Paul’s final benediction to the Thessalonians is a list of instructions for developing Christian character: highly regard your co-laborers with love, comfort the discouraged, help the weak, be patient with everyone, pursue the good of all, give thanks in everything, test all things, hold on to what is good, and stay away from evil, among other words of advice (1Thessalonians 5:12–22). But these aren’t just rules for the sake of being good. Paul is giving these faithful, early Christ followers a collection of transformative practices to help them deepen their maturity and grow in their faith, practices that have guided generations of believers toward a life that looks like Jesus.
It’s notable that this portrait of a believer in hard times isn’t frantic or fearful. They aren’t to be people who strive to solve everything in their own power. They aren’t to be fretting about persecution or disrespect. Instead, this is what it looks like to trust the God who first called them. This is what it looks like to seek the good of each other and the flourishing of community.
You may be thinking, How? How can I possibly do all this—comforting the discouraged and pursuing the greater good and giving thanks in everything—when it feels like my world is falling apart? Is this call to be blameless even possible? But here is the good news: you were never meant to do this alone. “He who calls you is faithful. He will do it” (1Thessalonians 5:24).
In his book Surrender to Love, David G. Benner compares this sort of reliance on God to learning how to swim. Before you can move through the water, first you have to recognize that you can float. “The English word surrender,” he writes, “carries the implication of putting one’s full weight on someone or something. It involves letting go… And it involves trust.” Floating naturally happens when we stop trying so hard to keep our head above water.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with effort. All of these instructions are active practices we should incorporate into our lives as believers. But when we trust God’s faithfulness, we can strive less, knowing the work isn’t wholly dependent on us. Paul’s encouragement is to keep seeking wholeness so that “the God of peace himself” may “sanctify [us] completely” (1Thessalonians 5:23). With the Lord as our confidence, we don’t have to be afraid (Proverbs 3:24–26).
There may be times when we wonder if we have the endurance to keep going. We can honor our limits and acknowledge our struggles. But just like learning to swim, we can remind ourselves to float as we learn new strokes, until every movement becomes muscle memory. The work is ours, but it’s also God’s. He called us to it, and He is faithful to finish it.

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54 thoughts on "Exhortations & Blessings"
I love the imagery of letting go and floating. Remembering that Jesus is faithful to His children. He will finish the work He started in us. He will see His kingdom glorified and I just get to be a part of it.
Lifting you and your family up in prayer. Been there, and it’s exhausting. You remember God sees you and your son. Keep pouring into him despite the resistance. I liken it to gardening, keep planting the seed in fertile soil and pulling the weeds. His heart hears you as God hears our pleas and sends us love. Hang tough!
Alexxa, post partum is so hard. I had my daughter November 2018 and it took about 1-2 years to feel normal again. So please be gentle with yourself and go slow. No pressure to “bounce back”. And it’s ok to feel joy and grief, boredom and enjoyment, self-doubt and pride. All of the above.
Alexa, praying for you! PPD is so hard. Sparkle Sanders shared her story of PPD in this podcast and I found it to be very helpful.
I will trust in the lord!
@Alexa I had PPD with each child. Thankfully with each child it was less severe. It was really bad with my first. This was 26 years ago and not much was talked about then and I felt crazy. I had prayed for this baby and then I felt like I did not want him anymore. My husbands company had to hire a nanny so he could go back to work which made me feel even worse. They put me on medication and thankfully with time and prayer it got better. It is so hard and not everyone understands. I will keep you in my prayers. I am sure with Covid it makes it even harder. Just know you are not alone.
@Susan Crosby I was convicted about watching soap operas. I grew up watching them, and that was a part of my life for so long. It was the right move. I’m glad that I don’t watch those now!
Hi Alexxa. I got postpartum depression following the births of both my daughters. It’s hideous and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. My advice to you is sit in the word of God. He’s bigger than this. Ask for and accept help, and see your doctor. ❤️❤️
I have been recently convicted in watching some of my favorite TV shows that have become bolder each episode with unGodly themes. The verse abstain from all things evil is more convicting and the thing I think is even more disturbing is that the capital C church is arguing over whether theses things are evil and did God really say? If it’s in the scripture from Old to New Testament then YES God did really say.❤️
I love the idea of learning to float before you learn to swim. Learning to abide in the Holy Spirit is so important and something that I have learned later in life. Just constantly giving over struggles and fears to God through prayer has been an important step for me in learning to abide in Him.
Dear Alexxa, it is also really important that you get a doctor’s help that knows about PPD. Some doctors just dismiss it, tu find one that can test your hormones and get you some physical help as well. PPD many times is an imbalance of hormones. Praying that the Lord would greatly bless you and lead you to just the right Dr.
Proverbs 3:17-18
“Her ways are pleasant and peaceful. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her and those who hold on to her are happy.”
This is how I want to live my life and serve those around me to ultimately point them to Jesus.
Praying for you!
Praying for you, sister!
Praying for you Alexxa. PPD is so hard. I struggled with it also. Please seek some outside help until your body adjusts.
Traci, me too. I just try to remember that God is still on his throne.
This really resonated with me. I’ve been trying to do something that I feel is just outside of my abilities right now. I feel like I will be able to do it at some point down the road, but I’m not sure how to get to that point, and I’ve been kind of panicked about it.
Father, you see Alexxa’s struggle and you created her to fully enjoy the blessing of being a mother. Bring others to her that once shared the same struggle yet have a story of victory. Bring her a life coach to encourage her and provide examples of exactly how she can do more than just make it through another day. Heal her and restore the fullness of joy you long for her to experience. Amen.
Hi SRT sisters. I don’t normally comment, but I am just wanting to ask for prayers. I had my little girl in November of last year, and I have been struggling with postpartum depression since. I really thought things would be better by now but they just haven’t. It’s so hard to see your dreams come true right before your eyes but still feel so empty at the same time. I thank you in advance for your prayers! God bless you all. ❤️
I pray I wii ok it’s rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to be the person he has called me to be.
I tend to get worked up at the way our world is going. I want to have what Proverbs 17 & 18 spoke of. Her ways are pleasant, and all her paths, peaceful. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her, and those who hold on to her are happy. I need to learn to float.
Wisdom is precious and it goes hand in hand with discretion. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace (Proverbs 3:17). A pastor once gave a tip on how to discern actions in some weird unique situations, whether or not it’s wise to go ahead. He used the verse 17 above suggesting these questions, if I do this, will it be pleasant? will it bring peace all the way? And that really sticks with me and I’d like to share. I agree with Churchmouse that the list Paul gave was very daunting, on another perspective, this dauting list also speaks wisdom and discretion to me. Amen to Jen the author, for her statement, But here is the good news: you were never meant to do this alone. “He who calls you is faithful. He will do it” (1Thessalonians 5:24). Wonderful devotion today. It is good news indeed.
@Deanna, I am praying for your son for complete deliverance over substance abuse, mental attacks and defiant temperament. May your son be set free and have complete wholeness through the rest of his life. May this infirmity be uprooted and cast out from your family. I have seen deliverance testimonies where many many have been set free, lives turning around. I am praying for you to be strengthened ever more. God loves you. Please keep trusting in Him.
@Sarah, praying for your job interview. God is good all the time. All good and perfect gifts come from Him! May you experience His goodness.
@Ashli V, praying for your family to be prepared and helped for the next move ahead. I was in similar situation though to a lesser extent. Sometimes the hurt caused from family is what hurts most. Praying for healing/ reconciliation, and for more strength/stamina as you come back to work and juggling with two young children. How strong you are. May more support and comfort be sent to you through the people around you, by God’s grace. God bless you.
Wow! What an insightful devotion.
Have a great and blessed weekend sisters.
Praying for all of you.
MEA trust in the Lord and I pray you can find a church community to walk with you on your faith journey.
Ashli- praying for you as you and your family move across the country. My family and I moved last year and also experienced opposition. Be encouraged that God works out every detail so beautifully when you are following Him! He has great plans for you!
I was also encouraged by the reading today! God is so gracious and wants us to lean back, trust Him, and allow Him to work and live thorough us!
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me! The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me
and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20❤️
Praying along side you Deanna. My daughter went through a very similar time at this age with mental health, running away and gender issues. She is now 22, independent and doing fairly well, although she is not in fellowship with Christ so my prayers are still for that. Our world makes it so hard for our sweet children to begin maturing and make the choice to follow God. Sometimes what’s best for our kids is not the easiest thing to stand behind but I believe in God to impart wisdom to you as you seek to do what is best for him. Stand firm and let God’s love for him be apparent through you.
Love this one today.
Praying for you, Deana!
Praying for all the ladies in the SRT community today! In our various places and challenges in life, God remains steady and available for us all to tap into His love.
Praying for you and your son, Deanna! May you keep your eyes on Jesus and be equipped to parent with hope and grace! Jesus is able to rescue!!
Keep our light burning for the World to see the way to Jesus. Don’t let your flame go out in the presence of the enemy. He want nothing more, but to destroy our witness, but God will see us through if we put our faith in Him and continue on. God qualifies the called He doesn’t call the qualified.
Loved this post today, Jen! The analogy of learning to swim and surrendering to God completely was very refreshing!
My two grandsons, ages 4 and 5 are taking their first swimming lessons. The instructors had them turn over on their backs , relax, arms wide open, while entrusting their bodies to their arms! Just like Jesus does with us, no matter our ages! Although we may have walked with Him a very long time, in our trials and struggles of life, it takes turning it all over to Him, allowing Him to carry the weight of the pressure, surrendering our will to His. And just like my 5 year old grandson, he smiles joyfully now while on his back floating with the instructor holding Him! Not fretting or worrying but trusting completely! God is faithful He will do it! May the joy of the Lord be our strength, sisters, as we surrender daily to His loving arms!
It involves letting it go. It involves trust. I love how God works. I needed to hear this, this morning. I am one of the oldest in my position at my workplace. I need to trust God‘s faithfulness knowing that he’s got it all under control I don’t need to keep trying harder to earn respect. Because it’s not about me it’s all about God.
I am digging into this, too! I feel it means do not “put out” the Spirit, which is like a fire within us. We need to keep the fire burning. I think God is going to take me even deeper into what that means and how I should fuel that fire within my life!
I love the overall feeling that a Christian walks in peace, undisturbed by disrespect or persecution, seeking to help others. A great goal!!!
Such good scripture this morning and good devotions here and in HRT. Praying for your interview Sarah D, may you feel His peace in it. Praying for you and your son Deanna, I have been there with my daughter. I kept thinking I could save her if this and if that. But nothing messes with you like addiction, and the chaos it creates. When I finally let go and prayed whatever it takes Lord, please whatever it takes help her. It helped me to stop trying to figure out how I could make it better, because I couldn’t save her and believe me in my mind I somehow thought if I did enough or had enough money or prayed hard enough I would be able to help her. But God, He has answered my prayers through it all, and I know that even in her worst days He was fighting for her, providing for and chasing after her. I would encourage you to find a support group at your church, this really helped me to speak with others who had family members going through addiction. Others who understand the craziness of it and help you hold out hope and pray with you make all the difference. Hugs to you Deanna. Lean in to Jesus and know He is with you in all of it.
I like how she said that Paul encourages us to keep seeking wholeness and the God of peace(Shalom-meaning wholeness, oneness, lacking nothing) will make us whole and complete.
Vs.12-22 are daunting. The key to the Christian conduct of these verses is verse 23. As we yield to the sanctifying process of the Holy Spirit is our lives we will be able to live like Paul requests.
Ashli I’ll be praying for you! I’m kind of in the same boat – my husband wants to move from a place we’ve lived for 36 years!!! I love it here and have so much ministry and community here- but I feel like the Lord saying to be willing to let go (as this devotion talks about) and put my hand in Jesus’s wherever He leads because He will be there with me, and my desire is not to stay in my own comfort zone but to live on mission for Him wherever He leads me!!
Hi SRT sisters,
I have a full time job interview at 9am this morning, if you all could be praying for it! I am hoping to get my Masters in Elementary Ed after I graduate in May, and this job would allow me to do that (after I work for them for 6 months, they’ll pay for school). I’m surrendering this all to God, because I know he’ll ultimately lead me where he wants me. If I do get this job, I’d have to start finding a place to stay in town, since I live on campus now. Crazy to think about, but praying that the Lord would prepare my heart for the transition of graduating college. I’m sad to leave my school, but I know God still has great things in other places. Praying his will be done in my life and that I would honor him in whatever I do.
I can knit without looking at my hands – it’s muscle memory. I got to this point by spending hours and hours making repetitive movements with needles and yarn. Trusting God’s will doesn’t just happen – it takes work, the repetition of prayer, the movements of trust. It’s hard, especially when it’s not in our nature to rely on Someone other than ourselves.
Right now, I don’t know how to keep going with my middle kid. He’s 15.5, and we’re dealing with extreme defiance, substance abuse, and mental health issues. I feel like I have prayed and prayed over and about this child unceasingly, but I see no positive change – he’s worse. Pray for us to stay the course with him, to do the right things, not the easy things.
I have been where you are. You have my prayers and my empathy. Keep up with your basics of praise and prayer. I pray your son will surrender to God. BIG hug.
Taylor: Me too! I’ve read this passage many times before, but today “Do not quench the Spirit” jumped out at me. Let’s dig in and see what we find!
@ASHLI V- Keep in prayer and seeking wisdom in your response and keep being encouraged in your walk to follow His plans. Been there, and it’s hard I know. Keep in mind that the ppl in opposition are reacting out of hurt that a choice is being made outside of their control that is causing them pain- so they react ugly instead of in wisdom. I’m sorry. Prayers for their hearts to be able to love when it’s hard…
Awesome scripture reading and insightful poignant devotional!
verse 19 stood out to me in today’s reading “Do not quench the Spirit.” I’m going to do some digging and figure out what Paul meant by that! So thankful for the truth in today’s devotion! “The work is ours, but it’s also God’s.” I definitely need to work on my trust, but the Lord is faithful and He will help me let go and allow Him to fully move my life in step with His plan! Have a great weekend sisters!
“He who calls you is faithful. He will do it.” I just love that encouragement! We are not in this alone! Praise God!
Thank you for all who prayed for me yesterday. I’m handling this break up better than I have others, and I know that is because of God.
I love reading God’s word with my SRT commuinity. Although I rarely post, I read the comments everyday and pray for needs that come up. May we all get the muscle memory to do what God calls us to do.
@Ashli Good luck on your move. I’ll be praying for you.
We are currently in a season of transition. My husband and I are feeling that he is being called out of his current work to step into something new. I’m going to be “taking the reins” in going back to teaching, we’re moving across the country, and will be taking our two very young children with us. Lots of big changes, and I’m not much of a “change lover”. But I am a “God lover”, and I know that He is moving us in this direction.
We’ve come up against some opposition in our family unfortunately. Some family members have said some hurtful things to my husband and I, since we’ll be moving farther from them and they are very upset by this. I have to take opposition lightly, because when it comes to the work of the Lord, anything that we do in step with Him is be better for us than living outside of His plan for our lives.
That Thessalonians passage is so perfect for our circumstances right now, and I am so grateful for this reading today. It reminds me of all the times in my life that He was faithful in the past and how He will be faithful in the future. He never left us, He never will leave us, and I can see His fingerprints all over our lives. I can walk in confidence (even when a little nervous) that He is going before us and making a way!
Every person have fear will not to be more fear, than I was, and I am, and I want to be more happy with him who love LORD your God.
I love the part about muscle memory. How nice to have something as second nature and not even have to think about it. What a great thing to aspire to.
The reference to floating is so brilliant. I’ve tried to learn how to swim a few times. It’s so hard for me. It is about letting go and trust. Despite how things look… (swimming wise, and my circumstances) letting go and trusting the outcome will be floating with God in my current season. Seasons are interchangeable. Adaptability to change is a muscle I’m growing stronger in. I hope one day I do have enough capacity to not resist the flow of floating. I hope one day I do learn how to swim. It looks so freeing. My body being able to float on water, will mean I’ve allowed myself to let go. I’ve been praying about my grip on my perspectives God is gently chiseling away at. My grips are not as tight as they used to be. I’m learning how to trust God on a deeper level despite how things look. I know mentally God is for me, and not against me. It’s one moment at a time.
Great post today.
Love the comparison to floating. It has been a while since I swam! Remembering how the more relaxed I was, putting my head back and letting go the better I floated is truly trusting in God.
Today’s message is so refreshing! I am such a “tryer” and sometimes I can be stubbornly independent about just doing all the things myself. Today I am thankful for God’s word reminding me that HE sanctifies, not me. I am a work in progress and that’s okay because HE is faithful and HE WILL DO IT! How merciful!?