Father and child

Open Your Bible

Jonah 4:1-11

Text: Jonah 4:1-11

We like to laugh at Jonah – he’s such a child.

Even if we don’t have children, we can see our own 5-year-old-selves in his angry outbursts.

God, I told you this would happen!!!

He stomps off, angrily assembles a feeble pout palace, and when his unconditionally loving Father gathers a shade plant around him to help him cool off, Jonah can’t help but crack a smile of thanks.

This passage – these final verses of the book and story of Jonah – has such a classic parent/child dynamic.

Maybe you can think back to when you were five or fifteen and your world was very you-centric. (Heh. Because that’s super behind us now, right?)

Over and over, the Lord grants mercy and provisions to His undeserving child – and Jonah is exceedingly glad! Yay for Jonah!

Over and over, the Lord grants the same mercy to His other (also undeserving) children. And Jonah is so ragey, he could die. He literally asks the Lord to take his life.

Jonah is furious that God let the plant wither, and the irony that God just saved a great city of PEOPLE from destruction is completely lost on him.

Friends, I think this is where we leave the narrative to begin reflecting on the message. We’ve read – really examined – Jonah’s story, and we’ve seen how sovereign and powerfully merciful our God is.

Let’s now ask the Lord to examine our hearts, to show us where we are prideful, where we are angry, where we are running away…

Lord, where have we been children, pouting when things don’t turn out the way we think they should? When have we not trusted you in your sovereignty  thinking our ways are much better? And where have you been our steady, unconditionally loving Father?

(54) Comments

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54 thoughts on "Father and child"

  1. Amara says:

    Wow;I think God was actually speaking 2 me;Someone I’ve known 4 a vry long tym really hurt me somch dt I cried;I cried all tru d 9t cos I kpt askn God why al d bad thnz kps happening;why I make mistakes..I cud’nt gt 2 forgive ma self or him..I prayd 4 all d bad thnz 2 happen 2 him bt stl askd God 2 forgive him..’Seriously’..Jonah did dsame prayer;Pride…d funny aspect ws dt he askd me 2 pray 4 him n ask God 2 forgive me…bt I wished mre bad thnz on him..how cud I wen God forgives me of evry wrong thn I’ve done..he’s d God dt does’nt rem our sins wen we ask him 4 forgiveness…he told Jonah;”Is it right 4 u 2 b angry”…I ask maself dsame question;Is it right 4 me 2 b angry…God has really led me tru dis study of Jonah;he has opened ma eyes 2 see dose thnz I cud actually wave aside n term nothing;really I’ve bn angry 4 along tym wit evry1 bth ma frndz n family evrythn gts on ma nerves…bt 2day God’s stl asking ‘Is it right 4 me 2 b angry”n ma ans is ‘NO’..So am gonna mk dt call I’ll pik up ma fone n say sorry 2 evryone..thanks SRT n Sisters 4 dis wonderful study..Really dis is my best..Am grateful..Did I say 4 evry 1 ere I say a word of prayer;cos I knw God will surely bless each n evry1 dt has made dis a huge success…Thanks..

    1. iamMrsL says:

      I saw this quote before I came here and read your comment, and what you said reminded me of it:

      'Holding a grudge is like letting someone live rent-free in your head.'

      I'm saying a prayer for you…. We've all got these things we're wound up angry inside with, definitely me too. Praying God teaches us to better walk in the FREEDOM he bought for us!

  2. abbymcd21 says:

    "Feeble pout palace." I love it. Oh, how many times have I judged others and pointed out the speck in their eye without acknowledging the log in my own. Lord, help me to speak the truth in love but also to be mindful of the sin in my own life and to be aware of my own sin. You are a gracious and merciful God. Mold me to be more like Jesus each day.

  3. emily thomas says:

    Oh Jonah. I shake my head at him and then find myself nodding in complete understanding of him at the same time. It makes for some very strange head motions…

  4. AnnaLee says:

    Wow. Asking those questions at the end totally changed my plans for today… Lord, thank you for softly showing me the way in which I should go. How I love and delight in you! Thank you for your all-encompassing grace today in the midst of my Jonah-like mindset; thank you for your love and compassion, your quickness to forgive! The past week, there has been such a plethora of examples where God has shown me how quick to forgiveness and compassion He is toward me. Thank you for humbling and comforting my heart with your Love, oh Lord! Totally in wonderfully awe of God right now. :)

  5. Lindsay says:

    God knows what is best for us long-term when all we can see is short-term. We want to be happy and satisfied RIGHT NOW, we'll deal with "down the road" when we come to it. But that is not how God thinks, he sees what is best for our entire life.

    In the past few months, this has been a big point of contention with God and I. I want a new job RIGHT NOW. I want someone in my life RIGHT NOW. I want to be happy RIGHT NOW. I have to trust that God's ways and his plan are perfect. Trust that he has everything under control and that he does not need my help. Nor does he need my ideas.

    Lord, please forgive my selfishness. Help me to see that You and Your ways are perfect. And that my desires are for instant gratification only.
    You will always do what is best for me, even when it's not what I want RIGHT NOW. And thank you for your mercy, that you do not give me what I actually deserve.

  6. Janee White says:

    I could have responded to just about everyone today. These are the times I wish we could all gather 'round the coffee table and speak directly to each others hearts.

    "God is not transactional but relational" "Oh Jonah, your boat, I am in it, I even have my own paddle." "shaking fists outside a log cabin on a serene lake" "His behavior isn't dependent on our behavior"

    So much life lived in these replies – so much wisdom imparted.

    I wrote on a sticky note " I am Jonah – fearful & fleeing – occasionally obedient – irreverent & indignant." for a moment, I wanted to smack Jonah – then I reveled in his punishment (he deserved it I said). Then I wanted to be just like him – immediately obedient. And then, again, I wanted to slap him and hoped he got sunburned. Then I took the fish guts out of my eyes and saw that I was no different than him.

    Oh Lord, that Your behavior is not dependent upon mine. Forgive me…forgive us all. May we all be like the Jonah, that immediately obeyed, and delivered Your message, which saved in excess of 120,000 lost souls.

    1. AnnaLee says:

      Amen, Janee. To all of this. Lord, thank you for your great, patient, forgiving, saving Love. Help us all to submit to you in obedience, not because of fear or legalism, but because of this beautiful realization of who you are.

      1. tina says:

        AMEN to you both…AnnaLee and janee…x x

  7. Liane Michelle says:

    I for one am grateful that I am able to come to God and tell him "I'm angry with you". I am grateful that even if it's not warranted or justified, He hears me out and takes the time to show me where I got things turned around. But what I am most grateful for is that He takes that anger away from me so that I no longer am carrying it around inside. This verse also prompted me to think about anger as an emotional outburst vs. righteous anger on behalf of the Lord, but that's a post for another time :)

  8. Liane Michelle says:

    I was also struck by verse 4: "But then the Lord replied, 'Have you any right to be angry?'" Oftentimes I do not. I am pouting and throwing a tantrum because I didn't get my way, things didn't go the way I had planned (emphasis on the "I"). Yet I realized something here. Even if I have no right to be angry, my God loves me and He wants me to come to Him when I am angry or upset. I've noticed that those times where I am so mad are the times that God and I grow closer because I am seeking Him out to talk to Him about how I feel. And isn't that the hallmark of any good relationship? When you can come to the person you feel has done you wrong and have a conversation about the things that have you feeling angry (justified or not).