Exhortations to Godliness

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 10:19-39, Ezekiel 36:22-28, Matthew 27:50-54

What if today, a distant relative brought you a legal document promising you enough money to provide for all you and your family’s needs for the rest of your lives? How would you feel? You’d probably experience great joy and a deep sense of security—the anticipated future blessing would bring you great hope now, whatever your current financial situation.

As we’ve read the book of Hebrews, the author has been making a case to persecuted, weary Christian readers for embracing their inheritance as those dearly loved, forgiven, and free in Christ rather than returning to the old days of sacrifices. In Hebrews 10:11–39, the author shows them and us how to live in light of the new life Christ’s blood has earned for us, calling us to godliness. 

The author explains that godliness is acting in a way that reflects God’s character. Our new life, brought about by Christ’s sacrifice and advocacy as our High Priest, gives us boldness or confidence (vv.19,35). It is not general confidence but one that enables us to “draw near with a true heart and full assurance of faith” (vv.22), knowing Christ has always been and will forever be faithful (v.23).

I love the picture here: our godliness grows out of our confidence rooted in Christ. In every action, we’re called to reflect that confidence. We are called to focus our efforts outward, to “provoke” fellow believers to “love and good works” (vv.24–25), something I can only ever do consistently because of my hope in Christ. It is not surprising that the One who calls us to motivate others is Himself others focused—on His Father’s business and us, His beloved brothers and sisters (vv.9–10).

Since godliness grows from our confidence in Christ, we need to understand what it would mean to turn from our faith. To reject our rescuer is to trample on Him, insult the Spirit of grace, and belittle His name, subjecting ourselves to His judgment (Hebrews 10:26–31, Ezekiel 36:22–28). But confidence in Christ leads to godliness, which in turn communicates God’s greatness to others.

Godliness also involves enduring suffering with joy, not by sheer willpower, but by resting in the hope of the day of Christ’s return when our salvation will be fully realized (Hebrews 10:34–36). This resonates deeply with me. As someone who is blind, I love that the very next face I see will be the face of Christ. When I focus on that, especially in difficult moments, my perspective shifts to hope and joy. We can endure any hardship if we know it will be reversed in a week, a month, or a year. How much more should this be true with an eternal inheritance?

The passage closes with a call to own the confidence we have in Christ—not shrink back as others have, but to continually take hold of our salvation (v.39). Godliness is confidence in Christ that results in boldly approaching Him with our praise, encouraging the confidence of others, staying turned to the hope we have, and walking with joy in suffering—as Christ did for us when enduring the cross (Hebrews 12:2).

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43 thoughts on "Exhortations to Godliness"

  1. Cindy Hanna says:

    Leaning in with confidence…Not shrinking back. Keeping the faith with endurance. The older I get the more I understand the emphasis on endurance. I get so tired. I used to participate in a 24 hr long distance relay race and the last 3rd leg of the relay was always miserable UNTIL I came to the last quarter mile. By then my team would have driven by, refreshed me with water and encouraged me with loud congratulations at my pace and the pending end. How sweet to hand off the baton amidst cheers, laughter and a short rest before rushing along to meet the last runner and finish the race together. That’s what it’s going to be like when I finish my earthly race. All that joy of being surrounded by those who had the same goal. Seeing Jesus and being in his presence. I can’t wait!

  2. Mercy says:

    “This is the declaration of the Lord God-when I demonstrate my holiness THROUGH YOU in their sight” (Ezekiel 36:23). Through us, people will know God’s holiness. What an incredible honor. I always love this verse, “Pursue peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). This means peace and holiness are perceivable by non-believers. There was some common misunderstanding about holiness that raises a wrong debate, stating that holiness is from within, and hidden only, but that’s not true from what this verse says, without holiness no one will see the Lord, meaning our holiness must be obvious to for people to see, through our words/actions/surrounding environments. May we align ourselves daily to be vessels of holiness, from both inside and outward appearance. No double lives or double standards. One standard of Holiness from God alone.

    I am amazed at the author of today’s devotional. I was stopped on track when reading the part she was blind, I stopped and re-read like many of you, and then Dana’s comment on her music which prompted me to research. And I am in awe that the Lord has glorified Himself through Ginny through so many accomplishments, though she was blind at the age of 3, and recently finished a Master degree in Biblical studies. What a powerful living testimony Ginny is. This is a case of seriously “provoke” fellow believers to love and good works. Praise the Lord for powerful women of God among our midst. Be blessed dear sisters.

  3. Susan says:

    Traci, praying for you. Grief is so hard. Praying that God’s tender mercies surround you as one year approaches. And may you have a blessed birthday.

  4. Tricia C says:

    “He who promised us faithful.” Enough said. Thanks be to God.

  5. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that we can boldly enter God’s throne, and that he gives us the power to be godly. I pray that I would persevere in this holiness.

  6. Kimberly Z says:

    “We can endure any hardships if we know it will reversed in a week, a month, or even a year.” As I’ve said several times I often have anxiety over the fact that I am 31 and not married. If I knew I would one day become a wife and mother I feel like I could relax more and enjoy the life I have in front of me. I have considered going to a psychic in the past just to see if they could me what my life holds haha. Yet I know God wants me to instill full trust into him.

  7. Dorothy says:

    “We can endure any hardship if we know it will be reversed in a week, a month, or a year.” These are words I needed to hear and read today. My emotions are all over the place. My sister and I going to have to move into the house, at least temporarily, while things get figured out. We talked to the lawyer today and my brothers yesterday. So the move is on for this weekend. I just need to remind myself it is only temporary.

    Be blessed and know God, Christ and the Holy Spirit “have your back” (yes I’m reminding myself of it too) sisters.

  8. Gwineth52 says:

    Good Morning Shes. Still on the road. Today in Providence, RI. Watching Brown University students & Wishing them all more than head knowledge alone. Also Charity. Character. Compassion. Creativity, as He was the first Creator. Remembering they are children of the Light, and there is no darkness. Today’s scripture & devotional reading are reminding me to lean into & long more for the One who loves me & lavishes me with all good things. He protects. He perfects. Dear Lord, stay me on a course of Your beauty, goodness & truth. And when I do this, I can live free of shame & sin. And when I do this, nothing else made by man matters. When we all can do this, we help design days that are infinitely better & more abundant than anything else alone. Thanks be to God! Beautiful Blessing wherever the day finds you!