
Open Your Bible

Isaiah 58:3-7, Luke 4:1-4, Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:14-17, John 4:31-38, John 6:48-51, Revelation 19:6-10

“Don’t fill up on bread,” I warn myself when dining out. Then my waiter brings a basket of freshly baked rolls, glistening with melted butter, and I forget my earlier caution. A blended aroma of honey, vanilla, and yeast drifts under my nose, as I raise the bread to my mouth. One bite into the warm, pillowy dough and my eyes nearly roll back. As my taste buds savor the last bite, I discover that I am full.   

God has given us food to both enjoy and sustain our bodies. But at times He calls us away from our daily sustenance so we can more fully engage with Him. This is especially challenging for me, a self-proclaimed foodie who relishes restaurant menus like they’re “hot off the press” bestsellers. However, I answer God’s call, metaphorically turning my plate over because I desire continued spiritual growth.

For the last three years, my church community has fasted once a month for twenty-four-hour intervals. Fasting is not a punishment inflicted on our bodies or a measure of our piety. Instead, God invites us as believers to give up something that is good for something even greater. We step away from the rhythms of our routines to pay more attention to His Word, deepening our relationship with Him.    

The Gospels record Jesus’s forty-day stay in the wilderness, where He spent time alone with God and prepared for ministry through prayer and fasting. When Satan challenged Him to satisfy His hunger supernaturally, Jesus refused. Instead, He demonstrated His dependence on God with these words: “Man must not live on bread alone” (Luke 4:4). 

When I fast, I agree with Jesus and recognize God as the ultimate source of both my physical and spiritual needs. Like our Savior did, I communicate my desire for the fulfillment of God’s will by positioning myself to be in fellowship with Him, without distractions (Luke 4:1). And when I do, He fills my heart and satisfies my soul in ways that physical food and earthly activities cannot (John 6:51). 

It may seem counterintuitive, but when we regularly abstain from certain habits to pursue God, He refreshes us and refuels our passion for serving Him. We also grow more aware of the Spirit’s presence and more readily approach God in humility, relying on His strength to overcome sin in our lives. 

What are the things that compete for our undivided attention above God? Is it social media or television? How about our smartphones or the time we invest in our relationships? Perhaps food is the culprit. Whatever the distraction, Jesus calls us to focus less on things that bring temporary fulfillment and more on Him, the true Bread of Life (John 6:48–50). He has many good things in store for us—things far more satisfying than any activity and better than the most delicious bread.

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100 thoughts on "Fasting"

  1. SJ says:

    Beautifully written. Thank you.

  2. Ana Valenzuela says:

    Before I completely let go of social media I often thought about it, it certainly sparked my interest to let go and be with God rather than holding onto any account. This app is mainly the one I am often in and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It just seemed too much to constantly “update” like “look what I’m doing” and not feeling enough of God in my life – best decision I have ever made. Thank you SRT! I see you all as well and I am happy to be a part of this community.

  3. Kristina Mari says:

    After reading this, I think it’d wise for me to fast. Just need to sit down and figure out what I need to fast from – what’s pulling me away from God’s love

  4. Laurie Martin says:


  5. Maura says:

    What a gift to my day it is to come here every morning and learn with and from you all. It is so interesting to me as I have this past year reasearched and listened to talks on intermittent fasting and the health benefits of it. And in the midst of it, I thought of course it is good for us on so many levels because God only asks us to do things that are good for us. Being a type 1 diabetic I have not done much fasting in my life, but now on a low carb diet, will returning to one after a break, I know I am able to fast safely. I just need to set my focus wholly on the Lord and know this will feed me the Bread of Life. Our God is so good! Praying for you Taylor for your tests to come back good and for all you are doing now for your career. Abbey Byrd praying for safety and repair of your spine. I dealt with bulging discs and surgery really helped me. Praying you will be able to have relief and for no permanent damage to your spinal cord. And God’s peace protection and love around you as you deal with any waiting you might have. Angie, thanks for your prayers for fasting, saving them to pray along with you. Tina, 11 puppies, I can only imagine as my niece had 8 and just recently gave them away. I had asked her for her address recently so as not to look it up and she texted back, puppy poo way. She also has 3 little ones 7 and under. Thanks for all the joy and stories each one of you shares here my sisters, for it blesses my days, and encourages my heart. Praying you feel our Jesus strength and grace embracing you in all your moments this day.

  6. Serenity Jo says:

    Once again SRT is right in line with what the Holy Spirit is doing in my life right now. My local church is currently doing 21 days of fasting. I love how God’s heartbeat is always in tune with his people. ❤️

  7. Amanda Keldsen says:

    Thank you so much for this post, Taylor! I am also in eating disorder recovery and this really spoke to me. Food is something that is a little tricky for me to completely cut out from a good place.. I think I will just chose to fast from other things. Like alcohol, tv, social media, etc.

  8. Stephanie W says:

    Lord, how I long for the promises of Isaiah 58 to be true in my life, the life of my church, city and nation!

    As we humble ourselves and fast (and pray) may you ‘loose the bonds of wickedness, let the oppressed go free, feed and bring the homeless into your house. My your light break forth like the dawn, bring healing speedily, rebuild our cities, satisfy us and make us strong’ (ESV)