who are different from us. One of the lessons from the COVID season has been on the importance of being with others and loving them for who they are. I miss people.
After going to Christian school for 12 years, then Christian college, I was out in the “real world” for the first time when I started grad school in 2018. It took until the pandemic for me to finally listen to God and join a small group. I did a 10-week ladies study in Esther with my home church via Zoom and it was such a blessing. When I moved to Philadelphia in September to start my clinical rotation I found an online small group of young adults based out of a church there and it was been such a blessing. I now feel God’s call to join the young adult small back at my home church since I’m back at my parents house while I study for boards and look for a job.
Another thing I really struggle with is dating men who aren’t believers. I was abused by my one and only “Christian” boyfriend, so I think I deal with trauma related to men who identify as Christian since I was so badly hurt by one. However, as I get older and want to be married I’ve been working with a therapist to identify “negotiable” attributes and “non-negotiable” attributes of a future spouse. The longer I continue to date men who aren’t Christians the more I realize that finding a partner who shares the same faith as me is a “non-negotiable”. However, I’m still scared because of the way I was hurt. I hope and pray that God leads me to the right person, who will love me as Christ loved the church, and not hurt me.
This covid season has been a mixed blessing. Community looks different yet feels stronger now. I hadn’t truly realized how comfortable attending church was, being spoonfed worship and teaching. I discovered I’ve been relying far too much on others. My husband and I voluntarily have not attended church in person since last March. Our church has been open but closed twice due to Covid spread amongst church members. We’ve been disappointed in the militant and defiant approach that surfaced within church leadership when our governor requested churches go to virtual services as cases climbed. We personally met with our senior pastor and a board member to express our concerns (my husband is a physician and I’m a retired ICU nurse). We live in a small community with one hospital in our county. Those who work at the hospital are friends and neighbors. Those who become ill and need their services are also friends and neighbors. We’re so disappointed that the many churches here have remained open with masks optional, not required. Businesses require masks be worn but it seems the church has elevated the wearing of masks to a faith issue rather than a health issue. Our personal decision to forego attending services in person has made us more dependent on ourselves to create a worship experience in our home. Worship has gone deeper and prayer more profound. My small group Bible study still meets in my home, though virtually. I have found closer communion with God and my small group by not being physically in the church building during this season. I know this is for a season and this too shall pass and I will be glad when it does. But I will also be grateful for it.
2020 made having small groups a challenge. I thank God for technology and the ability to have small groups over Zoom. This helped in keeping people connected to their community.
Thank you Holy Spirit for the confirmation in today’s reading! “Forsake not” ❤️
Missing my group as well
Me too! I’m down!
This is the hardest one for me.
I echo everyone’s sentiment about church and the pandemic. I miss my friends!
In the past I have struggled with fellowship just because its so hard for me to constantly be around people. I am such an introvert and fellowship seems so much at times for me, but in the past once I pushed past that feeling I did enjoy the time with others. I know I need to step out and find that fellowship again, especially during these times.
I miss my small group, and ache for another.
Our church meets in a school, therefore hasn’t been able to meet together since March. I’ve truly appreciated the online services as well as Small group Zoom meetings. I’m also participating in 2 zoom Bible study groups-1 with old, familiar friends, & 1 with some women I’ve never met in person. I also have weekly zoom appointments with 2 dear friends. It has been such a blessing, to feel that we are “together” regularly! I can’t imagine going through something like this at a time without our current technology! Reach out friends. SRT has been wonderful too, providing a connection between sisters in Christ we may never meet this side of Heaven. Love & blessings to all.
I also have never really “fit in.” I don’t have friends who call or invite me places (even pre-Covid), and even when I participate regularly in a Bible study, that doesn’t change. Now as I approach my 60th birthday and I am reflecting on the discipline of fellowship with other believers, I am once again seeking the Lord’s guidance on what I need to do differently. This isn’t meant to be a “poor me” statement but a sincere request for prayer.
Praying NanaK!
This is my prayer…that our family would find a small group to be part of.
TRICIA- I’m so glad that you have the wisdom to recognize the enemy’s schemes in your life. He doesn’t go after what isn’t a threat to him/his plans. Clearly he recognizes the enormous threat that exists in your text group. Whatever is of Christ- builds up. Creates relationship. Brings power. Brings healing. Whatever is NOT of Christ- tears down. Brings dissension. Brings fear, distrust, hurt.
One thing I wanted you to think about is this: perhaps the reason enemy tries to prevent you from participating isn’t because he doesn’t want YOU to hear an encouraging word. But maybe a large part is what others will gain from YOUR input and encouragement. He’s an equal-opportunity hater. I can almost promise he has plans to discourage you, AND plans to keep others from the strength, peace, encouragement, love, and support that Christ is wanting to use YOU to bring to them.
Keep going. Keep engaged. Keep meeting- even if the place is through a text chain. God uses all things and all places!! :) :)
If 2020 taught me something it’s that I needed community. We gathered for a time via zoom but that just didn’t cut it. Our community group committed to meeting weekly as we could. I know that may be controversial for some but we all have limited our exposures elsewhere, counted the cost and found it worth our time. I pray others would find a group that meets regularly-weekly-in whatever fashion is best in your season, for encouragement, prayer, confession and worship! It is our what keeps us running this race!
I have always struggled with feeling like I belong. I am mostly blind and have been for all of my adult life. I often feel so much like a burden or an inconvenience to others. It feels like the pandemic has made this worse as meeting with people outside of your house is strongly discouraged. I have a group text with other women, but I only know one of the three and I often hear a voice inside my head telling me that they don’t care about me and my opinion isn’t necessary and other discouraging thoughts. I know that is a lie and attack from the enemy so I actively fight against it. I often feel lonely, but I do remind myself that I never truly alone. This reading reminded me that I do need fellowship. Maybe I need to step outside of my comfort zone and reach out to the other ladies in the group text and share my heart with him. It’s scary to be vulnerable.
This touched me this morning, especially in the light of the great divide that is out there in our society right now. Surround yourself with people that hold a different opinion, but love Christ. It’s important!!
I’d participate! Love this idea!
I had quite the opposite reaction to this devotional. It saddens me to see how far some “churches” have strayed from the fellowship modeled in scripture and the idea of unity yet diversity in the body of Christ (which isn’t always welcomed or adhered to). I have been a church member all my life (I’m 37) and 2020 really shifted my perception of church, so for me not being able to attend corporately was a Godsend because I needed to spend time away to truly see what church really should be through the scriptures. There is a lot of misuse, distortion, prejudice, and abuse going on in the name of church. And I know not every church is like that but we have a ways to go, in my opinion, to get back to where the church is walking out Scriptures model of fellowship.
I would love a zoom bible study/ladies group! We should create one!
Amen. This all rings true for me. What a good teaching today.
I continue to be amazed at the timeliness of God’s Word. I have recently felt led to place a relationship on hold due to being unequally yoked. A friendship of 30+years that was rekindle into dating over the last 6 months. Reading today’s scripture was affirmation that I am following God’s will. It is difficult as I pray for his heart to be softened and him to discover my Jesus. Any prayers for strength and reassurance would be appreciated.
Needed this for this season. Struggling to make decisions for the life group we lead and I believe this gave me clarity. Sometimes the popular vote is from those who aren’t the most invested and I need to make the best decision for those whose hearts are in this for the long haul. So ready for this season to build relationships with both new and old friends.
❤️❤️❤️importance of fellowship and community
@jen brewer What part of TN? I am near Memphis/Jackson
I truly believe that keeping Christians from community is a work of Satan. The pandemic is awful and of course so very real. As time goes on in the months ahead, May the Lord give us all discernment and wisdom to do what is right in His eyes….
I, like so many of you here, miss the pre-pandemic “good ‘ol days” of being able to meet without masks and without the use of video chats. However I’m learning to be grateful for the fact that we DO have a means to still meet in community, even though it’s mostly through a screen. One thing my community group has done during the pandemic, and when the weather was more accommodating, was to meet in someone’s backyard with our own lawn chairs and snacks so that we could be spaced apart appropriately, but still see each other’s 3-dimensional bodies. Then, over Christmas, we met in the church’s lobby with masks on and, spaced apart on separate tables, we constructed gingerbread houses that we each brought. I hope and pray these ideas can help some of you and your community groups with ways to get creative and still meet in person!
Ah what another great one. I’ve said this so many times everywhere I’ve been, now being in Spain, just the importance of community – and not only just the importance of having one but also the fellowship of such. My husband and I have been very blessed with our sweet little apartment as of August 2020 and have used this place to also be a blessing to others, inviting them for a meal or a time of boardgames or whatever they need at the time. It’s been really cool to see how God has moved in our midst just for us simply saying yes to the opportunities He has presented to us. Taking care of His body is so vital. God is so good.
@Kaypee Porter you asked about Bible version. SRT uses Christian Standard Bible (CSB) I tend to use NKJV and NIV as well as CSB for me it’s all about the “backbone” of the scripture. God Bless and so glad you are here!!
So good to be reminded that even the most seemingly insignificant part of the body is truly one of the most important. God doesn’t make junk! He values each and every one of us.
This devo challenges me to be creative and reach out to each member of our small group that we have not met with in person for quite a while. The power of connection is strong- even if it’s just a phone call, it is demonstrating care and concern.
I definitely echo everyones sentiments in that fellowshipping during a pandemic is near impossible, yet so missed. We’ve met with the same group for almost 5 years now, and havent met since March. Just when we started getting comfortable with the idea of meeting again, cases in our area skyrocketed. I miss meeting together so very much!
We moved from Texas to Tennessee during the pandemic. It has been hard to plug into a community given the limitations of Corona and not really knowing many people yet. I live for going to church on Sunday morning but our church just shut down due to rising numbers. Honestly, zoom calls don’t really work for me. I need to be near people. I am praying that this will be behind us soon enough so I can find a new church family here. In the meantime, I am working on myself, my marriage, and my family. Hoping to make the best use of this time. So happy I discovered She Reads Truth. Just curious which Bible version you are all using. Praying for all of you, too.
Such a huge cry for fellowship right now! And I hear that!! God has had me isolated and outside of my paradigm of what fellowship/gathering-together should look like for YEARS now… it’s not a comfortable road and at first I didn’t understand it, but I did come to realize that there was a fellowship with HIM that I was completely ignoring… time alone communing with Him, which meant a desert/Job experience.. everything, everyone, every pattern and dependency in my life and thought-realm was completely stripped away. It was painful. Debilitating. Humbling. But it is SO worth it!!!
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 says “…make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, SO THAT YOUR DAILY LIFE may win the respect of outsiders and so that YOU WILL NOT BE DEPENDENT ON ANYBODY” (emphasis mine)
CHRIST ALONE should be our focus. Don’t get me wrong… I believe gathering and fellowshipping together with the Body is important, but it is NOT the kind of gathering and fellowship that we have gotten used to/dependent on. God is calling us UP to a HIGHER existence and place of living. He doesn’t want us dependent on anyone or anything but HIM!! There’s a deep and satisfying communion that happens when we give ourselves FULLY to the Holy Spirit. HE fills us up with everlasting life!!! …I think of Jesus at Jacob’s well with the Samaritan (John 4:13-14) woman saying that water drawn from a well will leave you thirsty, but the water HE gives means you will NEVER thirst again, because it is ETERNAL!! ….I also think of John 4:23-24 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the SPIRIT and in TRUTH, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (emphasis mine) ..Jesus was talking about fellowship OUTSIDE of the norm!!! He talked about mountainsides…NOT 4 walls or schedules. He came to TEAR DOWN walls, schedules and paradigms!! Gathering together is not about being spoon-fed or living off of breadcrumbs, it’s about sitting AT the table WITH Jesus and eating the BREAD of LIFE!!! THIS is what gives us substance!!! I know that it’s super isolating right now or at least it feels that way… but instead of dwelling on that, think how Jesus felt!! WHERE did HE go for fellowship and comfort? He went directly to the Source: His Father!! THAT’S where He found encouragement!!! When we are communing with God we are communing with the ENTIRE Body of Christ!!! And THAT my friends is where it’s at!!! Talk about never being alone or isolated. We are SURROUNDED by the Body of Christ!!! Commune with God. Worship in SPIRIT and in TRUTH!!! Get HONEST and take HOPE!! Let yourself be FILLED with the LIFE and LIGHT of God. YOU are NOT alone!!!
My family used to be a part of a Bible study group and we enjoyed hosting until the pandemic began. I miss those moments and look forward to them in the future when we can meet again. Continuing to pray for everyone’s health and safety.
This was such a convicting devotional and I am truly thankful because it couldn’t have xomenag a better time! Since Covid, it has been a struggle for the ministry I lead to come together like we used to. We are all already super close aside from church and we were all dealing with personal conflicts amongst one another and neglecting the spiritual fellowship. Although everyone still goes to virtual church, there is no virtual gathering outside of that. Now we are reactivating the ministry, these scriptures are so relevant to what we are going through.
This is a hard reading today. Like most of you I haven’t been to regular in person services since March. We are fortunate to have a good online service. My LifeGroup was meeting on Zoom, but some of the members got tired of it and refused to meet unless it was in person. I live in a place where despite high numbers of cases all churches, restaurants, and stores are open with very few safety mandates. This hurts my heart. Christians who don’t brave the mask less crowds to worship in person are seen as lacking in trust and faith. It’s become a divisive element in our community. God, help us heal from this! Keep us safe as we keep our eyes on you.
I have a lot of work to do in this discipline. Since March, I really enjoy waking up on Sundays, snuggling up on my couch in my PJ’s with my coffee to sip on and worshipping and watching my preacher give his sermon live on TV via Facebook.
Fellowship has indeed been challenging in these Covid times- especially since everyone seems to have different ideas about what is safe or not. I’m not the most cautious but we haven’t gone back to church since March even though church had been open since May or something. I’m actually grateful our leaders made the decision to close down again despite no requirement to.
We lead a community group and have been challenged with how to love folks well and be in fellowship in these times. Praying for wisdom for us and for all of you!
The effects of the pandemic are real, even where I live in America. My husband and I are part of a small group but we haven’t met for months. Our church holds a service via a video on YouTube – definitely not the same. Missing community and fellowship very much. Would love to hear creative ways people are navigating the isolation.
Praying for the day we can all gather together again.
My struggle as well, especially being a single woman. You almost feel as if you don’t have a place or you’re “behind” in different ways. Grateful for God and his encouragement despite our feelings.
Fellowship. That is what I miss most of all since all of the covid restrictions began. Our church would have a “communion dinner” about every 6 weeks, we would first partake of the Lord’s supper and then at the conclusion of the Worship Service, make our way to the kitchen for dinner and fellowship. We also had to stop our Ladies Prayer Connection meeting, and our prayer meeting. It’s not natural to not fellowship. That is how God created us. We are able to meet for Sunday Worship – thankfully, but we need so much more fellowship time than just an hour on Sunday morning. We are now doing zoom meet ups, but it’s just not the same. I long for the day that once again we can be with one another eating together, praying together, enjoying the fellowship of one another – being able to hug again! I realize it’s all in God’s timing and one day this will all be behind us. Until then – Lord, help me to patiently wait.
I am struck this morning by the comparison of the sinner and the Pharisee from the Luke text. I use those terms because they are the ones used in the Word.
There have been times when like the woman; head bowed, tears pouring out, hair splayed over the feet of my Jesus, I kneel, broken, for He has allowed me clear vision of sin in my life. At that moment, all I know, is that I need a Savior. Sin has crept in. The throne of my heart is not to be shared. His grace and love draw me close and I am clean. (Perhaps my worship would be like kissing His feet, or pouring perfume upon them.)
There are also times I am the Pharisee. Inviting the prophet into my home for a meal, because it is the right thing to do. Instead of honoring Him with the anointing and washing that He deserves, instead of being present, I am checking off boxes in my head.
All-in, or partially present? Pure devotion or selective sharing?
Crazily, God loves me just as I am. He is love. Whether I am an eye or a foot, an ear or unrespectable part…I am a part of “the Body of Christ.” Loved, cared for, His. Lord, I long to live genuine, all-in, purely devoted to You. Thank you, God of all creation, King of kings and Lord of lord for letting me be Yours and patiently, patiently, patiently making me more like You…fully loved the entire journey. It is not about me at all, and yet You allow me near. You forgive. You love. You are everything.
The effects of the pandemic are very real – even where I live in America. My husband and I are part of a small group from church but we haven’t met in person for months. Our church service is a video on YouTube – definitely not the same. Missing community and fellowship very much. Would love to hear creative ways how people are navigating this isolation. Praying for the day we can all gather again.
Encouragement to those of you struggling with fellowship, 2 things: 1, the evil one doesn’t want you to have good fellowship, he wants you to be alone, so know it’s not you; you are NOT alone and 2, you can find fellowship in the most interesting places, with the most remarkable people if you’re willing to open yourself to asking God for the people he has for you and not only waiting for that person you connect with perfectly. Thankful for this SRT community!
Like with everyone – this year has made fellowship tough. I’m not a very social person and constantly feel I was “made for quarantine” because I love to be home and with my family or by myself. But today’s reading was a reminder that in reality I am made, as a part of the body of Christ, to be in fellowship with others. I know this is an area I can improve on – even if it just starts small. I am created to commune and share the truth and bring love to those around me. Our sermon the other day talked about how in our path to God, one of the ways we can find Gods wisdoms is to surround ourself with believers and find a mentor. This has laid heavy on my heart and in my prayers for who and what this means for me this year.
I needed this reminder about fellowship. Even though here in MS our churches are open, Because I care for my 85 year old father, I have only attended a few in person services since March. I have struggled with the decision to go or not go. I miss my church family, and I understand about online service/Zoom fatigue. My small group hasn’t met for many months. I have definitely felt estranged from my church family. I am praying the Lord will show me what fellowship looks like for me during these hard times.
I wish America would shut down, but sadly money is more important than human lives. I will not be going anywhere,so my fellowship will have to be virtual. I am not good at reaching out via my phone, but will try to start. In our readings today, I noticed that Jesus really does know what is in all hearts- we see it with the Pharisee. I hope today is a wonderful day for everyone.
Always enjoy Bailey’s posts! Such a relevant topic in these crazy Covid days, important that we find ways to use our gifts to encourage and engage with our community.
I wonder if this study was written to be done at anytime. SRT offers their studies bound, so they are not only available once. It was likely written before the pandemic.
However, it would be nice to hear how the current situation has affected the meeting together and how to navigate that from the author. I know for people all over the world (including the United States) the social distancing and lack of safe gathering has taken a toll. I feel deeply for those who are in lockdown again. Our experience is not as severe, but the lack of fellowship is definitely relatable. May God carry us and bring a swift end to this pandemic.
Diana, I am missing fellowship as well. I haven’t been back in person worship since March as well. Thanks for sharing that you’re in the same position. God bless…
So thankful for this community as well.
Good morning! I loved reading this morning about learning to love everyone well in the body. Especially those who are struggling. Loving those who are having a difficult time even more only strengthens our relationship to each other and to Christ.
Amen Ashton!
I am missing fellowship as well. We haven’t worshipped in person since March. I am thankful for this community and thank God for it everyday..
Honestly, fellowship has been one of my struggles for several years. As a single woman in a big area I have been nervous to reach out and find a community. But after today’s reading, it really did restore my want to find a place for fellowship. I completely agree with all of you with it being harder with everything virtual. I know some of the churches around me are holding service and I want to specifically find one that is holding small group of fellowship. I am so thankful for the She Reads Truth community for allowing people all around the world to connect with the Word.
It depends on where you live in America and how high the case numbers are in specific areas to what is or is not shit down. For example in my hometown, we are currently gathering for church and small group, but I know in our states capital most places are still meeting virtually due to the high numbers. Before quarantine, my family was not attending church. We believed in God and had a previous church before moving, but just had never taken the time to seek out community. Quarantine really opened my eyes to the necessity of fellowship and community. My family joined a church in August and since have began serving and meeting with a small group. The impact has been tremendous. I resonated a lot with what the author said about it not being about the “right” people or place. I struggle with that. This opened up my eyes to instead focus on what I can do to help serve the people within my community and relate to them. Thinking and praying for those of you in the UK. Not being able to gather is tough and really wears on you. Keep up the Zoom meetings and prayer!
Greeting from Taiwan! I love fellowship, I grew a lot from the small group!However, it is so hard to find the “right group” when I leave school. But it does remind me that what is the matter is the group of people who are devoted to God.
Hope everyone stays safe and enjoys the fellowship!
Also from the UK and feeling the same as my other lovely sisters here posting about the third lockdown. Praying we’re refreshed in our spirit. This community definitely helps feel and stay connected as well as the podcast ❤️ – maybe an SRT livestream would be a nice way to connect. I agree, definitely wish this meditation mentioned the pandemic & not being able to connect the same way we used to – that being said, very grateful for this comments section ❤️❤️❤️
There are a few women on here that seem to be in the same area as me in the UK. I’m all for being cautious and working towards a Covid-safer world. Please if any of you need to get together for a little in-person fellowship email me. My email is [email protected]. We can wear masks, wash hands, and keep groups down to 2-3 people. We can wait till we’re out of Tier 5, but I haven’t had any in-person fellowship for 6 months because I just moved here. I believe we don’t have a choice on physically coming together according to the Bible. If you feel the same…send me an email. <3
I hear you UK and Ireland ladies! I am also in England and haven’t been to church since March! You tube church is a massive challenge… Things are indeed different in America I believe – my brother in Florida tells me there is a law against anything being shut due to pandemic! Maybe this pandemic will help us all value meeting when we can do so safely
Hello from London UK.. true .
Fellowship is really hard work. Third
lockdown just started. Hopefully God will help us find communion,
fellowship and comfort in these unprecedented dark days.
Zoom fatigue is real! Another lockdown here in Ireland but this is great encouragement not to let it be a reason to stop meeting with our bible study group.
Appreciating people for their differences is something I have never been good at. It is such a needed spiritual discipline. The eye cannot survive without the hand. God created everyone with purpose. This world would be getting no where if everyone was like me. Thank you Lord for making us unique and community oriented.
Not being able to practice fellowship because of U.K. Covid rules has made me realise just how precious it is. Zoom is just not the same. I pray the SRT community would share with each other this battle against loneliness and that we would draw comfort from Christ’s abiding presence. A pity the author does not mention these current trials, perhaps things are different in America.
Good morning from the UK. Fellowship is my biggest challenge, even more so during the pandemic as I imagine is the case for many of you shes also in lockdown. I am so grateful for this community and the work of the SRT team.