What if today, a distant relative brought you a legal document promising you enough money to provide for all you and your family’s needs for the rest of your lives? How would you feel? You’d probably experience great joy and a deep sense of security—the anticipated future blessing would bring you great hope now, whatever your current financial situation.
As we’ve read the book of Hebrews, the author has been making a case to persecuted, weary Christian readers for embracing their inheritance as those dearly loved, forgiven, and free in Christ rather than returning to the old days of sacrifices. In Hebrews 10:11–39, the author shows them and us how to live in light of the new life Christ’s blood has earned for us, calling us to godliness.
The author explains that godliness is acting in a way that reflects God’s character. Our new life, brought about by Christ’s sacrifice and advocacy as our High Priest, gives us boldness or confidence (vv.19,35). It is not general confidence but one that enables us to “draw near with a true heart and full assurance of faith” (vv.22), knowing Christ has always been and will forever be faithful (v.23).
I love the picture here: our godliness grows out of our confidence rooted in Christ. In every action, we’re called to reflect that confidence. We are called to focus our efforts outward, to “provoke” fellow believers to “love and good works” (vv.24–25), something I can only ever do consistently because of my hope in Christ. It is not surprising that the One who calls us to motivate others is Himself others focused—on His Father’s business and us, His beloved brothers and sisters (vv.9–10).
Since godliness grows from our confidence in Christ, we need to understand what it would mean to turn from our faith. To reject our rescuer is to trample on Him, insult the Spirit of grace, and belittle His name, subjecting ourselves to His judgment (Hebrews 10:26–31, Ezekiel 36:22–28). But confidence in Christ leads to godliness, which in turn communicates God’s greatness to others.
Godliness also involves enduring suffering with joy, not by sheer willpower, but by resting in the hope of the day of Christ’s return when our salvation will be fully realized (Hebrews 10:34–36). This resonates deeply with me. As someone who is blind, I love that the very next face I see will be the face of Christ. When I focus on that, especially in difficult moments, my perspective shifts to hope and joy. We can endure any hardship if we know it will be reversed in a week, a month, or a year. How much more should this be true with an eternal inheritance?
The passage closes with a call to own the confidence we have in Christ—not shrink back as others have, but to continually take hold of our salvation (v.39). Godliness is confidence in Christ that results in boldly approaching Him with our praise, encouraging the confidence of others, staying turned to the hope we have, and walking with joy in suffering—as Christ did for us when enduring the cross (Hebrews 12:2).

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44 thoughts on "Exhortations to Godliness"
Amen amen and thank you @ginnyowens!
Hi Kimberly, I know how you are feeling. I definitely thought I would be married by now, but there are 0 prospects in my life and there are times when I wonder if I will ever marry and have a family of my own. But people tell me time and time again, God wouldn’t give us the desire to be married if that was not His will for us. I encourage you to remain trustful with God, and go to Him in prayer always. Psychics don’t have the answers that only God has and will only open unwanted doors in your life. God’s got you, and He wants to make you happy. Trust in that.
Ahhhh! @ginnyowens your music has truly shaped my walk! Thank you!!!
Godliness grows from our confidence in Christ that results boldly approaching Him with our praise, encouraging confidence of others. “Remember the debt we are in” and “the depth of Gods mercy”
Traci Gendron I am praying for you my dear sister. I
KimberlyZ I was in your same position a few years ago! I too felt that same temptation and though I thought it innocuous at the time I still never went and now I see that God wanted me to trust Him and not to seek out some other knowledge. Trust Him. I know it is hard but He is faithful.
We are in Naples.
Thank you
Thank you Susan
@KimberlyZ I met my husband at 31! I am now 34 and have a 15 month old. I think God put the desire for you to be a wife and a mom in your heart. And it will happen, of course no one can promise it’ll look as you imagined. But I also thought I would never meet anyone and was super anxious. Just keep praying. All is possible in Him. Praying for you
Leaning in with confidence…Not shrinking back. Keeping the faith with endurance. The older I get the more I understand the emphasis on endurance. I get so tired. I used to participate in a 24 hr long distance relay race and the last 3rd leg of the relay was always miserable UNTIL I came to the last quarter mile. By then my team would have driven by, refreshed me with water and encouraged me with loud congratulations at my pace and the pending end. How sweet to hand off the baton amidst cheers, laughter and a short rest before rushing along to meet the last runner and finish the race together. That’s what it’s going to be like when I finish my earthly race. All that joy of being surrounded by those who had the same goal. Seeing Jesus and being in his presence. I can’t wait!
“This is the declaration of the Lord God-when I demonstrate my holiness THROUGH YOU in their sight” (Ezekiel 36:23). Through us, people will know God’s holiness. What an incredible honor. I always love this verse, “Pursue peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). This means peace and holiness are perceivable by non-believers. There was some common misunderstanding about holiness that raises a wrong debate, stating that holiness is from within, and hidden only, but that’s not true from what this verse says, without holiness no one will see the Lord, meaning our holiness must be obvious to for people to see, through our words/actions/surrounding environments. May we align ourselves daily to be vessels of holiness, from both inside and outward appearance. No double lives or double standards. One standard of Holiness from God alone.
I am amazed at the author of today’s devotional. I was stopped on track when reading the part she was blind, I stopped and re-read like many of you, and then Dana’s comment on her music which prompted me to research. And I am in awe that the Lord has glorified Himself through Ginny through so many accomplishments, though she was blind at the age of 3, and recently finished a Master degree in Biblical studies. What a powerful living testimony Ginny is. This is a case of seriously “provoke” fellow believers to love and good works. Praise the Lord for powerful women of God among our midst. Be blessed dear sisters.
Traci, praying for you. Grief is so hard. Praying that God’s tender mercies surround you as one year approaches. And may you have a blessed birthday.
“He who promised us faithful.” Enough said. Thanks be to God.
I love that we can boldly enter God’s throne, and that he gives us the power to be godly. I pray that I would persevere in this holiness.
“We can endure any hardships if we know it will reversed in a week, a month, or even a year.” As I’ve said several times I often have anxiety over the fact that I am 31 and not married. If I knew I would one day become a wife and mother I feel like I could relax more and enjoy the life I have in front of me. I have considered going to a psychic in the past just to see if they could me what my life holds haha. Yet I know God wants me to instill full trust into him.
“We can endure any hardship if we know it will be reversed in a week, a month, or a year.” These are words I needed to hear and read today. My emotions are all over the place. My sister and I going to have to move into the house, at least temporarily, while things get figured out. We talked to the lawyer today and my brothers yesterday. So the move is on for this weekend. I just need to remind myself it is only temporary.
Be blessed and know God, Christ and the Holy Spirit “have your back” (yes I’m reminding myself of it too) sisters.
Good Morning Shes. Still on the road. Today in Providence, RI. Watching Brown University students & Wishing them all more than head knowledge alone. Also Charity. Character. Compassion. Creativity, as He was the first Creator. Remembering they are children of the Light, and there is no darkness. Today’s scripture & devotional reading are reminding me to lean into & long more for the One who loves me & lavishes me with all good things. He protects. He perfects. Dear Lord, stay me on a course of Your beauty, goodness & truth. And when I do this, I can live free of shame & sin. And when I do this, nothing else made by man matters. When we all can do this, we help design days that are infinitely better & more abundant than anything else alone. Thanks be to God! Beautiful Blessing wherever the day finds you!
Traci Gendron, where in Florida are you?
Sorry, my comment was for Traci Gendron. Sheesh
V31 on the 31st day of October. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. This one caused me to pause. I re-read 26-30 and considered it all again. Still pondering and asking HS to open my eyes to understanding. I believe it to be letting go of our human nature and surrendering all to Him that is terrifying. But then could also be just being bold and courageous enough not to choose the world’s ways. In the time this was written, it was very dangerous for those believers. Regardless, I am thankful for these words in scripture today! And we always have BUT GOD …
@Michelle Patire, I pray for comfort for you this week and in the weeks to come. My sister lost her youngest son just over a year ago and it has been a difficult time for her. That one year anniversary seems to have brought it all back. So I sympathize with you and pray that God would hold you close. Hugs to you ❤️
Thank you, Ginny for your devotional today. It opened up my eyes to God’s Word. I will rest in the hope of the day of Christ’s return! Amen!
I love how our confidence comes from what Jesus has done and not from my own will or power. He has done it all. Such a great reminder that God is with us and has rescued and redeemed us. The closer I go to the Lord the more confidence and secure in my faith I can be. For anyone who is struggling or hurting it is a lie from Satan that God wants you to figure it out or fix the problem first. Just run to him and sit in his presence. I have wasted so much of my life trying to earns God approval and it was always there.
DANA – What a beautiful testament to God.
I have been neglecting to gather at church. During the pandemic I did not go because it was more important to keep my son safe from covid. I have no excuse to not be gathering together with other believers. We are in Florida for a bit and I was going to go yesterday and try a church here. I overslept! Seriously?? I’m hoping this coming Sunday will be a different scenario. It will be my 61st birthday. One week before Tanner died. I’m afraid I will go and just cry through it. No one will know me there and that will be uncomfortable. I pray that God gives me comfort during this next 2 weeks. That He will give me that “boldness and confidence” to endure the grief that is hitting hard.
It amazes me that someone blind wrote this whole devotional. That is incredible that this is possible, with today’s technology. Praise God!
@Jamie Trice– oooof how comparison can take our eyes off God’s kindness to us. That hurts my heart to read. May your husband know Jesus loves him just as much as his coworkers who have more money. May you both trust God is still good to you, despite the financial hardship. May you see God gives you what you need and grows you in places of hardship. May his heart be softened to truth and may his eyes turn away from the cares of this world to the truths of Christ.
@Lehua– May God give you and your husband comfort and strength. May you stay patient in prayer, knowing your words are heard by God. <3
Hebrews 10:23 has been one of my favorite verses “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” I hope everyone has a great start to their week <3 He is faithful!
“Godliness involves enduring suffering with joy, not by sheer willpower, but by resting in the hope of the day of Christ’s return when our salvation will be fully realized.” I’ve been wrestling a lot lately with the constant sin struggles to achieve and create my own comfort . This sentence captures where my heart has been lately in desiring and asking for help from the Spirit to REST in hope and cling to JOY. No amount of my striving will make me comfortable, joyful, or eternally hopeful.
“Godliness involves enduring suffering with joy, not by sheer willpower, but by resting in the hope of the day of Christ’s return when our salvation will be fully realized.” I’ve been wrestling a lot lately with the constant sin struggles that come
Faith and Hope are from God alone. Jesus paid the price, so that we could be washed clean. When the father looks at us He only sees His son! Thank God and Jesus for these precious gifts! You only need to take them and accept them. Amen!
This hits home as I am getting back into going back to church after a few years of not going and my husband struggling with why we are struggling to get by and I am having health issues while other people he works with, that I do not know personally, are getting handed HUGE amounts of money being told it is a gift from God. It really upset him and it’s made it harder for me to get him to come back with me. So please be praying for his heart to be unhardened.
Thank you for your prayer over the week. My biggest desire is to walk the week with God, and let him lead.
Ginny’s words from today’s devo hit hard – “As someone who is blind, I love that the very next face I see will be the face of Christ” – wow. I read that and thought about how, as redeemed believers in the salvation Jesus offers, that will be our truth at some point … the next face we see. Just wow.
CAROL M – I’m also older and learned of SRT from a niece :)
LAURA – praying for your daughter. As someone who broke my parents’ hearts for years with my wandering and rejection of Christ, I can testify that He is calling with open arms, forgiveness, mercy and grace.
LEHUA K – praying for you and husband as you walk through and out of this valley
Jesus’ blood gives us boldness to enter the sanctuary (the presence of God). He inaugurated a new and living way through the curtain (His flesh). He is the great high priest over the house of God. He sprinkled our hearts clean from an evil conscience and washed our bodies in pure water. He promises us eternal life. He is faithful. Vengeance belongs to Him; He will repay. He will judge His people. He is the Coming One who is coming and does not delay.
In the past, Jesus sprinkled our hearts clean from an evil conscience and washed our bodies with pure water. We were enlightened by the work of the Holy Spirit within us. Some Christians endured a hard struggle with sufferings. Some Christians were publicly exposed to taunts and afflictions. Other Christians were companions of those who were taunted and afflicted. Christians sympathized with those imprisoned for their Christian testimony. Some Christians accepted with joy the confiscation of their possessions.
Now, we have a new and living way through the curtain that Jesus inaugurated. We have a new way to live in God’s presence by taking on Christlikeness. We can draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith because of the confidence we have in Christ’s blood. We can hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering because of Jesus is faithful to us. We are consider one another in order to provoke love and good works in each other. We are to gather together. We are to encourage one another. We know we have a better and enduring possession than what we possess now. We are not to throw away our confidence in Christ. We need endurance to do God’s will. We are to have faith. We are saved because of Jesus’s work.
Christ, the Coming One, is coming. His return is approaching. He will come and not delay. He will judge His people. He will punish those who deliberately go on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth. A great reward will be given to those who endure to do God’s will. They will receive what was promised, a better and enduring possession than what they have here on earth. God’s people will live by faith.
Faith and Hope..what gifts. Thank you Lord Jesus, Father God and Holy Spirit. Amen
Thankful for God’s longsuffering and mercy with my easily straying heart. ❤
Even if I have just messed up, fallen in sins again, I can enter the sanctuary with boldness. Not because I deserve forgiveness, but because of God’s faithful. It’s impossible for me to mess up so badly that acess is denied. I can always come to receive grace and mercy. So let us draw near, hold onto our confession, and encourage one another because we serve such a great, faithful God.
Laura – Praying for you and your daughter
Jennifer Anapol – How is your daughter doing?
Thank you Ginny! How lovely to read your words here. Fun fact: 19-20 years ago your music became a big part of our spiritual journey. At the time my husband was struggling with a decision over a job offer that seemed too good to be true. At the height of stress over the decision and with just an hour left to give his answer, my husband jumped in the shower to get ready for his meeting. It was then that God showed up and took over his mind. My husband felt peace and calm that felt like warm oil being poured over his head and down to his toes. God flashed pictures in front of his eyes of life being better without the job he was offered. My husband came out of the shower and dropped to his knees in front of me sobbing. I was scared to death that something was wrong with him. But he shared what had just happened and we both cried and prayed in thankfulness. Needless to say he turned down the job offer. We have always been Believers but that day our Faith grew by leaps and bounds and we started listening to Christian music in our home and on the radio. Without Condition was the first Christian CD we bought and we listened to it on repeat. Anyway, thank you for being a part of our journey. We love to share my husbands testimony and I think of you every time we do ❤️.
Father, we praise and thank You for this new day, this new week. We do not know what lays before us but You do. Help us, dear Father, to leave all in Your hands, to take Your hand so that You can guide us and show us the paths to walk. If we encounter any hardship please give us the grace to accept it and do only what pleases Your heart. For we live for You alone. Amen