Faith in Jesus Christ

Open Your Bible

Romans 3:21-31, Acts 10:28-43, Colossians 1:13-14

Do you remember the first time you had to rely on your faith? Maybe you can point to one specific memory, or maybe it was spread out over time. 

Even though the circumstances that drive us closer to Jesus can often be difficult or painful, the act of having faith doesn’t require much from us. It simply means trusting Him. It’s resting in His trustworthiness. 

For me, it helps to ask other believers to share their own faith experiences—especially those who have walked with Jesus for a long time.   

Our reading today in Romans tells us, “The righteousness of God is through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe” (Romans 3:22). According to Paul’s letter, we can’t do what is good and right outside of Jesus. Apart from Him, our faith is a constellation of abstract beliefs, and our attempts at moral living are merely striving.

I may love others and try to faithfully serve my community, but these things don’t make me righteous before God. It’s Jesus who does that. We are justified not because of our acts but because of our faith (v.26).

In Jill Phillips’s song, “I’ll Meet You There,” she sings this lyric: 

Don’t fear the long descent
The path’s been broken in by saints before us
Each tear you cry
Will find its place inside that ancient chorus 

I love this image of a path already broken in—or a river filled with tears from believers who have gone before us. It helps me feel less alone. And it reminds me that Jesus is one of those who has already walked the path of faith (and cried plenty of tears!). As God’s people, all we need to do is follow and believe.  

Faith can really be that simple. But walking it out takes a lot of practice. When I try to do “all the things” because it feels like I’m making God proud, I need to pause and reflect on what Scripture tells us. “In him we have redemption, the forgiveness of our sins” (Colossians 1:14). 

The call of Scripture is that as we grow older, we are to grow in our faith too. Hopefully, it expands and deepens in ways that lead us to rest in Jesus’s trustworthiness rather than try and earn our righteousness another way.  

And if we feel alone, remember that the path of faith has already been broken in by Jesus. We are asked only to believe (Romans 4:3). We don’t need to forge a new path; we’re invited to faithfully follow Jesus, our Good Shepherd, who walks beside and before us.

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61 thoughts on "Faith in Jesus Christ"

  1. B Brincovan says:


  2. Becca Flores says:


  3. Hey! I’m at work browsing your blog from my new iphone!
    Just wanted to say I love reading through your blog and look forward
    to all your posts! Carry on the excellent work!

  4. Mariah Addington says:

    We walk the path broken by saints before us. Lord, I can tell you are teaching me how to treat others.. and how to be kind to myself. Help me to be bold in my kindness and truth.

  5. Susan Stiegel says:

    Walk in faith and trust in Jesus. ❤️

  6. Misty Portland says:


  7. Rosheen McRoberts says:

    I struggle with self condemnation and looking at others’ flaws. I’ve been praying and being more and more conscious about it, praying against it every time I happens. Please pray that this lie of self condemnation is ripped out of my heart so God can fully use me to love others and no longer look at flaws but see His creation instead.

  8. Linda G says:

    She’s. I rarely post. But tonight i covet your prayers. My daughter, adamantly not a Christian, is going to her first mediation conference tomorrow at 9:00 mdt. Its an awful situation. Asking for your prayers.

  9. Corallie Buchanan says:

    I just find it interesting that the word for “forbearance” in the Greek is a word “paresis” (transliterated of course), which means “to release something closely felt”. In God’s passing over of our former sins (3:24), it wasn’t something he took lightly. Paresis is a word that explains the giving up of something that God felt extremely deeply. Passing over our sins was incredibly painful for him, but in God’s action of releasing us from that, we are now free.

  10. Claire B says:


  11. LH says:

    Praying alongside you HL! I too am looking for peace in job related things. <3

  12. HL says:

    It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on here but tonight I am asking for prayer. There are some things going on with my job and I would appreciate prayer. Praying for faith and peace to make the right decisions. Thank you ladies.

  13. Julianne Pictou says:

    I thank God he has us the gift of grace

  14. Leah says:

    Romans 8:25 stuck out for me today. Specifically, Jesus as the “mercy seat” and God “passed over” the sins.

    I looked up the reference to the mercy seat in scripture: where God’s glory appeared on the ark. Where the priest made atonement and repented for sin. Jesus’ sacrifice is both merciful and just, making all things right in relationship with our Lord.

    “Passed over” reminded me of Passover when the Israelites escaped death by the sacrificial blood. We are covered by Jesus’ blood. Justified by God’s grace through faith.

  15. Tina says:

    MARTHA HIX, continued prayers for your troubles to be resolved.. quickly. Thank you Lord God!

    Amen. ❤️

  16. Tina says:


  17. Teresa Donley says:

    A quick update on my meeting with my doctor this morning to discuss my concerns over the results of my MRI. He was honest and vulnerable enough to tell me that he really didn’t know the answers to my questions. He has referred me to a neurologist, and just knowing I will be speaking to an expert on the brain gives me a renewed sense of calm. God is so good!

  18. Teresa Donley says:

    NORA LOWREY – I have been uplifted and encouraged by all the responses to you posting. This is something we have that is so precious – women sharing our pain and our victory and receiving support from others. Thank you for being vulnerable enough to state your need; you have blessed us all.

  19. Teresa Donley says:

    ALEIDA POLANCO I am praying for your son, that he will find the peace and forgiveness that come from putting his trust and faith in Jesus; and that you and your husband’s relationship with him is mended. Praying for your conversation with Victor, that it will be blessed by God and that His peace will prevail.
    MICHELLE PATIRE – I am praying for you and Heather in this difficult situation. I pray that God gives you peace and direction. I pray that Heather will come to know Jesus. And I pray that God will show you how to love your sister. I found through experience that if I genuinely pray for Gods blessings on a person I am having a difficult time to like, not to mention love, my feelings for that person change. I pray for peace for you and your family.
    HEIDI I’m praying for your sweet daughter that the meet and greet will be a success and that in the days to come, she thinks of the friends she has met there and how fun and exciting it will be to start anew with a new school and new friends. I’m praying for you and your husband, that you will have the words that will show her not only your love and support, but Gods peace as well.
    NORA LOWERY – I’m sure that many of the ladies here have felt the same – is my faith strong enough? Where is God when I can’t feel Him? What am I doing wrong? It actually helps to know that others are experiencing the same as me. Reading the Scripture here, as well as the daily devotion and these comments from fellow She’s helps me to see That were all the same – putting our faith in Him and growing as we walk our path. I pray that you will feel Gods love and forgiveness, and will know that He is always with you.
    CINDY HANNA – Congratulations on the birth of Cooper! So exciting to be blessed with a new grandchild. I pray for blessings on him and his family.
    MARI V – praying that your medical issue is quickly resolved.

  20. Donna Wolcott says:


  21. Terri Baldwin says:

    “There is only one God, and he makes people right with himself only by faith, whether they are Jews or Gentiles. Well then, if we emphasize faith, does this mean that we can forget about the law? Of course not! In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfill the law.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭3‬:‭30‬-‭31‬ ‭NLT‬‬

  22. Terri Baldwin says:

    The purport of this word was, that God by it published the good tidings of peace by Jesus Christ. They knew the several matters of fact relating to the gospel. They knew the baptism of repentance which John preached. Let them know that this Jesus Christ, by whom peace is made between God and man, is Lord of all; not only as over all, God blessed for evermore, but as Mediator. All power, both in heaven and in earth, is put into his hand, and all judgment committed to him. God will go with those whom he anoints; he will be with those to whom he has given his Spirit. Peter then declares Christ’s resurrection from the dead, and the proofs of it.

  23. Lynn F says:

    Hi everyone, I have been reading with you for several years but this is the first time I have commented.
    NORA LOWREY your comment caught my attention this morning. There have certainly been times that I’ve felt overwhelmed as well. There may be levels of understanding Scripture but definitely not levels of acceptance by God. He loves you right where you are just as you are right now. Keep on reading, believing and trusting and the Holy Spirit will guide you and teach you as you walk with Jesus. Have a good day!

  24. Heidi says:

    NORA LOWREY – I think EVERY. ONE. OF US. feels that at times. While there are levels of understanding that occur the more time you spend studying/learning/experiencing ANY subject (God included! :)), there are no levels of our belonging to/being wanted by/saved by/loved by our God… One thing that really elevated my understanding and even how I interacted with Scripture was (through a suggestion from someone else) I started praying “God please open my eyes and my heart to have the wisdom to see WHY you made sure these words made it in here and the understanding of what it says about You, Your heart, and how I can learn/demonstrate You in my day…” . I pray various versions of that prayer over the Scripture I read and it changes my perspective on what I read and He has given me wisdom on things I don’t think I could have ever had on my own… Every part of our journey with Him is a process and He isn’t rushing anyone. Keep walking with Him, reading about Him, looking for Him in your day – you’ll keep growing in wisdom and understanding, I promise!! SOO glad you are here!! :) :) :)

  25. Sophie Kosted says:

    accidentally posted this, my b! what I meant to say is that the conviction that so many other people have lived this life and this faith and this path (and for a long time) is both comforting and humbling. So grateful for ppl to imitate as they imitate Christ, and the power of hearing their stories of life on the path<3

  26. Kimberly Z says:

    This devotional was really great today. I have often had to lean on Jesus when times were hard and unimaginable. I remember going through them feeling angry but also wondering how people who don’t have faith get through it? Praying for you all today.

  27. Cindy Hanna says:

    Praising God for the birth of another grandchild last Wednesday. His name is Cooper. I will never stop marveling at new life. Be it the birth of a baby or the birth of new life in Christ. Our good God is at work. Cornelius’s story of coming to faith is amazing. Did you catch that he gathered others together to hear the good news that Peter had to share? I hope and pray that I will be just as prone to share the Good news of Christ as I am about sharing the good news of new grandchildren! Happy Monday!

  28. Kimberly Z says:

    @Nora Lowrey I don’t think you’re alone on not being on the same level as other people. I feel the same way at times! And I think that’s okay, you’re here and you’re showing up! That’s awesome. I often feel like the girls I connect with at my church are

  29. Mari V says:

    Good morning and Happy Monday. Could use prayer right now. I was getting ready to head out when I had a medical issue (not emergency).

  30. Cheryl Blow says:

    What peace it brings to know that we do not walk alone. Jesus is always with us and has already walked this path.

  31. Nora Lowrey says:

    There’s so much here! I’m finding myself a bit overwhelmed. I follow and read and believe and trust again and again. It says (my understanding) to rest in Jesus, so is that what I’m doing? Yes I go to church, sing, fellowship, participate… I just question if I m missing something? I’m really not on the same level as most of the ladies here. My understanding isn’t the same. ?

  32. Traci Gendron says:

    We are asked only to believe. We are invited to faithfully follow Jesus, our Good Shepherd, who walks beside and before us. What a beautiful picture!

  33. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “The call of Scripture is that as we grow older, we are to grow in our faith too.” I have been saved for 50 + years, no matter how long we have been saved – there is always room for growth, to which I can attest! The older I get, the longer I’ve been saved, I am realizing there is still SO much more to learn! I’m thankful for God’s grace as He walks me through all my growing stages and I pray that I will be gracious and patient with others who are also still growing, just as God is with me. I have realized as I’m sure you have too, is that when things are the hardest, when the future is uncertain, when trials come – that is when we do our most growing in our faith. I thank Him for the good times, but also for the hard times because if it weren’t for them I would not have grown to where I am now.

    @Martha Hix- praying that all quickly dries and there is no water damage.
    @Rhonda – continuing to pray for relief from your pain, and for your grandson.
    @Michelle – praying for patience with your sister and your home situation.
    @Aleida – continuing to pray for your prodigal son and for his relationship with his dad to be restored.

    Thank you all for the prayers for my sister’s housing situation, please continue to pray!

    Blessings to you all!

  34. Mari V says:

    Aleida, I’m praying right now.

  35. Heidi says:

    LISA Z – oh YAY!! I’m so sorry I didn’t check it, but I will now :) I’ll see if there’s any info I can share to help and email you back shortly!! :)

  36. Cee Gee says:

    “I may love others and try to faithfully serve my community, but these things don’t make me righteous before God. It’s Jesus who does that. We are justified not because of our acts but because of our faith (v.26)” Great devo, BAILEY GILLESPIE!!!

    I listened to the song Bailey mentioned and thought I would share the lyrics. Beautiful song! I had to paste in parts so I apologize if there is an error.

    I’ll Meet You There by Jill Phillips

    One day the walls you’ve built are gonna crumble
    One day the lines you’ve drawn will disappear
    One day a wave of sorrow will pull you under
    And when it does, I’ll meet you there

    One day you’ll tire of running from your failures
    You’ll find the burden weighs too much to bear
    It will feel like any hope is lost forever
    And when it does I’ll meet you there
    Don’t fear the long descent
    The path’s been broken in by saints before us
    Each tear you cry
    Will find its place inside that ancient chorus

    Higher ground is harder to believe in
    When you’re drowning in a river of your tears
    But the river always runs down to the valley
    And when it does, I’ll meet you there

    Don’t fear the long descent
    The path’s been broken in by saints before us Each tear you cry
    Will find its place inside that ancient chorus

    If you feel like you have been discarded
    Or if you feel abandoned to despair
    If pain has frozen over where your heart is
    And you see no sign of sunlight anywhere
    Sometimes your faith will get lost in that darkness
    And when it does, I’ll meet you there

  37. Tasha Adams says:

    That gives me such peace knowing that I don’t have to “forge a new path” that it has already been done by Christ. I will trust in Him always, He is my only way back to the Father and my only compass in this world.

  38. Heidi says:

    Thanks again for the prayers for my girl and breaking the news of the new school – I posted Sat. but wanted to again, it went pretty well. She’s still extremely hesitant and doesn’t think she wants to make this transition. We’re trying to give her time and advice and space to keep processing. She has a “Meet and Greet” this afternoon with girls from her class so I’m REALLY hoping she makes some great connections that help her see the good that can come from all of this… Pray away, ladies!! haha!! ❤️

    MARTHA HIX- hoping the water-mess-clean-up is going as smoothly as can be and that the work can be done efficiently, accurately, and QUICKLY!!

    TERESA DONLEY- awesome you had such a positive experience in the MRI machine… yay! Praying your doctor can provide more detailed information on what could be causing the symptoms/dizziness/etc for you, I’m sure it’s stressful going through that…

    SHARON/JERSEY- praying God opens doors to a new space for your sis, or communicates a call on the family she is with now to extend their extra space with her. Any update on your nephew’s recovery?

  39. Lisa z says:

    Praying for all of us to be great examples for our children. Praying our children hear the holy spirit’s whisper.
    I stepped away from the Lord for many of my younger years. I am grateful for the prayers of my parents and the faith they passed on to me. A legacy of faith is the best gift ever! I trust our faithful Father will gather all of our lost sheep as He gathered us! I strayed far and yet He kept me safe. Now it’s such a comfort to know He loves and care for our kids even more than we do. We only need to pray. Only, like it isn’t a lot. When we she warriors know that prayer covers everything! May we rest in the comfort of His magnificent, healing, all covering grace. May we find comfort in His arms.
    Love y’all!
    Heidi, thanks for the inspiration to go to a church service while abroad. I did send you an email last week.

  40. Heidi says:

    “…because in his restraint God passed over the sins previously committed.” GOD’S RESTRAINT… what a topic. It’s one I’ve very often thought about, especially during Easter. The amount of restraint it would take for a perfect, loving parent to demonstrate in order to allow their perfect, precious child to be tortured and murdered directly in front of Him — all because He knew that, as much as He grieves and detests what is happening to His son, His son’s death was for the glory of God and the ultimate good for Creation. I then have to keep in check when I’m upset or confused as to why God won’t’ “act” against the atrocities of sin I see around me, it’s that same restraint that gave me salvation being used to give time and opportunity for His love to be shared to those people. It’s that same restraint that allows me the grace and mercy I don’t deserve to work through and process through the sins that I keep thinking are “not that bad, it’s fine…” when in reality they are leaving open holes for me to justify even more sin, instead of allowing God to come in and rebuild and restore. I think we (or maybe just me in my past) glaze over the idea of restraint and God’s perfect use of it and extended example of it… I just think we would be SO much more accurate in representing Him/His image to the world if we showed greater value of this trait.

  41. Kristen Book says:

    Thought of this song today:
    “What patience would wait as we constantly roam
    What Father, so tender, is calling us home
    He welcomes the weakest, the vilest, the poor
    Our sins they are many, His mercy is more
    Praise the Lord, His mercy is more
    Stronger than darkness, new every morn
    Our sins they are many, His mercy is more”
    -His Mercy is More

  42. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s!
    I have been here everyday reading and praying for requests! Our pastor and others that I have heard this week are all pointing to us (all) being Chosen by God! That it is not by anything we have done or earned, but by his mercy and grace! And then because of that, we too should tell and share with others! I love that simple message of the gospel! Accept and be saved! Funny that so many scoff at that, and chose to close their ears to it. Yet, I was a sinner and part of the world myself, as we all were. So we must have mercy and grace for all those “gentiles” around us, yet have an urgency for sharing the truth. Our secret weapon is prayer. Pray without ceasing. We also have many prodigals among us, but I believe, being one, that what my parents instill in us is what brought me home.

    @Theresa- thank you for always keeping me in your prayers, it’s an amazing feeling of love when you see your name in someones prayers!!! Amazing!

    @Michelle- thank you friend, praying for you always as well!

    @Martha Hix- praying when I saw your comment. We had our whole basement fill up to 3 feet with back sewage several years ago…awful mess!! We had to go to a hotel, then didn’t have heat for awhile in the middle of winter.

    @Laura- I have been praying for you and your daughter for some time now, praying it will turn, and her eyes will be opened!

    I believe it was @Chelsea that mentioned a hymnal, thank you for mentioning that one, I have a youtube hymnal list that I had forgotten about!!

    I miss @Dorthy and MollyR and @Taylor, @Jenniferlovesjesus, and Kathy, Angie…where did you old faithfuls go?? lol.

    I have a migraine this morning I am praying goes away quickly! Thank you.

  43. Annie says:

    Lord Jesus, help me to walk in faith in Jesus and to only do good works from the outpouring of my heart – not from trying to earn righteousness that I cannot earn…thank You, Jesus for the gift of faith and the gift of righteousness and salvation!

  44. Annie says:

    @ Michelle praying for you this morning!

  45. Nicole Isom says:


  46. Michelle Patire says:

    Good morning, Shes!
    Praying for victory with Victor, @Aleida :)
    @Martha Hix- praying you are working things out with the flooding at your home- glad we can encourage you!
    @Rhonda J- praying you are doing well and feeling healthy in your body, today!
    @Lynne from Alabama – praying peace and strength to you, Jack, and family
    @Sarah D- do you start your new job today? God bless you!

    Hey, I have a prayer request. So if you have been keeping tabs on me since I came to SRT in 2020, I live with my parents. Right now, my sister Heather and I are sharing a room. It’s frustrating, being I am 30 years old. But God keeps telling me to practice humility for Him and accept this is His will (kind of annoyed that is His response, tbh lol.) My parents have another empty bedroom but don’t want Heather in it because she’s irresponsible. She’s three years younger than me and is still growing up in a lot of ways. She hasn’t gotten her own vehicle yet, bc she is not wise with her money. A few weeks ago she took edibles and had a panic attack. It’s been a trip. I just want to ask for extra grace. I can feel the Lord’s grace as I type of this confession. That I struggle to love her… She needs Him but doesn’t want anything to do with “religion” bc she is trying out rebellion for the time being. Well… We see how that’s going .. lol. Anyways, from someone who’s tried the devil’s tea and felt its sting, it is a test of patience to live and love this person. Thanks lol :)

  47. Laura says:

    I love this quote from the author today…”we can’t do what is good and right outside of Jesus. Apart from Him, our faith is a constellation of abstract beliefs, and our attempts at moral living are merely striving.” Someone recently commented on here that there is no GOOD without GOD. That really resonated with me. Right now, the world is promoting its version of “good” and “love” and if we don’t follow what Jesus tells us these things are in the Bible, then we get way off track. Humans are not meant to create their own versions of good or love. Only following God’s plan and God’s Word will show us the true versions. I want to be a faithful follower of God and His Word, and the only way to do that is through Jesus Christ.

  48. ERB says:

    I really love the faithfulness and obedience in today’s verses. May we place ALL of our trust in God!! He is the beginning and the end and NOTHING happens without His say-so!!

    I was reminded of Mathew 5:17-20 THE FULFILLMENT OF THE LAW
    “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.“
    **these verses came after the Beatitudes and Salt & Light… Jesus came to fulfill the law, not abolish it!! He came so we might have freedom and direct access to God as well as to learn that the law is not an outward expression but an inward state of the heart!! Let us listen, hear and obey!! God deserves to be FIRST in EVERYTHING that we think and do!!! Let us subject ourselves to Him, submit to His Way and follow Him, regardless of cost!! Thank You Lord for Your faithfulness and instruction, may we live as You have called us to live!! Amen.

    And I also also highlighted this verse:
    Colossians 1:13-14 He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves. 14 In Him we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
    **such a good reminder of Who God is and what He has done/does!!! Let us revere You Lord!! For You are the Holiest of Holies!!! Amen.

    May God be with each of us in our day, and May we choose Him above all else!! Amen.
    Praying for all requests, spoken and unspoken. Xoxo

  49. June Pimpo says:

    Great read today. I did a deep dive into “mercy seat” and what that means. Atoning sacrifice. The lid of the ark of the covenant. He paid the price for our sins once and for all. What a beautiful plan the Father had from the beginning of time.

  50. Maria Baer says:

    “We don’t need to forge a new path, we are invited to faithfully follow Jesus.” The way this feels like a warm blanket on a cold winter day.

  51. Maria Baer says:

    ALEIDA, I continue to keep you, Victor and your husband in my prayers, sisters. If I may offer a word of encouragement— I don’t know all the specifics, but in many ways, I was Victor. While I had a relationship with my parents, spiritually it was not the best. I put myself in crazy and dangerous situations, that i am convinced the only reason I am alive today by God’s grace and my mother’s prayers for so many years. So do not loose heart. And I will add to my prayers that God grants you supernatural peace and that you get to make the trip to CA and start the healing process with Victor. Sending so much love.

  52. Theresa says:

    What a beautiful reality we live in where God brings us into his family not because of anything we do or because of where we come from, but simply because of our trust in him. I need this truth today! I often struggle with feeling like I’m not good enough or I fall too short for God’s Grace. I worry that as I approach his throne, his patience with me has worn thin. I am so thankful that is not the God we serve! His love for his children is never ending!

    MARTHA HIX – praying for your home and for everything to dry quickly.

    RHONDA – praying for your chronic pain this morning.

    ALEIDA POLANCO – praying for restoration in your relationship with your son and asking God to open the door for you to see him.

  53. Samantha A says:

    *asking God for supernatural peace and reconciliation! Continue to speak God’s truth over this relationship and over Victor. You are a daughter of the King of kings and Lord of lords! He is your advocate, healer, strong tower, and firm foundation. Asking and believing that Victor will have an encounter with Jesus and forever be transformed. If you have not heard of the story of Hudson Taylor and his mother’s prayers, it’s incredibly encouraging and powerful.
    May you have a blessed day! ♥️

  54. Samantha A says:

    *asking God for supernatural peace and reconciliation! Continue to speak God’s truth over this relationship and over Victor. You are a daughter of the King of kings and Lord of lords! He is your advocate, healer, strong tower, and firm foundation. Asking and believing that Victor will have an encounter with Jesus and forever be transformed. If you have not heard of the story of Hudson Taylor and his mother’s prayers, it’s incredibly encouraging and powerful.

  55. Samantha A says:

    Aleida, I am praying for you and Victor this morning! Asking God for supernatural

  56. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen. Father I cant do it on my own..I am weak but Your Grace is made powerful in my weakness. In Jesus name, Amen

  57. Kelly (NEO) says:

    All praise to You Jesus for making a way for I could never be righteous without the covering of Your blood.

  58. Kristen says:

    Through faith alone in Christ alone! Thanks be to Jesus for His finished work on the Cross. God is both just and Justifier. Jesus is the only Way! I heard a sermon yesterday called, Why the Good News is so Good! Actually, the best news! You can find it on YouTube by Dr. Voddie Bauchman. There were things I didn’t think of there! In fact, I should listen again!
    @Aledia P, just saw your prayer requests. Amen!
    Prayers for you all today!

  59. Mary Ann Graves says:


  60. Chelsea Wilson says:

    “Faith is simple: we are to put our trust in Jesus Christ.” What a statement! How often do I overcomplicate my faith? As the old hymn goes: “Only trust Him, only trust Him, only trust Him now! He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now!” How blessed we are as believers to have someone we know we can trust completely. Only our Lord and Savior will do what He says He will do every time, in the right time, and in the right way! We are truly blessed!

  61. Aleida Polanco says:

    Good morning Shes, happy Monday! What a great reminder that we are made right in God’s sight when we put our trust in Jesus to take away our sins, no matter who we are or what we have done
    Please pray that I can have faith that He will heal and protect my prodigal son, Victor, and bring him to His feet to surrender his life to Christ.
    That He will restore what the locust have eaten and our relationship will be reconciled and renewed – especially between him and his dad.
    Also IF I do go to CA next month, please pray that I’ll be able to see my son and that we can have a conversation filled with God’s peace that transcends all understand.
    Thank you and gave a blessed week❤️